
N4G Poll: Opinions & You

Hello again everyone!

So, time for another impromptu poll. But, let me put this up front here, that this one may not end in an immediate change as there are levels to this that are out of our, the moderation team, control. Much of this has to do with the fact that what our regular users want oftentimes might differ from what guest users who get here from search engine results want or expect. But, at least this poll will give us an idea of how people perceive the topic at hand and we can use it when discussing it further with HAVA and the moderation team.

We've seen more and more criticisms of the site being overrun with opinion pieces that detract from actual news. It popped up in our last poll and it pops up almost anytime we inform people about a policy change on the site. While criticisms are easy to see, we wanted to ask two questions to see if we can't narrow down the issue people have regarding opinion pieces on N4G.

We highly suggest feedback in the comments section, but please do your best to name make it about your fellow users and instead stick to the topic at hand. Let's respect each other's opinions even though we may disagree or perceive a bias in it.

Question A: What type of opinion pieces do you think are making it hard to get news on N4G or detract from actual news?

Select all that apply:

1. Top # Lists
2. Opinions on rumors
3. Opinions on hot news items
4. Opinions on old games or game concepts

Question B: What is your biggest problem with opinion pieces on N4G?

Select all that apply

1. Too many opinion pieces about the same subject
2. Clickbait or misleading titles and information in opinion pieces
3. People discuss the opinion pieces more than the actual news
4. They fuel console war discussions


Please feel free to expand on your thoughts in the comments. But, our usual guidelines on comments apply here, so let's try our best to keep it civil, please.

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Christopher1543d ago
anaissad151543d ago (Edited 1543d ago )

A, None of that is important.

B all the the above + moderation that allows articles to say one thing then flagging/banning someone as trolling for saying the same things that were in the articles. As well as moderation that allows opinion articles they agree with while blocking opinion articles they disagree with.

Christopher1543d ago

I get your point on B. It's a weird system where we have our own guidelines but link to articles that, on their site, might say things we don't normally allow. Sometimes we don't allow submissions as it is because it's just trollish or fanboyish material, but sometimes it's something we feel like we might be applying our own bias in not allowing and we still have our site policies.

in all honesty, we can't control what the thousands of people writing articles say, but we can moderate our guidelines here. Though it's no different than linking to a site that uses profanity or contains offensive material that we don't allow in the comments section here and require contributors to denote if the content is NSFW or the like.

Knushwood Butt1543d ago

The News Posting Guidelines don't mention anything about adding NSFW, nor if such content is allowed or not.

1543d ago
darthv721543d ago

I like the opinion pieces and if anything they help promote healthy debate because we all can have differing opinions on the pieces posted throughout the day. i mean if you think about it, reviews are opinions. They are the opinion of the reviewer and those pieces spark lots of discussion with some always saying the review was click bait when that is really just the opinion of that person commenting.

Obvious click bait is obvious but opinion pieces are fine. We dont all have to agree and thats the beauty of those pieces.

Christopher1543d ago (Edited 1543d ago )

***The News Posting Guidelines don't mention anything about adding NSFW, nor if such content is allowed or not.***


Titles -> Letter h

"h) [NSFW] text should be added to the beginning of any title where the source links to content that contains graphic content, such as nudity, pornographic imagery, or extreme acts of violence;"

So, yeah, they do mention it and if they mention how to handle it, one would assume that as long as it falls within the other guidelines it would be allowed on N4G.

Knushwood Butt1543d ago

@ Christopher

That's helpful but it's not mentioned here:


It's the first time I've seen your blog post. Never knew it existed, or how to nabigate to it. Did I miss something obvious?

NecrumOddBoy1543d ago

Is there a place where the guidelines for reporting are kept? I've seen a lot of Articles called lame when they clearly don't deserve to be shot down because they don't fit a point of view.

There are also way too many articles that are actually links to Amazon or cdkeys with discount codes that give the linked article website profit and that's just blatant spam.

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GamerRN1542d ago ShowReplies(1)
TheScotsman1542d ago

A. All of them are an annoyance.
B. All of these apply to opinion pieces

Opinion pieces are like a disease and cause most of the issues on this website. Be it obvious click bait to get traffic to some down right lying. Rumours are not rumours just cause someone posted it on 4chan. N4g is not alone, YouTube and twitter is full of videos that have no real news at all and just pure opinion, and everybody gets fed up with it

nibblo1542d ago

Agree with you, I do not like opinion pieces but most people do because it engages emotions and fans the tribal wars, just give me the facts personally. It's happening more and more in journalism unfortunately and I've kinda resigned myself to them.

GamerRN1540d ago (Edited 1540d ago )

I agree

1543d ago
-Foxtrot1543d ago

Question A: What type of opinion pieces do you think are making it hard to get news on N4G or detract from actual news?

1 & 3

Question B: What is your biggest problem with opinion pieces on N4G?

2 / 3 / 4

I've said it once and I'll say it again, I don't understand how most of these opinion pieces get by, ones that start console war discussions or top whatever lists but other articles that talk about big political scandals within the industry or even things that you probably could say belongs on Filmwatch BUT is about video games, get wiped out the second they land. At the end of the day, especially with places like Filmwatch which is basically dead, as long as they are video game related in any way it should be okay.

This is NEWS for GAMERS remember...not "Top 10 List Galore"

jambola1543d ago

yeah it's kind of annoying seeing thing like "Sony will steamroll microsoft next gen" by forbes, an then seeing the same site saying "don't underestimate microsoft next gen" a week later

-Foxtrot1543d ago

Yeah I hate that we see shitty articles like that BUT when you have well known Youtubers (whether you like them or not) like Angry Joe or Jim Sterling who provide videos which usually speak out about MT's, Loot Boxes, showing us why whatever company in the spot light has f***** up, it's not allowed.

I'd rather have more videos shedding a light on controversies, providing information rather than console wars or crappy top ten lists.

Rebel_Scum1542d ago

Dunno if both articles were done by different writers or not. Regardless I don't see an issue with a site producing content with arguments for both sides. Should the media have an agenda/bias? I don't think so.

And its a common complaint about general news media these days about being one eyed (left leaning or right/alt right leaning). Kinda weird to read your complaint tbh.

GamerRN1540d ago

Even worse is getting banned for not liking the console of choice

jambola1543d ago

yeah but to be fair i feel like it would just be s problem too
do we really want 45 different youtube links posted here with "*youtubers*' view on topic"

-Foxtrot1543d ago

Come on...I'm not saying EVERY YouTuber

There's quote a few well respected ones who have a deep understanding of the industry, some who have insiders to provide whatever background they can and also years of experience.

My point is if you are going to let some shitty opinion pieces in then I'd rather see something like Jim Sterling when he was giving a constant flow of information during the Battlefront II controversy, telling you the ins and outs, doing research.

morganfell1543d ago (Edited 1543d ago )

Welcome articles provide information. Unwelcome articles tell you what to believe. There are those that insist any policing of the press is a slippery slope. They expound endlessly that the press must operate unhindered. But let us be honest, many of the articles permitted here hardly fit the definition of an honest press serving the gaming demographic. Quite simply there must be away for the readership to remove these cankers. That system once existed here if in appearance only. The press will never learn unless N4G provides the readers a whip with which to chastise clickbait trash producers.

Christopher1543d ago

@-Foxtrot: This will be a future poll as it relates to YouTube as a source and how we manage sourcing versus how the idea of approving certain youtube personalities/sources but not others.

jambola1543d ago

and s long as it's either
A, a separate section
or B moderated well
I'm ok with it
I'm just saying it would have the same issues as opinion pieces

morganfell1542d ago

It is a bit mystifying that they would police youtube videos but not opinion pieces. In essence it is a medium being filtered rather than the character of the content, and such an action makes little sense. It also means the willingness to look at opinion pieces disguised as information and treat them accordingly.

rainslacker1542d ago (Edited 1542d ago )


YT videos were kind of a plague here for a while. I think they went a bit a bit too far to one extreme by outright bans, but it was more because they were taking a hands off approach to curating various types of content within.

There were Let's Plays, Reaction videos, even worse opinion videos than we see in these articles, etc. Unfortunately, it did remove the more prolific and productive YT videos and reviews that were posted on YT. You had commentary from well respected YT that were lumped into the same group.

A lot of these same people have their own sites where they post their videos, and those are allowed to be posted on here when linked to an actual article. You just can't link directly to YT as the article itself. I notice that no one really posts those videos here like that. Not sure why. I know Yahtzee for Zero Punctuation is on The Escapist. Angry Joe has his own site I think. The Jim Sterling has his own site. As far as I know, nothing prevents those from being posted.

dumahim1542d ago

I wonder if we could go the route to whitelisting certain youtubers that we can mostly agree with that bring solid content and not just trying to drive clicks.

I'd actually like an ignore site feature.

jambola1542d ago

Few sites here i'd love to be able hide from my view
wold greatly improve my experience here

rainslacker1542d ago

I could see that easily being abused though. It's not uncommon for some inciteful and low quality YT to have a lot of subscribers which can influence the vote. That means someone is ultimately going to have to make a decision on the quality of the content, and as Chris and I were discussing below, that's a fine line to walk. Even if you get beyond the fact that not everyone is going to agree with any given decision, there is that slippery slope of what kind of bias can be introduced....even if unknowingly by a mod. Even if they're just in a bad mood one day, it could prevent decent content from making it through.

I think YT videos could have the same thing applied to them that these opinion piece articles may. No Let's Plays. No reaction videos.

Reviews done in good taste(as there are some which are really piss poor on YT and that should be one of those readily apparent things), Commentary(Opinion pieces) that are based on facts(barring minor mistakes as that always happens), should be fine so long as they meet the same requirements of the other posting guidelines.

This may be a better thing to discuss when they end up doing that discussion as Chris says they will in the future. Getting the opinion piece thing figured out would help set guidelines for what kind of YT content is also allowed.

lex-10201542d ago

I think that would depend on what you consider "solid content".

UnholyLight1542d ago

100% agreed Foxtrot on all accounts here

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jambola1543d ago (Edited 1543d ago )

I think they're fine seeing that there's separate sections for it
i would like to see less clickbait though, and less 10 page lazy articles where you have to click to new pages for 3 lines of text

also, maybe this wouldn't be as much of a problem if you didn't allow trolls so easily,maybe have a wait period before new accounts can commen, so many faceless, no profile pic trolls here that clog up the comments,
why? because they can make a new account in 10 minutes

edit, never mind, i guess there isn't a separate section, just 20 minutes ago there is a post from thegamer.com in the news section with the title "pokemon will always be a handheld series"
maybe keep the news for news, and ban/suspend people that either fail to comply, and people that approve stories in the wrong sections

Smokehouse1543d ago

I think the opinion chains are stupid. It’s not rumor or news.
For example:
Article 1. Article on stupid twitter post
Article 2. Response to article on stupid twitter post
Article 3: opinion on the “controversy” involving both sides of stupid twitter post.

Nobody cares about the stupid twitter post.

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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Combat Director Wants Final Part To Offer Players "Even More Freedom"

The Final Fantasy VII Rebirth combat director has expressed that he wants the final part in the trilogy to offer players "even more freedom".

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gold_drake13h ago

i wonder if where gonna be able to jump

-Foxtrot7h ago

I love the game so far but please don’t make the final part a mini game fest

Everytime I get to a new part in Rebirth it’s “mini game time”

Inverno1h ago

Hope ya don't mind me asking since it seems like you've played it, did it feel like a decent step up from the last game or was it more like the best from the last but more polished?

CS753m ago

It makes Remake feel like a demo.

9.5/10 imo. And I think the “mini games” did a great job of adding variety to the gameplay. Purely optional as well.

Becuzisaid1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

I had a weird cycle of love/hate for all the mini games as I played through. At first I really hated the seeming need to check all these boxes while exploring the grasslands. I didn't enjoy the Gilgamesh quest initially, and thought Queen's blood was fine but didn't want to commit to it. The side quests didn't really grab me either.

Then for some reason everything in Junon region changed my mind and I did pretty much everything. I liked most of the side quests, I actually liked playing fort condor (didn't care for it in the intergrade dlc). And my interest for completing these quests stayed pretty much through to Cosmo Canyon.

Then they added that horrible Lifestream memory/battle mini game and I started getting so burnt out of it all. I just wanted to do the story. I didn't do any side quests in neibleheim and beyond except for the summon. I abandoned Gilgamesh.

So what I'm saying is I would like the third part to go back to the focused progression from remake. Keep the mini games to the gold saucer. Start the game snowboarding if you want, but from there keep the story rolling.

MetroidFREAK2132m ago

As long as it comes out on PS5 to have the entire series on one platform, do whatever you want


Kingdom Come Deliverance 2's Scope Was Impacted by Xbox Series S Limitations

Wccf tech writes: "Kingdom Come Deliverance 2's scope was impacted by the Xbox Series S hardware limitations, as developers could only make a game that was 25% bigger than its predecessor."

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-Foxtrot6h ago

This is the issue with things like this

Xbox Series X is apparently to MS the worlds most powerful console

However the Series S is obviously a limitation because it’s underpowered and developers have to go for parity.

So what’s the point of the world’s most powerful console if you are holding third party developers back? They aren’t going to push themselves if they have to think about the weakest console.

The issue wouldn’t be as bad if it was just Xbox but you are also affecting the PS version aswell

I think developers need to start just taking advantage of a console and if one of them can’t do X Y and Z then f*** them…why should the others suffer. What’s MS going to do? The bigger the franchise the least chance MS are going to tell them to f*** off. Baulders Gate 3 seemed to have stood their ground and suddenly their “strict” parity rule didn’t really matter. We suddenly got super optimisation efforts for the Series S that got things sorted.

anast3h ago

I agree, and the sad part is use normal folk saw it the second they announced their plans.

LucasRuinedChildhood7h ago

More info from the author of the article, I think: https://www.reddit.com/r/ki...

"1) I was told this info from the producer of the game Martin Klíma.
2) He specifically said the game will have only one mode.
3) And this mode is 4K 30 on PS5/XSX and 1440p 30 on XSS.
4) He said that the game is already running north of the 30 FPS cap so the performance should be stable on launch, much better than KCD1.
5) The limitation was XSS because of the 10GB memory. He said that's why they wanted to make the game 25% larger.
6) Speculation on my part: the output resolution is probably upscaled and the reason why there won't be a 60 FPS mode is because it'll most likely be very CPU heavy, like Dragon's Dogma 2 for example."

Doesn't seem like they're adding a 40fps mode on PS5/Series X for launch even if they can handle it.

Sgt_Slaughter3h ago

I'd much rather have 1440p/60fps or even 45fps. Having just one, even with the Series S in mind, is disappointing.

franwex2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Remember when xbots were adamant that the series s won’t hold back the gen?

Microsoft just needs to let go of the mandatory parity. Who cares if your grandma doesn’t understand that a game cannot be played on the S. It’s not like it she can buy you a physical game for it anyway. Before buying the game put up a notice that it only works on series X. If you’re buying for a friend-allow for a refund.

Bam. Everyone is happy. Most series s owners are for casuals that want Game Pass anyway and most likely don’t purchase most games.

If the developers want it to run on S, let them figure it out.

Jin_Sakai1h ago

“During the event, the Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 producer also revealed that on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, the game will run at 4K resolution and 30 frames per second“

Another “creative decision” right? 🤦‍♂️

IHateNate1h ago

Amateur hour. Very incapable developer.

Outside_ofthe_Box1h ago(Edited 59m ago)

Since you're not an amateur and clearly know more than them, can you over there and help get the game running on the S without having to sacrifice their true vision. Us gamers would really appreciate you using your wisdom for good 🙏

IHateNate56m ago

Thousands of games run just fine on S.

But Kingdom Come is the game that can’t. Must be one hell of a game!

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HexGaming Launches Kickstarter Campaign for Hex Phantom

Custom Controller Company HexGaming launched a Kickstarter campaign for their latest pro controller, Hex Phantom. - IS

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