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E3 Thoughts

So another E3 has come and gone, and naturally there's a lot to talk about. E3 has come a long way in the past few years. A few years ago we'd be arguing which company had the least cringe-worthy moments or technical hiccups. Now we actually argue on who had the better conference. Anyway, here's what I thought of each company's performance.


Microsoft: Phil Spencer has been frequently boasting that this year will be their best in history, and he wasn't wrong at all. We're finally seeing an interesting new IP from Microsoft (coming out in Spring, no less!), and also something worthwhile from Rare. The conference also demonstrated a bunch of interesting indie titles coming to the platform. Cuphead is probably my most anticipated indie thus far on any platform.

The Xbox 360 backwards compatibility was also an unexpected twist and a huge win for the Xbox One. As a PS4 owner, I'm forced to either keep my PS3 hooked up all the time to play its games, or drop a bunch of money for "HD remasters". The third option is signing up for PS Now, which also doesn't have much appeal. Needless to say, this is a pretty big deal for Microsoft.

There were definitely some Microsoft moments... like lowering a sports car on to the stage or showing too many CGI (or real-time, whatever) trailers. I think Microsoft had a great show, and they could've improved it by showing gameplay of ReCore and some explanation for what exactly Sea of Thieves is. The Xbox One is looking more and more appealing to me, and the line-up leading into Spring of next year is looking fantastic if nothing gets delayed.


Sony: Last year, I was in the minority that thought Microsoft won over Sony. This year, I think Sony edged them out slightly. They surprisingly kicked it off with a game people have been waiting 10 years for: The Last Guardian. To be honest I wasn't totally convinced by the demo, but I'm confident the game will be good. They also showed off the long awaited FF7 remake and announced a Shenmue III kickstarter... but neither of these games appear to be exclusives, so it's hard to give Sony tons of points for either until we get more information. They also showed Media Molecule's new game, which is literally nightmare fuel. Seriously though, the way that camera panned over to the polar bear eerily playing piano? I pissed myself. I also can't wait to jump into the dreams of people screwing celebrities or murdering their family. No but really, it looks like an interesting game that I can't wait to see more of.

The real winner at Sony's conference, I thought, was Horizon, Guerrilla's new game. Unlike ReCore, we actually saw some amazing gameplay for this one. I hope the protagonist isn't constantly talking throughout gameplay like she was in the demo, but the game looks amazing and has a really unique aesthetic. If Horizon was another CGI trailer, I really don't think they would've won over Microsoft. I don't think Sony made the best conference of all time, but they made a pretty darn great one.


Nintendo: For me, Nintendo won hard last year. They brought a shorter, more concise, and less serious take on E3 that fit them perfectly. They weren't afraid to laugh at themselves, and never bothered with any real-time trailers and tech demos or blatant bullshots that have corrupted the industry as of late. They also showed a lot of gameplay from upcoming titles in subsequent live streams. This year, they went with the same format, albeit with much less success.

They kicked it off with a bang with Star Fox, which looks amazing. Transforming the Arwing in real time is an awesome mechanic, and it feels like they finally made good use of the GamePad. The Holiday 2015 release is also much welcomed. Then... things kind of slow down. They show a Skylanders collaboration which most of us could care less about. Then they show a new co-op Zelda title which I was initially yawning through... then they announced something that at least brought me hope for the future: ONLINE PLAY! This is something Nintendo has been skimping on for a while now. After that, they show a 3DS port of Hyrule Warriors we already knew about, a Fire Emblem If trailer, and a trailer for SMT x FE which it appears they forgot to subtitle. We also finally get a release date for Xenoblade Chronicles X. At this point, almost 30 minutes in, we have gotten nothing new at all from Nintendo.

Around halfway through the new announcements finally start rolling out. And they're not pretty. First we get an absolute middle finger in the form of some low budget co-op game on 3DS with Metroid Prime pinned to the title. Then there's an Animal Crossing amiibo spin-off that no one really cares about. Then we get a Paper Mario and M&L cross-over on 3DS which looks pretty good, and a new Mario Tennis for Wii U which looks like a ton of fun. But... that's really it. The Wii U and 3DS both have really solid line-ups for this year, but not a whole lot we didn't know about. Although I think Nintendo had the best format, they lost hard for the sheer lack of content they showed.


Overall, the third parties won E3, and the first parties took credit. Bethesda, Square Enix, and Ubisoft all had excellent games to show. This year was hit harder than ever with pre-E3 leaks, and I feel that if all these games were revealed at the actual conferences that this year could've truly been the best. That's all there really is for me to say about E3 2015. I'm curious as to what the rest of N4G thinks about E3, feel free to discuss.

Christopher3254d ago

I don't get the big deal with lowering a car onto a stage. Why are people so entranced by that stuff? David Copperfield does it 2 or 3 times a day in Vegas.

MS: Liked Recore concept, thought Sea of Thieves looked pretty much like a ton of F2P games out on mobile, just console version. Horizon was another Horizon -- it's kind of turning into the Madden of driving games. BC was a good call, though digital only is a bit weird (no BC w/o Internet?). HaloLens I'm iffy on. It seems too good to be true. Also, looking through the lens on your head is not at all the same as a camera that is a lens, you're going to have that peripheral blockage, not a full screen. Not a fan of Halo or Gears, but looks like they're giving people what they want.

Sony: TLG is good, not great. Horizon is great, but wondering how GG will mess it up. Bleh third-parties galore. Activision just needs to do its own press conference and leave CoD out of the others. Dreams is cool, but not for me to create, only for me to leech off of the creation of others. The one game that really only has value if others buy and create with it. Don't care for FFVII remake. Shenmue is alright, but cool to see it for nostalgia. No Man's Sky must have some really smart people developing it, but not my thing. Might try if it drops real low in price, but seems to lack any direction, and I like some sort of direction in my games. Uncharted looked like Uncharted, which is kinda good, kinda bad. Still looks like a play once and done game so far. Someone please give the Disney Infinity guy some sedatives.

EA: Bleh, sports. Eh, SW Battlefront. Eh PvZ2. Mass Effect got mentioned, but really nothing to get up about yet. Eh, Unravel. Yay, Mirror's Edge.

Ubisoft: SOUTH PARK! Division... maybe? Wildlands...? Meh everything else.

Square Enix: Just Cause 3... maybe? RotTR, yes please. KH3... stop teasing us. Hitman, could be another Destiny (good and bad). Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, HELL YES! Meh to the rest.

Nintendo: Let's just not bring them up, okay?

Concertoine3254d ago

Sea of Thieves looks kind of like an open sea version of No Man's Sky to me. Like you gather resources at procedurally generated islands to dominate other crews. That's what i got from it, anyway.

Sony's conference was weird this time. The more i think about it, the more it disappoints me that they won. It's almost like they became MS this year. There was a ton of exclusive DLC this, exclusive marketing deal that, then their two biggest announcements were two games also coming to PC. They even squeezed in some multimedia talk. These were all things Microsoft has been criticized for the past few years, and it seems like no one's really noticing that Sony did a lot of the same.

Christopher3254d ago (Edited 3254d ago )

I agree Sony "approached" MS style, but they far from just "went there" considering how little time was spent on it and Morpheus. For both, it was primarily about games, and that's great.

I will say that this is MS' best event I've ever seen. Sony, it's not in the bottom, but it's not in the top either. It fits somewhere in the middle, but probably the top end of the middle.

slate913250d ago (Edited 3250d ago )

Wow, a totally non biased e3 summary. Nice post Chris.

Edit: only disagree with your sea of thieves opinion. I feel like it shows a lot of promise IF it has deep rpg elements with a big shared open world.

Concertoine3254d ago (Edited 3254d ago )

edit: woops

rainslacker3254d ago (Edited 3254d ago )

What I liked most from each conference

MS: Recore, BC, Halo game play even though it didn't excite me that much. Fallout mods on console. Couple of the indie games looked really good(I agree on cuphead).

Sony: TLG finally being confirmed and apparently well into development. FF7 remake finally coming to fruition. Shenmue 3 finally coming to fruition. Horizon was definately my personal game of show....very impressive. Sony announcing an a la carte way to purchase TV channels...even if limited in availability right now. I know it's media stuff, but it was short, and it actually will be great to be able to get the few channels I want to watch without spending a ton on cable. Not spending an inordinate amount of time on sales numbers or self congratulatory statistics. Dreams I am waiting to see what more is offered. If it's just a create a dream sequence I probably won't be interested, but if it has the ability to create game play scenarios like LBP then I'm all in.

Can't speak on Nintendo as I didnt watch.

What I didn't like

MS: Lowering the car...it's a waste of time. Is MS advertising for the car companies now with a car most people can't afford? GeOW really wasnt that exciting to me. To much time spent on Halolens, which isn't likely to be priced anywhere near cheap enough to make a difference to the average or even hardcore gamer for it to see any meaningful support. Trying to undercut Sony on VR by talking about it's Occulus partnership when it won't directly be usable on the X1...not even the vague promise that it might be one day. Showing off an awesome controller that is going to be priced out of range of the average consumer.

Overall, I felt some of MS conference was meant to push the Xbox brand onto our fellow PC gamers, which is fine since the conferences aren't specifically about consoles to begin with, and MS does have an interest there, but I found MS to be a bit shady in associating some things with the console itself.

Sony: Bit too much time spent on Disney Infinity and Star Wars in general. Too much emphasis was given to Star Wars IMO. SW:BF game play was good and all, and understandable why it's there, but taken all together, it just seemed too much focus was given to SW. IMO, Disney has enough money, and enough game studios to give their own conference if they want that much exposure. Let Sony have their time to shine.

COD timed exclusive DLC being annouced. I appreciate the significance, but who watching the conference really cares? It's the gamer tuning in.

Not showing off more of what their 1st party devs are doing...even if it were only a couple of teasers. Still so many that we have no clue what they're working on, and many of them have to be pretty close to being ready to release a game.

Hardly showing anything of Morpheus. I didn't want them to spend a lot of time on it due to the nature of VR not always translating well to 2D, but showing more than one game would have been nice.

Lack of anything Vita related. A sizzle reel would have at least been nice instead of 5 seconds of a game which I can't even remember now.

Anyhow, I think this has been a great E3. Pretty much no matter what your preference in platform, I think you could easily find games worth playing, and things to get excited about across the board if you care more about games than the consoles they run on.

Christopher3254d ago

I was waiting for that Disney Infinity guy to have a Peggle 2 moment.


rainslacker3254d ago

lol. I was waiting for him to say "Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!!!" in a deep gravelly voice.

freshslicepizza3252d ago

don't get your hopes up about sony's tv vue and the a la carte style of getting channels.


i don't exactly get your comments about morpehus and hololens. you think microsoft spent too much time on and sony not enough time spent on morpheus. what they showed of minecraft got the crowd excited and that's the whole point, to gain interest.

i do agree with microsoft and oculus. it sounds really stupid what they are doing on the xbox one but it does appear the angle microsoft is going for it to make the xbox one controller the default controller and promote windows 10.

you didn't miss much by not watching nintendo's event. looks like this is the last year they promote the wii u with a line-up like this and i honestly think zelda will be delayed for the new system like they did with the wii and zelda.

rainslacker3251d ago

I don't have my hopes up, but it's nice to have the option. I literally watch 3 total channels on cable, and don't even have it now because the 3 I watch would cost me $60 a month for about 3 hours of programming a week I want to watch. It's simply cheaper to buy the seasons of the shows on blu-ray or DVD when they come out. But there are other things on those channels I would like to get, so it may work out. It's not available in my area yet, so there's no real reason for me to be waiting on it, but the a la carte option is long overdue, and the cable companies have been taking advantage of people by bundling channels for the longest time.

As far as Morpheus. I didn't want them to spend a lot of time on it, but more than one game would have been nice. Maybe a sizzle reel or something, because apparently there are other offerings on the show floor.

With MS, I found their talk on Occulus to be disingenuous, because it won't be able to be used directly on the Xbox. That may come one day, but so far they aren't saying that. Halolens I have no problem with them showing, but given that the device is going to be pretty expensive on launch, it seemed a bit underhanded of them to try and make it seem like it was something that would be competing with Morpheus, which to me, seems to be the only real reason they'd show it the way they did.

I understand that MS is also promoting windows 10, and I have no problem with them doing so, but they use a lot of PR speak to cloud the lines between what is for PC and what is for Xbox. To us, it may not seem like it since we read every little detail, but to the layperson, that's exactly what is happening because all they see is the headline.

It's kind of like BC on the Xbox. Taken at face value, it seems awesome. It probably will be awesome one day, but when I came to understand the details past the initial announcement, I knew what became an instant selling point for me, suddenly became a wait and see if it's worth buying for that. The average consumer isn't going to spend the time to find the detail, which makes the announcement something that's true, but wrapped in some PR spin.

I won't say that other companies don't do the same thing, because they do, just that when watching the conferences, that was my takeaway from them.

I heard the Nintendo event, and EA, weren't really worth watching. I saw the announcements through articles, and I would probably agree.

freshslicepizza3251d ago

"I don't have my hopes up, but it's nice to have the option. I literally watch 3 total channels on cable, and don't even have it now because the 3 I watch would cost me $60 a month for about 3 hours of programming a week I want to watch. It's simply cheaper to buy the seasons of the shows on blu-ray or DVD when they come out. But there are other things on those channels I would like to get, so it may work out. It's not available in my area yet, so there's no real reason for me to be waiting on it, but the a la carte option is long overdue, and the cable companies have been taking advantage of people by bundling channels for the longest time."

but it won't really be a la carte according to that link i sent you and you won't really save much even with the very few channels they do allow to be non-bundled.

"Halolens I have no problem with them showing, but given that the device is going to be pretty expensive on launch, it seemed a bit underhanded of them to try and make it seem like it was something that would be competing with Morpheus, which to me, seems to be the only real reason they'd show it the way they did."

sony did not give a price on morpheus either and early oculus kits were expensive too. admit it, hololens looked pretty damn cool and it was not too long.

"It's kind of like BC on the Xbox. Taken at face value, it seems awesome. It probably will be awesome one day, but when I came to understand the details past the initial announcement, I knew what became an instant selling point for me, suddenly became a wait and see if it's worth buying for that. The average consumer isn't going to spend the time to find the detail, which makes the announcement something that's true, but wrapped in some PR spin."

how exactly was it wrapped up in spin? they said there would be a handful available to beta testers and by the end of the year there would be 100 titles and more coming in the future. they made it very clear it won't be the whole catalogue.

"I won't say that other companies don't do the same thing, because they do, just that when watching the conferences, that was my takeaway from them."

oculus support was pr nonsense i agree but everything else i disagree.

rainslacker3251d ago

If that's the case, then I won't bother with it. It was a good announcement for the time, but presented with new information it may not be all its cracked up to be.

On Morpheus, true, but Sony has often stated that the price is an important factor in making sure it's viable. MS said something similar, but they've also said it's not geared towards the gaming market, and the tech itself is not cheap. Occulus has been becoming more reasonable. Final price is hard to say because I don't think they've finalized what the mainstream product will be. I'd imagine it will be priced in line for the mass market...at least for the high end of the mid tier.

It's wrapped in spin because they said that it would have hundreds of titles off the bat, which it may, but the second they said publishers have to approve it, my hopes kind of dropped. Sure it sounds like it's a great thing, but publishers never seem to care to enable anything that they don't make money off of. If MS made it part of compliance it would be better, but that's not really a good thing to do retroactively given their current position in the market. I'm sure it'll get support, but unless it's mandated, it's not going to be where you can just throw any game in, and I'd be surprised if you could even throw half the games in. Those publishers may be more willing to enable it IF it means you can buy the titles on the X1, and they make money, in which case, we'll see more support. There's too many dependencies and speculations right now for me to really take it at face value, thus, it's PR spin because MS didn't lay down the conditions clearly enough, and made it seem that over the long run, the vast majority of games would be available, when there is no way they can say that right now.

I respect your opinion. These are just my own personal views, and since you're discussing it reasonably, I'm happy to discuss.:)

Blacklash933253d ago (Edited 3253d ago )

I thought it was a good E3 overall. Announcements like FFVII Remake and Shenmue III were unexpected projects that fans have been wanting for ages. NeiR 2 co-developed by Platinum was something I could hardly believe. Unfortunate that there were so many leaks and most of them were true, because that spoiled some of the surprises. Ah, well.

Not much in terms of original IPs, but Horizon: Zero Dawn really caught my eye. The premise looks pretty fresh and the TPS gameplay looked really good. I'm finding it difficult to get excited about The Last Guardian even though I still think it looks interesting, it's just been so long and development hell never helps my confidence.

I'd say Sony had the best Big 3 presentation overall. It kind of dropped the momentum around the 2nd half, but I'd say it was easily better than Nintendo's and overall had more stuff I was interested in than Microsoft's. Microsoft's conference was pretty good too, and I was especially happy to see them developing a way for backwards compatibility support.

Bethesda had the best publisher conference easily I'd argue, just for Dishonored 2 and especially Fallout 4. Fallout 4 had many great feature reveals and I'm a fan of the original Dishonored so I'm glad to see it exists. EA had far too much focus on sports and had a poor conference as usual, despite a few relatively small bright spots. Ubisoft was okay-ish, and I'm happy to see South Park 2 announced. Square Enix was alright, too.

But yeah, solid E3.

DefenderOfDoom23253d ago (Edited 3253d ago )

I also thought Bethesda had the best show . I was pleasantly suprised to hear that Fallout 4 is coming out holiday season 2015 .

New DOOM game looked fun ,but to come closer to original DOOM games, i need to see twisted maze ,puzzle like level design with secret rooms that have more Demons and crazy power ups. Come ID Software please make this happen !

coolbeans3253d ago (Edited 3253d ago )

While I worry about going over the moon for a set of conferences that was packed with sequel upon sequel, I've gotta say I did enjoy a lot of what I saw. For a glorified Powerpoint presentation filled with suits trying to push product, there was a lot of enthusiasm to just present fun stuff and excite the crowd. Even Nintendo's lacking direct feed still felt like a fun diversion. Wooly World + Star Fox Zero look like a ton of fun.

I know last year, people seemed more divided on the Xbox v. Sony conference. I thought Sony did a bit better then and the gap marginally widened in their favor this year. I didn't grow up with Shenmue or FF but I understand the cultural significance those announcements had. What stole the show for me was Horizon: Zero Dawn. Not just for its interesting mash-up of other games but the fact that it's a Guerilla Games-developed title (a little bit with TLG too but not as much). It felt like a pinch-me moment that a GG title could get me so hyped from just 100% gameplay. Did the next Harmonic Convergence come early or something?

I still don't align with the reactionaries who thought it blew MS' out of the water though. MS didn't rely on the third-party exclusive stuff as much as before (which is what I thought people wanted from them), they balanced '15 and '16 releases quite well, showed some interesting new IP's (granted not a straight gameplay viewing), and stuff like quasi-BC and 'Game Previews' that supplement Xbone's value a lot. Early Access is a great opportunity for devs on Xbox and the tiered Rent/Buy system is a great way to ward off leeches. The only things I'd like to see would be a refund system similar to steam's new concept and dropping the Gold requirement for f2p games (which is still ridiculous). I'm excited to play Rare Replay. My first opportunity to try Conker's Bad Fur Day and some older titles.

"Overall, the third parties won E3, and the first parties took credit."

I remember someone (maybe Razorfist?) mentioning that on twitter and I have to agree with that sentiment to a certain extent. Still, a fun time to have participated in that live.

Concertoine3253d ago

Honestly, it could go either way between MS or Sony this year. I don't think anyone's blasting anyone for thinking one or the other like it usually is.

LOL wow i just checked razorfist's twitter, he said that word for word! I haven't watched his stuff in a while, but he always had something... interesting to say.

Honestly, Rare replay is my most anticipated Xbone title for this year. I know it sounds crazy, but perfect dark and conker alone i'd pay 30 bucks for. I might actually get an xbox one soon, never would've thought that earlier this year.

coolbeans3253d ago (Edited 3253d ago )

"I don't think anyone's blasting anyone for thinking one or the other like it usually is."

I would like to think that...but then I remember some recent reported/- bubble voted comments bringing that up, unfortunately.

Haha, thought it was him. He actually just posted a E3 rant recently too. He has blinders on with the interesting new IP's brought up at E3, but I can understand his position on the glut of sequels from so many AAA devs.

Aside from other possible indie releases, I may be in the same boat as you with Rare Replay.

"I might actually get an xbox one soon, never would've thought that earlier this year."

E3 has a habit of doing that. XD I'd recommend trying to take advantage of one of the console trade-in deals, if you're able.


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shinoff21831h ago

Not sure it ever was. It's upside was day 1 releases from 1st party. Few and far between plus it is just a rental service where you don't pick. It is fairly cheap for now that's a bonus. I think the beat deal in gaming is gamesale on reddit , and watching amazon


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