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Kena: Bridge of Spirits looks great on PS5, but what about PC?

Digital Foundry : Kena Bridge of Spirits from Ember Labs finally released this week, initially capturing our attention at the PlayStation 5 gameplay reveal event last year thanks to a visually fresh, appealing presentation. Based on Unreal Engine 4, Kena shines through the artistic accomplishments of the developer, backed by a solid game design and mostly solid performance. However, underlying issues with UE4 do peek through - and they're especially evident on the PC version of the game.

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RaidenBlack981d ago
Hellcat2020981d ago

He nit picked the shit out of this game
Almost feel like this dude played a completely different game than I did

Freediver981d ago

His job at eurogamer seems to be to destroy anything that Sony does.

The fact that he said he isn't doing PC vs console reviews of Microsoft games yet continues to do them for Sony games says a lot about his motivations.

porkChop981d ago

What does this game have to do with Sony? They didn't publish it. It's 3rd party.

981d ago
porkChop981d ago

First of all, that has nothing to do with the game not being published by Sony. A technical analysis on a 3rd party indie game doesn't harm Sony in any way. But sure, let's change topics.

"I mean 59 fps, clearly the game is almost unplayable..."

He never said it was unplayable. He said it's been a common issue in UE4 games, and that some devs have found ways around it. He even highlighted Sony Bend as one of the devs that solved it. Yet he's destroying Sony... right.

The whole point of a technical analysis is to highlight any issues, big or small. He's nitpicking because the issues are so small, which is a good thing. That means the game doesn't suffer from any big, noticeable issues.

Honestly it's sad. Every time they talk about a Sony game they get bashed for being Microsoft shills. But then when they say a game performs better on PlayStation they get bashed for being PlayStation fanboys. And god forbid they say something positive about a PC version because then they get bashed for being unfair and elitist.

Like seriously, get over yourselves. A millisecond of stutter once every half hour or whatever in some indie game isn't going to damage Sony, a multi billion dollar company. The delusion on this site is getting more and more pathetic by the day.

981d ago
porkChop981d ago

He didn't cherry pick anything. It's a technical analysis. The whole point is to see how the game performs and report any issues regardless of size.

And no, he didn't make a big deal about them. He said they were there, and that they can be patched. Do you have any idea how many small things get fixed in games because sites like Digital Foundry point them out to the devs? This is their job. If you don't understand the point of an analysis that's your problem, not Alex's.

andyo13980d ago

Lol what are you on about? Console wars are for children. He's just giving an in detail analysis for people who are interested.

septemberindecember980d ago


Alex and the whole Digital Foundry team regularly talk about Switch's poor frame pacing issues with ports. They've said it's a "known issue" and several devs have explained even why it still happens. Yet they still mention it. In crysis they mentioned it going from 30 to 31 fps inconsistently. Does this mean they are against Nintendo? No...they are telling me, the consumer, what I want to know.

People complain about sites not covering technical things in games enoght. But Digital foundry does cover things, big or small, and let's the consumer decide what's important to them. If it isn't important to you good! But it isn't "anti Sony".

Also, Alex is well known in the PC fanspace and he talked about the several issues PC has, like how it turns off a form of ambient occlusion when you turn volumetric fog to medium. It was a small thing yet he still mentioned it.

ecchiless980d ago

this, he is a fking xbot shill, loved when Michael roasted.

bouzebbal980d ago (Edited 980d ago )

I never watched a tech video that’s not what interests me to begin with.. saving myself a few clicks.. too many forgot that gaming isn’t about technical achievements but the depth of the game itself..

AKS979d ago

@Freediver Alex is mostly a PC gamer, not an Xbox fan. He gave a fairly positive assessment of Returnal, and this was during the span of time where many were just regurgitating the 1080p crap. He was impressed with the game and was eager to play it again even with a controller on console, not his preference typically. The title of the DF video was "Returnal: Housemarque Pushes PlayStation 5 HARD - With Spectacular Results."

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981d ago Replies(5)
LordoftheCritics981d ago (Edited 981d ago )

The game did have a hitch feeling to it on the trailers. I called it out and someone said it has a high frame rate option. That is not the same. Can have high frame rate+hitch feeling.

I think DF does a good deep review on graphics. I don't see an agenda.

Looks incredible though.

Orbilator981d ago

Well I just wonder what spec the £360 pc is he using it to compare to this ps5 game with a pc. I know your gonna moan at me but there's no reason to compare this with pc and it should always be separate. I'm sure if the ps5 cost 1200 pounds then this would embarrass most pc versions, but it isn't , it's a £360 console and should never be used as a compare, just this loser at df slatting Sony as usual.. they don't even hide it any more

981d ago
Zhipp980d ago

I much prefer getting all the info in one video vs having to watch several different ones to see how the settings on PC compare.

980d ago
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masterfox981d ago

I think he contradict himself at the beginning of the video, he start mentioning not too much tech to be seen here, and then he goes into talking of lots of new details for this game that sets is apart from other Unreal Engine games, so yeah not too much tech to be seen here right?, just Pixar quality realtime gameplay that's all 😄

porkChop981d ago

He said there isn't a lot of *new* tech. And he said what sets the game apart is how it executes the existing tech.

XxINFERNUSxX981d ago (Edited 981d ago )

UE4 always had some issues with stutter and it has shit AA, TAA is terrible but on PC you can disable that in the engine.ini settings, and use reshades SMAA. Looks the best on PC as always.
I'm playing it now at 1080p 360hz (wish it hit 360fps 😁) everything maxed using dx11 with reshade and getting fps in the 100s with some dips in the 90s cause of the engine, using a 3070 + 5950x overall the game is fun so far😁

GhostofHorizon981d ago

Not to be rude but nobody cares about what your PC is running.

Zhipp980d ago

*console fanboys don't care.

GhostofHorizon980d ago

It's like a weekly occurrence at this point.

Go through his comment history, nearly half the posts are about what hardware he's using or how well his games do or don't run.

Fntastic981d ago (Edited 981d ago )

there's like a 4ms difference between 160hz and your 360hz screen dude, you should've gone 1440p or 4k high hz.

XxINFERNUSxX981d ago

Yes but I do play Paladin's a competitive game and having this high hz monitor is amazing, I did notice a difference going from 240 to 360 its feels much smoother

KeyAppearance981d ago (Edited 981d ago )

The game looks really nice, but the controls are not that good on PC.

Magog981d ago

Might look fine in PC but without the full Dualsense integration it's missing a key element.

XxINFERNUSxX981d ago

Don't need a PS5's dualsense controller on PC to have a good experience, I could care less about it. In fact I turn off even the cheesy rumble option in all my games don't care about it. I just like to play with the controller and that's it. Using a steelseries Stratus duo, before that a 360 pad

-Hermit-981d ago

I have never understood the appeal of it. It drains battery power quicker for a start, and why would anybody want to hold a vibrator in their hand when playing video games?

BioShockGX981d ago

There are barely any dualsense integration in Kena, only when you swing with R2 and it's getting annoying because I can't disable it from in game.

Magog981d ago

We use haptics on all of Kena’s abilities and shield, and at the moment we use the adaptive triggers when using the bow. You have a little bit of resistance on the right trigger that tightens as you full draw. When you do have the string fully drawn the bow has more power and more accuracy and you’ll feel that tension in the trigger as you pull back. There are some fun minigames too; these train you up to use the bow

-Hermit-981d ago

"Might look fine on pc, but the rest of my post is just me being a Playstation fanboy"

Gamer75981d ago

I'm sure that people will cope without dualsense, just like people have for decades of playing videogames

Zhipp980d ago

Wait a while and they'll probably patch it in. Devs are starting to include full dual sense support in their PC versions.

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PlayStation Exclusive 'Kena: Bridge Of Spirits' Rated For Xbox Series X|S

There's been plenty of news about Xbox games moving over to PlayStation recently, but how about one coming the other way? Well, 2021's Kena: Bridge of Spirits has just been ESRB rated for an upcoming Xbox Series X|S release

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shadowT44d ago

Kena was original announced as console exclusive "for a limited time"..

Inverno44d ago

Not to mention it's also been on PC, so not exclusive at all.

Cacabunga44d ago

Finally.. i think they said it would be time exclusive for like 6 months.

Juancho5144d ago (Edited 44d ago )

Console exclusives are exclusive to certain consoles … really not hard to comprehend unless you’re a salty gamer fighting an imaginary console war.

I just got this game on the PS+ Catalogue to redeem some points on the rewards program, it’s not mindblowing, but it’s a very pretty action adventure game. Not thrilled about it but i pick it up randomly sometimes when i take a break from my usual fare.

Inverno44d ago

It may be "exclusive" to a certain console but it's still multiplatform because it's on more than one platform.

Jin_Sakai44d ago

Amazing game. I wish they’d make a sequel.

Eonjay44d ago

Its available on PS Plus for anyone to try.

Sonic188144d ago

It should go the Nintendo switch as well

Profchaos43d ago

I was thinking this would make a good launch title for the switch 2

roadkillers43d ago

Ah, I was hoping Sony would purchase them.

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Elda44d ago (Edited 44d ago )

Kena is owned,developed & published by Ember Labs studios & it was a "limited" PS console exclusive. PS having it as a console exclusive for 3 years is enough time to pass it on to another console platform.

VersusDMC44d ago

It's just hack journalism saying 3rd party exclusives going to other competing platforms is the same as 1st party. Shall we say that Nintendo games are going to other consoles since No More Heroes 3, Octopath and Monster Hunter Rise got ported to other consoles? Dumb.

Crows9044d ago

It's also called fake News journalism or bad journalism, many names for it.

Abnor_Mal44d ago

Okay might be showing my age, but back in the days, way back it was called yellow journalism.

DOMination-44d ago

So defensive lol..

If we're so concerned about third party now, can we apply the same logic to games like FF7 Rebirth, Stellar Blade & Helldivers which I regularly see people on here spouting as First Party or "Sony Games"

VersusDMC44d ago


If you want to say sea of thieves going to PS5 is the same as Kena going Xbox then go crazy.

It's as dumb as saying Horizon going to xbox is the same as Cuphead going to PS5.

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neomahi44d ago

Microsoft began buying timed exclusives and timed DLC starting with GTA IV back on Xbox 360. This didn't used to be a practice until then. I don't ever recall this being a thing

VersusDMC44d ago

Pretty sure the PS2 gen had 3rd party exclusives. Panzer dragoon orta, Jet set , dino crisis 3, steel batallion for xbox. Nintendo had Capcom exclusivity for a bit on RE4, Viewtiful Joe and REmake. Onimusha, Gta, Final Fantasy for Sony.

Probably way more than that.

PS1 gen as well...but most exclusives then were developers chosing cartridge(N64) over CD. You could bring up the Saturn but i believe it just didn't get ports because it had a horrible launch in the states.

Gamer7544d ago

Timed exclusivity was a thing before Xbox existed

Lightning7744d ago

Not even remotely true or maybe you're too young . This practice has been going on since Sega, nintendo and PS1 days.

porkChop44d ago

Not true. Timed exclusivity existed before Xbox even entered the console business. Sony did it, Nintendo did it, and Sega likely did as well.

Profchaos43d ago

I recall this was a practice as early as the NES however Nintendo wrote in their licensing agreement if you want to make games for NES they must be exclusive to the console. Given the closest competitor at the time was the master system they were the only real act in time and the Atari had bombed hard that gen. Nintendo would also threaten to stop supplying games to retailers if they sold unlicensed third party games which and retailers would then be faced with the choice of hey do we sell this tengen garbage or so we want Mario easy choice there was a lot of legal battles in those days.

Also noteable in the more modern era was the Capcom 5 Nintendo got 5 exclusive titles from Capcom.

In the PS1 and N64 era exclusive games were mainly because the system architectures were vastly different it was a huge undertaking to port a game I done recall either company paying for exclusivity and the biggest name games often found their way onto both platforms with bespoke editions like quake 2.

Microsoft definitely threw their wallet around that generation while Sony publicly stated they believed they no longer had to do this and their first party was strong enough to carry them which they went back on pretty quickly after Microsoft walked away with timed exclusive GTA and cod content that really hurt them.

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Lexreborn244d ago

Kena was a really good game, anything that helps it get more exposure is welcomed.

purple10144d ago

what's that one Sony did before Kena that was like Ninetndo's pikimin, I forget, I missed that and it looked fun, might try to grab on sale, it would be my second ONLY ever digital purchase, (as I don't think it was ever physical as its a small game)

Crows9044d ago

Not sure but Sony didn't do kena

purple10144d ago

okay smartie pants, "one sony paid for exclusivity, like they did with Kena"

found it anyway, was called "Bugsnax"

neomahi44d ago

I don't think Pinkman and Kena are really the same thing. At the end of the day though, Ember Labs has a really talented animation team, but as game designers they're lacking. It was a really pretty game but, man was it frustrating! Areas you thought you could go but we're blocked off, poor level design, probably what Hellblade II is gonna end up being

purple10144d ago

Pikimin and bugsnax

Not pikimin & Kena

GamingSinceForever44d ago

That was a good game and surprisingly difficult.

blackblades44d ago

Not really, some parts a little bit. Should've tried hard mode.

nitus1043d ago

IMO the best way to play is to choose the easy mode first up to at least the first and second bosses then choose to restart on a harder dificulty with the hardest difficulty being very challenging.

Actually playing on easy mode allows you to find all the items including the "rot" (use your mask to look for footprints) without being that frustrated. By doing this you can always look at your easy saved game map to find to find all items if you eventually play on a harder difficulty.

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The 7 Most Underrated Games on PS5 You Need to Play

Amongst all the new PlayStation 5 releases, it's easy to miss some gems. Here's Chit Hot's picks for the seven most underrated games on PS5.

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thorstein92d ago

Returnal: such a great game that got some weird misinformation in the press. Like, if you don't know why lie?

jznrpg92d ago (Edited 92d ago )

It’s a 10/10 for me. It doesn’t get enough love for sure. It’s way better than the rest of the games they listed except for Demons Souls.

ravens5292d ago

Returnal was a masterpiece. That's what media outlets do, they misinform. Can't wait to see Housemarques next game. Got Returnal day 1. Gonna play it again now lol.

ravens5292d ago

Kena was a good fun game. Also is Demon Souls really underrated? Stuck on the King🙄. Idk how this remake was received but I would think great. Anyway Demon Souls is a masterpiece as well.

thorstein92d ago

@Raven Yeah. Demon's Souls was great on PS3 and PS5. Wonderful both times. I have no problem with a remaster that comes 2 (or more) generations later.

victorMaje92d ago

To this day one of the best games on PS5. One of the best uses of dualsense too (after Astro).

ModsDoBetter92d ago (Edited 92d ago )

Returnal: Yes.
Destruction AllStars: Hell no.

List lost all credibility right there.
Massive flop.

Skuletor92d ago

Why is every game on this Top 7 list number 1?

Dirty_Lemons92d ago

Returnal is still my favourite PS5 game. A really interesting concept and a fun as hell roguelike.

Storm2392d ago

Same. Best PS5 experience for me so far. Love that game.

MrBaskerville92d ago

Was Returnal underrated though? Did so well that Sony bought Housemarque.

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From commercial animation to indie game debut success: The story of Ember Lab

Gamesindustry writes: "Ember Lab has been around since 2009, starting out as a company specialising in commercial animation and digital content. But a decade later it would make its mark in video games with the release of Kena: Bridge of Spirits.

So how did its co-founders, COO Josh Grier and chief creative Michael Grier, go from wanting to become filmmakers to making a game that would catch the attention of Sony just as it was preparing to unveil PlayStation 5?

Speaking to the two softly spoken brothers at Develop, the difference between media matters less than being able to tell a story with original content."

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shadowT305d ago
Andy_Dee305d ago

Loved the game!

Wish there was a sequel or something new coming from them!

Been really quiet for a long time now!

PunksOnN4G305d ago (Edited 305d ago )

there already working on its next Ps5/PC title.. just saying Sony should give them Jak and Dex.... IDK i feel they would do a really good job with it or sly cooper i started streaming sly cooper to my Ps5 and man.... i miss those kinds of games tbh u dont see many like it anymore!

toxic-inferno304d ago

As long as they keep the gameplay simple without sacrificing the challenge, it would be a good match.

Though if they did end up making a Jak and Daxter game, I would hope Naughty Dog would at least act as consultants. Even the thought of a new Jak and Daxter without ND's input makes me anxious.

Sly would be good too. Neither franchise gets the love it deserves these days.

PunksOnN4G304d ago

@Toxic Yeah I miss Sly cooper im glad the PS PLUS streaming is much much better for simple titles like this i still have problems with game like Fear and Heavenly sword i hope Sony fixes this more one day

Storm23303d ago

I loved it too! Just finished it and almost done with the platinum. Fun world to explore. Can't wait to see what they do next

Andy_Dee303d ago

Got the platinum a while back!

Intense and also a challenge but so satisfying when you grab it! Just push through! :D