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Nintendo's Pokémon GO Bubble Has Finally Burst

Nintendo Co. shares have plunged as the company stated late last week that the financial impact from Pokémon GO will be limited. As of this morning, Nintendo’s shares sank 17 percent, wiping out $6.3 billion dollars in market value. The greatest amount that a company can fall in Japan is 18 percent, as per exchange …

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2868d ago Replies(2)
-Foxtrot2868d ago

Not a bad thing really.

No one wants Nintendo to go Mobile, No one wants Nintendo to keep trying to impress the casual and No one wants Nintendo to go bust

We just want Nintendo to get with the times and make a decent console with a good online structure which will at least support most third party games while including a traditional controller. Not rocket science is it.

I'd rather have a Pokemon Yellow Remake on Consoles where the "third" game of each Gen will be remade into a full on 3D console game. Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, Platinum etc and I'm sure others would aswell.

MyDietEqualsGames2867d ago

"No one wants Nintendo to go Mobile, No one wants Nintendo to keep trying to impress the casual and No one wants Nintendo to go bust

We just want Nintendo to get with the times and make a decent console with a good online structure which will at least support most third party games while including a traditional controller. Not rocket science is it. "

Sums up how I feel about Nintendo, tbphr..

senorfartcushion2867d ago

So you're saying they need a console to sell AND for the third parties to get on board at the same time? Doesn't work that way. People like you as a consumer do not put faith in third party companies, you, who comment with actually showing any interest in buying anything Nintendo related.

I don't want Nintendo to become what is wrong with the AAA industry: a company pretending to respect the values of the 1990s-2000s consumer all while shoving as much dlc, shovelware and empty, online-only "experiences" in our face without creating an alternative.

-Foxtrot2867d ago

"So you're saying they need a console to sell AND for the third parties to get on board at the same time? Doesn't work that way. "

PS4 and Xbox One say Hi

PS3 and Xbox 360 said Hi

And so on

Lol...saying I don't buy anything Nintendo related like you know me

Don't do's highly arrogant

I've bought Nintendo hardware a lot and Nintendo related things but there is only so much a fan can take. Tough love.

XisThatKid2867d ago

Thanks Fox true Words spoken

senorfartcushion2867d ago


How is your Wii U doing?

_-EDMIX-_2867d ago

"People like you as a consumer do not put faith in third party companies,"

So let's just ignore that the majority of software sales are by third party?

2867d ago
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Xb1ps42867d ago (Edited 2867d ago )

I get what you are saying but at the same time Pokemon yellow or any other version has been as successful as Pokemon go, if you ran the show at Nintendo what would you be thinking?

Imo Nintendo needs to find its own path and I would love Nintendo to be a unique experience with success as uposed to another ms or Sony console, granted I really want them to move in the direction of a powerful console while being unique...

sk8ofmnd2867d ago

They already said they will be selling the console at a profit. Meaning it will prob be a slightly more powerful console than the xb1 but sold for 400 with something gimicky like nvr or something not needed. Whats needed is power, online infrastructure, and third parties! How about we do those things first and anything noones asking for 2nd....

_-EDMIX-_2867d ago

Who is "we"? The large majority were playing Pokemon go were clearly not purchasing their Hardware I believe the vast majority would probably pick this company to go software only.

Evidence by the Pokemon Go numbers. Some one wants Nintendos games, without the Nintendo hardware.

2867d ago
FreeSpeech692867d ago

This is a giant sigh of relief as a life long Nintendo fan, Hopefully Nintendo will see the light like (hopefully) Sega is seeing and NX will focus on Real, Traditional, Core Gaming that actually is popular and makes lots of money.

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Servbot412867d ago (Edited 2867d ago )

It doesn't help that one major feature of the game still doesn't function after a week, plenty of bugs freezing/crashing the app on a regular basis, the servers go down every time they add another country and the gyms are filled with rampant gps-spoofing cheaters.

cyber_daemonx2867d ago

They'll be ok. Just release Mario Go or some other ip.

MasterCornholio2867d ago (Edited 2867d ago )

Mario Go?

So basically an APP where the players have to travel through the sewage system and stomp on virtual Goombas.

Yeah I hope that's never a thing.



That would give a whole new meaning to Luigi's death stare.

uth112867d ago

Mario Kart Go: Place your phone on your dashboard, and as you drive, watch as your phone will replace all the other drivers with Luigi and other Kart racers.

Ensuing horror stories in the press guarantees another hit!

2867d ago
cyber_daemonx2867d ago

It could be parcour based lol.

Maybe they could do Super Smash Go. Similar to PG and you could battle other people as well.

Pego2867d ago

According to my calculations, a Mario Go app could triple Nintendo shares, especially if they add features like Goomba vision and Papa Mario, a feature that lets you order Papa John's pizzas all over the US.

Utalkin2me2867d ago

How about a feature to order some good pizza....

Summons752867d ago

Pokemon Go's super hype has gone down, that doesn't mean it's dead There is a huge dedicated community now and yesterday we got info on a ton of updates coming so the game isn't going away.

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uth112867d ago

finally? it's only been like 3 weeks? Shortest fad ever

NotEvenMyFinalForm2867d ago

You don't get it dude. The Pokemon Go application is still being downloaded and generating butt-loads of money, it's just that not much of that money goes to Nintendo so their stocks fell down but the fad itself still just as strong.

Utalkin2me2867d ago (Edited 2867d ago )

Seems you dont get it dude. Its even states in the article the peak users was July the 14th and have been on the decrease ever since.The fad is not near as strong, hence the reason for the stocks falling. I cant speak for everyone but alot of people i knew that was checking it out are not playing it anymore. I mean, it's about as shallow as a wet paper towel. Obviously it wasn't going to last long.

Sunny_D2867d ago

I love it when uninformed people talk like they know something. No, the game is still the most downloaded app in history and they haven't even released it in other countries yet. Just yesterday, they had to upgrade to a bigger room at comic con to accommodate the large amounts of people.

The reason why stocks fell is because Nintendo doesn't outright publish or develop the game. Most of the money is NOT going to Nintendo. Shareholders invested in Nintendo by association with Pokemon without doing research.

Your little annecdote of a few people who stopped playing is just that: anecdotal. That's literally kindergarten thinking. The world doesn't revolve around you.

MonsterChef2867d ago (Edited 2867d ago )

@Utalkin2me it seems you don't get it, Nintendo's stock went down because investors assumed that they owned the Pokemon brand entirely, failing to notice that Nintendo only owns 32% of the brand, and that they don't generate much revenue from the mobile app. Just because you don't see your friends playing it doesn't count as a stat fact, I don't play the damn game but I can't go a day without seeing a herd of cars and people pass by a huge lake I live around hunting Pokemon. Next time try to read the entire article and comprehend what's going on.

Dark_Knightmare22867d ago

Yes but the article did state peak users was on July 14th and since then it's done nothing but decline so it looks to be that it was a fad and is dying down

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Big_Game_Hunters2867d ago

More people still playing the game than any other game this year.

Look at the actual graphs, its a very slow decline that will stabilize soon, Of course there were a few people that tried the game and didn't like it, thus the decline.

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Pokemon Go Refunds: Niantic Settlement Offers No Direct Payouts

A recent lawsuit against Pokemon Go maker Niantic claims the company made it difficult for minors to get refunds for in-app purchases. This could be relevant if your child under 18 spent real money on the game between July 2016 and the present.

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Pokémon GO players rally against Niantic after poor customer service

After the release of the horrid avatar update, Pokémon GO fans are trying to get items refunded. This has led to some getting threats of being banned.

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Pokémon GO avatar update has fans demanding it be taken back

The avatar update for Pokémon GO has officially been rolled out and fans are not happy about it. Some are demanding refunds for previously purchased clothing.

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