
Battlefield 2042 Delayed to Nov. 19, 2021

DICE has announced that Battlefield 2042's new release date is November 19, 2021.

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excaliburps997d ago
Jin_Sakai997d ago

At least it’s just a month. Still sucks though.

VerminSC997d ago

Yeah! My birthday is oct21st and my brothers is Halloween day and we were super excited to play some Birthday Battlfield! Haha oh well

onisama997d ago

Saw this by chance 🤣 my birthday is 21st too

RaidenBlack997d ago

HBD to both of ye, in advance.

VerminSC996d ago

Onisama. Happy birthday! … in 35 days

Teflon02997d ago

Yeah really was looking forward to it in Oct, but Nov 19th isn't bad

Plagasx997d ago

"It's just a month" lol... it's probably going to be delayed again.

thorstein997d ago

"[Insert Game] delayed until..."

Translation: Our salespeople and CEO have no idea how long it takes to make a game. They throw out release dates after ignoring devs statements that the work can't be done in that time.

gamer9997d ago

I'd agree if we had seen some more recent gameplay and they had unveiled hazard zone. The fact that the only gameplay (outside of their 10 second operator vids), is some technical test and is months old, I've sort of lost faith. WAS that months old? Is Hazard zone going to be released next year or what? That's their big new ftp mode to go against cod warzone. Ya, totally lost confidence not because of the 1 month delay but because they've shown next to ZERO fresh gameplay and the game is now supposed to be 2 months out. Time to add extra polish to the game? Ya right. More like, hazard zone is half done, and our main game is nowhere near release.

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RaidenBlack997d ago

So the rumors were true.
So Beta in October ?

LordoftheCritics997d ago

Nah Nov 19 is the real beta.

Just like the majority of games lately.

RPGer997d ago

Very sad to be the norm aside from tens of GB patchs, but true.

Good-Smurf997d ago

Many online shooters today are like that they always came out rushed and felt like it still in Beta.
Most of them won't leave Beta stage almost a year after the game's released.
Very few online shooters got it right at launch.

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excaliburps997d ago

Most likely later this month or sometime in October. I hope beta is good. I want a proper BF game this time without Attrition and that awful MMG+prone meta BFV had.

aaronaton997d ago (Edited 997d ago )

It needs delaying for longer by the looks and sound of things.
The weather destruction apparently is more of a nuisance than a spectacle, and has cost millions in man hours to develop.
The game also caters for noobs and casuals far too much, with fast floaty vehicle physics, next to no recoil weaponry and really intrusive hit marker sfx.
Theyre also struggling massively with balancing with over 90% of players picking the special ones.
Lastly, there have been reports of critical issues with the ps5, which only happens to be the fastest selling playstation of all time...

ActualWhiteMan997d ago (Edited 997d ago )

The Playtest I took part in was unplayable garbage (PC). Mind you I have an RTX 2080 and can run modern games on High 1440P 100-140hz. This one couldn't maintain 60fps at 1080p.

Plain and simply.... It is nowhere near a finished product.

JEECE997d ago

The weather is such a nuisance. It's just another instance of the Battlefield Devs seeming to misunderstand what makes Battlefield special. Players celebrate the dynamic moments that are created by individual players doing cool things within the confines of the game, but DICE always wants to try to force "iconic" moments. This is how we ended up with the "Levolution" pre-scripted destruction. The weather seems like it's going to be a more annoying Levolution. The fact that it's potential responsible for holding the game up makes it that much worse.

kryteris997d ago

vietnam, 2142 and bad company 2 were their best games.

JEECE996d ago


Unfortunately at the time 2142 came out I didn't have a solid PC, so I largely missed that one. My favorites are 1942 and Bad Company 2.

PhillyDillyDee997d ago

They lost me with the BFV debacle. Sad that they’re just trying to be like every other game on the market now pandering to the lowest common denominator

aaronaton996d ago

Imagine if a Battlefield 2 veteran was cryogenically frozen and awaken to play BF2042 (like in demolition man).
I think they would love the graphics but hate every other bit about the game, to the point where they would jump of the nearest tall building.

JEECE996d ago

Ironically BFV launched in a much better state than BF4.

Parasyte997d ago

Fine with me. Just make sure it works.

PapaBop997d ago

In such a packed release window, you only have one chance at leaving a good impression, fingers crossed they deliver. I'd love a return to form for Battlefield but I'm keeping expectations down in hope of being pleasantly surprised. EA have a long history of releasing broken games with zero *beeps* being given for the consumer.

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Battlefield 2042 Sharknado Easter Egg Is Crazy and It's Real! Here's How to Do It

DICE has snuck in a Battlefield 2042 Sharknado Easter egg in the game's most recent patch, and seeing it in action is all kinds of crazy.

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Battlefield 2042 Dev Goes Behind the Scenes on Reworked Stadium Map

In a Game Rant interview, Battlefield 2042 map designer Gabriel Sanchez discusses all the fine points of Stadium's rework.

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poppatron23d ago

Does anyone care at this point? Fingers crossed the next bf is golden, don’t think the franchise could take another epic misfire. Good on them for continuing support for 2143, just too little too late


EA says largest Battlefield team yet is building ‘another tremendous live service’

Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson stated in a recent EA Earnings Call, that the next Battlefield "it is going to be another tremendous live service.”

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badboyz0932d ago
-Foxtrot32d ago

Another? ANOTHER?

Is he honestly trying to make out like the last Battlefield was a huge success, not just as a game but as a live service game? I'm sure these guys live in their own echo chambers, they are so far removed from reality or they just like talking out of their arse trying to rewrite history.

Also why say such a tone deaf statement when you know the state of live service games at the minute and how many gamers feel about them. Bigging up the next BF game as live service does not give me any excitement or hype.

LordoftheCritics32d ago

''is building ‘another tremendous LIE service’''


just_looken31d ago

This is nothing too new

They had plans of a universe of live service games

Also these studios made 2042 there is no new massive team its the same team

Well same team minus the seattle boys that were canned

This is all again same news different year but it seems very few remember what happened before covid.

Walalon30d ago

At least they put car freshner trees up their asses to think smelling their own farts smells good at this point to be so out of touch.

RaidenBlack32d ago

Just make another Battlefield 2 ... or BadCompany 3 ... EA

XiNatsuDragnel32d ago

Bad company 3 instead of live service bs

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