
CRank: 15Score: 422530

Literally going to say the same thing

E-Day sounds fantastic on paper and we get Marcus back along with Dom but you are limited creatively because if you add any new weapons which are awesome then people will say "Why was this not in the first games when they are better and would have helped them" and enemies it will be "Where did the vanish to, why weren't they used later on they seemed pretty threatening"

It's the only issue ...

2h ago5 agree7 disagreeView comment

I love this series so much

I wonder if we can still customize our own character still or are they giving us a preset one

2h ago10 agree0 disagreeView comment

If it's an Xbox show then you must know it's going to be Xbox and PC so why show platforms at all going by that logic.

To actually remove the logo is just Microsoft trying to confuse people by giving off the impression it's an exclusive.

Especially when social media pages show the same trailer and platformer part with the PS5 added back in.


Chris they didn’t even do it for Doom

It just said Xbox and PC

The one they posted on their social media pages mentioned the PS5

3h ago4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Loved how they conveniently left out the PS5 part in the show…

3h ago4 agree22 disagreeView comment

Its doubtful

The other events have been terrible and there’s not many of them anyway so there’s no real competition.

They also have Bethesda under their belt which had their own show when they were independent so they’ve got all of that for themselves

They also have Activision now

There’s games they announced years ago that will most likely get new trailers

Then you have the fact because there’s not...

3h ago5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Nah. Just surprising how sad someone can be on here to create that many accounts rather than use his main one

It’s not like we don’t know who you are.

You post some immature fanboy shit

Chris hides your comments for SPAM

You get banned

You create another account

Rinse and repeat.

3h ago1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It’s most likely going to be the main better event of Summer.

3h ago9 agree8 disagreeView comment

Jesus it’s always the same guy with his duplicate account…

3h ago2 agree0 disagreeView comment

" There is no handheld war Nintendo owns the handheld landscape "

If the Xbox handheld is true I won't how it will do against Nintendo, even Sony couldn't keep up and the PSP was fantastic

6h ago2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Over saturation.

You think if you are an Indie dev you'd want your game to stand out more, to copy the trend just seems super risky as there will always be comparisons to those games already established.

7h ago1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with you Chris

However I just think Geoff needs to be way more transparent, if the guy just said repeatedly until the event something like "Hey, it's harder to do these types of shows with how the gaming industry has changed over the many years so you'll be seeing a lot more Indie games than big releases, don't expect many AAA like it's an E3 show" then I don't think the reaction would be as bad.

He did temper expect...

7h ago0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The thing is if they missed one E3 to the point where once next E3 comes around the trailers they had were mostly for the same year it could have worked.

Bethesda announced Fallout 4 at E3 and it came out within 5 months, that's literally what everyone should be doing for these big established games while using the Video Game Awards show in December the year before to establish new IPs or Indie games which then revealed even more at the follow E3.


7h ago0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They clearly have plenty of time until the next Fallout releases but I hope they managed to wrap it up before then.

The worst thing to happen would be a Fallout game to come out, add in some lore, only for the TV show to then contradict it because it was written / filmed before the game came out or something.

I'd like the new Fallout to be set long after the show to give it some breathing space but if the show continues you don't want to see thing...

7h ago0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Watch my mouth? Sure sure princess after you learn at school to watch yours.

Have fun throwing your toys out of the pram. Much love ✌🏻

7h ago1 agree0 disagreeView comment


And you seen to be a massive dickhead who has a thing for calling someone for no reason.

So I'm weird for not like live service shit which has brought in so many anti-consumer practices over the many years and has even went onto ruin studios like Rocksteady for making generic playing crap while chasing these GaaS ambitions?

Yeah I guess I am...sorry for wanting to preserve gaming and not letting everything become abou...

18h ago3 agree2 disagreeView comment

The said thing is eventually in the far future the PS5 will also suffer because when it comes to multiplatform games the developers might end up thinking

"We could do X, Y and Z but because of parity the Series S won't be able to handle it and Microsoft won't allow us to just have a Series X version. Also do we really want to just develop these cool features for just one console (PS5), yeah we may aswell just not do it, the whole ordeal just seems far too comp...

23h ago0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah same. I think it's harder these days to have a more general show because everyone is usually doing their own thing.

Microsoft - Have their own show

Sony - Does their own thing

Nintendo - Also does their own thing

Bethesda & their Studios - Owned by Microsoft now

Activision - Owned by Microsoft now

Ubisoft - Have their own show

EA - Either have their...

1d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The more they see people like their games the more of a chance we can possibly get Socom, Warhawk, Killzone, etc as a fun multiplayer title"

But you won't get that even if they did come back

If their GaaS titles do extremely well them Socom, Warhawk and especially Killzone will come back as pure Live Service shit.

1d 2h ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

They always have to shoot themselves in the foot when there's so much going for it

Plenty other games out...I'll pass until they sort themselves out

1d 2h ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment