
CRank: 5Score: 165340

Not JRPGs. Both are Wuxia type games made by Chinese studios set in Dynasty settings

1d 1h ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Only a low IQ person would have a comment history that only calls others idiots.

Only one idiot on N4G - you.

P.S. I reported all your comments. Calling people idiots is against the rules"

2d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

"You call people idiotic because you’re actually autistic."

Ouch your IQ is pretty damn low if you think Autism is anything like what you're saying. Lol. Nice spam account. Can't refute anything so just need to make a new account in desperation.

3d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

What an idiotic comment. Let me guess the next comment would be GTA V outsold everything so....

Absolutely terrible numbers all round for this game. Ghost of Tsushima at number 8. Good games going to sell regardless of excuses

3d ago 17 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yeah agreed! Funny seeing idiot Xbox fans who called the 1st game a walking simulator trying to sell this on graphics alone. Then now 'cinematic' games are cool? Talk about flopping like a politician

3d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Nah I actually owned every Xbox up to the current one. There just weren't and still aren't enough exclusives to make a purchase necessary. I have a huge 360 library of games, got burned on the Xbox One and decided to wait till I had a dozen or so games that I wanted before purchasing a Series X and I've not yet compelled to take the dive. There's just very little on Xbox going on.

4d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


"Yes! My favorite game so far this gen. Loved playing through it so much. Need to do it again soon"

I think it may be a glitch as I couldn't find 2 glyphs to Platinum the game was my only frustration. But definitely my favourite experience of this gen so far

4d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Then why feed the fire then? Lol. Hellblade 2 is barely a game. The 1st one we literally had a ton of Xbox fans call it a walking simulator when it was timed exclusive to Playstation. Now people are reiterating similar sentiments about the 2nd game when it's much of the same with minimal 'gameplay' and Xbox fans are offended.

Ironically the very same idiots chirping said that all Playstation games were just 'cinematic' experiences as a slight and no...

5d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I notice Reaper cries a lot when facts he doesn't want to face show up. Did you want rainbows to go with the 4 studios that just closed? Oh wait you will just cry some more and make more excuses right? So keep doing you! Got a Justin Timberlake song queued just for you!

5d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Whoa. Don't speak the truth he doesn't want to believe. Facts like 4 studios closing were just some kind of coincidence though. Was told people on Xbox buy games so 🤷

5d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Cool. 4 studios closed and counting! Going to be crazy saying we told you so again

5d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed. Absolutely one of the best experiences and new IP of this generation so far

5d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Someone literally said in one thread that this would be a GoW: Ragnarok killer should tell you how delusional some idiots are.

5d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

You make it sound like Xbox has so much more games than Playstation, but, they have far fewer. Playstation has far more better 3rd party exclusives filling the gap too.

Chirping about Playstation when Xbox gets a game ever like 3 years worth talking about is idiotic. Would take the most recent FF, Gran Blue Relink and Stellar Blade over Xbox poor offerings any day of the week. Death Stranding 2 and Silent Hill look more interesting than HB2.

5d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

How much revenue will those 4 games drive though? I would bet Playstation release of MLB the Show would make more than all 4 of those Xbox games combined.

6d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

"I can't even believe I keep having these arguments with you..."

Believe it. This vegetable is an idiot

7d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Interesting how some of us have mentioned this with Xbox own reports showing this trend, but, Xbox fans kept disagreeing

7d ago 23 agree1 disagreeView comment

You do realize it took 3 platforms and like 2 years to sell 1 million for Hellblade 1 right? Added in 3 more platforms and it didn't move much.

Now cut our 4 platforms. How many copies do you think this will sell?! Not just played on Gamepass

8d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Working on a new project really saved Tango from closing too..... oh wait

9d ago 30 agree2 disagreeView comment

How?! Sony owns one IP and Bandai owns the other one

9d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment