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Pokemon GO is Proof Nintendo Should Put Their Games on PS4 & Xbox One

"I love Nintendo, and I want to see them succeed. Pokemon GO is a huge success in the mobile market, I think they could learn a thing or to from how well it's doing, and shift that mindset to their home-console market" -- PlayStation Enthusiast

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brettnll2884d ago
BrandanT2884d ago

Not to burst anyone's bubble, but the markets on mobile and consoles are completely different.

On a side note, Pokemon go seems like a successor to Pokemon snap.

brettnll2884d ago

True, I just think this mobile scenario could be an example of how their console games would perform on the platform casual gamers own (PS4).

Kiwi662884d ago (Edited 2884d ago )

There are also casual gamers on xbox , its not some ps exclusive thing , you may have mean't more of the market but thats not how your comment comes across as it looks like your saying that casual gamers are only on ps4

brettnll2884d ago

Kiwi66, obviously. PS4 just has more of the market is what I meant by "(PS4)".

Ck1x2884d ago

Sony can barely sell their games on Playstation and what you guys think Zelda would do GTAV numbers . Why? How? Who's going to come out of the woodwork to buy these 30 million copies that you guys seem to think they will sell on Playstation?

jcnba282884d ago

PS4 is this gen's casual console I agree but Nintendo games on other consoles would diminish the quality of their games. Nintendo design games with their hardware in mind.

UltimateMaster2883d ago

They could make a full fledge Pokemon Game on the Wii U and other consoles. At least NX and Wii U.
Obviously, the simplistic gameplay of Pokemon Go should shy away the true fanatics of the franchise.
I do like the concept of Pokemon Go, but the lack of battle to catch them or stupid button smashing battles are just the mobile pitfall.
Here's a mobile game, take a beloved franchise with characters people like, make them power up using ridiculous amount of micro-transaction and grinding, put in a boring repetitive gameplay mechanic of attack/block/dodge and there. You finally have your pocket money scam game.
If the battles of Pokemon Go were even slightly similar or had any kind of strategy, I think it would've had potential. Regardless, people are going to waste huge amounts of money in that life dispenser game.

Utalkin2me2883d ago


"Sony can barely sell their games on Playstation "

ROFLMAO......You're totally right, i mean the publishers said they wasn't going to put any more games on the PS4 being it doesn't sell....SMH. Sony even stated they will not sell anymore PS4's due to the lack of people buying software.....SMH. I honestly think people say stuff without thinking of what they are saying.

herbs2879d ago

Nope PS4 and X1 are both way too generic for Nintendo games to really shine also this would dilute there brand and be a complete detriment to the gaming industry as a whole.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2879d ago
fr0sty2884d ago

Yes, they are different, but don't pretend like Nintendo games would not do well on other consoles.

2884d ago
wonderfulmonkeyman2884d ago (Edited 2884d ago )

They wouldn't, though.
#1 Sony and Micro gamers would never value a game like Mario 3D World over the new Ratchet&Clank. (and that's coming from a loyal R&C fan)
#2 Nintendo's games would be constantly outnumbered by third party releases, meaning they would never have the chance to shine on a system where other third parties, and games like Horizon and Death Stranding, are the priority amongst core gamers, which are a part of a demographic that those consoles built around games that focus on realism and "mature" content.

Let's not pretend that core gamers who only own one Sony or Microsoft console suddenly hold some overwhelming love for the kinds of games Nintendo makes.
They'd own a Wii U for stuff like Pikmin 3 or Mario Kart, if Nintendo was their priority.
The Wii U's sales show that even great games like DK Tropical Freeze (which harken back to the glory days of games on the SNES) aren't enough to interest dedicated PS4 or XB1 owners, when there's a new realistic looking cinematic game like GoW 4 just around the corner.

@black and bruce
Congratulations on being in the minority, then, but neither of you disprove my point.
You in particular, Bruce, only strengthen it, since those that are actually putting any real priority on Nintendo's games, buy the system that hosts them, just like they did when Sony came out with something like The Last of Us.

The fact is, the majority are prioritizing other third parties with none-Nintendo-like games.
I sincerely doubt that would change if Nintendo sold out to the competition, because if they aren't good enough to get your money now, they'd never be more attractive to you than the third parties you reserve your focus and wallets for now.

BlackTar1872884d ago

I think ps and xbox would love to play Nintendo games in droves. The issue most have is buying a Nintendo console for exclusives only with very little 3rd party is a tough sell. The wiiu was the first and only console I didn't own in the last 20 years and that was due to simply not wanting to buy a 3rd system again for only a couple Nintendo games. I'd buy every Nintendo game on the other consoles if that day ever comes.

2884d ago
rainslacker2883d ago (Edited 2883d ago )


I dont think that's true at all. While Mario has it's own design, there are quite a few games on PS which are comparable. I mean, R&C just recently saw some pretty impressive numbers, and those who liked that would probably be just as interested in any Nintendo game.

Many gamers have been on Nintendo systems, and I see many of them praise all sorts of Nintendo franchises like Metroid or Zelda. They often lament the over saturation of Mario, but beyond that, I've never really seen that many say they dislike Nintendo games outside some trolls who want to be trolls.

For the most part, the reason most PS gamers don't play Nintendo games now is because they don't feel like it's worth investing in a Nintendo system to play those games for whatever reason. But if you take a few of the PS games, and consider those the only reason to buy the system, the same argument could be made for PS hardware as well.

PS gamers do like variety, and any number of titles can sell from a broad range of genres and styles many with their own unique attributes. Nintendo would fit in well with that bringing it's own uniqueness to the bunch.

That being said, it's not a lack of interest for the games by PS gamers that would keep them away from other systems, it's the fact that they have their own system to push, and Nintendo would probably never even consider giving a competitor the advantage like that. As far as their mobile releases, they see it as a different market, even to their own 3DS, which is a mobile platform, and they want to get money from that market which doesn't threaten console ownership, or at least the people that did convert have already done so.

What you're saying is like saying PS/Xbox gamers wouldn't really care for Sonic games, because it's from Sega, and they are different than what we typically buy. Yet Sonic tends to do quite well....or at least did until they started to suck. The reason we don't typically buy Nintendo type games on PS or Xbox is because there really arent that many out there like that, and the ones that are, aren't very good, or aimed at a much more casual audience.

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Mystogan2884d ago

If anything this means well see more pokemon games on mobile. I don't know how the hell he got to this conclusion.

KentBenMei2884d ago

If Nintendo put their games on consoles they'd rake in a retarded amount of money. A cross-console Pokemon MMO, playable between PS4, XBO, NX, and PC? Yeah, money, money, money.

wonderfulmonkeyman2884d ago (Edited 2884d ago )

I call BS.
You'd never prioritize Pokemon over stuff like GoW, R&C, Horizon, Death Stranding, CoD, etc etc etc, so there's not enough wallet priority from people like you, for Nintendo to make enough money to counter the drop in hardware sales, however small it is, that would result.
It would be especially stupid because it would cause the illusion that they have no faith in the NX and are spreading games out to cover for expectations of lower hardware sales, which would harm its launch sales in a way that sales from the other two consoles could NEVER cover for.

@ Black
I've already explained that they wouldn't, because there's no significantly large Nintendo-friendly install base for Nintendo games to sell to on those competing consoles.
I'm not speaking for others; I'm observing and reiterating the negativity I see, DAILY, from none-Nintendo gamers on this site and many others.

If you don't believe me, then try going onto a Sony or Microsoft-dedicated site, and suggesting that Zelda: BotW would have outsold Witcher 3, or really any other big popular third party game, if it had released for all systems, at around the same time as one of them.

Don't be too depressed when you see just how many people will either laugh you out of the chat room or nuke your post with downvotes. I've ran this experiment multiple times with many other Nintendo games on many sites, and only once did it end in my favor: when I suggested that Smash would outsell PSASBR.
That was before a mod erased the post, however.

Nintendo games and None-Nintendo gamers don't mix.
That's just how it is.

BlackTar1872884d ago

Wonderful pls stop you don't speak for most of the people on this site. Mario kart.Mario's, metroid, Zelda, splatoon would do well on all consoles.

miyamoto2884d ago

Nintendo is just running after their target market.

wonderfulmonkeyman2884d ago (Edited 2884d ago )

"Sorry but trends show that, aside from Virtual Boy and Wii which were exceptions, Nintendo's consoles are selling less and less"
Way to downplay the Wii and virtually ignore software sales/attach rates of many of Nintendo's games on their systems despite sales of the units themselves.
This isn't a trend that will only get worse, and btw, Sony has been in the exact same situation since the PS2 yet I don't see you mentioning that.

Also proprietary consoles are a stupid idea, because they would eliminate the money they all get from console sales, not to mention exclusive games which, in their own right, become console sellers and push competition between game makers.
Consoles aren't the same as something like a mere DVD player and we shouldn't pretend they are, because having different consoles that do many different things is a wonderful way to offer options and variety to the consumer.
Sony and Microsoft know just as well as Nintendo does that going third party and putting their first-party games on competing consoles would be a mistake, anyways, so why do you keep falsely insisting on it being a good idea?
Especially around this site, where hate for how "rehashed" and "kiddy" Nintendo's games are has been the common rhetoric of None-Nintendo gamers for ages, and just lends towards proving what I said about the priorities of gamers that refuse to buy Nintendo consoles?

Tell ya what: you want to convince me?
Show me that most Sony or Microsoft gamers would feel okay, and consider it fair, if either company turned third party, and started allowing THEIR first party stuff on all competing platforms, and that those same gamers would accept the logic of Sony and Micro making more money by dropping all notions of different exclusive hardware and games.

I'll bet that'll go over JUST SWELL with them.XD

And before you or anyone else tries to scream "minecraft", don't.
1. Micro didn't make it.
2. It was already planned to come to Wii U eventually before the buyout, or it wouldn't have happened.

2883d ago
benji1012883d ago

Nintendo sell portable consoles that outsell everything on the market.

rainslacker2883d ago (Edited 2883d ago )


"People like you"

And who are we?

Who cares if we prioritize it on here? You know that the vast majority of console gamers do not come on here, and that most of them don't care what we prioritize?

I don't think nintendo should release on other consoles because they have their own console to support, but you really need to back off on this idea that PS and Xbox gamers are so hateful towards Nintendo IP's. There are some that act all trollish about it, but more often than not, that's when people like you come in and act all superior for being a Nintendo fan, as if their games are the best thing ever. You act like gamers can only like certain games, yet you look at the list of games that PS owners are praising, and it's quite varied and diverse.

So who are we? We're gamers, and we prioritize the games that interest us. If Nintendo brought us something to be interested in, they'd have just as much consideration as any other game we prioritize. They don't, so we neglect them because more often than not, we don't have the means to play their games. It really has nothing to do with the quality of their games, or their appeal, rather the fact we don't have means to play them.

So please get off your trolling high horse. The fact people are in here saying they would be interested in them on other consoles is proof enough that people are interested in the games.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2883d ago
BullyMangler2884d ago

Sales figures gots people perception of gaming all screwed up.

Yetter2883d ago (Edited 2883d ago )

sure they are but Nintendo games are gonna sell very well on every platform they are offered. I know I would buy them

rainslacker2883d ago

It would really seem to me that the long term success of the game would be more important than the instant success that it's seen.

I'm sure the game will do great, don't get me wrong, those pokemon players can be quite faithful, but people are easily distracted on mobile, and Pokemon Go's time in the spotlight is only a new Candy Crush release away from moving into irrelevance.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2879d ago

i wouldn't mind an open world pokemon game on ps4 xbone and NX to come out where your free to go far and wide looking for pokemon catching them going to gyms and collecting badges through the game.
and i want from software to make it and make it somewhat hard like dark souls bborne and demon souls :P

Sirk7x2884d ago

So you want From Software to make a Pokemon MMO on PS4 and Xbox? Let me know when you find that universe lol

Becuzisaid2884d ago

I had to delete Pokemon Go. It killed my battery and caused my phone to overheat twice just running in the background.

brettnll2884d ago

Bummer! It's not a very good game. But dumb fun nonetheless haha

wonderfulmonkeyman2884d ago

They're apparently aware of that issue and are working on a patch to resolve it.
Keep an eye out on related news sites for when that happens.

KentBenMei2884d ago

"I call BS.
You'd never prioritize Pokemon over stuff like GoW, R&C, Horizon, Death Stranding, CoD, etc etc etc, so there's not enough wallet priority from people like you, for Nintendo to make enough money to counter the drop in hardware sales, however small it is, that would result.
It would be especially stupid because it would cause the illusion that they have no faith in the NX and are spreading games out to cover for expectations of lower hardware sales, which would harm its launch sales in a way that sales from the other two consoles could NEVER cover for."

You sure pretend like you know me, are you a stalker? Because you're bad at it, you don't know shit about me.

I don't even know what Horizon or Death Standing is, and I ASSUME R&C is Ratchet & Clank, which I fin to be mediocre. God of War is a good series but I am not sure about the new one, and I hardly even play CoD, maybe I try the new one for a minute once in a while when my friend already has it on but that's it. So no, I wouldn't prioritize all of those things over Pokemon. Maybe God of War if it didn't look like it was such a huge departure from the series' norms.

And don't give me that drop in sales nonsense, Wii U is selling at Dreamcast/Vita levels and with full support, unlike both of those systems. Sorry but trends show that, aside from Virtual Boy and Wii which were exceptions, Nintendo's consoles are selling less and less. NES > SNES > N64 > NGC > Wii U. NX will most likely continue this trend which has been going on longer than a lot of gamers have been ALIVE. If Nintendo goes 3rd party then at least they'll make a ton of money.

NX would do fine even if Nintendo did spread their games to PS4/XBO/PC. Definitely can't do worse than they have been, tell you that. And it would be a step toward where we should already be; a DVD-like state where there are no proprietary consoles, any console can play any game like a DVD. That would be ideal.

KentBenMei2882d ago

"Way to downplay the Wii and virtually ignore software sales/attach rates of many of Nintendo's games on their systems despite sales of the units themselves.
This isn't a trend that will only get worse, and btw, Sony has been in the exact same situation since the PS2 yet I don't see you mentioning that."

Way to ignore Virtual Boy. I specifically eliminated the outliers which were Wii and Virtual Boy, each on the opposite end of the spectrum of flukes for Nintendo. The average Nintendo system is just a gradual decline, not a huge spike or drop. If you want to include Wii then you must include Virtual Boy, and for statistical purposes neither are relevant.

Same situation since PS2? What do you mean? PS1 and PS2 slaughtered the competition, and PS3 stumbled thanks to its retarded price and lack of DS3 early on, etc, but was the best system of the generation and got back to its feet, selling admirably. PS4 is yet again dominating, and I'd bet PS5 will continue the trend, just like Nintendo will. Sorry that Nintendo's sales are getting shittier most of the time and Sony's are always awesome and only "less awesome thanks to shitty circumstances like price" sometimes. PS3 was a good system, Wii was an overpriced gimmicky piece of shit with the specs and online infrastructure comparable to a Dreamcast, get over it fanboy.

"Consoles aren't the same as something like a mere DVD player and we shouldn't pretend they are, because having different consoles that do many different things is a wonderful way to offer options and variety to the consumer. "

"Mere DVD player." LOL. Anyway, there could still be different consoles doing different things, they just don't need exclusives forcing people to own 3 different systems (four back in the day; Dreamcast, PS2, GameCube, and Xbox!). It's stupid as fuck and extremely anti-consumer. There is no benefit to us this way, and that's all there is to it, especially with these ".5" consoles becoming a thing.

"Tell ya what: you want to convince me?
Show me that most Sony or Microsoft gamers would feel okay, and consider it fair, if either company turned third party, and started allowing THEIR first party stuff on all competing platforms, and that those same gamers would accept the logic of Sony and Micro making more money by dropping all notions of different exclusive hardware and games. "

Who cares what most games say they'd feel okay with? It's for the best. I wouldn't mind if either Sony or M$ went third-party as long as both didn't; the only way I'd be okay with both doing that is if Nintendo did as well, because then we'd just be stuck with a weak Nintendo system that plays gimped Sony and M$ games. I guess we'd sort of be in a shitty version of the ideal "one system" way of things at half full and all. If Nintendo could make a competent system and NOT go crazy with censorship I'd be VERY down with it. I don't pledge allegiance to a company.

V0LT2884d ago (Edited 2884d ago )

That's like saying Uncharted 4 should be on Xbox One.

Gaming_Cousin2884d ago

Your statement makes zero sense

V0LT2884d ago

Just like this article.

RedDevils2883d ago

Lol that about one of the few reasons people even care about Nintendo.

Nivekki2883d ago

'Your statement makes zero sense'

To which RedDevils responds -

'Lol that about one of the few reasons people even care about Nintendo.'

Are you a bit thick RedDevils?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2883d ago
benji1012883d ago

Uncharted 4 has zero brand recognition. Nothing Sony makes is remotely on Nintendo's level. Sony is just a main stream company cashing in old ideas. Nintendo are innovators that have been leading this business for over 30 years.

Zeldafan642884d ago

This is one of the most absurd 'articles' I've ever seen on this site, and that's really saying something. Everyone knows Pokemon is almost as iconic as Mario and the author of this 'article' just wants some of that brand recognition on the other consoles. It's not going to happen.

brettnll2884d ago

Sorry you didn't like my video. Just giving my honest opinion. As we all do.

thejigisup2884d ago

i feel like nintendo holds pokemon back a bit definitely. If there could be a massive open world pokemon game on current gen home consoles that had cross save data from pokemon go this would be game of the century material here. Just a personal thing that i've been waiting for a proper console pokemon game that replicated how i felt as a child watching the show.

Zeldafan642884d ago (Edited 2884d ago )

Thank you for being mature in your response.

GordonKnight2884d ago (Edited 2884d ago )

My opinion is that Nintendo is using the mobile market to attract new consumers. If Pokemon Go is compatible with a NX launch pokemon game. All these casual mobile gamers will be tempted to buy the NX.

LackTrue4K2884d ago

My "honest opinion" Nintendo should just stop making weak systems and always be behind on specs, and just jump on being simple third party only support.

Ol_G2884d ago

You proved that even a opinion can be wrong

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