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Rocksteady pulls Suicide Squad an hour into early access after players’ games ‘auto completed’

Developer Rocksteady was forced to pull Suicide Squad servers offline less than an hour into its early access release, after players experienced a bug which automatically completed the game after they logged in for the first time.

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Community125d ago
Eonjay125d ago

Thats a pretty gnarly bug lol. Hopefully they have more than AI QA'ing the game

1Victor125d ago

@dum:”Absolute trainwreck”
Nope it working as intended the game committed suicide. JK

-Foxtrot125d ago

Talking about Games as Serive

Rocksteady: “We don’t really think of our game as fitting with any particular label,”


InUrFoxHole125d ago

I'm dying... what a sh!t show

raWfodog124d ago

I knew AI was going to be the downfall of gaming lol. It's even playing our games for us :)

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Plague-Doctor27125d ago

At what point does this go from funny to sad

0hMyGandhi124d ago (Edited 124d ago )

seriously! But then again, I can't believe people pre-ordered this game (to get early access) only to be shocked that there are problems. Early previews everywhere made this out to be incredibly rough around the edges.

XiNatsuDragnel125d ago

This is why online only isn't the future yet chiefs. Physical > Digital.

JEECE125d ago

Sigh. The issue here is always online. It's fine to oppose both digital games and always online, but you need to make your criticisms of each issue be relevant and make sense. Plenty of always online games also have a physical version, and buying that version doesn't keep the end user from experiencing the issues that almost invariably plague those games.

Tacoboto125d ago

Suicide Squad has a physical deluxe edition for those idiots dumb enough to buy a disc for an always-online game.

So to add on top of JEECE - you really should know what it actually is you're criticising.

Eonjay125d ago

I don't think we can blame this on always online... this seems like a basic thing they should have caught.

jambola125d ago

i mean if people can't play the game because of servers being down
you can definitely blame that aspect

Eonjay125d ago

Online isn't that novel. At some point we have to admit that this is largely just incompetence. You have to have some sort of vigorous QA to test for obvious bugs.

Hofstaderman125d ago (Edited 125d ago )

Agreed. But to be fair, people would also likely not buy this digital as well. Wonder how long it will hold its launch price on the digital stores...

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Relientk77125d ago

Those players should consider themselves lucky. Now they don't have to play this awful game.

EvertonFC125d ago (Edited 125d ago )

Have you played it ?

Gamers having another fanny attack because it's live service doesn't automatically make it a bad game.
It may turn out crap but like I said gamers having fanny attacks again.
It's a if gamers shit on things before they even come out.
If you don't like live service games then don't play them, simples.
Why do gamers think everything has to be made for them?

Leeroyw125d ago

Everton I think the point is that the game is being released and is unfinished. This is constantly happening and it shouldn't be forgiven. Anthem. Redfall. Most VR titles. Cyberpunk. It's not good enough. They shouldn't be allowed to think this is acceptable behaviour

CantThinkOfAUsername125d ago

The entire concept of the game just doesn't work for live-service. But people have already made their minds up and want to see it fail regardless of its quality. It's like the people who kept trashing Cyberpunk after launch without playing it, but now are praising the things that have always been there (the story, characters, dialogue, world, etc.). Though, I doubt Suicide Squad would have a similar moment.

Chocoburger125d ago

This game is going to be a disaster just like so many that have come before it. What a waste of developer's time, and publisher's money.

Kiryu1992125d ago

Would we be surprised if this games end up selling really well though? Because I fully expect this game to set and break some records for rocksteady because numbers can be twisted to paint certain picture

JEECE125d ago (Edited 125d ago )

I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if it had some decent retail success in the first week or so, just based on the IP. But for a game like this, selling a decent number early on isn't enough. Remember that Avengers sold respectably the first few weeks, but still caused massive losses for Square Enix because the game cost tons to develop and keep up. A game like this needs high sales and continued engagement (ie microtransactions). So don't assume the game is a success if it is #1 on the weekly charts when it comes out. Remember that even Anthem had decent retail success early on.

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Here's A First Look At Mr Freeze In Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League

An image featuring a first look at the character of Mr Freeze in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League has emerged online.

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Community9d ago
Psychonaut858d ago

I’m sure the 42 people still playing are super stoked for this. Better take the day off so you can grind for 4 hours just to use the character. Let me guess, he’s got his own Elseworld and there’s fucking icicles everywhere. /s

SoloGamer15d ago

can they just FREEZE this game?? 🙄


Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is Probably Finished

Disappointing sales performance, mixed reviews, and player counts in the hundreds paint a grim future for the looter shooter.

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Community11d ago
Phoenix7610d ago

The game was DOA before it even released.

Juancho5110d ago

Im surprised it lasted this long.


Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Players Lose Hope For Season 2 After Update

The remaining few players of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League are losing hope for the game’s future after a disappointing update for Episode 2.

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Community13d ago
P_Bomb13d ago

“…significant issues like the extensive amount of time needed to unlock Joker as a playable character were ignored.”

Which in turn makes the game easier to ignore. Not a great season.

SoloGamer113d ago

all 150 players lose hope 😂

Redgrave13d ago

Who still held hope after release?

CobraKai13d ago

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Player Loses Hope For Season 2 After Update. *fixed*