
Leaked Footage of Half-Life 2 Played on Project Natal

Someone secretly leaked out a clip of Microsoft's upcoming system 'Project Natal' playing 'Half-Life 2'. This is most likely early footage of the beta testing for a FPS game on the Natal and of course, there is no confirmed source where the video came from so take it as you like (most likely will get you fired if you come out).

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Mucudadada5267d ago

A. I'm not convinced this is real.

B. If it is real, this looks like no fun at all. Seems like too much micromanagement to even move. He was using both hands to just look around. How would you be able to do that and shoot at the same time?

Only time will tell...

Elvfam5115267d ago

natal isn't that suppose to be in front of you so it can track your movements

5267d ago
Cold 20005267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

Looks like it got potentiel ! I guess that is only the tip of the iceberg!

Rocket Sauce5267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

It seems like it would be fun to try it out and feel like Tom Cruise from Minority Report, but I can't imagine sitting on the couch and doing this for an hour.

IaMs125267d ago

Wow im actually impressed they pulled it off this far. This is just the beginning and they will learn how to tweak it. I still have hopes that this will work and be very fun, i hope so.

dinsurya5267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

Im not impressed at all.
They keep showing camera control with hands, but nothing else.
If you dont have something new to show than gtfo. geez.

Mucudadada5267d ago

Ya'll misunderstand me. I think natal has a ton of potential, but I do not think that this video accurately portrayed it.

Saaking5267d ago

Looks fake to me. And if it IS real it looks really boring. I mean, why would I choose to move my hands around instead of simply getting a gamepad? It looks too basic, like you can't really do much. Anyways, like I said, the thing looks fake.

darthv725267d ago

Just a small sample of an existing game adapting to a varied control style. If it is real it shows there is hope for existing games to be played without physical controls.

If it is fake then I retract what I said.

Although, there is potential with the idea of natal. Lets see what others can do with it before we pass judgment.

umair_s515267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

I dont get it, if you use one hand just to control the camera how will you do other stuff like simultaneously shooting, reloading, walking, aiming down the sight, grenades, using health pack etc...

5267d ago
Hisiru5267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

Looks pretty cool! It's the first FPS game for Natal and it already looks great, the next games will be improved, of course! Developers need to understand the system, isn't it what happens with any console/system? Look at early x360/ps3 games and look at recent games.

Fake? Take a look at it:
This looks like a camera to me.

evrfighter5267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

whoa if thats real i take back everything i said about natal.

Still won't beat a mouse/keyboard

but would be more interesting than using a controller.

lol'ing @ Saaking's attempt at damage control. There is a huge chance that this is fake. Is all you needed to say

I wouldn't argue that. But damn dude calm down, you're sweatin bullets

IaMs125267d ago

Hey i dont want to hear any of the "This is too hard for Devs to develop for" Crap from anybody because they said the same thing about the PS3 and now look at it.

GVON5267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

I do like the idea,but i've still a few concerns.

The biggest problem is neutral points,with a stick or keyboard you can let go and resets to a neutral point.as this constantly tracks movement,what do you do if you want too just look but move your other arm but not the character.

Also he is having problems interacting,what takes him ten seconds,in switching the teleporter on,is only a button press normally.

It would be better if his hands were shown in 3d whilst playing,and a camera/movement lock,I guess you could say lock,but It seems an awful lot of stress,rather than using a pad/keyboard and just pressing use.

Lol will probably get a tonne of disagrees just for a few concerns,but if I do,I beg you give me a solution or easy way around it.
(less than a minute,but you couldn't offer a solution.Well done)

evrfighter5267d ago

"It would be better if his hands were shown in 3d whilst playing,and a camera/movement lock,I guess you could say lock,but It seems an awful lot of stress,rather than using a pad/keyboard and just pressing use.

Lol will probably get a tonne of disagrees just for a few concerns,but if I do,I beg you give me a solution or easy way around it."

hmmm this isn't exactly a public demo....heck it isn't even confirmed to be real =\

Why do you feel the need to ask questions you'd ask a developer to a bunch of people that know nothing about it?

edhe5267d ago

Guessing this is another example, probably 3-4 months old, of the Natal team's attempts at converting control systems to natal to 'see what works'.

Whilst it's nice to see the a FPS working on natal it's not really going to be the case that FPSs will use natal for control that way. Mean they just prove that everyone's concept of how natal should be used that way is silly - gamepads will rule that for a long time to come on consoles. What it does show though is that you can work the first person perspective nicely for other kind of games or experiences.

Avatar virtual arcade? CSI-style murder investigation with contextual interviewing with voice & facial recognition? Oblivion?

But even still, holding up your arms isn't what core gamers want to do.

Parapraxis5267d ago

@ Hisiru
Yup, It looks like a camera.
Natal, however...not so much.

GVON5267d ago

"Why do you feel the need to ask questions you'd ask a developer to a bunch of people that know nothing about it?"

I only asked if somebody disagrees,could they think of a way around my concerns,I gave one example in the camera/movement lock.

But this is the open zone,of a gaming site,and i'm simply putting forward concerns and i'm interested in hearing other people's solutions or ideas.

IdleLeeSiuLung5267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

This might not lend itself to twitch and shoot, but certainly for more immersive experience it would work. Think Bioshock mood while you move around!

Now that sounds awesome and also, think of the ways you can interact with the environment that is much harder with the controller.

The haters will hate though....

Saaking5267d ago

"Why do you feel the need to ask questions you'd ask a developer to a bunch of people that know nothing about it?"

If you guys know nothing about it, then why are you hyping it? From the looks of video, it's very limited and hard to control precisely. All it shows is the guy basically moving around. No shooting, no nothing. Just moving around. I doubt it's even real though.

And like I've said before, if you're so hyped up about motion controls (either Natal or Sony's Motion controls) then why not get a Wii? It's basically the same thing isn't it? FPS on the Wii are the same as that in this video (they control the same except the Wii has the all important buttons).

IdleLeeSiuLung5267d ago

Then why do you feel the need to put something down when clearly you have very limited knowledge about it?

It's the same story every single time with you. We all know what you are going to say, and it ain't positive.

Hisiru5267d ago

"Natal, however...not so much."

This can be a redesign for demo purposes.

kewlkat0075267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

..... I'm, pretty sure everything you see now leaked and such about Natal is just examples and testing and seeing what this thing can do.

Parapraxis5267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

@ Hisiru,

Again, Only one sensor emitting light in this video.
Natal has 2 sensors and a mic.

MS, would have clearly stated that Natal would be far more compact by now, if it could be. Or at least made very clear that the design we have all seen is not final.

I'm sure many people will buy it, regardless of its bulky size, however, if the large design we all know now wasn't the final size, I'm pretty sure ANY company in their right mind would clearly state that the product was still in design phase and that the final product would be much more compact.

Sony clearly said that their motion controllers were not in their final form.
MS, didn't.
It's that simple.

Rampant5267d ago

It doesn't look like fun because hl2 isn't a game designed for Natal. People said you wouldn't be able to control an fps with Natal, MS just showed it works to move around 3D spaces. Now they just need a game suited for project Natal before we're really talking.

Perjoss5267d ago

another microsoft related article packed with disagrees on the positive comments :)

FamilyGuy5267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

Natal has potential but this video does NOT show any. That's probably why nothing officially released yet by way of FPS games.

People compare natal to minority report and that's very PS2 camera esq, i'd rather see something like what was done in the movie Gamer and The Island.

likedamaster5267d ago

Like they say, haters will hate.

On topic/
Impressive tech, NO ONE can deny that but the demo(nstration) didn't seem real to me, personally.

thegood335267d ago

Yes! Yet another reason to play Half Life 2! Okay, it's just speculation, but could you imagine how cool it would be controlling the gravity gun with Natal?

hazeblaze5267d ago

If this was Natal... it is full of fail. He was doing WAY too much work for me to enjoy playing a game that way... and the response time seemed laggy (but I'm sure that's something they will be working to correct before it launches).

The Shadow5267d ago

wow! imagine playing like that for several hours, my hands will be sore. I rather use controller.

multipayer5267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )


On topic though, from the looks of the unsteady camera aka arm fatigue aka get deodorant. I'd rather have a thumbstick. It'd still be cool to interact with the screen for puzzles and stuff like DS.

Anon19745267d ago

Again, if this is the future of gaming, count me out. And again, if they want me to move my hands around and sense finger movements to play these games, how about you just hand me a controller and let me kick back on my couch?

Seriously, is this really what gamers were clamoring for? I've never once talked to a gamer who said "You know what I hate about video games. The controllers. I wish I could just wave my arms around and a laggy camera could half ass capture what I wanted to do."

JokesOnYou5267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

I dont know if this is real or fake but it sure is funny as hell to watch sony loyalists sweat because you can see right through their transparent "I hope it will work, but...BS", lmfao you can almost feel the panic in their voice. It's too bad sony is only taking the next step by offering basicly a "wii-sony in hd remote", while micro is taking an evolutionary approach to motion controls with Natal. I mean most Natal posts attract more sony extremists while 360 fans like me who actually say they are interested in Natal manage to miss a few Natal posts here and there, lol by the time I checkout n4g its littered with the usual sony extremists downplaying its potential.

lmfao, I'm a little dissapointed, Saaking seems to be losing some of his creativity in downplaying Natal, it sorta' gets boring when you know exactly what his spin will be, pretty much the same as darkride, you guys aren't twins are you? or is it that brilliant minds think alike...pfft, lol I really like the posts where you can tell they dug deep into the sdf fail manual for reasons why Natal will suck, garaunteed! lol, ssshh, dont tell them that "leaked footage" like this is reported to be would simply be a vid testing ONE ASPECT=movement using Natal, who knows how much further along in development Natal is and what capabilities it is currently showing off behind closed doors, with all types of games...yet this alone is enough to raise excitement because Natal has huge potential over its competitors= which is again why Natal causes so much FEAR, ENVY, or whatever you want to call it from sony extremists, all because it easily overshadows what sony is doing, so of course the haters want to be JUDGE & JURY ON NATAL RIGHT NOW, forget the fact that it won't likely even begin to be utilized in games until *late 2010, while at the same time these SAME sony folks will scream in your ear "its not finished yet" for criticizing a demo of a game thats due out in 3, 4mo, maybe? lol and that isn't even using brand new motion controls, their just trying to learn how to do physics+damage that other games have already been doing for years, lol. Quick! somebody write a blog about the "wii-sony in hd remote", hopefully a few people might actually read it too.


Anon19745267d ago

I'm not just skeptical of Natal, I'm also skeptical of Sony's Motion Control bringing anything really new to gaming and I've always maintained that the Wii-Mote was the biggest thing wrong with the Wii for me.

This has zero to do with your ridiculous console wars nonsense and everything to do with the fact that motion control has so far been nothing but a gimmick that experienced gamers have not embraced. Who knows? Maybe Sony's motion control or Natal will prove me wrong, but not from what I've seen so far.

Did you witness the "Elephant out of pillows now throw paint on it" Demo? How about the "Grab the imaginary steering wheel" Burnout demo that showed gamer after gamer unable to control their cars and spending the entire time either crashing into walls or trying to restart after driving off the road. How about that staged, pedophile's dream Milo? And now we've got mister wiggle hands trying to play Half Life 2.

My current skepticism of Natal has zero to do with console preference. If these demos had been leaking from Sony I'd be just as underwhelmed. This is all about the simple fact that, so far, Natal looks like a huge annoyance rather then a new gaming experience. Like I said before, it all depends on how it's ultimately implemented and there's some talented people working on Natal so who knows how it will all shake out? But at this point myself, and many other 360 owners, aren't going to be ditching their controllers in favor of Natal to play Halo Reach, or Gears 3, or Fable 3. You want me to wave my hands in front of the TV to play my games? How about you just hand me a controller and let me play. No one asked for controllerless videogames.

Pika-pie5267d ago

Why on earth would I want to play Half Life 2 like this. Oh god, please let this be fake

SaberEdge5266d ago

I don't know why some people are so negative (well, actually I do *wink*), but I think it looks like it has potential.

Millions of people already use motion controls in their games with the Wii. That is in fact the main selling point of the best selling console (it certainly isn't the last gen visuals).

So why is it so hard to envision that a more advanced motion control technology could enhance games for more serious gamers? The regular controller will still exist and be widely used, but what's wrong with having another interesting alternative?

Sure, it's not as easy as a traditional controller, but I don't think that is the point. What it loses in ease and comfort it gains in immersion. Playing drums or Guitar in Rock Band isn't the most comfortable thing either, but millions of people love to play such games.

I mean, for years gamers have discussed the concept of virtual reality, but that also requires more movement from the user (unless we are talking about the sort that just interfaces with your mind directly). I think the concept is still so attractive for some people because of the immersion factor. You are actually moving your body and having your virtual avatar respond, and of course you are also seeing things from the perspective of your avatar.

I think motion controls, if done correctly, are just one more way to diversify the kinds of experiences that gaming can offer. And I fail to see how that is a bad thing.

Nicaragua5266d ago (Edited 5266d ago )

One of the reasons that guitar hero/rockband and the Wii work is that they have some form of tactile feedback in the buttons and pads that you press - this gives a confirmation of the action you have just done.

The second reason they work is that you can rest in a neutral position and not be pressing anything. Now if a trigger response in Natal is you wiggling your finger, then that means you basically have to not wiggle your finger unless you want to fire - you cant just relax and let go off the pad/wiimote.

Also there is nothing immersive about standing up wiggling your hands and fingers - it just makes you tired and look stupid.

5266d ago
JokesOnYou5266d ago (Edited 5266d ago )

"My current skepticism of Natal has zero to do with console preference." -darkride

lmfao, I picture you saying that with a straight face for about 10 seconds, then we all laugh, and you say "Alright I'm busted, I hate micro but....."

Anybody with eyes can see even in this vid there's no flailing around like a mad man, he's simply making small gestures with his hands and fingers, I won't go into all the different variety of gameplay mechanics that we can assume Natal might accomplish with ease both with and without a controller, its pointless because there is simply no talking to haters who hate micro with a passion but then comicaly act like they are actually being open-minded to the concept of Natal, you guys aren't fooling anybody, its hard to see the good in anything when you wear sony goggles.....its like a detective who only speaks English, trying to interview a suspect who "claims" he doesn't speak English, you're not going to really get anything worthwhile out of him until he decides he's ready to talk or you find an interpreter. So at this point I can't understand a word you're saying darkride, I need a gibberish interpreter. lol


Christopher5266d ago (Edited 5266d ago )

This look real, but it also looks like they're proving the issue with action delays based on gestures with this, in addition to how much more difficult it is to move and interact with the world through gestures.

It's a neat concept, but games like this need to have truly accurate controls without response issues. We're talking about an FPS, in which people measure control response delay to the hundredth of a second, and this is obviously delayed to at least a very noticeable half of a second.

I too would love to see some gun play using gestures and I feel that based on what we've seen so far enemy AI would have to be greatly altered in order to balance gameplay with the delayed and possibly unresponsive gestures.

facelike5266d ago

Anyone notice that near the end of the video where the user was trying to flip the switch of the machine on table, he kept trying to reach forward with his left to trigger the switch, but instead kept moving. He'd then move back, try to hit the switch again but move again. He did it 3 times before he triggered the event.

vhero5266d ago

@JokesOnYou and anybody else who thinks people are worried about the impact Natal will have on PS3 your are deadly wrong. Nobody is worried this video has fake written all over it and looks more like a PC version of the game more than anything there are cams similar to Natal already out for the PC you know that can do this kinda thing! So no doubt Valve have tested them out Natal is far from new technology. Also it seems like such hard work just to do anything and that's with no enemys around! I'd be knackered after 1 hour of that but imagine being surrounded by 3 enemys? You would be royally SCREWED with those controls.

So lets just say this IS real for arguments sake here its just proof Natal is useless for shooters games and what's the no.1 best selling exclusives on 360? Oh wait... SHOOTERS!! 360 fanboys can disagree as much as they like but Natal is another idea like Japan with MS throwing money in the WRONG direction. MS should concentrate on their true market shooter fans.

Anon19745266d ago (Edited 5266d ago )

That's right. So none of my points raised are valid because I'm some kind of "Microsoft Hater" who just happens to own a 360, is a huge Halo and Gears Fan, loves Fable, has gushed about these titles in these forums over and over again, is excited for Alan Wake (this beats God of War for me next year in terms of anticipation, I'm not afraid to admit), has his Gamertag posted on his profile and is available to all (say hi sometime), still buys games for his 360 despite multiple console failures and runs a game news site which is actually partnered with Microsoft. Yeah, I must really hate Microsoft, eh?

Get over yourself. It's sad to me that you come on a gamer site like this, not to discuss games but simply to propagate these idiotic console wars. Not every gamer is going to agree with you.

I know plenty of 360 fans that aren't the least bit interested in ditching their controllers in favor of leaping around their living rooms like hyperactive toddlers. Does that mean that they're all suddenly "Microsoft haters" as well, or does that mean that they're simply gamers with a preference on how they like to interact with their games?

Microsoft is aiming Natal square at Nintendo's casuals, just like Sony appears to be doing with their wand controllers based on the list of games we've seen coming out that support the wand. There's nothing wrong with that, they want to make more money. More power to them. They just better not be counting on droves of actual gamers switching over, because that simply ain't gonna happen.

If you can't see that and can only view things in "Sony versus Microsoft" terms, then perhaps a gamer site isn't for you.

pixelsword5266d ago (Edited 5266d ago )

All because it doesn't look like Natal doesn't mean it isn't; it could be a developer version: historically developer versions look different than the retail versions of consoles, peripherals, etc.

This will be interesting to see how this translates into a FPS; if anyone can do it successfully, I'm almost willing to say that Valve would be the ones to pull it off best.

I keep on telling people not to poo-poo other consoles because you never know what's the next big thing. Natal could be bigger than curly fries if pulled of right. Heck, so could the PS3's take on motion controls, so it's not like any of them are *that* bad (although I am not sold on motion controls as of yet)... so keep a positive perspective and look at all three with an open mind.

4Sh0w5266d ago (Edited 5266d ago )

"That's right. So none of my points raised are valid because I'm some kind of "Microsoft Hater" who just happens to own a 360"

Yeah, but thats no different than when Bill O'Reilly says some of his friends are Democrats and also claims to be politicaly Independent. Sure he can say whatever he wants but people are rightfully going to judge him by his record, so although he might bring up what on the surface may seem like a valid points, everything he says is motivated by his overwhelmingly conservative views, thus its TAINTED and most likely there is at least a common sense alternative to that viewpoint, which of course, he's going to drown out, and cut off his guest speaker so you'll never fully hear that opposing viewpoint but if you're watching O'Reilly show in the first place you either only care about the conservative/Republican view or you already know to take everything he says with a grain of salt. Generally all your cons of Natal have in theory a "workable" solution, however reiterating them over again for you is futile, you seem to already have your mind made up, again similiar to O'Reilly's conservative views, the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle.

+ Show (45) more repliesLast reply 5266d ago
Bungie5267d ago

bu bu bu FPS can't be done using natal

haha ownage

looks soo cool

Mucudadada5267d ago

Ya, too bad there was no "S" of this video. We were only shown first-person. The hard-part is going to be the shooter part, which was not shown in this video.

Bungie5267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

this is just a demonstration to what natal can do

they will have to build a game from the ground just for it

but i can see games like Mirrors Edge using natal

it'll be interesting to see what will developers do

EDIT : it would be cool if you can scream BOOM in front of you TV to shoot stuff :)

i can see all the future videos on youtube LMAO i love my imagination

MGOelite5267d ago

this quote "it would be cool if you can scream BOOM in front of you TV to shoot stuff" makes all your past, present and future comments totally worthless and pointless

mrv3215267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

Well you are right their... you completely prooved us wrong with

-Blurry video
-Something that could easily be faked
-No shooting at all
-No proper idea on how it works
-No control Ideas
-1:00 long
-NO GOD DAMN SHOOTING, it's a FPS and yet no shooting... untill you see that I think I'll stand by my judgement of a mouse being better.
-That video was extremely shakey... that doesn't seem like the control I want in a FPS showing NOTHING.

Please note that this video shows you NOTHING but a guy moving around a room... from a SHAKEY perspective. It shows nothing but two annalogue sticks explain where do you get the following button


So tell me PLEASE... how this shows an FPS because all this shows me if something that's allready been done and nothing that special.

I do admit the video looked impressive and immersive... but shows nothinf about FPS on Natal. While if I do see Microsoft do a FPS demonstration I'd be impressed and my opinions would change so it's not being a fanboy I own a 360... I just HATE motion controller fads.

Elvfam5115267d ago

"bu bu bu FPS can't be done using natal

haha ownage

looks soo cool"

It was just movements which was hard to control to what he wanted
no shooting no reloading crouching and so on

PixlSheX5267d ago

Yeah, i would love to see YOU doing that.

5267d ago
Cold 20005267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

I know MS havent showed anything solid for the moment with Natal. But seeing the reaction this "maybe natal, maybe not natal" video is causing, I think theres going to be A LOT of hate if MS manage to pull of FPS's and other hardcore games with Natal.

@remeberthe357: I'm skeptical myself about natal, but I'm telling myself MS are already in too deep for natal NOT to work. I dont see MS letting natal not be the what it is supposed to be.
And come on! It's clear a lot of people (you know who) are praying hard for natal to fail. Look at the reaction this blurry video is causing in only a couple of minutes from the "other camp".
Now just imagine an official vid from MS with actual gameplay of a hardcore game...

RememberThe3575267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

There is more to a FPS then just moving. This did prove that you can move effectively with Natal, but that's it. We only have two hands and there are a lot of buttons that are missing.

It looks like they're trying to figure it out but I have to wonder if it will really be fun to play. I frankly don't think the appeal of waving my hands around will last very long.

@Cold: Why would that generate hate? That would be cool if they could figure out how to make a deep game that doesn't fell awkward or tedious to play. I'm having little doubt that they will make a FPS work, I'm just not sure how well they'll make it work.

anti-gamer5267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

"it would be cool if you can scream BOOM in front of you TV to shoot stuff :) "

yay you well look like an idiot.



Parapraxis5267d ago

@ Cold 2000
"I think theres going to be A LOT of hate if MS manage to pull of FPS's and other hardcore games with Natal. "

I honestly WANT them to pull it off, it could be the start of a huge leap in gaming interaction, it could possibly be the next thing before full on virtual reality.

I'm just a skeptic.
From what I have seen, I have concluded it will be very unlikely that we could properly play games without a physical interface, such as a controller, or something similar to a power glove...well, one that actually works.

Cold 20005267d ago

I'll just wait and see! Guess we'll know at E3!

kneon5267d ago

The question is can you do it well, so far the evidence does not support this. Besides the fact that there is no shooting in this "demo" the control seems "mushy" and imprecise. For an FPS game, controls need to be precise and repeatable. I expect this video is old and the real deal is better than that.

But this actually looks worse than I ever imagined, all these hand gestures are going to turn a lot of people off. Even for those that like it I expect it will get old quickly after the "gee whiz" factor wears off.

BrokenAnarchy5267d ago

"it would be cool if you can scream BOOM in front of you TV to shoot stuff"

You mean like this? =P


I guess MS had this idea from the beginning.

Jaces5267d ago

Demonstrations are nice but I want to see actual gameplay.

I'll wait to say anything till I see a game actually being played rather than some demo of looking around a room.

likedamaster5267d ago


That video still makes me laugh.

Insomnia_845267d ago

"it would be cool if you can scream BOOM in front of you TV to shoot stuff"

yeah it would be AWESOME!! o.0

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 5267d ago
mylesbarfed5267d ago

True, but you can't help but be impressed with the response time. I've heard lots of people claim it was laggy but that looked pretty sharp to me.

and an fps can totally be done with natal. Move your left hand forward or back, side to side to move your characer (just like the left thumbstick) and use your right open hand to aim, close your hand to shoot.

N4PS3G5267d ago

That looks sharp for motion tracking tech...can't wait to see the final product demonstration..most likely at E3 :)

morganfell5267d ago

Someone doesn't know anything about motion tracking tech if they think that is sharp. Sharp is an Xsens suit. Okay, this doesn't use a suit. It isn't anything that hasn't been seen from other companies already except those companies offered perspective shift with their version and this does not.

The only people this video owned are the people that approved it.

duplissi5267d ago

but if the controls are like that why bother? they would be merely different and not anything special beyond the first few minutes.

Triella5267d ago

If this is video is not a fake you will notice that at 0:40 he has to try to turn on the device like four times before succeeding apprently he's not able to synchronize both of his hands so that one is moving the camera and the other is motionning to push the button (or maybe it's because Natal has problems deciphering the purpose of the hand movement).

And I personnaly don't think Natal will be appropriate for people prone to motion sickness since it seems like one wrong movement of your hand sends the camera flying around. Just imagine what would happen in an FPS while trying to turn around the camera to shoot someone before getting shot or in a survival horror game when something startles you.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5267d ago
Parapraxis5267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

Whatever it is, I don't believe it is Natal.
There is a camera (or something similar) on a tripod in front of him.
You can see near the end of the video (00:49) that the camera does not resemble the Natal one at all.
It may very well be an earlier form, or another system all together, but it definitely is not "Natal" as it has been previously shown in its final form.

I expect any developer using Natal for a game like Half-life (FPS) or Gears (TPS) to use Natal in conjunction with the xbox360 controller, giving the user much better reaction time when firing/moving about as well as becoming immersed in the game via gestural movements.

Anyways, it is suggestive of how a game MAY control, but it clearly isn't "Natal" as has been shown at E3.
Some may argue that the dev kit may vary, however I'd expect MS to be distributing Natal dev kits that are going to react in the exact same fashion the current iteration of Natal would. I only saw one light emitted from a fairly small device, natal has 1 green light and 2 purple lights and is almost as big as the 360 itself.

EDIT: disagrees, please explain why you think my reasoning is bad. Unless it's just butthurt, then I guess I understand (even though there's no reason to be butthurt if this isn't Natal)

Cold 20005267d ago

well natal well surely be better than that. So its not a problem. Just shows what to expect.

we won5267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

I disagreed because you don't know what build of the device they are using, meaning it could be tested in any form they feel fit, maybe they test Natal as a chipboard with a camera attached. lol

I think you guys need this to be fake so you're looking for things that are not there. Even if it is fake you know what Natal offerings will explode with popularity and the content for it will be out of this world. An army of top developers are developing for it so these supposed leaked videos are nothing compared to what is coming built from the ground up for Natal.


Yeah Yeah Yeah we know fanboy, Natal sucks, these videos are fake, you know everything about Natal, you know how they are developing the tech and you know how they will market Natal. lol You know what the dev kit/units look like. You know it would be on Halo and not half-life lol on and on/

No one cares what you have to say you sound like little girls all envious of the new hot, smart and popular girl at school.

Parapraxis5267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

@Cold 2000,
I agree, and it certainly doesn't appear to be Natal from the video.

Personally I think Nintendo got it right with the motion controllers. There is still plenty of gestural movement and you also retain the amount of control required to become fully engaged in a video game.

If people think flailing their arms and legs is bad with the Wii, then I do think Natal will take the cake.

I will be buying Sony's motion controllers. Their E3 presentation literally wowed me. The control is super-precise and very responsive. It's easy to see how the PS3 "wands" could be implemented into most games.

Full body gesturing, on the other hand, I think is a bit much. UNLESS it is going to be used hand-in-hand with a traditional controller.

I don't use mouse gesturing on any software I have on my PC due to it being more tedious and overly complicated, instead I use mouse movement and a few simple clicks.

I couldn't imagine playing an FPS for several hours using my entire body (but mostly my hands) to control every single movement. I'm pretty sure the novelty would wear off faster than tickle me elmo.

I'm very interested to see what happens in the next year or year and a half.

Sony's wands are intended to launch in the spring and Natal is slated for the fall. How these new technologies change the industry, if at all, will surely be a topic of great discussions.

@ we won,
I even said it could be an older build, but if this video is new, then It's unlikely they would be using a build that looks so vastly different from the final product. If the device in the video IS Natal, then why does the current build being publicized of Natal have multiple sensors (RGB camera, depth sensor) and a microphone, whereas the device in the video has only 1 clearly visible sensor. Shouldn't Natal have become smaller if they can fit an RGB camera, depth sensor and multi-array microphone into such a small device?
I suppose it's possible they have shrunk Natal down to the size of the PS Eye, but I find it unlikely.

Also, could you maybe for 1 minute stop acting so childish.
I did not say one bad thing about Natal. In fact, I find it very interesting (as I stated several times). Before you accuse me of saying "natal sucks" and that I'm a "fanboy" *cough*open zone ->*cough* I do think you need to turn the mirror onto yourself.

"No one cares what you have to say you sound like little girls all envious of the new hot, smart and popular girl at school. "

3sq5267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

Now show me the avatar shoe, bam. LOL

Edit: I can't wait to play with Milo, avatar shoes, and the painting program.

Only on Flopbox360 ;)

chrisulloa5267d ago

So much butthurt here lololol

3sq5267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

Butthurt? Because you get to play with MILO and AVATAR SHOES? Bots are cracking me up. LOL

Edit: Bungie, "they used to getting owned everyday" <- The funniest thing is that I only see YOU get OWNED by FACTS everyday.

Oh and that kindergarten avatar of yous suits you very well.

Now I understand why you love Milo and the Painting program so much. LOL

trancefreak5267d ago

screw this crap where is half life 3 already. Valve reaLLY looks to be in the milking business of late. Moo

Assassin Creed5267d ago


bennyace5267d ago

All the PS3 fanboys don't think it looks fun or cool. It's not made by Sony. I think that if Sony had an exclusive game where you would watch grass grow they'd say something like "it's innovative". At least it's different that Sony's Gem which is a rip off of the Wii controller. We'll wait to see where it's heading before judging. But to me it looks promising if it's real.

JasonPC360PS3Wii5267d ago

Lots of droids here (go figure) can't do this with your pink dila-thingy. Hey you may be able to change the channel or go to the menu of all those Blu-ray movies you bought over the holidays instead of games. Don't they sell the pink PS3 dila-thingy over at gaysexshop.com?

OmarJA-N4G5267d ago (Edited 5267d ago )

ROFLMMFAO! what a joke...

Natal will be the downfall of the 360. :)

infekt5267d ago

that looks waaaay too inaccurate. but we'll wait and see this project bomb. lmfao.

Defectiv3_Detectiv35267d ago

only on a web site like this would they need to seperate the comments section; this is obviously the section for d!psh!ts.

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Kinect Technical Specifications & Xbox 360 Requirements Revealed

The most notable reveal would perhaps by the requirements of the Xbox 360 console itself. While Microsoft has insisted since the original unveiling of Kinect at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in 2009, then known as Project NATAL, that the device would be compatible with all Xbox 360 consoles, the revelation of a dedicated port included on the newly redesigned Xbox 360 model has sparked rumours of incompatibility, which were quickly debunked.

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5085d ago Replies(12)
lzim5085d ago

odd, i was led to believe it lacked an internal processor and so also needed a core to itself, if not 1-2 processing threads.

Wikkid6665085d ago

The article says nothing about whether the processor is internal or it uses the 360s.

darthv725085d ago

Also, the notion of a dedicated port really lends nothing to the idea of older units being incompatible. I believe the kinect port is a custom usb port (think the original xbox controller ports) but one that will feed power and data.

Older models will require a splitter that will run off a single usb port (prob the back one) that will work for the data but not the power. That is why they keep saying it will have an external power for those systems.

As for the processor, combo of both makes sense. Using 360 cpu/gpu power to help calculate the finished product on screen along with the cpu in the kinect.

Remember people...this is not a cheap usb web cam (like the original live vision).

Inside_out5085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

They say they are using 10-15% of one 360 P4 cores. I know that the Kinect we see today is a watered down version of the patented tech they bought and own. Maybe one day the " real " tech will be cost effective. It still is very impressive tech even without a super computer running it.

wicked5085d ago

No, the previous artical said they removed a processor, but I would guess that it had more than 1 to start with. So it will have some form of processor still within it. Arm9 or Cortex M3, all dirt cheap now but powerful.

IdleLeeSiuLung5085d ago

Does it matter? They showed Forza Kinect that looked amazing working with Kinect real time!

callahan095085d ago

Are you just talking about how the graphics are able to look amazing while working with Kinect? If that's what you're talking about, ok. The game itself, though, well... I think I'll stick with the real Forza, with an Xbox 360 control pad. The limited-control Kinect Forza they showed doesn't look like it's worth any attention, in my opinion. Why would anyone want to control a car like that, with hands held out and holding onto nothing, with no control over acceleration or braking? Just seems totally pointless to me.

CrawFail5085d ago

lol real time? I don't quite think it was real time.

Bigpappy5085d ago

You guy know that the motion tech is from prime sense right? Please go to their web site primesense.com,and have a look at what they say the tech can do. It can read fingers well enough to type with each finger and can be used while sitting. No one ever said it has to scan the entire body to work. What we have seen from kinect so far is not all it is capable of.

Reading these specs and trying to compare them to PSeye is pointless, because they are different types of cameras and provide completely differnt types of info to the consoles (Kinect is a 3D camera and provides 3D images. PSeye is a 2D camera and provides 2D images). Per Primsense, the camera is capable of providing video at 60fps, but the 3D is 30fps. The specs for 2 players active is for full body scans. There are no specs given for people sitting and just using their hands.

This tech is obviously a work in progress and has yet to be fleshed out. I suggest all you N4G Kinect experts, research before you post you doom and gloom so you atleast have solid facts for you skepticism. You can also relax and see what M$ does with the tech insteat of pretending to know more that the people developing the tech.

IdleLeeSiuLung5084d ago

The game was available for people to try on the show floor at E3 so yes it was real time. Wetter you like it for Forza or not wasn't my point.

That is up to the developer to figure out.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5084d ago
+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5084d ago
Apolloeye5085d ago

So pretty much the same spec as the PS Eye, although I thought the eye went up to 120 Hertz...

Theonik5085d ago

The eye goes to 60Hz i think. Regardless the eye should be capable to do any Kinect shown so far with less lag. (they revolve on a 2D axis and only use the depth tracking to separate players.) I am really disappointed by the tech and how it is utilised thus far.

shoddy5085d ago

More or less powerful we need to see the product.
So far it seem the pseye can do anything kinect can do.
2d 3d I not yet see the advantage.

IHateYouFanboys5085d ago

no, the PSEye cannot do 3D tracking. Kinect can.

the PSEye does 2D motion recognition, Kinect does 3D motion tracking. they are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT things.

Sheikh Yerbouti5085d ago

Going from alkaline to lithium was a significant step for batteries, but at the end of the day it is just a battery. PSEye and Kinect are kind of the same way. At the end of the day it is a game camera - with camera games.

IHateYouFanboys5085d ago

@Sheikh Yerbouti: your example is not really on the same scale of difference as PSEye/Kinect.

a better example using batteries would be the jump from standard batteries to rechargable batteries. theyre both doing the same thing - being batteries - but one of them does things that the other one cannot possibly do, which is be recharged and used again. it does everything the standard battery does, and more.

Kinect does everything the PSEye does (2D motion recognition), and more (3D motion tracking). no amount of software updates can change the hardware in the PSEye, and the hardware is not capable of 3D motion tracking as it lacks infra-red.

IaMs125085d ago

Yes i see your point but how you guys feel about the PS3 can be said the same way.

The PS3 may produce better graphics and be more powerful then the Xbox360, but by the end of they day its still only a console. Also inferior to PC :)

PirosThe4th5085d ago

... PSeye can do 3d as you say... even eyetoy... they used shadows and other stuff to recognize it.
Move is also 3d...

Sheikh Yerbouti5084d ago

Lithium batteries are rechargeable batteries.

Kinect isn't a true 3D camera - it can't render a picture of your butt if you are always facing front. It makes an approximate 3D model using visual cues. The PSEye can do the same, although it will be cruder.

Plus, just because the technology is different, doesn't necessarily mean gameplay will be.

Yes, you're right. Similarly Kinect will have some good games, different from PSEye, only if Microsoft makes them. But they haven't made games too different from the PSEye.

Theonik5084d ago

Which is what i meant from the start. None of the games they have shown so far could not have been on the PS Eye.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5084d ago
Xwow20085085d ago

"Tracks up to 6 people, including 2 active players"
I think now its official that just 2 ppl can play at the same time.

Godmars2905085d ago

Love that you're quoting something and you're getting disagrees.

Sheikh Yerbouti5085d ago (Edited 5085d ago )

Only room for two anyway when you think about it...
but it can keep track of six people during a game in regards to facial recognition. I think that's impressive.

I would love to have Kinect built into my laptop, so only I can get in even without a password. Why is Microsoft wasting this on the XBox again?

Ilikegames765085d ago

still couldn't play it sitting down. Honestly, some guys are so easily impressed by copy cat technology.

blackpanther255084d ago

i was at the engadget show and kudo showed its 3d tracking and when two people where on screen......one person would be red while the other would be green.......but as soon as a third person steped into the camera view two people automatically turned gray and it couldnt read their movements well.

what i took away from that event is that the kinect is pretty kool but for right now it can only work with two people(they could still be working on it)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5084d ago
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Kinect Re-Appears on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon & Miranda Cosgrove

Xbox Evolved:

"Microsoft is holding no breaks in making sure the general public knows all about Kinect. What cooler spot to also show it than with Jimmy Fallon? "

Read Full Story >>
Coded-Dude5093d ago

although i usually watch fallon. i'll have to catch an internet clip of it later.

ProA0075093d ago

it's nothing you have to see. trust me. zzzzzzz

tokoshix5093d ago

I'm sure it's just the usual marketing stuff, so nothing really interesting. Pretty much learned everything about the device at E3.

Tony P5093d ago

The more I see this targeted at non-gamers, the sadder I get.

I want a Kinect game I can be *proud* to own as a gamer. One day.

sonarus5093d ago

I saw it full of lag. The girls was standing there and her character just started twitching out of control.

Plus you can clearly see the game is full of Lag. Regardless though i don't care...its a piece of tech directed to casual gamers so kudos to MS for this. Unfortunately i don't fall into the casual crowd so this does not interest me one bit.

What does interest me though is a cheaper 360 slim with a hard drive and wifi capablities for 50 or maybe 100 bucks cheaper

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5093d ago
Blaze9295093d ago

was pretty funny. same demos they showed at E3 though. Nothing new. But they sure are marketing it quick.

AridSpider5093d ago

Yeah they did the same thing the day after they announced Natal last year with Good Morning America and Fallon back when it was called Natal. No doubt this thing will sell I suspect. Will it succeed technically though is the question

ProA0075093d ago

well they did say they are launching this like the launch of a new xbox.

AridSpider5093d ago

Well they price has not been 'confirmed' yet by anyone....

AridSpider5093d ago

wow first that girl's co-worker hosts the Kinect event and now she's her playing it. I see the audience Microsoft is definitely going after with Bieber, Cosgrove and McCurdy - teenage pop audiences.

Cueil5092d ago

it's that female crowd that they would love to hook into...

JasonXE5093d ago

She's kind of hot.


Boring show.

SpaceSquirrel5093d ago

Interesting. They did the same last year as well.

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Hey Microsoft, Where Are The Core Games For Kinect?

Meodia writes, "So about a year ago when Project Natal was first starting off, many Xbox 360 and even other gamers were worried about the future of their console. A local shovelware dumping ground didn't sound quite appealing and Natal looked like it would serve extra servings of it. But Microsoft reassured us, holding our hands and telling us that everything would be alright. Since then, nothing has changed. After that "conference" at E3, we were shown nothing but how to please little girls."

xHarvey5097d ago (Edited 5097d ago )

Kinectimals. Raising a tiger isn't hardcore? lol

ipwnall5097d ago

Bubbles to you sir.

I'm extremely aggravated about this Kinect business. I mean, look at the image in the article. Those are the games for Kinect's future. Do we want to be playing those?

B-Real2065097d ago

They told you to wait till gamescom and now you will wait.

005097d ago (Edited 5097d ago )

But you won't be when that tiger mauls you.

ShinMaster5097d ago

"Wait till E3" they said.
Well E3 has come and this is the result.

Moonboots5097d ago

LOL! +bub for funny on that one!

PS: I love you Skittles! Don't eat me!!!!

BiggCMan5097d ago Show
HolyOrangeCows5097d ago

"Wait until E3"
"Wait until Gamescon"
"Wait until release"
"Wait until next E3"
"Wait until...."

So if we want core games, the best option is the waiting game?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5097d ago
Alcon Caper5097d ago (Edited 5097d ago )

hey ms remember this list from tgs 09?

Activision Blizzard, Bethesda Softworks, Capcom Co. Ltd, Disney Interactive, Electronic Arts, Konami, MTV Games, Namco Bandai, Sega, Square Enix, THQ Inc. and Ubisoft


Imperator5097d ago

Behind closed doors being shown to paid celebrities who could care less about gaming.... if there's even any at all.

Mr Logic5097d ago

It needs buttons. There is only a limited a limited amount of things you can accomplish through gesture recognition.

Inane_Asylum5097d ago

I heard Kevin Butler say buttons existed in the future...

...I believe him...

Moonboots5097d ago (Edited 5097d ago )

Obviously Kinect is a casual device designed for those gamers first and foremost and that is the message MS wanted to send at E3 much to the angst of the core. And they have been saying all year that is what to expect.

I am going to give it some time because I don't think MS are going to ignore their core for long. And in the mean time enjoy my controller on games like Gears 3, Reach, Fable 3, Kingdoms, Black Ops, etc etc on the 360.. Not even going to mention my plate for the other systems I own.. There is just no time to play it all. (heaven?)

Redempteur5097d ago

Don't you see ? hardcore games are coming ..just now they annonced .. BURGER KING !!


neverming .

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5097d ago
Arnon5097d ago

It's funny because after the Microsoft conference, we actually saw some. In fact, I'm surprised that they showed off the shovelware they did, and then an hour later Sonic Freedom Riders and Child of Eden were shown off and completely destroyed what Microsoft displayed.

Imperator5097d ago (Edited 5097d ago )

Child of Eden is a multiplat, and do you have any gameplay vids of Sonic (I honestly want to see how it works).

@Orange Juice, Ah, I see. Looks kinda simple though. wouldn't really call it a core game.

@Arnon, if that's the case then Kinect really does have the edge in that game... but that's just one game. MS needs to show a LOT more.

Orange Juice5097d ago (Edited 5097d ago )


There you go

EDIT Now that I watch the gameplay closely its most likely a game for kids. I couldnt see an adult "hardcore" gamer playing this game for an extended period of time.

Erotic Sheep5097d ago (Edited 5097d ago )

Eyetoy Antigrav says hi..

Arnon5097d ago (Edited 5097d ago )

Child of Eden is multiplat, but it's exclusive to Kinect in regards to motion controls. The developer Tetsuya Mizuguchi does not have a dev kit for Move.


HaVoK3085097d ago

If core gamers are anything like me they could careless about them.

pimpmaster5097d ago

gotta agree, MS is exactly like nintendo 2 years ago. hey, what ever happened to that dumb ass vitality sensor.

gynecologistcobra5097d ago

Like Nintendo two years ago? As in, raking up a fuck ton of cash?

pimpmaster5096d ago

as in having nothing to offer for the hardcore audience. and only for casuals

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