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CRank: 9Score: 212030
1569d ago Show

@darth: Yeah man, been trying to be a middle ground guy myself but with a slight preference. It's never easy. I'll probably be around more, if only to make Chris ' job harder. 😂

@Foxtrot I'm inevitable, inexorable, monstrous. Lol.

1569d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Just took a hiatus based on where the wind was blowing here. I'm sure many of us old guard have felt the same way once in a while. How you been?

1569d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Thank you, thank you. Your reverence sustains me. 😂

1569d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

1. Provided that the tag RUMOR is used. Don't see why any other rule should apply unless everyone is of the opinion that literally no one can think for themselves. It shouldn't be up to a 3rd party to tell you what you can think. If you look stupid by believing unsourced rumours, then we get to laugh at you.

The amount of votes for 3 is sad. Just screams "THINK FOR ME!!"

1569d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Dark Souls autosaves and this problem never happens.

2255d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah that's bull. The audience is growing and the sales are too. More people are buying games, so the idea that these devs are not making a good ROI is complete B.S.

They are the ones with overbloated budgets, they are the ones that push the idea of graphics first, everything else second, they are their own worst enemy.

2332d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@kevnb: Your video at most describes that particular Uncharted game having DD. Where is your proof that ND has had that system implemented in ALL of their games since the first crash game on PS1?

BTW, My playthrough of UC4 (the only UC game I ever played to completion) did not have difficulty changes. I know this for a fact based on the events that occurred for me in some more difficult stages. Nothing was ever easier, I merely changed my approach until I succeeded. In part...

2333d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

@TankCrossing: Your analogy sucks. TLOU is A) Not an EA property, B) Does not have Dynamic Difficulty, and C) Would suffer if DD was implemented. If the only way you can think a game is fun is through unchallenged progression, you need to stop gaming because all you're looking for is emotional validation. DD is encouraging you to open your wallet to MTs, not "fun games" being developed.

EA is not pushing player engagement. DD's relation to player engagemen...

2334d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

SunnyZ: That was Activision, not EA. Easy to confuse the two though since both are trying to 1up each other in scummy behaviour.

2334d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Pantz: You embarrassed yourself. Look at the number difference. Are you suggesting that a difference of 21 games is equivalent to a difference of 155 games? You can't do math bud, you just can't. The more games a system has, the more impact on that system's overall average score. That's a literal, mathematical fact. And the higher the difference, the higher the disparity. Everyone knows this.

@Kribwalker: Not necessarily. It could be a simple decimal differ...

2334d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Konami has at least been quite quiet for awhile now, and they take their B.S. to the pachinko machines.

2334d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is a bad thing. It doesn't encourage you to improve yourself, but it does encourage you to open your wallet.

2334d ago 19 agree2 disagreeView comment

@TankCrossing: Yeah, that's not how it works. Dynamic Difficulty essentially chooses when you succeed and when you fail to maximize engagement. It's in early stages, but it is definitely meant to prioritize monetization. If you play a game with DD and you consistently lose to better players, or players with better gear, then the algorithm will match you with lower skilled players (thereby hindering your ability to improve and creating a false sense of improvement), or players with low...

2334d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

@Pantz: You proved yourself wrong.

Playstation: #OfScoredGames = 456
Xbox: #OfScoredGames = 301

That means that the Xbox has the lower sample size and thus the higher percentage. That's how math works. More PS4 games were scored than Xbox One games and that will always affect the average.

PS4 has 155 more games scored than Xbox One and each score of those 155 games will impact PS4's overall average more negatively than ...

2334d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

You got banned from where? Here?

2338d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What fans?

2338d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Woolly_: Oh ever omniscient one, please elucidate we lowly plebeians what the truest reason the Playstation 4 has the most market share.

2343d ago 17 agree1 disagreeView comment

3 of an enemy that's almost identical to an actual in-game boss is not a "different boss"

Number is irrelevant.

2345d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

"I'm sure you worked there. Gamers should stop being so idiotic."

Well how about we ask the employees then.

2345d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment