
Elden Ring Release Date & Trailer Revealed at Summer Games Fest 2021

Elden Ring is coming!

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CaptainHenry9161087d ago (Edited 1087d ago )

Looks incredible! Take my money! My PC is ready!!!!!! Horizon Forbidden West and Elden Ring is my most anticipated action RPG games! This looks like Bloodbourne and Dark Souls

Sonic-and-Crash1087d ago

looks like a Dark Souls 2 DLC for next gen ...lol ....didnt excite me so much to be honest .....i m more hyped by Kojima

CaptainHenry9161087d ago (Edited 1087d ago )

Yea the only problem is that it's cross gen. The PS4/Xbox One and Series S is going to hold it back from it's true potential

Sonic-and-Crash1087d ago (Edited 1087d ago )

@Captain ...one thing is for sure ...that Bloodborne/Sekiro team isnt behind ER development ....would have completely different look/ atmosphere if it was....probably Miyazaki made it with the 2nd -Dark Souls team , that why has very similar look to DS2 ....and probably (i make a prediction lol ) BB/Sekiro team is preparing smthing else

Fluttershy771087d ago

It doesn't look like DkS 2 (original or DLC) but definitely seems a souls like game, there's even a summon... Man, no one does Dark Phantasy like FromSoft... They are at the top of their game

oldenjon1086d ago (Edited 1086d ago )

Elden Ring was always slated to be a Dark Souls spiritual successor. Miyazaki said that in several ways. The graphics are held back by last gen, but there will be next gen upgrades and honestly FROM trailers are never very impressive in terms of graphics. The game will look better in motion, and honestly looks pretty f'in good in screenshots and gifs. The art direction is unmatched.

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-Foxtrot1087d ago

This is how you do it

You announce a game and you don’t show it off again until near to launch (under a year)

Looks great

UnSelf1087d ago

meh. looks like another Roll To Dodge Every and Any Attack game

ill wait for Sekiro 2. A real challenge

seanpitt231087d ago

Damn next year… I thought and expected late this year, let’s hope it doesn’t get delayed

specialguest1087d ago

I haven't been hyped for a game in a while and this did it for me. I'm currently playing Demon's Souls remake on the PS5, but I've been primarily a PC gamer. I have to decide whether to get the PC version or the PS5 version by the time it releases

CaptainHenry9161087d ago (Edited 1087d ago )

This is one of my most anticipated game. The other two is Horizon Forbidden West and Starfield. But Starfield just got leaked and it will be at Microsoft press conference but won't release until late 2022 from the leaked and rumor


1086d ago
Agent751086d ago

But when does a game not look incredible due to console/PC power? What’s original about this game? Another game banging the same drum. Wait until it’s £20/$20.

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Double_O_Revan1087d ago

Looks fantastic! Good for Keighley. That's a big get for his show.

robtion1087d ago

Looks like Dark Souls 4 and I am fine with that.

The graphics don't look much different to Dark Souls 3 though. I may have been spoilt by the Demon's souls remake.

Vegamyster1087d ago

Say what you want about Geoff but he’s busted his ass for years, good on him.

Double_O_Revan1087d ago

Agreed. I like the guy. I don't even understand why people hate on him so much. He's done a lot of good for the industry. Even the Game Awards have evolved into a decent show that also doubles as a semi E3. I feel like he cares.

deleted1086d ago

For sure. I think many of us oldschool G4 TV viewers like to see his rise of career after the channel shut down.

GaboonViper1087d ago

I'm screaming right now, take my damn money, those bosses look great.

GaboonViper1087d ago

When that red lightning struck that dragon.......OMG jaw on floor.

Sunny123451087d ago

From software never disappoints. Looking forward to this one. Really excited.

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Kai Cenat Is Taking on the Entire Souls Franchise

ESTNN writes: "His past game marathons came with redesigned streaming rooms, costumes, cameos and other hyped additions. But the longest one of them all proved to be with FROMSOFTWARE's magnum opus: Elden Ring."

Inverno8d ago

I hate to be that guy but, who cares?


Elden Ring Killed Gaming For Me & It's About To Do It Again

Saad from eXputer: "Utilizing its myriad strengths and masterful design, Elden Ring ruined gaming for me in a way I'll always be thankful for."

GhostScholar26d ago

It sounds like you’re just an eldenring fan and not so much a fan of games by and large. Which theres nothing wrong with.

RoadRacer25d ago

The author's profile appears to state otherwise. I believe they just got a massive shock with Elden Ring, something that stuck around. To each their own I guess

Crows9025d ago

Elden ring ruined from software for me....maybe.

I hope their next game isn't open world too...

ravens5225d ago

I have yet to beat Elden Ring. Not cause it's too hard , I've beaten Sekiro, Bloodborne, Demon Souls etc. Also I could just make my character op but I prefer to play under leveled. It's too big. I beat Radaghan or the moon lady last then got lost, lost for years lol. I'm going to beat it tho. Haven't played it in a while

Crows9025d ago

I platinumed the game but hated the open world aspect...started great but then after a bit you notice all the repeated dungeons and bosses...it got massively tedious and much preferred late game areas in a typical souls game than the open world repetition.

GhostScholar25d ago

The ole “I’m so good at hard games I had to play under leveled to get challenged and if I worked that hard in real life I wouldn’t be working at Walmart”

ravens5224d ago

? Don't work at Walmart or any type of retail...lol. But w.e. Makes you feel better about ya sad life 🤷🏽 lol. You probably just suck at games lmao.

25d ago
Aussiesummer25d ago

I loved it but yeah it is just overwhelmingly massive and confusing, I don’t think I’ll ever finish it.


Bonfire interview with Miyazaki Hidetaka: "Shadow of the Golden Tree" is the only DLC"

The large-scale DLC "Shadow of the Golden Tree" for "Elden's Circle" will be released on June 21. This is the only additional content for "Elden's Circle" since its release two years ago, and according to public information, its size will also be the largest DLC since the founding of Fromsoftware.

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