
Helldivers 2 CEO reveals who restricted the latest countries in the PSN controversy

The Arrowhead Game Studios CEO has shed some new light on the mass restrictions of Helldivers 2 in 180 countries.

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ocelot0716d ago

Sony needs to learn pc players are noting like console players. If they don't like something about the way you handle a game they will do everything to derail the game. Review bomb on steam, pirate the game what ever.

Sony should just stick to releasing single player pc games. Or don't allow crossplay so no need for PSN linking on pc. Or just stop releasing games on pc.

Angyobangyo16d ago

One of the most childish takes on this situation.

MrNinosan16d ago

Because it's true?
Sony should skip out on PC, because their fans are the most toxic around, and nothing good will come out of it in the end.

shaenoide16d ago

You've never player League of Legend, or even CoD on PC ?

Skuletor16d ago


It only takes a few seconds browsing most N4G article's comment sections to see this place is full of toxic console players, the amount of PC masterace type comments pale in comparison. Hell, just make a vaguely negative comment about Playstation or Xbox and see how quick your comment gets downvoted, like this one probably will be.🤣

Shiore2u16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

They can't skip out, they need the money and have already invested a lot of time and effort into keeping it going. Their only other avenue through their own hardware hasn't been cutting it. Customers taking corporate shenanigans laying down may be common practice on their platform, that's not the case for this one. Options are king over here. They're just gonna have to learn the hard way like another they're familiar with did before them.

cough Microsoft cough

shadowhaxor16d ago

To the person who said PC fans are the most toxic out there. You have no clue about the PC gaming communities. Sure, some are toxic, but hell if it ain't the same on console. There are communities made for keeping players safe; why do you think there are so many modders who worked on stuff that helps PC games play games where developers failed? There are games released in a crappy form that PC modders rushed in to fix them. I could go on and on. But I feel it would be a wasted effort to do so.

I'm so tired of people who don't know what the heck they are talking about, running their mouths so they can act like something who does. Seriously, just stop. This has NOTHING to do with the PC community being toxic and more along the lines that they don't like being forced fed lies and crap. Unlike console players who have no choice.

Remember, Sony decided to release its games on the PC, and as such, it needs to pay attention to how the PC gaming world works.

ocelot0716d ago

How is it? What I said is true. They did ok with the single player games God of war, Days Gone. Since there is no online components no need for PSN.

When it comes to online play. They obviously want people to link a psn profile. Why I don't know I don't understand. EA do it with their games, Ubisoft do it, Microsoft do it.

If Sony are not willing to scrap the PSN requirements then their is only a few options. Scrap crossplay (I'm in support of this), Scrap releasing pc games that has online MP, Stop releasing pc games.

I hope pc players flat out don't purchase anymore Sony games. Force Sony into doing 1 or the above 3.

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theindiearmy16d ago

Sony a week ago with Helldivers 2: "We’re still learning what is best for PC players and your feedback has been invaluable."

Now with Ghost of Tsushima: "We've thought it over...screw you all."

Hofstaderman16d ago

Haha pretty much. Just create a psn account. You had to do the same thing for Sea of Thieves too.

shadowhaxor16d ago

You can't just make a PSN account. Again. Seriously, stop talking nonsense. The issue with "JUST MAKE AN ACCOUNT" is Sony has spelled out in its TOS that people making accounts in regions that don't have PSN can be banned. It's not the same for an MS/Xbox account, as MS accounts are WORLDWIDE! PSN is also against the GDPR in some regions as it requires people to give up info it does not need. That's a violation. It was already proven that you can play Helldivers 2 without that info, so why require it now?

It's not just.. oh, make an account.

Aloymetal16d ago

''Or just stop releasing games on pc.''
Bingo!! It's not even worth it. Losing identity for some little extra cash. Not worth it in the end when the majority of their main games sell a lot better on the console compared to PC. Not a good look for the brand. They should stick to their roots just like Ninty.

16d ago
got_dam16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Losing identity... their games have sold well on pc. They still have their logo plastered all over. There is no loss of identity. I'm sorry your butt hurts that people are playing those games on something other than playstation. When a multi platform game does stupid shit its cool for everyone to rail it, but if it's Sony published game... well here watching people make excuses for shitty practices.

Skuletor16d ago

@ocelet It would have never been as big an issue if the requirement was enforced from the start. As others have pointed out before, Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, Rockstar etc have all required account linking and/or third party launchers for Steam games too. Selling the games in territories where it was against Sony's ToS to make a PSN account and then later telling those users they can't play without it, the whole thing has just been really badly managed by Sony.

ocelot0716d ago

I thought the Helldivers 2 thing was sorted? They no longer forcing people to link a psn account. I'm talking about the yet to be released games like ghost of tsushima.

I agree with what you said. They should of done it with Helldivers from the start 100% agree. But now that issues has been resolved. They need to start realising pc players are a different breed and quick.

Skuletor16d ago

Somewhat but the whole Helldivers 2 situation has put a giant spotlight on future PlayStation games on PC right now. Whether a PSN account is required for GoT on PC or not, their next port after that won't get anywhere near as much attention, if you need PSN or not.

H916d ago

Or actually listen to what people are saying and don't restrict people, you are talking about PC gamers not being sheep's like it's an insult

notachance16d ago

They should've made it optional with bonus incentive for people who did, like say cosmetics or free credit or something. People would eat that up no problem.

anast16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

I find it interesting that PC gamers will slavishly go along with only renting their games on Steam, buy the annual $1k graphics card, and then cry afoul about a PSN account. I get it, but it's interesting nonetheless.

Skuletor16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

I find it interesting that you (not all console players, you specifically) are making the claim that PC players (all? some? in general?) are buying $1k graphics cards every year, one of many ridiculous myths some console only players like to claim. Then there's the very real issue of Sony releasing a game in territories where it's against their terms of service to create a PSN account, then demanding all users to use an account going forward but that part doesn't fit your narrative, you're just like an activist journalist omitting facts to fit their agenda or just a misinformed person speaking about things they don't understand.
By the way, tell me more about physical copies of The Crew that people own and how people didn't just rent those.

Shiore2u16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Just ignore anast. He's always been threatened by PC, be it the foreign concept of choice or learning new things requiring the smallest effort. The last few years of watching his only personal possible method of gaming face potential market obsolesce has broken and reduced him to humiliation rituals. Never brand worship kids.

Skuletor16d ago


Then how am I going to share fun facts with them, like how Playstation's next Steam game, Ghost of Tsushima has a 2015 graphics card (GTX 960) as a minimum requirement on its Steam page? A graphics card which apparently cost $199 US Dollars at launch, no less.

derek15d ago

"Not like console players" pcmr is so full of it bunch of whinny babies. Pc players cleary have no problem signing up for 3rd party accounts as they do it for every other game. You're right Sony needs to get back to focusing on their console base who has actually made them as successful as they are. Gaas games should release on pc day and date makes sense for the health of those communities minus the pc pirates and cheaters.

Skuletor14d ago

Yet here you are whining about whiners, I've seen you doing it before recently too, it's actually pretty funny. By the way, if you bought a product and then was told you could no longer use the product you bought, a certain level of whining would be justified, right?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 14d ago
MetroidFREAK2116d ago

Sony is ruining one of the best 'live service' games to be released in recent memory... I don't understand publishers man... not just Sony, but all of them. Always about money, never the consumer

derek15d ago

People were arguing with me when I said it was a Sony decision.


Helldivers 2 Got Double the Development Budget From PlayStation According to Studio Boss

Arrowhead Game Studios chief Johan Pilestedt revealed that Sony PlayStation doubled the development budget of Helldivers 2.

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ApocalypseShadow3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Which is pretty good that they supported them in making it a high quality game with more funding. Basically shutting up the complainers about Sony making a GaaS game. The GaaS game turned out well and doesn't bombard gamers with micro transactions and doesn't signal the death knell of single player gaming.

Same with Sony's online. Microsoft offered nothing for a decade when XBL started on the OG Xbox going past 360. Sony launched theirs and gave away games to play for subscribing to their service. More bang for your buck than what you paid in. A better way of doing it compared to what was before.

Now we see gamers complaining about AI. But maybe Sony will use AI correctly and do it right that benefits their company and their employees. We have to see the results before bitching and complaining.

Magatsuhi38m ago

This is why those steam complainers would piss me off. This game wouldn't exist without Sony yet Sony is evil for requiring a psn account that was supposed to be there from the beginning. AH messed up, not Sony.


Arrowhead CEO asks for peace from the Helldivers 2 community

The new Arrowhead CEO reached out to the Helldivers 2 Reddit page to share his thoughts and tell the community to be peaceful when making suggestions to the developer.

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INMATEofARKHAM18h ago(Edited 18h ago)

No one deserves to deal with hate for doing their job... so fuck those people for being hateful. At the same time I think AH, or any developer tbh, owes it to thier playerbase that has done nothing wrong but played and supporyed the game given to them to implement any good idea they get no matter how it was delivered.

Tacoboto10h ago

So they don't deserve to deal with it, but you agree they should deal with it anyway, as long as the idea is good?

No. F that. How can you discourage inappropriate behavior and then, in the very same thought, find a way to excuse it?

MWeaver58941m ago

On a basic level I don't agree with listening to insanity because it encourages it. There shouldn't be a point where you're like "well, on one hand this person threatened to kill the developers family, but on the other hand transmog would be pretty sweet."

Beyond that, what constitutes a good idea? A lot of these games don't implement bad practices because they didn't have INMATEofARKHAM to inform them that grinding for 10 million hours isn't appealing. They almost certainly know what sucks, what people would like to see, and all of that. They just don't do it because it negatively impacts things. Case in point, Bungie killed the grind with Destiny 2 vanilla and I've never once seen someone say they miss that time. They might make suggestions that brings us back to it, but no one is like "you know what would be sweet? Static rolls and guaranteed drops."

Juancho5110h ago

They need to just give temporary bans to people who can’t be adults and RAGE type on their keyboard after a bad operation. These Devs gave us a great game, and the children that complain about little things constantly are making their job difficult. If you dont like how they run the game, then leave. Let them follow their visions and give them feedback and constructive criticism without the vitriol and the hate. Bunch of fkn muppets.


This is how well the new Helldivers 2 Emancipator Mech works against Terminids

The new Emancipator Exosuit Mech has been added to Helldivers 2, but many players aren't impressed with how it performs.

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Juancho511d 7h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

Very loud minority is complaining. I see people using one in every round i play and they kick ass, have to remember there are tons of kids that play this game, and they complain about every single little tiny bad thing even if there are 10 pros and 1 con. Also, this is definitely not accurate. I’ve literally seen these mechs destroy chargers and titans, in the gate defense missions with this mech it literally makes it infinitely easier to hold the gates.

What a crock of shit, whoever wrote this just sucks at the game, they’re embellishing everything for some reason. Maybe they have a chip on their shoulder against the developers. Stop playing the game if all it does is make you angry, those of use that love the game will continue to appreciate their constant updates and toys to play with.

Matter of fact this post just made me want to play around, see you on the battlefield.

DivineHand1251d ago

Are the number of shots required to kill the enemies outlined in the article incorrect?

I haven't tested it myself but this is a snippet from the article.

"Kills Bile Titans to the head in around 40-45 shots (Way more than the autocannon sentry for some stupid reason)
Kills Chargers to the head in 10 shots
Kills Chargers to the leg in 8 shots
Kills Bile Spewers in 4 shots
Kills Brood Commanders in 2-4 shots to the head"

Some support weapons can one-shot those enemies and I believe the argument is that the mech should be more powerful than it appears.

I personally think it is about using the right weapon for each faction. This new mech is more effective against the automatons while the first mech is stronger against the terminids.

jznrpg1d 4h ago

The new mech is really good against bugs

DustMan13h ago

Your basically a 100 round armored dual auto cannon. I wasn't expecting this thing to tear apart everything in the game. Regular auto cannon rounds just bounce off a chargers head, everybody should know to aim for the squishy part.

jznrpg6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

It may take more shots to kill bigger bugs but you don’t need to reload at all with 100 rounds and you can shoot as fast you want plus you have a lot of extra armor. It wasn’t meant to be a kill everything one shot death machine you still need to use some skill and other stratagems