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MW3 Multiplayer on PS3. Another CoD, more issues remain unfixed

So after having the game now for about 5 days, and having played quite a few hours of multiplayer, I think I'm in a position to provide some multiplayer impressions for those of you still on the fence about this game (if there are any of you left).

My biggest impression coming out of MW3, is not how similar it is to MW2, but how it doesn't work properly.

Yes, many of those issues that made Black Ops such a mess on PS3 are back for Modern Warfare 3, chief among them, the frame rate 'collapse'. The game in every review I've read is billed to run at a smooth 60FPS. Well it doesn't- all the time.

Yes it runs smoothly when your the only player on the screen, but that's where it ends. Multiple explosions, players, or large firefights make this game struggle and chug- and I still can't believe it's an issue reviewers and the community haven't widely commented on yet. Multiple frames skip, frames freeze for 1-2 seconds, and the whole experience is that the game feels 'jumpy' and unfinished.

What is most concerning is, these issues are negligible to non-existent in MW2. So what gives? This isn't simply a case of lag- 10 years of online gaming has taught me the difference. This is poor coding, and it's inherent game, not the connection (which for the record I've noted the issues occur in games where all players have full ping).

This to me is representative of two things:

1) The now yearly cycle in which CoD games are released has seen the same problem that plagues many sports games- the same game means the same issues. Black Ops had this problem, and now MW3 does too, and it should have been identified and fixed, but wasn't simply because the focus of development is not improving but re-skinning the same experience.

2) CoD players silently put up with these issues, because the game is still damn fun. I'll admit I still enjoy MW3. However, I still enjoyed NBA2K10, the most glitch ridden and poorly executed basketball game of the HD generation. It doesn't make them bad games, just badly made.

So there you go. Fire comments away.

hennessey864563d ago

Is actually on a 2 year cycle, infinity wards next game wont come out until 2013. The next cod game you will play is treyarcs effort. Allso five days isn't really along time to be playing a game online, give it another couple of weeks and things should be sorted.

zerocrossing4562d ago

I think what the guy is getting at is, the game as a whole has changed little when compared to previous titles, leading to the obvious assumption that the devs behind it care more about the money the CoD label will rake in than improving/innovating the franchise.

Also, giving the devs a chance to fix the bugs in the game by waiting for a week or 2, doesn't really excuse the fact that the bugs shouldn't have been there to begin with.

Getowned4561d ago (Edited 4561d ago )

This is one of the reasons why I respect Bungie so much right now,they are leaving behind what made them popular their "brand" (Halo) and going into a new game were they have to start all over again and make a new brand/name for themselves they can't hide behind Halo anymore(not saying they were) they have to go prove themselves.I really can't wait to see more of there new game.

COD well after MW3's MP they have gone way down hill,I talk to people at work and school they agree Blops has a better MP over MW3.IW has hit rock bottom.I do expect good things from Respawn though.


I like MW3s SP and co-op modes they are fun at least.

princejb1344561d ago

the game keeps freezing and all the hiccups started happening to me after the last patch that came out
i don't even bother playing multiplayer now till its patched
been focusing now on the trophies and special ops till they finally fix the problems that are very frustrating

news4geeks4562d ago

so what are the issues again?

theonlylolking4562d ago

The only issue I have in MW3 is the head glitch.

TopDudeMan4562d ago

I think the frame skipping you're referring to is actually just lag. I've had the same problem a few times and each time it was solved by host migration.

bunfighterii4561d ago

nah its not lag I've not been in a game where this issue hasn't occurred. I've had lag happen and this frame issue happen and they're completely different. Thing is I can't show you what I mean short of uploading to youtube, but the last thing youtube needs is another cod video taken off screen with someone's iPhone.

TopDudeMan4561d ago

no, believe me, I know what you mean. It looks like it's freezing, doesn't it? I'm almost positive that its lag because I only get it in some games.

princejb1344561d ago

its not lag bro, its actually freezing
I've had host migration and the same problem occurs
i hope they fix it soon, and fix elite also
i bought a product i still haven't been able to log into

greatjimbo784561d ago

Latency compensation needs a tweak as well.

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Haha right??....or Alt right?