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Digital Distribution - Why physical media should stick around

So firstly I'm a fan of digital distribution, it is a great concept. Buy the product, download it then enjoy it. I'm set up just fine to use it, decent internet speed, reasonable storage etc.

So the question is why would I want discs? The answer is not for me for for a number of reasons that affect more people than we imagine.

1. Internet Access:
Whilst I have unlimited internet access, there are many people out there who can't get access to the internet - not because they can't afford it but due to the service providers dropping the ball. There are still places in the US that can't get decent speed internet. There are other countries that have similar problems. China, the largest internet community in the world, is still getting the nation "online". It takes time.

2. Bandwidth Caps:
Yup, now more and more tiered internet plans are surfacing. In some countries like Australia bandwidth caps are already prevalent. I look at my friends list online and people can't play online / download a game as they have "maxed out" their account, to break through this limitation they have to pay more. This new business model presents a definite barrier to Digital Distributions growth.

3. Storage Space:
Looking as this objectively, the most accessible gaming experiences come with paltry storage space. PS3 has 250GB, 360 has the same, alot of PCs (the ones most would be able to afford) are 250-500GB. Apple's devices max out at 64GB. This sounds like alot but with HD gaming destined to get more HD plus providing 3D options space will start to become a precious resource. If you are an avid iTunes user, you could fill your iPad up quite quickly especially as you can import your iTunes purchases from previous devices e.g. iPod, iPhone etc. For consoles some games are weighing in a 12GB+ for a DL. That's 5% of your space in one shot. Plus most consoles provide multiple entertainment DL options such as Movies, TV, Music etc. It gets quite easy to fill this space up.

4. Pre-Owned Games and the power of retail:
Yes, Pre-Owned is a touchy subject. The big guys - Sony, MS etc - hate it. You buy a game, trade it in at which point Mr. Retailer essentially sells the game for a 2nd time and the big guy sees none of this revenue. However the pre-owned marketplace is sizable and efficient-ish. If we switched to exclusive DD alot of people would buy alot less games that is for sure. Gaming is a luxury to many so if they can't use their games inventory as collateral for their next purchase they'll buy less often.

Also consider the power of retail network such as Walmart, GameStop and so on. Their relationships with the big boys would become very strained if Sony, MS etc essentially pulled their games on the shelf and made them available via the cloud. The issue then would become would these mass retail networks still want to sell the hardware? At first sure, but later on who knows?

There are probably more reasons to support this case but I think these 4 present a decent case for keeping physical media around - again I reiterate - I myself don't need physical media anymore but there are lots of us who do. So here's hoping that the entertainment world still keeps them in mind when looking at the services of tomorrow.

dedicatedtogamers4801d ago

I have a fifth reason: customers still want physical retail. It's game companies - not an outcry of customers - who keep clamoring for digital distribution. Buying a PC game used to be a fantastic experience. You got a solid box, a nice manual with a ton of information and cool artwork, a jewel case (not a crappy paper sleeve), and often times you would get bonus items included with the standard game (you didn't have to buy some high-priced Collector's Edition) like a cloth map in Ultima or a keychain or something.

PC devs wonder why their games don't sell at retail? It's because the boxes are covered in ugly artwork, they're flimsy, and inside all you find is a two-page manual and your disc tucked into a paper sleeve. Booooring.

SnipingPenguin4800d ago

PC games just don't sell as they used with pirating becoming easier and easier and the public is more aware of it.

bozebo4799d ago (Edited 4799d ago )

no, PC games are selling more than ever before. And that is all because of digital download and the record low price for gaming hardware. The big AAA titles sell worse on PC, but that is because they are usually console ports so deserve to get pirated for the crappy effort the devs/publisher put in (especially when the engine is multi plat already and is capable of providing a perfect PC experience if the dev bothered to use it's capabilities: ie, bioshock 1+2 and mass effect 1+2 are failures in this instance). Entire developer offices have been brought from the brink of closure to success from a single Steam sale in the past.

Also, piracy is infact getting harder and harder. If you want to play a pirated game you'd better wan't the virus/backdoor malware that comes embedded in it too.

SnipingPenguin4800d ago

This is something that EA has already tackled. Now all games come with a code that allows online play, if the next owner wants to go online he must buy a new code for 10$. There EA just ensured themselves a peice of the pie whenever a game shifts hand using digital distribution.

But the days of the CDs are over. Publishers, developers, governments and the public knows this. More and more publishers are using websites to sell their products, the price for making the music drops and so does the final price that the customers pay for. Win-win.
Developers are even skipping publishers because this becomes so easy.
And many governments are working on ways to make dowwnloading legal, most of them don't work as all they want to do is charge us extra for internet.

But I like having something in my hands. I want to buy something, and I'd probablyr ather buy something in a large package. Ever bought a sim-card? The packaging is 20 times the size of the sim-card.

news4geeks4800d ago

The day physical media dies is the day I'll finally be happy. I hate any physical media from books to CDs to games with a passion.

DelbertGrady4800d ago

I'm with you. I didn't have any issues going from music CD's to Mp3's and I won't have any problem storing my games digitally either.

Pandamobile4800d ago

There will always be room for both the digital and fading retail market. Eventually digital copies of games will start catching on on consoles just as they have on PC in the last couple years because more and more publishers will start pushing for digital sales vs retail sales because of the HUGE leap in profit margins.

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Search and Destroy is nice, but Black Ops 6 should have more one-life game modes

Search and Destroy remains one of the most popular game modes in CoD, but Black Ops 6 players want more variety.

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Shiro17323m ago

The mode from mw2 prisoner rescue was really good. Hope they bring that back. Only mode in my I played.


Xbox Has A Lot To Show That Couldn't Fit In June Showcase, Could Be Revealed At Gamescom 2024

Xbox allegedly has a lot more games to show that it couldn't fit in June's Showcase, and they are likely to be revealed at Gamescom 2024.

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blackblades18h ago

So what they gonna show next June then?

just_looken1h ago

Pro versions of the console and or rumor's of the next console specs.

Obscure_Observer10h ago


I wonder what could those even be?

We already got both 2024 and 2025 packed!

just_looken1h ago

but 2027 is when the next xbox drops so the schedule demands pro versions and the start of hype train for next gen.
2000 xbox
2005 360
2013 xbox one
2020 series x/s

andy851h ago

Very much doubt they will be bringing out a pro version. They'll move next gen slightly early to try and get the jump imo

jznrpg37m ago

No point in a Pro version if they still demand Series S parity Bs

NotoriousWhiz31m ago

They're definitely not moving to next gen early. They may release a next gen console early, but it'll probably be another 3 years after release before they launch any exclusives. It'll effectively be a pro model until that point.

porkChop1h ago

We still haven't seen Contraband from the Just Cause devs, or the fantasy RPG with dragons from the Hitman devs. They've got a lot of 2nd party stuff in the works.

PhillyDonJawn1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Halo and a rumored new ip. I was wondering why they were missing

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The Last of Us Part 2, FFIX Remake, RDR & Other Unannounced PC Games Leaked

The Last of Us Part 2, Final Fantasy IX, Red Dead Redemption, and other unannounced PC games have apparently been leaked.

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Furesis11h ago

I mean yeah we have known for a while now and this just validates it more. Nothing official yet but... c'mon let's not play dumb here. I'm more interested in the other titles tho, i wonder what those are.

Petebloodyonion1h ago

The information is confirmed, as Epic Games has made an official announcement on the matter.

"[Update] After publishing our story, we received a statement from Epic on this matter (via an Epic PR agency):

“We released an update tonight so third-party tools can’t surface any new unpublished product titles from the Epic Games Store catalog.”"

neutralgamer19921h ago

RDR would be an instant buy for me even though I have played it before

MajinRose1755m ago(Edited 55m ago)

The Last of us Part 2 better be steam deck compatible. 🙏🏾🙏