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10 Things We Want In Red Dead 3

So its been over 6 years since Red Dead Redemption and I finally beat it. After 24 hours of playtime I had a blast and I see why it was so highly praised. For a 6 year old game it holds up pretty well graphically and gameplay wise. But there is plenty of room for improvement. Defintely craving to play the next game in the series which we all know is coming. Here are 10 things I want to see in it.

1. Swimming
How does an open world game in 2010 not allow your character to swim?? GTA 4 was their previous game and you could swim, why not just copy the animations over?? Such a pain in the ass when you accidentally fall into the water and get an insta-death. 1st time I died is because I jumped in on purpose figuring I could swim and the horse cant swim either?? What was Rockstar thinking?

2. New Setting and Time Period
Now this one is definitely up for debate so I came up with several ideas. Revolver was set in 1880s and Redemption was set in 1911 and briefly in 1914 so lets stay away from them. One idea is a prequel as a younger John Marston set in 1890s-1900s, starts when Dutch takes him under his wing and ends when he is left for dead. Another one could be set when the US Army was at war with the Natives, protagonist could be on either side. Last idea which is a little outside the box but it could work is a Midwestern or Southern Prohibition Era setting.

3. Return of John Marston or New Protaignist?
Like I said maybe we play as a younger John Marston, other members of Dutch's gang or a lawmen after them. For the US Army-Native War it would be interesting to play as a Native. Finally playing as a Prohibitionist would be the best idea but doubt they would ever go near the era.

4. Dont Make MP a GTA 5 Grindfest
If MP is setup like GTA 5 then prepare for another grindfest thats just begging you to download sharkcards. You know they will be coming back when they have made over $500 million. I dont want to create some kind of system to make money just so I can get the cool stuff. Its why I stopped playing since it was getting boring doing the same jobs over and over again.

5. Skip All Cutscenes
Now most of the story cutscenes you can skip which is good because sometimes they drag on too long. Im talking about the little cutscenes like hogtie people, putting them on a horse, looting, skinning and other little scenes that after hours of playing just get annoying especially when you're being shot at.

6. Animation, Movement, Gameplay Improvements
It gets the job done but there were plenty of times the movement system would send me off a cliff or into the water. Various glitches also made the game frustrating at times like getting stuck on objects or not going over a wall. Horses felt wonky and gunplay needs improvement. Gameplay was great overall but there were little things that were annoying. When capturing a bounty, they would send gunmen after you every 15 seconds. It was relentless when you're searching for loot and hidden containers. Ability to loot everything within 20 feet would be nice instead of having to individually loot 15 dead bodies.

7. Stable Framerate
I played on the 360 and my god did the framerate take a dive during certain areas. It was the worst during thunder storms when it became a slide show.

8. Enhancements for Neo/Scorpio.
Neo and Scorpio versions should get improvements like stable 60 fps or 4K, better graphics, more stuff on screen like bigger gun battles, more particles and more.

9. Single Player DLC
I bought the GOTY Edition but have not gotten a chance to play the DLC yet, just beat the base game hours before writing this. From what I hear Undead Nightmare was amazing. Would be nice if we got an expansion or two for the next game that changes things up. Maybe you do play as a young John Marston in the base game but play a lawmen in the expansion with new abilities and mechanics.

10. PC Version with Mod Support
Why RDR didnt come to PC in the 1st place is beyond me so its time for Red Dead to come to PC. That means all of the PC goodies like 4K, unlocked framerate, enhanced graphics and modding. Only reason I bought GTA 5 again on PC was for the modding and my god was it worth it. Its like a new game when you have over 50 mods running at the same time. Frame rate does take a hit so you just lower your settings. Its all worth it when you're playing as a cop chasing a Bugatti Chiron in your Police Lambo Aventador or moving in with SWAT to stop a bank heist. With almost 5 million copies sold of GTA 5 sold on PC its most likely coming.

List below what you would like to see in the next game.

rambi802860d ago

Either you meant to say red dead 2 and not 3 in your title, or you want rockstar to adopt the microsoft method of numbering things

crazychris41242860d ago

Red Dead Revolver was the 1st game, Redemption was 2, next would be 3.

rambi802860d ago

i forgot about revolver. I'm not sure they count that early game as part of the series given that they basically bought the ip from Capcom and acquired the original developers, angel studios. They did have a hand in the development though. Red dead redemption was so different from revolver that i don't really count it as part of the series. Just semantics at this point though.

nucky642858d ago

no - revolver had NOTHING to do with redemption - any continuation of redemption would be RDR2.


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Huey_My_D_Long7h ago

Like the competition, I just hope there's enough to go around. Seems to be alot of survival games already this year.
This one does look cool. Reminds me of Zeno Clash