You can't see me, I just haxor'd my shadow!


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Yep. Soulsike players are in for a great time this year.

2d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can't just make a PSN account. Again. Seriously, stop talking nonsense. The issue with "JUST MAKE AN ACCOUNT" is Sony has spelled out in its TOS that people making accounts in regions that don't have PSN can be banned. It's not the same for an MS/Xbox account, as MS accounts are WORLDWIDE! PSN is also against the GDPR in some regions as it requires people to give up info it does not need. That's a violation. It was already proven that you can play Helldivers 2 wi...

19d ago 19 agree12 disagreeView comment

To the person who said PC fans are the most toxic out there. You have no clue about the PC gaming communities. Sure, some are toxic, but hell if it ain't the same on console. There are communities made for keeping players safe; why do you think there are so many modders who worked on stuff that helps PC games play games where developers failed? There are games released in a crappy form that PC modders rushed in to fix them. I could go on and on. But I feel it would be a wasted effort to d...

19d ago 16 agree9 disagreeView comment

No, Xbox never recovered, but Game Pass (which you're a fool if you deny the success of it), Xbox Cloud, the acquisitions, the reboot of Perfect Dark (which seems to be in the gutter now), the success of Forza Horizon, Sea of Thieves, and yes, Hi-Fi Rush (FFS).

Denying any sort of improvement only goes to show you don't pay any attention to the entire picture.

24d ago 3 agree46 disagreeView comment

For everything that Xbox did, I was hopeful it would turn stuff around. Game Pass was a start, and the release of its upcoming titles was a nice way to return. I mean, I'm not going to say it was perfect, just like I wouldn't say PlayStation is perfect. Neither company is, but when Xbox goes and does this, it makes zero sense. The message of Xbox's plan had already had me frustrated, but I was like, "Maybe they'll fix this mess."

Now... yeah. Not s...

24d ago 2 agree15 disagreeView comment

And yet,fans of Dead Space, myself included, have been asking EA to bring back Dead Space for a better part of a decade. To which EA refused, stating that it was done with the series. Specifically after Dead Space 3 failed to meet EA's sale goals (sound familiar?) But magically, after they caught wind of The Callisto Protocol, with Glen at the helm, Dead Space remake was greenlit.

For those not counting, The Callisto Protocol call was announced in 2019, while Dead Space...

44d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

The Switch doesn't have BC support with anything. The SNES didn't have BC with the NES. The N64 didn't have BC with the SNES. The Gamecube didn't have BC with the N64.

Tit for a tat.

45d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The sad realization about Nintendo is they don't care about BC. Look at what've done to pretty much every console. Look at the SNES Mini. Look at Nintendo Switch Online. They do what they want, regardless of what the people have asked.

The hope is the next console supports BC, but let's look at Nintendo's track history. It sucks, it does, but sadly, that' Nintendo.

46d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I mean, Neir existed before Automata with both OG Niers and Drakenguard. I don't count NieR Replicant, since it's a remake of the OG games. Sure, we have Reincarnation, which is still stuck on mobile devices (quite a damned shame). I just remember Taro saying he'd love to revisit Automata if Square Enix lets him. I do recall there was supposed to be a sequel to Automata, but it wasn't confirmed and I'd imagine it was just for Reincarnation.

Enjoy Taro,...

46d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I feel like Yoko is downgrading Automata because he has expressed multiple times he'd like to revisit the universe, but Squenix hasn't been keen about it. We know he loves 2B and would love to take her out for another spin, so maybe this is how he gets the company to think about it.

46d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wait. I don't get it. I reported on something that I recently noticed. I did mention in my article that I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't gone to play The Division 2. That said, if this was nearly a week ago, I wouldn't know, as NO ONE REPORTED ON IT! Not IGN. Not Gamespot. Not Kotaku. No one.

You got people here complaining that there are any real gaming journalists and game journalism sucks, but when someone is acting, doing something to make something k...

50d ago 25 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dunno about that. Simply because we still would have eventually seen the game, and then we'd still have journalists getting pissed and influencers/YouTubers making the same videos they are making now. It just would have taken longer. It always happens.

54d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

1. I have a real woman and have for 24 years.
2. Eve is 3d modeled from a Korean model.
3. Eve was designed by a female, just like Bayonetta. It's as if history is repeating itself.

55d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey.... I'm a journalist. Not all of us are like those causing issues about it all. I couldn't be happier about Eve, and not because of her assets. A strong female character who is the star of the game, who kicks lots of ass? Yes, please.

And I couldn't stop singing the praises of 2B when Nier: Automata dropped.

56d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

I think people are blowing this way out of proportion, yet this happens every time there's a super sexy character in a video game. Chun-Li, R-Mika, Bayonetta, Mai Shiranui, Cammy, 2B, Taki, Ivy Valentine (Soul Calibur). Nothing really new to see here.

57d ago 31 agree3 disagreeView comment

RA RA Boom was such a hit at PAX East 2024, that it was nearly impossible to get near it. I that arcade cab they have custom built for the game, I asked about it.... it has an interesting story and was also part of the reason.

57d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think people are taking this way toooo far. There are games that have MTX that don't affect the game, and there are those that do. Now, think about this for a second, cause I don't think many people do. If we get a game to review that has MTX and the MTX store isn't open or available, how are we supposed to review those MTX options? Plenty of times the ability to access MTX during the review period just isn't there.

Sometimes MTX doesn't interfere with...

65d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No, it isn't. This game went from a disaster to a hero, and then fell from grace. The final straw was the game being left in an unfinished state, most of Mane6’s staff being let go, and the crowdfunded features being scrapped. It's a shame what happened to this game.

I would not support Maximum Entertainment whatsoever; they killed this.

92d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm looking forward to it, for sure. I'm a huge Soulslike/Diablo/Path of Exile fan, so this is on my radar.

95d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've seen people complaining about the PS4 and Switch versions, but the PS5 and PC versions run fine, with no hint of lag. As for the graphics, I did mention I wasn't a fan of them... but we're not going to get hand-drawn visuals. It stinks, but it is what it is. Even Hard Corps: Uprising looked better, but that was also Arc Sys, and they don't do half-ass when it comes to visuals.

96d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment