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SOPA? Where is the outrage for ACTA?

Well, I have to admit, I felt slightly ignorant last night. Actually I felt quite ignorant, angry, and as if I purposely had the wool pulled over my eyes. I must admit that it is partly my fault for not being more aware of MY government.

I am an opponent of both SOPA and PIPA. While I understand the concerns of anyone who owns Intellectual Property (IP) and while I, myself, would be quite perturbed by the theft of my own property, I absolutely cannot support SOPA and PIPA in their current forms. There has never been a law against sharing property, which is the emphasis of P2P, or peer to peer sharing of movies, music, games, etc. There are laws against selling it for profit, but these possible (not if we have anything to say about it) new laws are not targeting the sale of IP but its sharing by redefining it as copyright infringement. Now, whether it is or isn’t, is up for debate. What is not up for debate is the widespread popularity of it (because it is not illegal). These same politicians want to grant citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants (which is a different topic altogether) and they are breaking the law. What is stopping them from arresting 11 million illegals? Reality is. It isn’t realistic thus, it is not an option. Neither is arresting or fining everyone who has uploaded or downloaded a copyrighted file from a P2P site. It isn’t realistic, and so it cannot be an option. Yes, there are cases of people being sued for copyright infringement but it is the moment. I will not even begin to discuss my biggest concern; the power these bills give to the government and the freedom that is siphoned from the people.

When Google, Wiki, and N4G, amongst others, helped fight against SOPA, I felt proud to be a part of it. It truly showcased the power of the people when they are INFORMED. SOPA and PIPA in current form were defeated in a shocking manner. The message was heard loud and clear (this also gives credence to the popularity of sharing). It was a great day to be an American!

Unfortunately, this American was browsing the internet last night and felt the antithesis of pride as a news story punched me in my gut. When I finished reading, I asked myself, "Why are people not talking about this?", "Where is the outrage?”. I then realized that not many people are aware of this atrocity. So, what is it that caught me so off guard?

On October 1st, 2011, President Obama signed a Trade Agreement by EXECUTIVE ORDER entitled ACTA or the "Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement." It is not a law, which is passed by Congress, or a Treaty, which must be ratified by a 2/3rds majority in the Senate; He doesn’t have to ask anyone permission, especially us pesky Americans or our representatives. One of the major differences between ACTA and SOPA is that it is not simply the United States that it affects… it is global...Yeah!!! Now, I am not going to get into the specifics except to say that it has been referred to as "SOPA's evil twin". It does affect copyright infringement similar to SOPA and PIPA but also includes patents, counterfeit goods and intellectual property rights.

So far, Australia, Canada, South Korea, Japan and the United States have signed on. The European Union has yet to make a decision. If you haven’t heard about it, don't worry, I read that we are not supposed to know about it yet. I guess that our government was hoping to pass SOPA and PIPA to make ACTA that much easier to enact here at home. You know, we always want to be the good globalists, leading by example. Well, as I mentioned, I'm not going to go into detail as I will leave a few links to help you get started. ACTA may have already been signed by the President, but we can still do something about it. I am tired of being underestimated, disrespected, and treated as though government is no longer "for the people, by the people". I do not like having the wool pulled over my eyes, especially on an issue that our government knows that we do not support. I KNOW that together, WE can stop this... again. That is, if we are well INFORMED. So, below are a few links to get you rolling:

coolbeans4511d ago

It doesn't surprise to see such a major decision like this being played in the shadows. Thank you for this information. I'll be sure to dive into it more later on :).

Wintersun6164511d ago

Here is an easy way to oppose ACTA in EU by contacting members of Euro Parliament via email.

lorianguy4511d ago

Great read.

It seems ACTA is trying to slip by in the wake of the SOPA/PIPA victory.

Thanks for bringing this to light!

Arksine4510d ago

The biggest issue with ACTA is its lack of transparancy. No one knows exactly what it entails. Unfortunately, because we are unable to self regulate, folks in power are going to step in and do it for us. Its a cycle that has held true throughout history.

I'll take a piece out of your blog as an example. You compare IP sharing to property sharing, saying that there are no laws against it. That is true, but remember that in IP infringement the content is NOT your property to share. It isn't apples to apples. Its not like sharing your baseball bat.

None of us want to see big brother step in. However, if we continue to attempt to justify things like IP infringment they have all the ammo they need to do just that. We need to say NO to ACTA, but we also need to say NO to piracy, and NO to hacktivism.

TheDivine4510d ago

Doesnt suprise me. Obama has proven he doesnt care about the constitution or laws. This reminds me of obamacare. America came together and said as a majority that we dont want it and slow down. Congress voted it down only to see it pass in a backdoor loophole down the road. Obama has said he will get what he wants one way or another. We can either support him in what he wants or oppose him and see it pass anyways. Obama is a snake as is the government as a whole is corrupt and def not for the people. Everyone in power needs to go and the federal govt needs to be cut down to the basic functions leaving everything else to the states. The worst thing is the federal reserve. This is an abomination that a private corperation runs the most powerful nations currency. Abolish that sh** pronto and we might have a chance to salvage our nation.

SilentNegotiator4510d ago (Edited 4510d ago )

More than half of the states are involved in suit against Obamacare due to its conflicts with the constitution. And Federal judges have ruled it null and void. And states have voted it to be unconstitutional. Plus, it's as ridiculously bloated as it is unconstitutional.

"We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it"
-Nancy Pelosi, Former Speaker of the House, Current Psychopath, Before Obamacare became "law"

Governments are imposing illegal acts and laws right under our noses. I was proud when SOPA fell from its great support, but that was clearly only the beginning of humanity's struggle against the mobs, paper moon salesmen, and the guilt trumpeters of the earth.

Gaming is NOT above being affect by such people and acts. Pretty much every facet of life can and will have creeps preying on it.

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