Filmwatch Admin


CRank: 51Score: 728810

Agreed. This is absolutely just a heat-seeking flamebait title. Kinect didn't invite 3D depth in cameras and Sony was even looking into it long before. This is just the next step in their camera.

But of course, comparing it to Kinect will get so much more hits. Yellow journalism here.

4484d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Missed that very first part of my reply there where I said I'd be talking about Legend of Zelda, huh? That was for the very simple fact that, as I mentioned, genres and game design have evolved. And how the basic style of Zelda wouldn't be considered as RPG in modern times due to the evolution, but was in fact absolutely RPG when the franchise started.

4579d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sorry, but you're absolutely wrong. Zelda is an RPG...or it was an RPG. We'll talk Legend of Zelda here (the one that started it all).

See, the problem is, since the start of the Zelda franchise, games have evolved greatly. Thus, as games in general have evolved, genres have had to evolve as well. Games have become more intricate and complex in general. Therefore, being as how one of the main characteristics of an RPG is its complexity beyond the typical game, it has...

4579d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

Not to mention that, while Salim didn't know anything about Drake, Amy Hennig and company know everything about him. And it was them that wrote the dialogue. Thus, they wouldn't have put "American" in those lines if he wasn't American.

4581d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You'll hear soon enough. We're still working out winners for the User Blog and User Review contests.

4625d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I, like Cat, won't be doing the 24hrs on the 15th. First off, I'm just too old to be sitting and gaming for 24hrs straight. And I work through the weekend. So, it would be impossible for me to game all the way through that Saturday.

It's much more likely that I'll split my time up between the few days prior to that.

Or, another option is: my "weekend" is actually Monday-Tuesday, those being the days I'm off work. So, I could mayb...

4629d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

As soon as fourth dimension in a three-dimensional world stuff was mentioned, Flatlands immediately came to mind. I rather enjoyed that book.

This does indeed sound very cool and interesting. Sounds like it could make for a very interesting puzzle game. Fun, fresh and challenging in the same vein that Echochrome used forced perspective.

4649d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks pretty cool. I always enjoy a good tower defense game. And it's always cool to see a game that's easily accessible (and enjoyable) by both old and young. Something that I could play with the nephew.

4649d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I will definitely have to pick this one up. I missed out back in the PS2 day, so I'll have to check out these after all the praise they get all the time.

I do remember seeing SotC in the movie Reign Over Me and thinking how awesome that looked.

This is part of what I like about the HD remake things. Gives a chance to experience some great games that I may have missed in generations before (much like the GOW collection did as I missed those too). Further...

4650d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm with you on that one. Just as soon as I get through with UC3, Skyrim will be getting a TON of playtime from me. I think I had somewhere between 250 and 300 hrs on Oblivion.

4650d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know your pain. Mine is crapping out on me too. I can still play downloaded games and use it for Netflix, but it won't play discs anymore :( Gonna have to finally get around to getting another soon.

That being said, I'll definitely have to pick this collection up at some point. I'm one of those that missed out on it the first time around.

So many games to get. And more coming out. I too definitely have to get UC3 the day it releases. Plus real...

4650d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

That feature determines how "viewable" the source is. If a source has a low enough rating certain content from them will be filtered. Whereas, if a source has a high enough rating, it's viewed as a trusted source and thus is more prone to heat up to the front page.

I'm pretty sure y'all can see votes on a source. I'm not 100% sure on that, though, as I know we staff members can see things y'all don't.

The way to check is this...

4651d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To add to what other mods have said, I do like the "Ignore" idea as it's been brought up before. Would be great to just completely turn off some sources for my viewing. And a bit more detail in reviewing/rating a site could be interesting.

Keep in mind though (and here's my addition): you CAN rate sites and essentially "review" them right now. Or at least review them in a rating sense. If you click the + button beside the site's name in a submi...

4651d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Apologies. In the case of gift cards or cash prizes, those are done digitally via paypal or an email giftcard. So you dont have to wait the extra time for shipping. They still get processed at the same time as all physical prizes though.

4654d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Barring any setbacks, prizes are usually sent out around the mid-point of the month and, depending on where you live, could take up to 2 weeks to ship. Obviously, not even that long if you live somewhere like the United States or so.

That means August winners can typically expect prizes somewhere in the second-half of September by the latest.

4654d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Contests are held each month. Usually you will find them posted within the first couple days of the month. Contests vary from month to month, so you'll have to just check back for the details on how to enter and win each month.

For the month of September, you can follow the below link to find out how you could win.

4656d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can see my above comment for more detail. However, if it's a poor quality submission, that's what the "Lame" or even "Other" reports are for. Simply choose one of those and type in that you feel it is a very poorly written article that does not belong on here.

More often than not, if you express yourself in a clear and mature manner, you'll find others will agree, and it will put a stop to that.

Thus "Lame" and ...

4663d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No, not "so be it". Using the Spam report in this manner is an abuse of the report feature and will not be tolerated.

I think Alpha above mentioned that the "Lame" report is vague. There's a reason for that. That's to lump everything like "flamebait" "bad writing" "poor article" etc all into one, so that we don't have 100 different report types. If you feel a submission is just "flamebaiting trash" you p...

4663d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Peaceful Jelly
Using the SPAM report for the means that you mention (ie doing it wrong just to fail a story because "Lame" doesn't a fail a story) is absolutely an abuse of the report system. Members doing so, should be reported and will be dealt with. Spam reports should be left for actual spam (ie those crap ads completely non-related to the site, etc).

4663d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea, I would've loved to hear that it dropped to $199. That would've been awesome. But even this is good. Hell, I think even $300 is a good value, but it was due a price drop at this point.

While it's not as good as a $100 price drop, this price drop is good enough for me as it will save me $50 since I need a new PS3. Blu-ray drive is giving out :(

4673d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment