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First DmC Devil May Cry Review Score Revealed

Swedish magazine LEVEL has reviewed DmC Devil May Cry.

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Smurf14172d ago
Information Minister4172d ago

Early reviews are always to be frowned upon. That's expected.

EVILDEAD3604172d ago

Hope the rest of reviews are just as good..


ZombieNinjaPanda4172d ago

Rather see this series die then be consumed by corporate greed. Hopefully terrible reviews follow.

360ICE4172d ago

Well, they won't. Other than conservative DmC fans and people immediately got thrown away by Dante, reviewers are really gonna like this game. Probably land between 75 and 85 on Metacritic.

NukaCola4172d ago

I played the demo. It was ok. I'm not a die hard DMC fan so I couldn't really compare, but the demo is worse than Enslaved and Heavenly Sword so, I think Ninja Theory is sort of doing something wrong. They have games with really funny dialog and believable character interactions. This not so much. May rent it, but from first impressions, I wasn't sold.

NiceGuy3604172d ago

What is wrong with the people of this site? How can someone hoping the game gets great reviews get so many disagrees?
Why do people want the game to not be great?

rjdofu4172d ago

NiceGuy360: maybe that happened because the devs act like a bunch of immature @ssholes, constantly making fun of the initial fanbase while ignoring all the legit complains about the game.

Old McGroin4172d ago

Anyone stop to think that maybe the game is actually just good? Why so much hate for this game?

AsimLeonheart4172d ago

It is just as expected. This game will get top scores because everybody is loving the dumbed down gameplay and the western look. Everybody feels like instant pros by pulling infinite combos on training dummies called enemies that just stand there and getting SSS for doing nothing. It just makes everybody feel good about their supposedly "MAD SKILLZZ". I havent read even a single negative article about this game by any gaming publication. The real thing will be sales so let us see how this game does without the support of original DMC fans.

Information Minister4172d ago

Well, if some of you guys love this game so much, then you can buy 20 copies each and show your gratitude to the developer by offering them the illusion of success. Because I figure that's the only way they will get to taste success, after repeatedly insulting the existing fanbase.

No one in is right mind can say Donte may Cry plays exactly like classic DMC and if you do, then you are a liar or you've never played a DMC game before... Probably both!

If I wanted 20-30fps hack and slash action, I would wait for Castlevania LoS2. In fact, that's exactly what I will be doing! In the meantime there's God of War and Metal Gear Rising, which came out of left field and is very fun to play.

Ares84PS34172d ago

I'm not getting Tameem May Cry. Never liked this game and after giving it a chance by trying the demo I know for a fact that this is as generic of a game as it can get. They just tried too hard to be cool but it failed miserably.

wishingW3L4172d ago

the game will sell well because the hate has given it tons of free advertising and that combined with the high scores is gonna get from the biased media then it's a sealed deal. So say goodbye to the old DMC. ;__;

aCasualGamer4172d ago

I've tried the demo myself. This reviewer saying that the gameplay is better than previous games doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.

I'm sorry, but i don't trust gaming press. Lost trust in them years ago and it seems i made the right choice back then.

If you're really that blind and naive, then by all means you should also praise this review.

I for one am not.

ziggurcat4172d ago

@ Information Minister

and whiny, entitled gamers crying are also expected.

thezeldadoth4172d ago

its sad how these butthurt fanboys can't just accept a new good game and wish for failure because they didn't get what they wanted. you bought your games, they didn't owe you anything beyond what you paid for. Its their right to start fresh. I hope for a great new game.

Information Minister4172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

Yes, because anyone with legitimate criticism for DmC is a whiny, entitled cry baby. What's there not to like about this masterpiece of digital entertainment? Besides, true gamers don't criticize or expose flaws, they just take whatever the developer/publisher is looking to shove down their throats, without question! And they do it with a smile, Amirite?

Do these "butthurt fanboys" truly believe their complaints could actually hold substance? That's just silly!


thezeldadoth4172d ago

i guess you'll still be crying while people are enjoying video games

ZombieNinjaPanda4171d ago

Again, refer to my comment below. What a disgusting generation of gamers this has become. Fans that truly love and cherish a series don't want to see it turned into something bad? Oh they're just whiney entitled gamers.

thezeldadoth4171d ago

^ You miss the point. Its one thing to love and cherish a series, its another thing to impede on the artists creation. Try it before crying. I bet you're the same person that bashes COD for being the same every year. According to your logic, it should be the same every year, give the fans what they love and cherish as opposed to trying new things. Wanting a series to stay the same is cool, starting petitions, boycotts, and bitching before trying the game is ridiculous.

PopRocks3594171d ago (Edited 4171d ago )

^Let's get something straight here. This has nothing to do with "artists." This has to do with fans of the series who CARRIED it before it became popular now feeling alienated by the very people who created it in the first place and the new developers who seem to have absolutely no idea what the source material was all about.

Look, if you and anyone else wants to enjoy it, fine. That's your prerogative, but don't start criticizing the fans who loved this series before it was changed into something that is simply nothing like it used to be. Something that those fans DON'T like.

Just because you like the game or don't understand the hatred for it doesn't give you the right to say that anyone criticizing the game is a whiny crybaby who has never tried the demo. I have; it was garbage and I doubt I was the only one who thought so. This game is open to criticism just like any other. Get off your high horse.

ThanatosDMC4171d ago

9/10?! Hardcore game dumbed down for casuals. Reviewers suck at their jobs. The gameplay was horrible.

RememberThe3574171d ago (Edited 4171d ago )

I want the game to suck so we can get the REAL DMC back. I don't want this series to stay 30fps with an emo protagonist.

I've said it the whole time, I think this game is going to be good. It's just not DMC.

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xtremeimport4172d ago

is there a chance that this game might actually be good?

I mean damn, everyone got their panties in a bunch about the change of direction. But doesnt mean the game cant be it before you judge its quality.

Knight_Crawler4172d ago

No chance in hell that this game will be as good or better than the older DMC games.

Emo Dante
Bad acting
Horrible game play
Laughable story
Unforgettable characters
No fan service
Arrogant developer
Greedy Capcom

This game is a mess and hope it bombs like Ninja Gaiden.

Mocat4172d ago

"play it before you judge its quality."

I vaguely recall a shitty public demo.

ScubbaSteve4172d ago

Most reviewers, that receive early copies of games, are instructed to hold off publishing the review until the game is released, unless the review is overwhelmingly positive. From time to time you'll hear of a review that deviates from this, but they usually don't get early copies of games from publishers anymore. As a result the initial batch of reviews is a bit skewed and a prudent gamer would wait a week or two in order to make a well informed evaluation.

ChronoJoe4172d ago

ScubbaSteve whilst that's largely true, Magazines are typically an exception to that rule. They get their review copies much earlier and are usually exceptions to review embargos.

Root4172d ago

"I vaguely recall a s***** public demo"

and thats why they've obviously been payed off

Just as expected realy....also

""It has also been mentioned that DmC veterans will feel at home and there’s a high level of skill required to unleash chain combos"

REALLY....because I remember mashing the attack button over and over again on the hardest setting and I still got a SSS rank

The demo was of the finall game and it was broke yet it gets a good no

They've payed them off guys, the gameplay contradicts their review for the game

Kurylo3d4172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )


Id rather take EMO Dante over the bitch boy gay dante in devil may cry 3 with the shirt all open lol. Got nothing against gay people, but that dante was downright disturbing.

Dude bad acting has existed in every dmc game. Do u not remember the corny ass line dante said in dmc1 when he thought trish was dead.. "i wanted to be the one to give your dark soul light" lol.... i got chills cause it was so corny.. i got embarrassed hoping no one would see me playing the game at that moment.. even if it was a good game.

Cant comment on gameplay.. played and beat ever dmc game, but this one dont look bad to me.

Story is laughable to all of em.. i mean most of the villains in the dmc series are cardboard cutout extreme jokes.. like they intended to make it a comedy. With the exception of dmc1 that is .. which at least tried to take itself seriously.

Fan service... well i would like to see more breasts and butts.

Where you see arrognace... i see confidence.

And to say capcom is greedy... its a corporation. Its intent is to make money yes. Why would they put out a game if there was no money to be made.

I think u cant come up with any real arguments. Your just mad that the original story wont be continued because it got so corny that less people were buying it.

360ICE4171d ago

They haven't been payed off. In fact, no reviewer in the video game industry has ever has been payed off. If there is bribery in this industry, and there probably is, it's a lot more subtle than giving someone money. It's about pressuring the reviewer to give a good review, and blacklisting those who don't.

But take it from someone who've played nearly the entire game, and who obviously isn't payed to write this comment: The game is gonna be great.

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showtimefolks4172d ago

played the demo thought it was aight but not something i will pay full $60 for. With early 2013 as packed, i am gonna have to pick and choose(its not about the money with work/family barely have time for games so only want to play what i have to)

i don't think this game will get bad reviews, most DMC fans are still not over the fact this game doesn't have old dante, seriously get over it. Capcom told NT to give the character a new look, they returned with similar looking dante but capcom rejected it.

there is DMC HD collection so enjoy old school DMC and this one will be with a fresh twist. also DMC 4 wasn't a'' that so it was either time for this series to take a long break or a reboot.

ThanatosDMC4171d ago

You dont understand it's not just the characters but the gameplay, the style switching, the difficulty, the ranking, the combo system, the weapon switching, the guns, the targeting system, the retarded enemies, etc. The game has no skill required.

You guys keep mouthing off that we're ass hurt about the characters but we're way past that at this point after the demo and the many gameplay trailers.

DMC4 should have been better than DMC3 especially with the on-the-fly style switching with Dante but sadly... his gameplay was only for less than half of the game and we were stuck with a whiny little boy called Nero. Not to mention the repetitive levels. They were just lazy with DMC4.

GSpartan7774172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

I do not think there was any surprise that this game was going to do well with reviews, especially considering how the media has defended Capcom and Ninja Theory since day 1. OXM gave it a 9/10 as well and I am expecting PSM, IGN and Destructoid to give it a high score of 9/10 as well. Jim Sterling possibly even giving it a 10/10.

Summary from LEVEL magazine was: (Source NeoGAF - )

- Lots of fun variation in the level design. Dante swings between platforms, avoids incoming trains and explores vertical sewers

- The multiple stage transformations throughout the game is well integrated in the story that is being told

- Ninja Theory is taking a more serious approach than Capcom in the story-department

- The controls in DmC isn't as good as in the previous DMC-games - it's much better

- DMC-veterans will feel "home"

- Basically all the changes has been for the better good; combining Devil May Cry's deep, sophisticated action with the modern action-adventure stage-design

LOGICWINS4172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

Sounds great. I'll take the opinion of people who have actually played the full game over people who have only played a demo any day. Jim Sterling will likely give the game a high score whether or not he thinks the game actually deserves it...just to see diehard DMC fanboys wig out on their keyboards lol.

VileAndVicious4172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

Agreed. Cant wait till the 15th.

You know...its so obvious Capcom paid them off

DragonKnight4172d ago

@Vile: You honestly believe, after seeing all the info on this game, playing the demo, all the bugs, the lack of a lock on button, the slow combat (slower for Vergil) the asinine characters, the tacked on sex scene, that THIS game deserves a 9/10. Do you know what a 9/10 game is? It's a game that does almost everything perfect or right. This game, this atrocity, is NOT a 9/10 game. It's at the highest a 6/10 game.

VileAndVicious4172d ago


As I said in an earlier thread:
"The presence of Bugs in a demo close to launch doesn't automatically equate to bugs in the final product."

It bewilders me that no one seems to understand this.

Here its even said that the demo is form an earlier build of the game. That being said, Ive had a "mostly" positive experience with the demo. Yes combat is different and there are things I dont like: theres no lock-on button, you dont seem to be able to fire Ebony&Ivory in different directions and there is no wall run. Those issues aside after a play through or two I was fine with the combat.

So as a whole I haven't shared the "majority" of the gripes you guys have. Im sorry. But as Ive said before I do understand why some might not like the gameplay changes and I havent condemned you for it.

BUT. On the subject of the score I honestly cant say that I agree or dont agree with the score of 9/10 for the game because I myself have not played the final product. On that note scores are subjective anyway, what you might deem a 9/10 (for example Assassin creed 2) I might personally think is a 7 (which I do, but just my two cents). DMC4 got a lot of high marks that I didnt agree with.

I will also say I find it funny that people actually will call ANY upcoming favorable review for DmC a "bought review"(hence my earlier was a joke), but the moment a 4/10 pops up (And trust me there will be many)the comments section will be flooded with many people smiling and parading around that these reviews are the "true" reviews. When no one did this with RE4 or Ninja Gaiden. Where any review for either one of those games that was well bellow a 7 was spot on in pretty much everyone's eyes. Yet those same media outlets that gave those once "spot-on" reviews will now all of a sudden be labeled "paid for" at the sight of a favorable DmC review, mark my words.

Sorry for the wall.

Blacktric4172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

"'ll take the opinion of people who have actually played the full game..."

More like; "I'll take the opinion of someone who's been paid tons of sweet cash over people who actually give two sh*ts about Devil May Cry as a franchise.".

How does it feel like to be this edgy? Trying THIS hard to contradict what majority's been screaming for more than year now....

"just to see diehard DMC fanboys wig out on their keyboards lol."

Being this desperate...

Also, don't forget to send the reviewers, who give a positive score to this abortion, a love letter while you're at it.

unknownhero11234172d ago

yes because a demo should have no bearing on if a person should buy the game or not.

"I know the demo sucks but it's not the final product. Honest!"

why release a demo then? The last time i checked a demo is something that is supposed to represent the game. If the demo is shitty then usually the game is shitty too. Now there are some exceptions but, after playing the DmC demo, DmC isn't one of them. If you can't see that it's a devil may cry game in name only then you are either blind or stupid.

Bimkoblerutso4172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

If NT hadn't said all that crap about the previous DMC games, none of this would be happening. This is just a bunch of butt hurt DMC fans throwing a hissy fit after Tameem opened his (admittedly) stupid mouth.

It really makes absolutely no difference what ANYONE says at this point, reviewers or otherwise. It's become an Internet vendetta.

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Sarcasm4172d ago

I played the demo and it was better than expected. But my expectations were low to begin with. They re-vised Dante a bit to look less like a teenage punk, and when you go into that super frenzy mode (or whatever it's called) he looks more like the original Dante with a red jacket and white hair.

The only thing bugging me is the choppy frame rate. Jesus, it's been 5+ years since they worked on the PS3 and they STILL can't get the frame rate right on any of their games.

SuperLupe4172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

RE6 generally got lackluster scores from big and small sites and it's a Capcom game.

Do you have an explanaton as to why Capcom didn't do a conspiracy for RE6 but only DMC ? Whats your precious insight on that ?


the F outta here. You people still don't realize that nothing you hating a$$ idiots say on this site has any effect whatsoever in the real world geez. If the game is good then the game's good period.

4172d ago
Imalwaysright4172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

Whathever Im a huge RE fan and even though i didnt like the direction capcom was taking RE6 i played the demo with an open mind. To me that demo was crap and i knew that the retail version would be crap even before i had played it. We all know the reviews RE6 got.

I never played any DMC game but when i see DMC fans, that supported the franchise since the beggining, saying that the new DMC is inferior to the previous titles i believe them because they know what they're talking about just like i knew what i was talking about when i was saying to everyone that wanted to hear me that RE6 was going to be crappola.

The 1st few RE6 reviews were also scored highly so i take these initial DMC reviews with a grain of salt.

BTW I just laugh when i see people dismissing altoguether the possibility that these initial reviews could indeed been paid because we all know that there were never reported cases of paid reviews *cough gamespot kane and lynch *cough or unprofessional reviews *cough didnt finish the game before reviewing it *cough and we all know that capcom hasn't underhanded business practices *cough disc locked dlc *cough under their belt.

Imalwaysright4172d ago

Also just want to point out that demos are released for the sole porpuse of giving consumers an idea of what the final product will be. Its idiotic to not expect people to judge the new DMC based on the demo.

Blacktric4172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

"Do you have an explanaton as to why Capcom didn't do a conspiracy for RE6 but only DMC ? Whats your precious insight on that ?"

A huge and very well known brand that's been around since 5th console generation does NOT need massive media hype. RE 4 sold very well. RE 5 also sold more than enough to warrant an even more action focused sequel. Capcom predicted that it'll sell well (target was 6 million copies if I'm not mistaken) due to Resident Evil name and some people, including fans, were hopeful that the game will turn out to be good. But it turned out to be utter crap but still managed to sell a couple million copies.

DmC, however, already had a massive hate from Devil May Cry fanbase since the day it was announced. Did you expect that Capcom wouldn't try to pull some very simple PR moves to give some sheep hype so they'd buy the game?

Also why are you blatantly forgetting the regular damage control these so called publishings and reviewing websites do? IGN did this with God Hand and many other games' reviews. They give something a bad/good early preview/review and then when it turns out to be utter, irredeemable sh*t, they start a damage control campaign and write new stuff accordingly.

"You people still don't realize that nothing you hating a$$ idiots say on this site has any effect whatsoever in the real world geez."

So we should just keep our mouths shut and never voice our concerns or opinions? Keep that attitude and I'm sure you'll also get somewhere great in the "real life" you act like you're so keen of and experienced about.


RyuX194172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )


Because it's Resident Evil; Resident Evil is a huge name and because of that it's expected to sell very well no matter what. I also believe that with Resident Evil 6 Capcom really thought they had it in the bag. They thought that they had made a game that satisfied everyone, but in the end that wasn't the case.

With DmC however, what they did was very risky so it would be believed that Capcom has tried their best to convince journalist to convince the public that the game is great, but I've thought of another reason for their actions. Ninja Theory has been in the good eyes of many journalist for awhile now. Journalist see Ninja Theory has a company with potential who have yet made a successful game. So in order to help them become successful they've helped fuel this controversy by defending NT and making fun of the fans by creating this false accusation that the hate has only been about the white hair (in the first trailer he had a patch of white hair so we know this is not the case) and portraying them as whiny fanboys. Of all the articles that have been out of this game only one had ever looked at the game from a skeptical fans perception, but never has one looked at the full story as to why the hate existed.

I want to make it clear though that I don't think all of the sites have done this or that Ninja Theory went up to these people and paid them with money, but I don't see it being completely impossible to believe that many of these sites who have praised Ninja Theory, calling them great story tellers and the like may have been a little bias in order to help them succeed into something bigger.

Think about it, ever since this game was revealed not once has NT's direction been questioned. It's been praised right from the start. With Resident Evil, journalist don't care if those games are successful; hell if this was a regular DMC game or a reboot handled by the original team they probably still wouldn't care. Ninja Theory's involvement may have influenced journalist into wanting the game to succeed so Ninja Theory can be successful for once.

TL;DR: RE6 would sell regardless what journalist think, journalist don't really give a damn about RE or DMC, but they want Ninja Theory to succeed and become bigger than what they are because they believe they have potential.

Root4172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

"Do you have an explanaton as to why Capcom didn't do a conspiracy for RE6 but only DMC ? Whats your precious insight on that ?"

Urm....maybe it's because it was Resident Evil, Capcom were cocky enough to think it was going to do well based on the brand name and didn't worry that much. If they knew it was going to get bad scores they would of done the same they are doing for DMC.


Oh and your comments have any more logic...two bubbles you have, wonder why.

4172d ago
Root4172d ago


"There's only a few people on this site who actually deserve the bubbles they receive. Let me add, it's not hard to make new accounts and bubble yourself up, like many people do on this site"

Let me guess I bet it's the people who share the same views as you.

You can't make multiple accounts, the mods would know straight away because you would show having the same IP as your last account and you would get banned then blocked. Plus bubbling yourself up would look too obvious, mods would check it out and again you would be banned.

"I would say me having two bubble, means absolutely nothing. Of course you didn't dispute my original post, so you resorted to the next best having two bubbles, awesome. "

It does mean means you've posted crappy comments which are, knowing what your comments are like, immature or aggresive personal attacks when someone dosen't share the same opinion as you. You were having your little immature rants in your last comment so there was nothing to comment on just your hypocritical attitude saying other people don't have logical comments when most of yours arn't.

"Anyway, when these people buy, rent play the full retail game and critique it without any bias b*******, I'd be gladly to listen to them, until then ?"

Oh yeah because your the type of person who thinks you need to pay for the retail game, finish it completely and then judge it. Sorry but you don't need to buy and play the full game to realise if the game is going to be crap. This is how developers get away with making rubbish games because people like you believe you have to buy them....sure just give them your money, like or dislike the game your opinion won't matter because you've already give them your money....jeez it's common sense.

I love how you get upset when crap games you like get hated on for legit reasons. Just accept it and move on, don't get your panties in a twist and have a b**** fit.

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MasterCornholio4172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

Sounds good but i miss the old Dante. :(

Oh well as long as its fun i dont really mind since i love games like DMC, Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden.

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Thirty3Three4172d ago

I'm really happy for the developers. Congrats on taking the huge risk, and still pulling it off! :)

Good job, NT!

4172d ago
prototypeknuckles4172d ago

hey thirty i didnt know you were on n4g, im screamking

Heavenly King4172d ago

I wonder how much Capcom is spending in order to get good reviews? The demo, and everything I have seen sucks so much.

Summons754172d ago

Not to mention all the insults thrown at us gamers pointing out said flaws and problems. Capcom and NT are certainly spending a pretty penny to make sure media are making this look good. Plus early copy and for a good review is a typical bribe devs do.

LOGICWINS4172d ago

Negative review = Reviewers suck at the game

Positive review = Reviewers were paid off

Critics will never win with this generation of gamers.

DigitalAnalog4172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

This is the reviewers fault. Because of all the score inflation regarding AAA and A titles and then ascribing different types of reviewers that would lead toward their "bias/opinion", the general viewer no longer holds them credible.

Reviews no longer hold a place on how a game is reviewed but how many "hits" one can get. Even you should see how obvious it is.

Old McGroin4172d ago

Has anyone ever actually proved that the first reviews for every game are all paid off and bribed? If so, please post a link.

LOGICWINS4172d ago

Reviews will be mixed. Some will like it better than others. Some will like it less than others. Thats typically the way the world works on account of people having different opinions.

Gohadouken4172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

reviews wont be mixed , they'll love it and lap it up , just like Enslaved . We'll just see if it undersells like Enslaved .

If it flops , i have no doubt the same guys will have a field day trying to guilt people for not liking the game ( best underrated game!!!! top 10 games you never played but should have!! Did old DMC fans kill DmC etc ? )

NegativeCreep4274172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

Do you, Heavenly King, have any concrete evidence that Capcom is paying off these "biased" outlets that are giving inaccurate reviews? Or is that just the fanboy attitude that directs your comments (along with many others here on n4g)?

I'm currently sitting on the fence here with DmC. I enjoyed the demo from PSN, but I can't say that I absolutely hated it and would banish it to the hell of Rosanne Barr's toilet bowl.

Acquiescence4172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

but the Official Xbox Magazine has awarded it a 9 too.

Fans may cry. Grab onto something folks - there's a tidal wave of tears a-coming.

ZombieNinjaPanda4172d ago

What a disgusting generation of gamers. Spiting fans of a series who do not want to see what they love destroyed.

DigitalAnalog4172d ago (Edited 4172d ago )

Didn't OXM and other early reviews rate RE6 highly? Look what happened after that.

PopRocks3594171d ago

Metroid Other M received generally positive reviews and still tanked.

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Ranking the Devil May Cry Series

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "Upon finally finishing Devil May Cry 5 recently - after it spent several years on my “I’ll play that soon” list - I considered giving it a fittingly-named Late Look article. However, considering that this was indeed the final piece I was missing in the DMC puzzle, I decided to instead take this opportunity to take a look back at the entirety of this genre-defining series and rank the entries. What also made this a particularly tempting notion was that while most high-profile series have developed fairly evenly over time, with a few bumps on the road, the history of Devil May Cry has, at least in my eyes, been an absolute roller coaster, with everything from total disasters to action game gold."

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Community44d ago
VersusDMC44d ago

First to last for me...3,4,5,1,2.

VersusDMC44d ago

Me leaving it out should be telling of my thoughts on it. Better than 2 as a DMC game.

Still a good game though.

Exvalos43d ago

What a weird name, it's essentially devil may cry, devil may cry lol

Cacabunga43d ago

Best to good for me: 3, reboot, 1, 5

2 and 4 are trash, didnt like any of them.
5 has very good gameplay variety but i hated the foes.. it is just insects the whole time. Reboot has the best foes for me

Friendlygamer44d ago

3,1,4,5 to me, never played 2. 5 gameplay is amazing but level design was really disappointing to me, just a bunch of plain arenas, the story felt like a worse written rehash of the 3rd and the charater models looked weird ( specially the ladies ). Another problem with 5 was that there was not enough content for 3 charaters so I could never really familiarize with any of them

monkey60244d ago (Edited 44d ago )


God DMC2 was an awful game.
And in case this isn't obvious it goes worst to best

Yui_Suzumiya44d ago

1 and DmC. The rest are unimportant.

DarXyde44d ago

Order changes depending on your focus. I tend to focus on gameplay/fun factor, so...

5, 3, 1, 4, 2.

I really didn't like 4 but commend Dante's weapon diversity. The retreading of old ground was pretty unacceptable to me.

But even then... Still more enjoyable than 2 for me

SeTTriP44d ago

This right here is my order as I thought DMC 5 was amazing and obviously 3 comes after 4 was great and 1 for the nastilgic value it holds 2 was so terrible that my local GameStop gave full refunds to people who returned it.

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5 Years Later, Devil May Cry 5 Still Quenches My Hack-And-Slash Thirst Like No Other

Huzaifah from eXputer: "Devil May Cry 5, the latest iteration in the iconic DMC franchise by Capcom, still holds its own as a fantastic hack-and-slash in 2024."

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Devil May Cry 5, Gears Tactics, and The Crew Motorfest Highlight This Week's GeForce NOW Additions

NVIDIA continues to add games to GeForce NOW. This week, Devil May Cry 5, Gears Tactics, and The Crew Motorfest lead the charge.

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