N4G Admin & Community Manager .::. I read every PM, I just may not respond to every PM.


CRank: 44Score: 1227580

@Tacoboto That's a duplicate story that was deleted by the author for being a duplicate story. You're complaining that a community member removed their own submission because this one existed on the home page.

37d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

***Reposting my deleted comment (thanks Mods!): ***

I don't know what this is about. Just FYI, we can't delete comments, only mark as inappropriate/spam.

***shoddy questionable reviews like this from its owner are a sign of things to come that are only for the worse. ***

I think you're putting way too much importance on one person's opinion. Let alone next week you might praise them for doing something with which you agr...

37d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

Journalists writing articles to feed into the 24/7 news machine of getting ad revenue doesn't equate into public opinion about the quality or desire for more games.

38d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm playing Kingdoms of Amalur again and the Fate mode reminder every time my fate bar is full is extremely annoying and takes up so much space on the screen.

38d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You are not like a very good portion of gamers who are influenced by FOMO (fear of missing out).

38d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I honestly would rather they spend that "gap" time making new IPs rather than just pumping out more of what we've had a ton of. It's not like any of the Fallout or Elder Scrolls really rely on knowledge or player-derived actions from previous iterations as it is, so need for urgency for another contained story line in a location and for one of a handful of factions that Bethesda has decided on our behalf.

38d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Usually, for GaaS/Seasonal games, you'll have to perform actions to earn specific in-game currency to buy things for events. Then they sell the currency with real cash or a third-currency to then buy the in-game currency items (it's honestly truly bloated to hide that they're cheating you out of money). With this, they'll just give you items if you do something 50 times or the like and then charge you to have the game play it for you. It's better, right? No currency shenan...

38d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hah! Either will never happen or publishers will charge you to use this AI. This concept would only exacerbate the problem we already have with GaaS.

38d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment

***I think downvotes speak of who is fallen of here. ***

HIVE Mind! That's how all good things happen!

38d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

*** Ah yes, the old 'gamers don't actually own their games' argument. You'd fit right in at Ubisoft! ***

Oh, the old "I don't know how patches work" argument. If they patch something you like, it's okay! If they patch something you don't like, "Muh Rights!"

Let alone we're talking about an element that has absolutely zero to do with gameplay, story, or characters. It's a minor environmental element t...

38d ago 0 agree14 disagreeView comment

@aphrodia: In case you didn't catch it, and I'm not surprised you didn't, the one on the slippery slope is SimpleDad.

39d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

***You're out here defending the censorship of art. Might wanna re-evaluate your life. ***

The people who own the art can do whatever they want with it. That's what I'm defending.

You want the people who make the art to just bow to your demands. You want to control what the artist can do. That's dumb.

***If every game has that right then every GAMER should have the right to a full refund for a bait and switch dirty tati...

39d ago 0 agree14 disagreeView comment

Agreed! Set porn free to everyone!

39d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment

My thinking is that the original artworks might be community created.

39d ago 0 agree14 disagreeView comment

Just FYI, every game has that right.

39d ago 1 agree16 disagreeView comment

Have fun falling off that cliff at the end of the slippery slope.

39d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

***It's not their work to censor. ***

They own the IP. It's theirs too do with as they wish.

***It's not the agenda of the developer though, they're pandering and trying to increase their ESG score. ***

You got proof of this? And even if this were true, isn't it the developer right to want whatever an ESG score is?

***from GTA IV which had half it's radio content patched out due to licensing ex...

39d ago 0 agree17 disagreeView comment

Even if that agenda is of the developer? Way to remove developer rights.

***One player called it a “huge problem with modern games,” saying they can now be “ruined AFTER people buy them”.***

The level of drama. Yes, I recall sitting there for more hours than I did anything else in the game. These two pinups are the core of the game, after all!

39d ago 11 agree67 disagreeView comment

@Inverno: There's a lot that can be done, actually. Just no one is willing to do it. Anti-competitive/monopoly laws literally exist for this exact reason. Governments are just letting big corporations do whatever they want.

43d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

True, but big pocket people pushing out little pocket people is a huge problem. It's Walmart of the digital world.

43d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment