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Red Dead Redemtion's ending ..... *Spoiler Alert*

The ending was cool but it killed any chance of me getting the next RDR.

If John is not in it then I dont care. Here is a tip for R*, if you are making a trilogy dont kill your main character, not so early in the series, that just makes people lose connection. I know you guys were going for the "Coen Brothers Hollywood cowboy movie ending," but this is not a movie, it's a game, and gamers get very attached to their main character.

Anyway, good luck with RDR2, you lost me on that one, unless it's a prequel and we get to play as John when he was still buds with Bill and Dutch.
This reminds of when Kojima used Raiden for Metal Gear Solid 2 instead of Snake, it was just wrong and not cool, and just a complete disconnect.

What do you guys think of the ending?

Kingdom Come5102d ago

Whilst I can see the lack of a certain character being a shame to a game, I wouldnt class it as something to prevent purchase. Gears of War 3 is the end of the current storyline, therefor not including Marcus Fenix and Co. Whilst this will be a sorry lack, I will still purchase, if announced, a fourth title and so on.

zoks3105102d ago (Edited 5102d ago )

Maybe i was being too critical when i said i wont buy the next game, i just dont care for Jack, and i dont think R* can make me care for him, im saying this from experience, I really did not care for Raiden in Metal Gear Solid 2, no matter what Kojima did i just could not care for him, i was just too disconnected not after playing as snake for so long..

DoucheVader5101d ago

You don't really know Jack! LOL Pun intended. No seriously you have had a whole game to get to know John, you don't know Jack yet.

Also John was not the hero of Red Dead Revolver. There isn't much in common with RD Revolver and Redemption. Other than Dead Eye and Wild West Themes. Revolver wasn't open world and it was very over the top in many regards.

Honestly I can't recall R* ever saying this would be a trilogy. The wild west has many stories to be told and if we can get as good of a story told with Jack as they did with John, I am all for it. However being it is like 1914 at the end of the game there isn't a ton of room for Jack and the Wild West as we know it in Redemption.

I too would love to see some of John's history explored, but I am not going to throw one character in the game under the bus just because his dad is more "badass".

Elwenil5101d ago

Agreed. Most likely a new "Red Dead" will take place in an earlier time with a new lead character, though they could do a prequel with John's earlier exploits but I don't think this will have the same feel. John was a great character and I truly felt a little loss when he died at the end but that's the point of the story. It's the end of the Wild West and the time of the Gunslinger is over. The end of an age, so to speak. For this reason I think the story should rest here and start over. I don't want to play John as the criminal, I loved the fact that for once in a Rockstar game I wasn't trying to do everything wrong, but instead was struggling to do the right thing.

As far as Jack, he's a less likable character in many ways but I think that's part of the point and the tragedy in the story. He glorified the adventures in his books and even mentioned to John about them becoming outlaws so that is the path he seems likely to take. But as said above, we hardly know him and by the time we get control of him the story is over so there is nothing to expand on the character except our own individual perceptions.

Denethor_II5102d ago

If there was squeal where could it go after the main character is killed, and then successfully avenged by his son? I liked the ending but thought the mission of redemption was very weak. Also how did his mother die?

villevalorox5102d ago

Don't forget you only killed one of the men who was responsible for your fathers death though. There still is that other guy and then the entire gang of marshals. I mean there still is a story, but I jut feel like having John killed off was too soon :( I wish they would have pulled a GOW3 and left you wondering if he had died or not.

DoucheVader5101d ago

John made his bed and slept in it. He lived by the gun and died by it. I thought this ending WAY better then the end of Lost.

villevalorox5102d ago

I was in shock and really mad that I had to play as his son... I felt like I really got to know and care about John and to have his son who I hardly knew replace his dad made me not want to play anymore :( .... I mean the ending of the game was classic but I felt they could have made me care more about Jack before he took the role.

Denethor_II5102d ago

It was a bit like the Lion King:)


ya, I must have played that last mission over 20 times trying to find someway to shoot my way out of it, I was determined not to let John day.

It was cool finishing off as jack, but he was not as cool as his dad. didn't like his high pitched voice compared to john, or his face..

villevalorox5101d ago

man I agree! I can not stand his voice! :( I wish you had the option to change back after the story was done with. :( :( :(

PhilipLarkin5101d ago

The ending was stunning. The next game will be a classic cowboy revenge story, and the fact John died was a brilliant plot twist - you're introduced and play as John with very little knowledge of his past, minus a few passing comments. So, you sort of view him as though you were his son - you don't know that much about him, don't truly understand him; so when he died and you became Jack, it actually made you feel sad and was utterly befitting.

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Kingdom Hearts 4 & Earlier Titles May Be Released For Nintendo Switch 2

Square Enix Kingdom Hearts series, including Kingdom Hearts 4, may be set for release on the Nintendo Switch 2.

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gold_drake27m ago(Edited 26m ago)


i feel like if they tweaked the collection a little, it could would been more than enough to run on the switch natively, but alas.

i wonder whos decision that was .... Disneys or Squares.

Dandalandan1176m ago

KH3 I understand but there's no way they couldn't have made the older titles run natively on the og switch instead of that cloud based bullcrap.


Unfortunately, Ninja Theory Isn't Actually Safe From Microsoft

Ninja Theory might have games in the pipeline, but that doesn't mean Xbox won't close it for no reason

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rlow15h ago

Alot of speculation on their part. Ninja Theory has two games that have been green lighted and are in the works. Yes it’s always a possibility they could be closed but no matter how you feel about the Senua games. They do make a quality game. I personally think MS is going lay low for a bit, after the firestorm they experienced last week.

darthv723h ago

I really hope one of them is a long awaited sequel of heavenly sword or enslaved. Both are good games that deserve a 2nd chance... or at least a reboot.

blackblades1h ago

I'm 100% doubt its heavenly sword for obvious reason and Enslave 99% doubt it.

romulus2334m ago

"Sony Computer Entertainment retains the intellectual property of Heavenly Sword", so that's not happening. Sony should let Santa Monica Studios make a Heavenly Sword sequel.

Rynxie13m ago

Santa Monica is a great studio, but I would rather the minds behind the original make it (ninja theory). I never liked sequels that were done by someone else, they are usually never as good as the original.

Rynxie14m ago

They make quality games, but they're usually hit or miss. Either they are average, or they are awesome. However, besides heavenly sword and DMC, they aren't big sellers either. Ms is as big of a corporation as it gets. If ninja theory isn't making them money, they will shut them down. Simple as that.

Einhander19724h ago

It's not for no reason.

The reason is they made two games that were underwhelming (Bleeding Edge) and didn't/aren't going to grow the user base for game pass.

They spent 5-7 years and this was what they produced, it's easy to see how they would be on the short list for termination at this point.

Sciurus_vulgaris4h ago

One thing to point out was that all the recently closed studios were under Bethesda. Before being purchased by MS, Bethesda had a slew of poor or under performing titles (Evil Within 2, Prey (2017), Wolfenstein: The New Colossus, Young Blood, and initially Fallout 76 ). I don’t think, Ghost Wire Tokyo, Deathloop, Redfall and sadly even High-Fi: Rush performed well after the buyout.

Einhander19723h ago(Edited 3h ago)

I bet this game with a 5-7 year dev cycle being launched directly onto game pass is going to generate less tangible cash profit than any of those games.

I'm sure Microsoft will brag about players or sword swings or some other pointless statistic, but those don't make cash money.

Lightning773h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Apparently Ninja Theory is safe From being closed down https://www.gamespot.com/ar...

Already working on a new game. They are a 80 person team and relatively inexpensive I suppose to any other publisher


Yeaah sorry this is MS, I don't believe anything MS says. They have to be joking if they think anyone will believe them besides gullible Xbox fanboys. Once again MS needs to earn my trust back. Just when they earn some trust back, they always seem to destroy it and have to work to get it back. I still think they're getting shut down and canceling whatever game they're making because the game won't sell, again MS fault for not advertising it.. This company man...


the article talks about that to i recommend checking it out when you get a chance.

romulus2331m ago

Tango was probably working on something new as well.

Knightofelemia3h ago

I don't see Microsoft shutting off the lights to Ninja Theory. As a studio they actually have talent and have released some decent games. I love Enslaved maybe a sleeper hit but it's one of my favorites. Only way I see Microsoft shutting off the lights is if Ninja Theory releases games that sink faster then a lead weight. And there are fans of Ninja Theory one thing I would hate to see is Ninja Theory ending up like Bioware. Loosing all their talent and being a former shell of what they use to be.

Elda28m ago

Never say never. Tango Gameswork were just as talented as Ninja Theory & they were shut down.

Elda30m ago

It was just announced that MS gave NT the greenlight for its next game. I just hope it's not another Hellblade. https://www.yahoo.com/tech/...


Senua's Saga: Hellblade II Review - A Visual Feast Lacking Depth | Chit Hot

Senua's Saga: Hellblade II has now launched, bringing with it some of the most stunning visuals you've ever seen in a game.

Sonic188111h ago(Edited 11h ago)

The first game lacked depth as well, but the graphics were phenomenal

darthv7210h ago

...not to mention the sound / atmosphere. Especially when using headphones.

Deathdeliverer5h ago

Going to be real. I’m playing on my PC and every setting is on high at 60fps locked. The game is beautiful, sounds good in headphones (I’m sorry but Returnal still holds the aural crown), and has an impressive photo mode. Can literally hit that at any time. You won’t have full control at certain times, but it’s impressive. After more than an hour I’ve already started to get bored. The fights are brain dead so far and it is a CRAP ton of walking and listening. I’m over the beginning “theme” of you did this to us (people that have played will get this as not to spoil anything). I literally non stop run every chance I get. Obviously isn’t the whole game but gahdamn. Hopefully it picks up soon. Definitely can’t see this being a 10/10 by any stretch of the imagination because the beginning has gotten so boring. Here’s to a better experience tomorrow or Friday when I pick it back up.

Elda4h ago

Agreed. I've played about 34 mins & it was boring. I'm going to try again tonight for another half hour or so & see if it gets better.

Sonic188141m ago(Edited 40m ago)

The game is only 6-7 hours. It's more of a narrative movie game

RhinoGamer882h ago

I felt this way with Alan Wake 2. I lasted four hours and then quit...walking sim with weak combat.