
Call of Duty 4 Developer Shuts Up PS3 Doubters: No difference between PS3 & Xbox 360 versions

"Same level of AA between 360/PS3, both @ 60fps.

Hate on the PS3 all you want guys, but we've done did it up right for the Sony lovers. Nothing has been 360 footage yet touted as PS3, you crack-heads! I'm not sure whats up with what you guys might have seen at E3, but we do have AA on the PS3."

Call Of Duty 4 developer DKo5 posted this on Neogaf in COD4 thread.

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MK_Red6136d ago

Now, this is why EA is stupid and Lazy. If a superb and stunning game like COD4 can be played with AA and at 60 fps on both consoles then the reason that Madden 08 runs at 30 fps on PS3 is absoluty EA's fault.

Anyway, great to see dev stand up and has what it takes to make a perfect game for every system without lazy EA-ish ports.

TnS6136d ago (Edited 6136d ago )

True. :)
Hope the next Madden will run on equal FPS on both platforms.

N4Gworks4Sony6136d ago (Edited 6136d ago )

What really grabs my attention is that one year ago Sony was like "xbox 360 graphics are like games but our ps3 graphics are like movies", and now they are satisfied with just saying that they are equal to those of the 360.

why would any same person pay $100 to $200 more for equal graphics when the biggest motive for buying a console in the first place is to play games not watch movies? even though you can watch those with the 360 as well?

FreedomReign6136d ago

I guess that's Equal FTW. Go IW.

barom6136d ago

Remember that the X360 is easier to develop for and i assume it would also be easier to use it's full potential too and the fact that it has been a year out longer oh and also the fact that PS3 is hard to develop for. Factor all this in, and you probably get why the PS3 is having a hard time to have equal graphics. I'm guessing next year is when we truly begin to see some real use of PS3's power.

TheXgamerLive6136d ago

there delayed and there not the same visually. To know if this is true we'll have to actually wait til there released and even then I'd bet money it won't totally be on par with the Xbox 360 version. If it is, it'll be a first time.

No fan boyism, it's just the facts.

Ri0tSquad6136d ago

Just wait until next year which is when I bet we will see the PS3 third party games look superior on the ps3. But things like madden running at 30 fps EA said that they were developing on the 360 for 3 1/2 years and they basically just started with the ps3.

s8anicslayer6136d ago

what are you talking about you moron, the ps3 graphics will finaly be on par with the 360, remember the ps3 is the superior machine from a technological and quality stand point! i can't wait till that piece of ish 360 goes under, i can't believe these airheads actuly believe the 360 is mor powerful then the ps3!unfuxinbelievable

6135d ago
Delive6135d ago

I "Kind of" understand what EA was getting at by more time to get to know how to program for 360 vs PS3, but isn't that why Madden was Canned last year for the PS3? To give them time to get it right for this year? I'm sure there are Devs capable of creating GREAT work on each console, if your Devs are giving excuses, then maybe better Devs need to be considered.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 6135d ago
power of Green 6136d ago (Edited 6136d ago )

Believe it when we see it; PS3 sources always come up with wild claims i can post so called hater killer post by Sony sources about Madden.

Only morons claim Devs are lazy because the PS3 taking too much resources to get games on par with the 360.

I'm sure devs can get games on Xbox on the same level as some Next-gen titles is it worth the time and buget?.

Anego Montoya FTMFW6136d ago

"Believe it when we see it"

you just did.

in writing out of the devs mouth.

don`t just say things to say them.

wake up.

Xbox 360 Will6136d ago (Edited 6136d ago )

Sh!t in his eyes from having his head up Microsofts A$$!

toughNAME6136d ago

although the chances are..the 360 version will look slightly better

thats not my opinion either.

DrPirate6136d ago (Edited 6136d ago )

Is it worth the time and effort? You saying I don't deserve a quality game?

Whatever platform, everyone deserves a quality title.

Douche6136d ago (Edited 6136d ago )

It's pissy little xbots like you who've gotten this dev so po'd that he goes on speaking like this. But I find it kind of odd that a dev would actually call other gamers crackheads. He must have been pretty ticked off. Believe it when I see it, huh? Why don't you just pay attention to how the 360's version looks and then go on with your life after that. Unless the rest you do in your spare time is trolling in other PS3 news topics. You do it enough as it is. Give it a break. Btw, NeoGaf isn't a PS3 website. So this isn't a PS3 source idiot.

macalatus6136d ago (Edited 6136d ago )

Even when you see it, idiots like you will still think otherwise regardless whether it would end up good or bad!!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 6136d ago
SmokeyMcBear6136d ago

but but, madden only runs at 30 fps.. so the ps3 must suck, theres no way that is the same

end sarcasm

socomnick6136d ago

yea well see I highly doubt its gonna be identical without lowering the quality of the xbox 360 version.

SmokeyMcBear6136d ago

thats some good flame ya got there mister.. socom?? why have a name that is a staple of sony??

power of Green 6136d ago

But dissagree with #5 Most gaming sites do not show multi platform games screenshots respective exclusive pics they get sent the best no matter what version they're from and those pics end up being shown as the mutli platform standard(meaning they'll show off the best pics for all consoles in the same horsepower range).

Anego Montoya FTMFW6136d ago (Edited 6136d ago )

that must be you in the pic, cause you definitly an idiot.

comment of the day.

we got a winner!!!!


take SOCOM out your name before i jump out this computer and sh!t in your 360.

Syko6136d ago

Anyone doubting this game on any system is an idiot, the screens and videos have all been mesmerizing!! This will move some consoles on both sides when people see this game in action and start talking about it in force.

Hopefully they make the multiplayer a little better though as it never quite lives up to the fun of the single player campaign. Regardless though, this is a must buy until proven otherwise.

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EazyC44d ago

MW was an excellent videogame. They messed up Spec Ops big time, but aside from this it was a huge step in the right direction initially. Most notably, at launch it seemed to come from a very cohesive creative vision that was felt across gameplay, to story to art style/visual direction. It was also very notably written by prominent ex-Naughty Dog guys that quit almost immediately before release.

That COMPLETELY dissolved through post-launch content and the full pivot to a "cross-mode" narrative that completely obliterated the cohesion in overall story direction. Warzone then "became" the new face of Call of Duty and the franchise completely removed itself from anything remotely creatively "good". It is a pure money machine, so I kinda get why they're doing it....but I personally completely lost interest.

I would love to see Infinity Ward move off CoD and get to make their own product with full control. They clearly have some massive talent in their ranks but it's perverted by Activision's corporate interests.


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neutralgamer1992321d ago

I really hope we get other activision games on GP soon. My dream would be Scarface but I know the license probably expired

P_Bomb321d ago

Love me some Scarface! I even bought the comics. Yeah, licensing would probably be an impasse.

4Sh0w321d ago

hmmm, coincidence? Either way this is a good sign for gamers after the ABK deal.

porkChop321d ago

I played through Scarface again last year and it still holds up. Such a fun game. I would love for Xbox to get the rights back to remaster Scarface and make a sequel. It sold well and they had plans for Scarface 2, 3, and 4. With how long it takes Rockstar to make games the market is wide open.

TheColbertinator321d ago

That game was so much fun. Expected a cheap GTA clone but it was a good drug empire building game.

shinoff2183321d ago

They didn't just have plans but there's actual gameplay out there for scarface 2

neutralgamer1992321d ago

Seriously man we need games like

True crime
Sleeping dogs
Watch dogs( more like original not legion)
And proper saints row

GTA can’t be the only option we need other games

P_Bomb321d ago

Gun was Activision as well. Nice open world Wild West there imo.

neutralgamer1992319d ago

Gun is such a underrated game

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 319d ago
SlothLordPootus321d ago

None of those games had dedicated servers on console in the first place? Were always player hosted. Did something change?

Rutaprkl320d ago

Older cods like Mw, Mw2 and WaW were way better than Call of Dutys nowadays

GoodGuy09320d ago

Make activision remaster mw2 (2009) multiplayer please xbox.