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Same. Absolutely love that game. Man it kinda makes me go back and play it again XD

1962d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Drunken Maybe they are. I mean 16gb memory HBM2 memory is way too much for gaming already. They might release a 8gb variant too later. Hopefully the Navi line is cheaper and more gaming oriented.

1968d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The 16gb HBM memory. Can be used in stuff other than gaming too. Plus it's 100$ cheaper.

1969d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

That's okl but please don't type like a 9-year-old.

1969d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Red Dead Redemption 2. Just my type of game where i can take things slowly and nicely. The game always had something to surprise me till the end. The story, characters, dialogue are top tier. Wish the gameplay was a little smoother but i got used to it after a few hours. And the details...man the details are incredible. Truly ahead of it's time and deserves every praise it can get.

1988d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Reveal of Sekiro: Shadows die twice for me was the best news of 2018 imo. Even though i would have loved a bloodborne 2 i can't help but get excited for everything from "From Software". DS series is my fav of all time and hearing that it's coming next year made me so happy!

1990d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mass shooting at Madden 19 tournament in Jacksonville really saddened me when i first heard it. Gaming is supposed to be fun and about having a good time but things like these ruin the experience totally. Wish it never happened.

1991d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mine would be for Digital Extremes for Warframe. Their continued support for the game is so amazing that even i who had no interest in the game and left after playing it few years ago had to play it again just to see how the game has improved. And they have added so much content that's it's overwhelming now tbh. It's run a lot better and it's like a new game altogether. My vote goes to them for sure.

1992d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd say Cliff Bleszinski and his team Boss Key productions. This man was behind one of my favorite games on the Xbox 360 but after leaving the company his every single work has been mediocre. He's just trying to chase the latest trends with Lawbreakers when overwatch was around and then Radical Heights when Battle Royale genre was on the boom. It really saddens me that such a talented guy hasn't tried to be creative with the team and make something unique and interesting.

1993d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gonna skip the usual names mentioned in this comment section and say Kevin Conroy. Got to hear him in the arkham games and the animated series and imo he's the perfect Batman voice. He just nails the emotion, pain, fear and brutality of the character and i can hear him speak all day. Plus he's also an amazing person in real life.

1994d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd say Robert Belgrade(Alucard) from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. While being an amazing game in itself the voice acting in the game is just so corny and weird that i'd literally laugh sometimes. That'd would be one for me.

1995d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd say Sefton hill tbh. He worked on the Arkham series. My favorite comic based games and one highest acclaimed games of the decade and i hardly hear about him. He should be credited for his vision and love for the character to do justice to it and make such good games.

1996d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Imo it's Hajime Tabata. He really destroyed one of my favorite franchies and turned it into generic open world adventure with hardly any story.

1997d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd say Hideo kojima. That guy hasn't made a single bad game since the original Metal gear games. Even his unfinished game MGS V was way better than games these days. And i can't wait to see what he brings with death stranding.

1998d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dante from the DmC reboot. I really hated the westernized design and short hair not to mention his attitude and personality as well. I wish they had the same clothes too cause the new one had just a normal jacket which was really uninspiring. Really didn't like him at all.

1999d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gehrman from Bloodborne would be one i'll choose even though he's not the main character. The game has (in my opinion) the most diverse, horrific and incredible character and boss design i've ever seen in a game. I literally would just say wow when i see some of the bosses(like Ludvig or orphan of kos). It also has some of my favorite armor designs which makes every character feel unique and victorian-esque which is truly beautiful to look at. Not to mention the whole theme helpin...

2000d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think metroidvania as a genre has pretty much stayed the same over the years. While there have been plenty of amazing games in the genre there still remains huge potential in terms of both graphics and gameplay.

2001d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm personally a huge fan of RPG's cause they allow you to mold your character and get creative with it. You have tons of choices in terms of weapons, armors and skills and you can invest time in those things that cater to you more. Not to forget some even allow dialogue and choices that affects your gameplay, story and world around you. This freedom of choice is something i really cherish in games and makes me want to try out new stuff and keeps it fresh for a longer period of time. ...

2002d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lootboxes, Microtransactions and unfinished ports are the stuff i hate about this gen. Wish gaming community didn't had those things. Completely ruining the industry.

2003d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm personally very sad that we haven't been able to achieve better AI in games. They don't really push you that much and become very predictible when you play a game for a while. That's what i liked about phantom pain, the AI was so good and fun that i actually used to see what they'll do next. I haven't really been surprised by AI in games after that. They all start to feel lifeless after a while.

2004d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment