CRank: 5Score: 4510

You are wrong about steam only taking 12%
Steam takes 30%
The Unreal store takes 12%

3d ago 19 agree0 disagreeView comment

Erm dude. Never played a kojima game before? He can absolutely come across pretentious to some people. He puts his name in the credits of every Mission you do in mgs5.
I mean...
Also naughty dog absolutely has the power to bring in people from a very different demographic unlike other gamecompanies. TLOU and Uncharted were absoolutely groundbreaking for gaming.
Also Druckman never said it "will" he said it "could"
Sounds actually very op...

7d ago 18 agree5 disagreeView comment

Thats not true. It was about gamesales not hardwaresales.

15d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah and pc is also the plaform with most cheaters. Its a great platform but after a day of work on pc I just like to relax with my console and not think about anythink else.

17d ago 17 agree3 disagreeView comment

They said on their financials that 16 had a strong performance. So I think you are just interpreting things here without any proof.

18d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dude with the sony layoffs you can at least see why they are happening. Its qlways studios that have been struggling. With ms its just "whatever, we got cod and candycrush now, lets close some studios"

18d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because for Japan you have to create a different version. You should look it up. The game is sold in Japan but its not the same storefront. Same with helldivers.
Has something to do with microtransaczion laws.
Look it up.

19d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I will still buy. Best money for what you grt is still ps. I have a more powerful pc I never play on it. Just for work.
Its just more chill

19d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I never played hi-fi rush, even though I would have loved it from all I can see, but as it never came to playstation... Now it comes to playstation and I have no intention to buy it because they closed the developer and the money will only go to poor phil and his poor suits. Well I mean, what else is there to say.
Gamepass brought them into this position so you would be a fool to see it as a success lol

23d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

They also took out the some gore. So your argument falls right there. Its censorship.

31d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its censorship dude. If you are for it just say it. I am against it but I do think the adjusted costumes look better.

32d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

I dont think it will be an xbox though. They said they are working on next gen hardware but never said its gonna be an xbox. Probably just a pc typ thing

34d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its our hobby. We will gladly drop good money on a new hardware for the next generation. Consoles will always be a great investment. They just work.
I probably have a more powerful pc than you and I still decide everyday to play on console instead :)

34d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There wont be a next xbox

34d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its on media molecule though. They did not want to continue LBP. Sony accepted that.
Sumo continued it. With a solala lbp3 and a great sackboy though.
Its not sonys fault. They dont want to force a studio to create a new LBP game.
But I would love a revival.

41d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I mean cant really blame them for supporting the game that made them the most money and the most people player...ever?

42d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

ahahahahaha @purple101 nice one, Obscure you got owned right there :D
It is what it is ahahahahahaha

56d ago 20 agree4 disagreeView comment

Oh yeah absolutely. Because they make more money now that they have to release on PS instead of their own hardware and give sony a 30% cut on every game sold. I am sure they planned that from the beginning.
Kill xbox and release on pc and ps. Sure all planned.

59d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

It is a masterpiece though

63d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thx phil

65d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment