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Microsoft Prepares to Curb Stomp Sony

If the rumors of a significant price drop in September for the Xbox are true, then Microsoft will deliver a curb stomp to Sony's cranium this fall.

Microsoft will be the first next-gen console to break the magic $200 barrier with the Arcade Edition. Sure, it has no hard drive. It doesn't need one. All it needs to do to split Sony's skull is to be able to play Gears of War 2. Gears of War defined next gen gaming, and its still the #1 next-gen franchise. In case you didn't know, Halo IS NOT a next-gen game.

It's unbelievable what's about to happen. RRoD, No next-gen media format. Inferior audio, inferior UI (XMB and Thumbnail previews are the bomb). Even media streaming from a Windows-based computer is inferior on Xbox 360 (you can copy directly to the PS3 over the network wirelessly).

All of those negatives for Xbox 360 and positives for PS3 and Microsoft is still sitting in a position to deliver a bone-jarring blow to Sony and the PS3. A $199 next-gen console is going to sell millions, now all those fence sitters who only read stories about Gears, will be able to play it for less than $300. It's going to be massive.

And why is Microsoft in this position? It's the games stupid. Technology counts, but in the end, its the games. Killzone and Resistance are good games in their own right. But they're still Sony's attempt to answer Gears. They keep knocking but they can't get in. They don't come close to reaching the cult status or recognition of Gears. And XBLA vs. PSN. Uhh, UNO, Geometry Wars, Hold 'Em, Pac Man, Galaga, Catan, it goes on and on. Sony still can't deliver the one game that could raise the status of PSN and give it real credibility, Wipeout HD.

Let's not forget the lead Xbox has in downloadable content. Almost all new releases are now available in HD with DD 5.1. This, thanks to Bluray. Not only does MS have a huge lead in content, but Sony isn't delivering any titles with surround sound yet, and few HD titles for rent, and none for sale. It'll take a year or more, for them to catch up. That assuming they want to. See, Sony has no interest in delivering HD content over PSN, it might hurt Bluray sales. Conversely, Microsoft needs HD content on XBLA to battle Bluray, and they're really going for it.

Wow, what a turnaround. I truly thought this would be Sony's year. Problem is, they just didn't deliver the games. We won't see God of War till well into '09 and how late is Little Big Planet (assuming it will be a hit)? After Nov. 7, it may all be too little too late. My God, if Microsoft is really developing Killer Instinct 3 for XBLA ...

And on top of all that, the only exclusives that really matter are on Xbox: Gears of War, Halo. That's it. MGS isn't in that kind of a league. God of War is non-existent on next-gen platforms, Gran Turismo, ditto. There's really only two big daddy's and they belong to Microsoft. You'll be able to play them soon, for $199.

What can Sony do? Hell if I know. They've made so many blunders trying to protect profits for shareholders they may have dug a hole to deep (to win). Granted, Microsoft can take more losses due to Windows and Office profits but hey, that's business. Sony has all the advantages ... they have to start losing money to get more and better games for PS3 and PSN.

The only things Sony can do at this point is:

  • Get Wipeout HD on PSN ASAP
  • Don't delay LBP anymore and don't charge for any content
  • Open the treasury and fund the accelerated development of God of War III
  • Stop making artsy niche PSN games and get some classics up, get something Microsoft can never get like Donkey Kong, and get  Geometry Wars, get all the retro classics from Atari and Williams. Remember Star Wars in the Arcade? Buck Rogers, Tecmo Bowl, Operation Wolf. Capcom has plenty.
  • Announce Dead Rising 2 for PS3
  • Get a really good Dungeons & Dragons title to combat Fable (real D&D rules and next-gen audio/video, turn-based online multiplayer even. Something.)
  • Somehow start taking advantage of Bluray while it still means something (uhh, Dark Knight bundle)
  • Pray for RRoD v2.0

This is going to be brutal folks. I really hope Sony has a plan. My 360 is too loud to be #1.

Le-mo5785d ago (Edited 5785d ago )

You fail when you said "the only exclusives that really matter are on Xbox" and MGS isn't in the same league as GeOW and Halo. Shows how much you know about gaming.

MorganX5785d ago (Edited 5785d ago )

Sorry but, MGS isn't in the same league as GOW and Halo on next-gen platforms. Not talking the game itself, but it's impact on all aspects of the industry and it relates to the current generation of gaming. In fact, nothing currently on the PS3 is in the league of GOW and Halo, not MGS, not Uncharted, nothing. That's my opinion.

MUNKYPOO5785d ago

thats why all this is just your opinion.

SuperM5785d ago

Well we all know Halo and Gears of War would sell ALOT less if it wasnt for the huge marketing campaign surrounding both titles. How many sales a game has shouldnt matter to a gamer, its how good the game is. In my opinion MGS4 is a better game then gears of war (havent played Halo3 but from what ive heard its overrated so im pretty sure MGS is better). Gears is a great game no doubt about it but it cant touch MGS when it comes to production value, story and graphics although gears looks great. So far MGS4 has sold around 3 million coppies world wide while gears has sold a little under 5 million if im not mistaken. It is very likely that MGS4 will sell around the same amount of copies if not more over time. Concidering that Gears had a way larger marketing campaign then what MGS4 did its just silly of you saying MGS is not in the same league. Tbh its the other way around. MGS is a league above, a league where you dont need a massive marketing campaign to sell millions of copies, because the game is simply amazing.

As for Resistance and Killzone being sony's attempt to answer gears of war, both resistance FOM and killzone 2 was shown at E3 2005. I dont even know if we knew about gears of war at that time but whats sure is that nobody knew it was gonna do that well. So Sony must be good at looking in to the future since they answered something that hadnt even happend yet.

Im sorry but this blog failed. Xbox has sold worse then the PS3 worldwide every year since PS3 launched so it is not in the position to be curvestomping anybody. If anything it would be turning the tide, because at the moment things are working out for sony, not microsoft.

JD_Shadow5778d ago

Uncharted and MGS4 isn't in the same league as GoW or Halo.

Uncharted and MGS4 are in a much BETTER league!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5778d ago
Alexander Roy5785d ago

"And on top of all that, the only exclusives that really matter are on Xbox: Gears of War, Halo. That's it. MGS isn't in that kind of a league."

Right there you lost me. If you aren't able to admit that other consoles have great games, you fail - no matter what console you own. Besides, not everybody is into shooters, sorry to burst that bubble of yours.

MorganX5785d ago

Alex, I am not denything that the PS3 has great games. When I say the only exclusives that matter, I'm referring to the industry as a whole. Uncharted, MGS, Killzone, Resistance, are great games, but they're not the events that Halo and GOW are. If MS acquired any of those titles on Xbox, only Sony would care. MGS coming over would make noise for about a week. If Sony got Halo or GOW, it would rock the industry. That's what I mean when I say the only exclusives left that really matter are GOW and Halo, for now anyway.

SuperM5785d ago

What a load of bullcrap. MGS4 is likely to sell as much as gears 1 did. MGS coming to xbox would rock the industry just as much as gears coming to PS3... the only difference would be that people find it more likely that MGS comes to xbox then gears come to ps3 so it would be more expected. Secondly Halo and Gears wouldnt be the giants they are had it not been for the huge amount of marketing done by MS (Sony probably has a thing or two to learn from MS pr department, Gears and Halo commercials were great). When it comes to the games themselves they are all great AAA titles but there are many games out there that are just as good even though they have sold alot less

Odonnus5785d ago (Edited 5785d ago )

No doubt it will put a lot of pressure on Sony to follow Microsoft's price cut! Unless of course Ps3 continues to outsell a console that is twice as cheap as it...which would just be embarrassing lol. Just remember, competition is a good thing for us all. You've already seen it whip Sony into shape, they're now trying to pull things a better direction from launch :D

Oh, and really i must disagree with you not putting MGS in an elite category of games!

Le-mo5785d ago

So you're saying games like Mario, Zelda, MGS, and Gran Turismo have no impact in the gaming industry. You are really arrogant.

MorganX5785d ago

We're talking next-gen consoles. I don't consider Wii a next-gen console. And you're right, I don't feel that the next-gen exclusives MGS and Gran Turismo (Prologue, for now) have the impact on the industry that GOW and Halo do.

SuperM5785d ago

Gears is still a tiny puppet compared to Gran Turismo. Wouldnt surprise me if GT5 sells twice as much as gears when it is released. After all its previous installments have sold up to 10 million.

ThatCanadianGuy5784d ago

Gears of war isnt "GOW" its GeOW

God Of War is "GOW"

It had it first,i dont see how GeOW could replace it?

By the way lol,love how you make GeOW sound like some big iconic masterpeice.I've played it on's good.Wouldnt call it AMAZING unless your into guys pumped on steroids carrying big guns..

Didnt it sell like 5 million? out of a 20 million userbase...?

vdesai5784d ago

Ya your right God of War did have a large impact on the industry, seeing as how practically every game since God of War has had quick time events (I know they didn't invent it). Oh, but I think you meant GeOW had a large impact on the industry, no it did not there is nothing new or innovative in GeOW that has been introduced in the game that cant be found elsewhere. GT5P "the glorified demo" has had as much of an impact on gaming as any (GeOW)game. YAY! Another generic Unreal Engine Based shooter with a chainsaw OMFG. Ya thats all thats new in GeOW the freaking chainsaw. MGS shook the industry, it shook it hard, if I remember right not the whole week of the release of GeOW all that was talked about was GeOW but a week before and after MGS release EVERYONE was talking about it even if they were bashing it. Thats what major IPs can do for you when you have few IPs you start to lose momentum. The only reason you think it wouldnt matter if MGS4 ever came too the 360 because you are a 360 owner(FANBOY NOOB). Please learn to respect truely amazing games. Notice Halo did bring something too the industry (better multiplayer) which is something cool and did shake the industry. If you take a look at GeOW 2 its looks similar too the first one. Look at MGS < Francise. NONE of them look the same, each is created with its own unique touch. Where the hell were GeOW and Halo when Sony + Nintendo were shaping the industry, increasing the momentum of the industry too what it is today. This is Nintendos 5th home console and Sony has 3. < boy was that off topic. These IPs your talking about have existed longer then either of those so dont count them to be some shums. (Except Uncharted ofcourse).

JD_Shadow5778d ago


NEXT-GEN CONSOLE: A console that proceeds a companies PREVIOUS-GEN console. In other words, the next console they make.

By OFFICIAL definition, the Wii is a next-gen console (I see your point (I don't agree with any of them, by the way), but still...).

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5778d ago
BlaST_ProCesSiNG-5785d ago

I think ur making too much of a big deal about the price drop X. No doubt it WILL DEFINITELY help sales, but to say "This is going to be brutal folks" is a little...uhh... extreme.

MorganX5785d ago

You're right, the price drop alone won't have the brutal impact. The combinaton of $199 Xbox and Gears on Nov 7. may.

Basically, RRoD will be a non-factor and soon forgotten, Bluray is being marginalized, and a loud clumsy console with no HD Audio/Video is still commanding the next-gen. That's brutal. Again, this is assuming Sony has no response. I don't think it has to be price, they need games. If Sony has no significant response between the September price drop and Nov. 7, I do think it will be brutal.

ThatCanadianGuy5784d ago

RRoD will be a non factor and soon forgotten?
thank you.You've confirmed your insane.

Everybody's 3 year warranty is up near the end of this year..
when the red light's start flashing..people are gonna be pist.

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Phantom Blade Zero - "The Blade is Drawn" Gameplay Trailer

New trailer of Phantom Blade Zero, giving a sneak peek to the latest development of the game, featuring never-shown-before footage depicting high-speed combat and multiple weapons, among other game play elements. Announcement of a World Tour Demo.

darthv722h ago

Looking better and better with each passing trailer.

Lightning772h ago

Very weird why Sony didn't end their State Of Play with this game. SGF was a big misfire but this game shined, day one, hyped can't wait. Still no release date but I'm ok with that it's real and I'll happily wait for this masterpiece.


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Chocoburger53m ago(Edited 52m ago)

PlayStation blog post that details pre-order bonuses.

"Exclusive to PlayStation, players who buy the game on PS4 or PS5 will also receive bonus extended prologue animations with never-before-seen deleted scenes."