
N4G Contest Result: The Winner Is...

So, we had an outstanding response and you have all decided on the game of the year for 2019.

And that winner is God of War (2018).

So, congratulations to Santa Monica Studio and congratulations to the gamers who have gotten to play great games in 2018 and beyond.

So, that's it.

Nothing else to announce here.

I don't know why you're still reading.

What's that?

User winner?

Someone won a what?

You certain about that?

But that's not what my notes say here.

No, seriously, look.

I know, right, not a single winner.

Not. A. Single. Winner.

Because we have two winners.

Two people won the choice of an Xbox One X or a PS4 Pro.

That's pretty neat.

Yeah, we figured handing out another game would be boring.

So, yeah, congrats to those people as well.


Oh, right, I should probably let people know who won, right?

Okay, those two people are MasterofMagnetism and cl1983.

Congrats to both winners. Congrats to God of War. Congrats to us having quality games and more to come.

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Community1986d ago
TiredandRetired1986d ago

I never win anything, but it was worth a shot, lol Congrats to the winners. :)

I admittedly still haven't finished God of War. Just got back in town from a month long trip for the holidays, so it's on my priority list. What I've played is incredible, so I look forward to finishing it off.

starchild1985d ago

It's a really great game. Congratulations to the game and the winners.

IamTylerDurden11985d ago (Edited 1985d ago )

God of War gets better and better. You will be blown away by the end of the game. It's nice to see God of War as the rightful GotY. It has the most awards, The Game Awards, and here. The funny thing is, i believe the second game will be better. This game was essentially a setup for the next game or two. PS5, God of War: Ragnarok, can't wait.

Christopher1986d ago

Sorry for the delay on this and some other things. It's been a rough two weeks, but things are back on track. Check your tickets, folks.

xHeavYx1986d ago

Another mod won. I see you guys are keeping the prizes in house wink wink*

ChrisW1985d ago

You'd think there'd be rules against this stuff... But what do you expect from a bunch of people who write their own rules?

Lameness... That's what's to be expected!

ChrisW1985d ago Show
Yi-Long1985d ago (Edited 1985d ago )

I figured there was some stuff going on behind the scenes (cause I haven't heard from you anymore after winning the Day 2 contest). Hope you're doing okay and all is well.

Congrats to all the (other) winners, and to God of War for winning GOTY. Hope to check it out this year.

Looking forward to what's coming in 2019 and beyond.

cl19831985d ago

Oh no I don't know which one to get....... No really I have no Idea right now.

Geobros1985d ago

Take a Switch, you will not regret it :P

xHeavYx1985d ago

Don't you have both? I'd get the more expensive one and sell it

anonymousfan1985d ago

Thanks for all the contests and prizes! Happy new year!

BioDead1985d ago

Supposed there be something?

Purrfection1985d ago

Great game but is anyone really surprised to see the results, here?

IamTylerDurden11985d ago

Great contest, i look forward to the next one.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1985d ago
Geobros1986d ago

I never win but i have to admit it was an interesting contest! Congrats to the winners and all those who shared their gaming experience. Have a nice 2019 gaming year!

UltraNova1985d ago (Edited 1985d ago )


Are moderators allowed to enter these contests?
Congrats to the winners and GOW.

Geobros1985d ago

Yes!!! Why not? We were users before and we are almost users now. We participate to N4G like you guys, we submit stories, we approve stories, we make reports, comments etc. same as you. The only difference is that we know a little better the rules and we are trying to apply them.

coolbeans1985d ago (Edited 1985d ago )

Yes. This is the first thing posted in legal portion of the N4G Contest announcements:

"1. Contest is open to all N4G users, except for employees of HAVAmedia and immediate relatives. Contests are not limited to the US/NA. Note: Moderators do not receive remuneration, are not employees of HAVAmedia, and are eligible for N4G monthly contests."

milohighclub1982d ago

The real question is: did a regular user win any or was everyday won by mods. I'm on here daily and have been for about 8yr, i don't think i even recognised any of the names that won.

gangsta_red1986d ago (Edited 1986d ago )

Congrats to GoW!

I was robbed!

Christopher1986d ago

You were #6 in the overflow, does that count?

gangsta_red1986d ago

As long as I'm #1 on the People's Sexiest Man Alive poll, I'm good with #6 on n4g.

Fist4achin1985d ago

Was i anywhere in there?!

Gangsta_red is a sexy SOB!

cl19831985d ago

You're number 3 on mine, sorry.

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GaboonViper2h ago

Jaffe is spot on, PS has been a shambles recently, why they wasted the time and money on that God awful looking Concord amd $Fairgame is beyond me but thats this new Sony, remasters remakes and GAAS is their goal moving forward, meanwhile MS just delivered a stunner of a showcase with massive variety and SP greatness, something I EXPECT from Sony..


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