
CRank: 15Score: 131855

Could Game Critics learn a thing or two from Movie Critics?

1perfect - being entirely without fault or defect: FLAWLESS
This is the definition of perfect as defined by Webster’s dictionary. Perfect doesn’t really seem like such a complicated word or a word that is difficult to wrap your mind around, and yet… game critics seem to not fully understand what this word means. It almost seems as if they have made their own definition:

1perfect something that is… well… you know… it’s kind of like… well it’s OK if it has some obvious or serious flaws but it’s still perfect.

It would seem that today’s game critic standards are a bit… off. It may be partly to blame from the fanboys or it may be due to the fact that these game critics fail to have any sense of what’s “perfect” and what has errors. This blog post has mainly been spurred by such recent reviews as Halo: ODST, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, and/or Gears of War 2. Going through these games meta scores they are indeed good games but, why all the 10/10’s, A+’s, 4/4’s,100/100’s, etc.? These games all have things in common. They have things wrong with them. Some of these things that are wrong with them might be larger than others but the same general idea occurs. A perfect score infers that the game is perfect, that there is nothing wrong with it. So why is it that game critics continue showering such blockbuster titles with perfect scores when they just simply don’t deserve them? Before we delve into that question, let me get to the basis of why I chose this title. I dare you to go on to and look for your favorite movie. The movie Transformers which was applauded by many, only received a metacritic score of 61/100. A 61/100. Gamers freak out when their beloved game falls below an 80/100 on metacritic. Titanic, a movie that won numerous awards and was very highly critically acclaimed received a 74/100. Star Wars 91/100. What is even more interesting is that metacritic seems to have noticed this trend in score awards. If you look at the general consensus of the review note at the top of the screen for Transformers, it says “Generally Favorable Reviews.” It didn’t take too much time to search for a game on the side of the screen that was around that score and I landed upon agame called Heroes over Europe. This game received a 62; the caption? “Mixed or Average Reviews. After some quick browsing on the “What is Metascore” section, I found out why they had to adjust the score system, and it only proves my point:

The reason for this special treatment for games has to do with the games
publications themselves. Virtually all of the publications we use as sources
for game reviews (a) assign scores on a 0-100 scale (or equivalent) to their
reviews, and (b) are very explicit about what those scores mean. And these
publications are almost unanimous in indicating that scores below 50 indicate a
negative review, while it usually takes a score in the upper 70s or higher to
indicate that the game is unequivocally good. This is markedly different from
film or music, where a score of, say, 3 stars out of 5 (which translates to a
60 out of 100 on our site) can still indicate that a movie is worth seeing or a
CD is worth buying. Thus, we had to adjust our color-coding for games to
account for the different meaning of games scores compared to scores for music
and film.

So why is it that movies seem to have such a hard time of wowing critics when game critics seem to be so very easily won over and hand out 100%’s like there’s no tomorrow. Sure a game might be good but a game should almost never be perfect.

One of the reasons I believe for these perfect or too high scores is simply because of the gaming community. If you are a frequent visitor to N4G, it should come as no surprise to you of the surprising immaturity and obsession of some users on here. One example is how NowGamer was widely criticized by many Halo fans for giving Halo 3 ODST a 6.3/10. Frankly I applaud them for being completely honest and giving the game a score that actually seems realistic. Killzone 2 may not have any articles of a specific site receiving hate mail for scoring a game lower than expectations (although not that they haven’t received any hate mail I’m sure of) but one specific review of Killzone 2 set off an unprecedented amount of reports. of Norway reviewed Killzone 2 and found that the game was deserving of a 6/10. To this, I say fair enough everyone has their own opinion. Apparently the community didn’t take kindly to this. With around 100 reports on it (some of them being multiple reports from a single user) the story was failed and restored four times as I recall. It even got to the point where an admin/mod had to make an update on the story that said that the review is completely legit and yet the reports kept flooding in. So what does this have to do with elevated review scores? Well simply, major sites may possibly rate especially anticipated games with higher review scores in order to avoid an inevitable backlash from console obsessive fanboys that would die before their beloved game receive a, gasp, score under their expectations such as a 7/10 and if a site goes below those expectations, the usual comments chime in which they question the site’s credibility.

LITTLE KNOWN THEORY: I’m sure if you’ve been keeping track, all review
sites have lost their credibility at least once, but instantly gain it back

once they give their hyped game a good score.

Another reason could be is that reviewers may have gotten themselves in a rut and are being pressured by the community. With so many “perfects” or near “perfects” handed out to so many games, it would seem outrageous and unfair if an anticipated game scored under an 8/10. Gamers have become almost accustomed to this trend and with the dawn of metacritic (which ironically I’m using as somewhat of a basis for in this blog) it seems like this high score obsession has turned into the rule of law with games. Now, extremely high scores don’t bug me as much as when sites/magazines post perfect scores. Even worse is when sites find their review ceiling to be inadequate and then go and break it such as what recently occured with the PS3M3 magazine review in which it gave Uncharted 2 a 21/20. I’m sorry, but no honest professional review would give an above perfect score for anything. Just the thought of it is absolutely infuriating. And what were the people doing in the comments? Rather than calling out the magazine saying “How unprofessional” or “Isn’t it impossible for something to be more perfect. Perfect doesn’t have multiple levels of perfectness, it’s either perfect or not perfect; not perfect, perfect, or more perfect.” No, many of the comments seemed to be “21/20, Only on the PS3” or “when a reviewer gives the game over %100, you know its[sic] good” (these are actual comments). Now I was hoping that with many of these kinds of comments, I was hoping that there were going to be people that actually had half-a-brain and argued with them or at least gave them a large amount of disagrees. I applauded the efforts of PrimordialSoupBase (Page 1 & 2), Valin (Page 4), and SolidSystem (Page 4 & 5) for actually bringing this score into a question. I then found it appalling that instead of these people getting the agrees they actually got a barrage of disagrees, and I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them lost a bubble. The fact that these users may or may not be fanboys is completely irrelevant and anyone that supports a score that crosses the review ceiling should be smacked in the back of the head, which going by the agrees/disagrees of that article seems to be much of the N4G community.

Switching to Gears of War 2, this game is a great example of a broken review system. It was so absolutely, horrendously filled with bugs, glitches, and negatives that I needed two adverbs. Yet, this game managed to weasel quite a number of perfect scores. Good game? Sure (subjectively). Perfect? No way in hell!! Of course bugs and glitches that could easily be fixed by a patch should be taken a bit more lightly but the second there’s a negative with a game, shouldn’t that automatically make it imperfect? To tell you the truth, I made a user review for Ninja Gaiden a long time ago and now I’m absolutely ashamed at the score I gave it. Even the revised score I gave it in the comments seems a bit high (I forgot to put the frame rate issues in the original).

One thing that is good about the game reviewers is that they are usually unanimous in their scores. This doesn’t happen with movie critics as they can range from a 9/10 all the way to a 1/10 per movie. If this happened to games it would really confuse someone interested in a game as to whether the game was actually good or not. With movies, it is not as big as a deal being that the cost of going to see a movie is only $7-10 USD where as a game costs $60 USD. With a usual unanimous score collection for a game it helps discern what games are good and which ones are bad. Some of you at this point may go, wait didn't he say in paragraph two that he applauded when a website gave a score that didn't fall in line with the other reviews in Halo: ODST, or Killzone 2 to which I respond: No, I applauded them for giving those games a "realistic score."

It would seem that magazines need a MAJOR facelift on the game review system. Close to perfect scores should only be handed out to the best of the best of games. Perfect scores should be handed out extremely rarely or even next to never. I say absolutely enough of this 10/10 crap that seems to be plastered and supported by 99% of game sites/ publications, the exception being as they have never given a game a 10/10 (at least as I’m aware of). Everyone needs to lower the game standards and game reviewers need to raise the bar for what is considered a great, good, or average game. Whenever a game reviewer crosses the review ceiling, that is definitely a sure fire sign that game reviewers have lowered their bar WAY too much.  If you’ve managed to make it all the way to the end of this, then hopefully I’ve at reinforced or at least swayed your mind at how broken the game review system is.

P.S. If you can give me one good reason why just one gripe with a game in a review shouldn’t make the game any less than perfect, then I would really like to know why.

P.P.S. Yes I know there were plenty of other games that could have gotten mentioned but if I wanted to write a blog with the same length as a novel I would have done so. And I'm sorry for the extreme formatting issues. I wrote this on Word and then pasted it here. Big mistake!!!

Story references

randomwiz5333d ago (Edited 5333d ago )

i agree with your blog, but i just have to comment on this:
"With around 100 reports on it (some of them being multiple reports from a single user) the story was failed"

Posts on N4G don't fail solely based on the reports. The mods have to delete the story if they want after they see the reports. Either that, or the story didnt get enough approvals

Cat5332d ago

Hey there!

Actually, N4G is user driven so the fate of many submissions is reliant on member approval and/or reporting. There are certain types of reports that fail a submission - among them, Old, Duplicate and Spam.

Reports like "Lame" are opinion-based, and non-failing, and reports like Bad Editing, are reparable and non-failing.

Because N4G is user-driven, mods and admins do not intervene and fail a submission unless it does not meet submission criteria or we are putting a fork in it, as it were (killing a duplicate submission before it fails from duplicate reports over time).

Hope that helps clear things up.

DelbertGrady5332d ago

Hiphopgamers posts, as an example, rarely meet submission criteria and his site crew abuses the contributor system to get their posts approved before anyone gets a chance to report them.

How come you still let them through?

HolyOrangeCows5332d ago

...that movie critics are too harsh and game critics aren't harsh enough.

They could both learn from each other.

randomwiz5332d ago

oh ok, i understand, but in this instance I was right about the mods failing it, because im sure people reported it for being lame, not old, duplicate, etc.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5332d ago
Cat5332d ago

I like to think of a distinction between game critics and game reviewers. I think critics in all fields approach their subject matter with respective criteria, and subtract points for particular failings.

As a games reviewer, however, I consider a score to be a "strength of recommendation". In other words, all my scores boil down to how much I'm going to hassle someone to buy, rent or pass on a game. In this understanding and classification, a game reviewer is far more free to give out 10s, because they/we/I are declaring that a game is not necessarily free of fault, but such a worthwhile gaming experience that it's worth your time and money.

Boldy5332d ago (Edited 5332d ago )

Yeah, I see your point. Most reviewers have good intentions with their score system however, some of the gaming community kind of ruins it and then turns it into a badge of honor or use it as ammo to go and declare war on another side. Anyways, I guess my idea wouldn't really help that situation much as they would just go to war with higher standards. Aaargh, I hate it when I start a rebuttal/argument and then forget where I'm going with it. Oh well. Anyways I was actually more for just scrapping the review system and instating more simple one (See reply to Jinxstar) but being that I knew the score system won't be going anywhere soon I thought I might as well just put my way forth in how, I would like to see it fixed. Many people have different variations in how they interpret a review score. Although they might be the same in a general sense, they can differ if you take a closer look.

By the way, I wasn't the one that disagreed with you. Please don't ban me, I saw what you did to Syko in the contributor forums ;)

Edit: Yes, I remembered where I was going with that. Some people use them as you say. Some use it for fanboy wars, while some use it as a basis for how good the game is rather than a recommendation. Although you may have your intentions, they aren't usually taken the way you would want them to.

Cat5332d ago

I hope you said your goodbyes to Syko...;)

There are a number of interpretations and a writer can only control the audience to a small degree, so once you put a review and a score out there you have to be ready to a) stand behind it and b) let it leave, b/c that review is no longer your own once a significant readership grabs hold and does with it what they will!

ZT actually teases me from time to time because I don't like to use the 100-pt scale in my review scores, but I'll never want to score a game like that. In my head it will always be "play this or I'll punch your face, rent this I'm saving you money, or pass on this or I will heretofore think less of you as a person". ;)

It is true for websites, even reviewers on an individual level, that every time they had out a "10" that "10" loses a little bit of impact.

5331d ago
Jinxstar5331d ago

@ Flaming

You know it's all in the eye of the beholder. I feel that N4G has gotten much better in the last few years myself. why? Probably because I am a PS3 fan. A couple years ago I was defending games like Heavenly Sword and had the same amount of bubs you have. Now your in my old spot with 3 bubs defending games like ODST. Funny how it works. I'm just glad I feel like I am right...

There are a lot of rules they do need to bend though. Here's a perfect example. Calling people names like Xbot will get you thorwn to the open zone. Your name has the word "Xbot" in it. If I call you an Xbot what does that say? Can I get banned?... how are they supposed to approach that? I wouldn't know and hence why I am not a mod or anything.

I do agree that many articles get approved on here that really shouldn't. Things like VGChartz and Hiphopgamer are prime examples. However even if it's HHG's Lackeys that approve the article it's been approved by X amount of people with pull so how are they supposed to deny it?

I wont lie I don't know the intricacies of this site. I don't think they are turning a BLIND EYE though.

Whats with all the random CAPS LOCK WORDS anyway? Putting emphasis on something doesn't need to be so... I dunno childish bro. It should make sense. Not "Me and YOU went to THE BAR and had a BEER" if you say the words in caps louder or stronger it just sounds silly.... I know your anger can be whats driving you to write like that but try to be more professional about it... You can do what you like but it just looks unprofessional if your trying to make a professional opinion.

Don't act like there has never been a article that was agains't sony here before. I know there have been and if that vid you posted was submitted I would even approve it because it's funny. There are other vids from them as well that are just as funny relating to any console. I myself don't think it's news worthy but truth is not all news is positive or negative. in the world of journalism many things are news. Fashion, Sports, Politics, Theater and even opinion pieces on whatever you can imagine. A parody vid is funny and sometimes things like that are news worthy.

I'm not defending anyone but I like this site. The mods are generally helpful and the news is usually good. We get a few articles that are useless(HHG) but thats just how it is.

Catastrophe probably has less power then you think and truth is their job is to have traffic on this site as well and just like the rest of the industry things like that parody vid drum up hits.

If you don't like this site go to G4 or Kotaku or any of the other 360 fan sites and be with people you like there. Crying about this kind of stuff and being completely off topic in someones blog is not just rude but unprofessional and useless. You wont make a point that way. You wont garner respect and you wont get sympathy...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5331d ago
McRad5332d ago (Edited 5332d ago )

Good read and I wholeheartedly agree. I think that if a game is getting a perfect score, then I shouldn't be able to play the game and find anything at fault with it. Poor AI? Not a perfect score. Glitches? No 100 for you. Undercooked story? Try again. For me to deem a game worthy of a 10 means that it is the absolutely PINNACLE of its genre at that time in the generation and the thought of "this game would be better if. .." never enters my mind.

During my 25 or so years of gaming I've only come across 4 games that fit that and none of them have been on the current generation of systems, yet I'm seeing more perfect scores than ever. How is it that GTAIV got perfect scores all over the place when it nixed an absurd amount of gameplay features of the previous major entry in the franchise?

Once reviewers jumped that gun of rating a game higher than what most(and even they themselves retrospectively) felt it should have gotten, they unwittingly raised the bar of what an acceptable review score is. So now it seems that if the game is under 8 then it is a complete flop and waste of someone's time. It's a shame too since there are a lot of games that would fall between the average and above average range (5-7) of the score chart that are really fun. They're flawed but they provide ample entertainment for what they are.

This is all of course if you're one of the drones that mindlessly follow review scores to tell you what to play instead of making your own gaming decisions, sadly there are a lot out there it seems. So we need a change of the guards but I fear we might be stuck with this for a while. I've always favored the reviews from Ars Technica since there's no score given so the content carries more weight for me.

Jinxstar5332d ago

I too have been playing since the Atari/intellivision days.

I agree that a lot of things got cut out of GTA 4 but... Seriously a gangster being able to fly a harrier then base jump out of it was a little over the top... Area 51, jet packs... All in a days work.... I prefer the more realistic approach of GTA4 and I LOVED the story. Too me it was damn near perfect.

Speaking of perfect. Lets get this clear right now. NOTHING is perfect. Think about this. The lenses they use to put into satellites or big telescopes to see into the stars are so close to perfect that if you stretched them out across the Atlantic from England to new york the height difference at most would be less then 1/2 an inch.... Thats pretty impressive but if it was on the PS3/360 it would be "Flawed useless imperfect junk"

There are limits to games. Always. You may never know whats through that door. You may never be able to climb into that sewer hole and see whats underground.... A game can be perfect for someone. Too me dead space was as close to a perfect game as I have seen this gen. The story was bar none the best. Pacing, Scare factor, Sound, Originality, Variety, Characters, Controls, Atmosphere, Scale, Balance, Graphics.... All to me were perfect. Or as perfect as I have seen. To me it's a 10/10. I can still find flaws though.

1. It ended...
2. It was hard at times.
3. A boss or 2 were a little over the top/dumb.

However these things to me don't detract at all from my experience.

My big problem is many gamers are snobs when it comes to reviews. Because the thing is there are so many aspects to take into account with games that aren't in other mediums. You don't have multiplayer in a movie, You don't have visuals in a book, You don't have controls on a CD, You don't have sound in a comic... Encompassing everything in a game and giving it an overall score is impossible. How about gamers take it at face value. i.e. 10/10 mean "I Freaking loved this game" 9/10 "I have played better but would recommend this to anyone" 8/10 "Great game and you should buy it unless you have something agains't SciFi/Horror/Action/Jrpg's&quo t; 7/10 "Fun but may not be worth coming back too. Might be a rent" 6/10"For fans" 5/10 "Only if your a fan then you might be disappointed"

Thats how I look at review numbers. 10/10 to me doesn't mean "Flawless" because there will ALWAYS BE FLAWS in everything. It just means "Fantastic".

Jinxstar5332d ago

Gaming is politics. Many reviewers say to "READ THE REVIEW" because.... I believe it was Jeff Gertsmann who was talking about all the flak he got for his Kane and Lynch review on Gamespot. Basically he was told to review it well because they were sponsoring the site. Even though the game was junk. he didn't and lowered the score as you said above and wasa fired. He mentioned how sometimes even before you get to play a game your boss may call you in asking for "Your number score" while on the phone with a publisher... Thats how the industry works. Anything less then 90% is junk to most gamers now a days. It's not "AAA". I mean really comparing games side by side you wonder sometimes.

AS we raise out standards the scores always go up. Look at a game from a year or 2 ago and look now. Compare Modern warfare to Modern warfare 2 or Drakes fortune to Drakes 2. both the originals were fantastic but raising the bar sets totally new standards hence the constant "perfect" or close to it.

"If you can give me one good reason why just one gripe with a game in a review shouldn’t make the game any less than perfect, then I would really like to know why." Because a "Gripe" to one may not be a gripe to another. Maybe you don't like the control scheme in Killzone 2 because your used to Modern Warfare however everyone else in your review office may love it. Does that make it worth taking away a point? Maybe a mention of "I didn't like the controls but most people find them well suited" or "It would have been nice to be able to modify the controls" but maybe it's designed a specific way for a reason...

I agree games get too many high scores and most of it's not deserved. However thats gaming politics. Read the review and not the score. Everyone says "Play the game yourself to decide".... That however is expensive or can be... I found that doing research is just as good. Looking at numbers is not...

Boldy5332d ago

I agree that people need to read the review, however so many people are so fixated on that score. To tell you the truth, I think we should just get rid of the score and just have the reviewer say at the end "I highly recommend this title," "I recommend this title," "If you like this, this and this in a game but hate this, then the game might not be for you, etc." However being that the number system is obviously not going away, I thought it could use a change for the dimwits that don't take the time to read the review and just say "Ha, flop," "Ha best game on this console." Some reviewers do that at the end of their review (what I stated above) but as I said no one cares about the text, they just care about the score. The only time they might read the text is if they give their game a lower than expected score in which they will go in line by line and pick out all the lines that make the website lose their credibility.

Anyways, I've probably left quite a few holes in this rebuttal, but I'm too tired to go back and make sure I close as many as I can.

Jinxstar5331d ago (Edited 5331d ago )

No need for a rebuttal. I wasn't trying to prove you wrong just give you a view that I see. There are a lot of things that gamers complain about. Chief among them are "Reviews" like you said and the other is "Sales" Why do we care about them. The answer is simple. If your product doesn't sell then people will stop supporting it and you wont get sequels or new consoles or other things. Sales of anything for a system help overall and ensure a bright future for fans but people fail to see this and think that sales only matter to fan boys when they don't. They should matter to everyone but not a lot. Look if your a fan of batman comics but people are buying deadpool instead because 4 dollars a comic gets expensive and they drop the certain batman series you like.... That really is kinda lame... Thats just how entertainment goes. So for everyone sales should be important but I don't feel they should dictate what you play.

That may look off topic but I'm just trying to show that people don't know or can't see the reason behind certain things and it's not black and white. I feel reviews are politics and it's sad. Many games get scores they don't deserve while others get passed over... I do believe as was said below though that 100% does not mean it's perfect because there is always more that someone can do but can you get 100% on a test? or swim faster then anyone else? or bench press more? Sure but it doesn't make you perfect. just really good at what you do. Uncharted does Action Adventure really well from what I have seen and read. I don't need a number to tell me that.

I agree though but what I think they need to do is cut down on reviews. Have you ever noticed that the meat and potatoes of a review is usually a very small portion of the review. Sometimes it's a history lesson on the game/developer followed by "So the review code came in the mail and the office was excited... Blah blah blah" then more story about the install time and the controls are still the same... I think they need bullet points.

-Fast paced and beautiful to behold.
-Controls tight but nothing new
-Great story and cinematics. The acting is amazing
-Much more variety then the first game with weapons, Environments and characters
- Etc

Negatives as follows as well.

Thats what I would like to see more of... but I agree with you man.

thor5332d ago

10/10 doesn't mean perfect... many people get this point wrong. It's just plain wrong to think that you can assign something a "percentage of perfect"... I mean WTF does that mean.

If I give some game 9/10, because it's awesome, what do I give the next game that's better? 9.9/10? What if someone makes a flawless, i.e. perfect game, but someone else comes along and makes something completely different but more fun?

Are you saying that if Gears 2 didn't have any bugs, it would then deserve those perfect scores?

Ask any reviewer who gave a game a 10/10, or 100%, or 5/5, whether they thought that game was absolutely perfect, and they'll tell you that it wasn't. Nearly every review mentions a couple of negatives. That right there tells you that these scores DO NOT MEAN perfect.

Another point I wish to make, is that if you say that no game is perfect, so that no game should get a 10/10, then your highest score is then 9. So you're effectively scoring out of 9. If a game gets 9/9 is it then perfect? How about we scale that back up to 10 again? Now is it perfect? Your first assumption that 10/10 means perfect is completely barmy and stupid.

Boldy5332d ago

I am just simply stating that games reviewers need to bring it down a notch, and give their review scores a little breathing room so that we actually have a sense of how good a game is. If game reviewers consistently hands out 10/10's and hit their ceiling then we don't have any sense of how good it actually is, unless gamers break the ceiling like PS3M did with Uncharted 2 which is remarkably unprofessional. Game reviewers, like I said, just need to raise their bar quite a bit. You can still hold games like Uncharted 2 or Halo 3 to the top of the pedigree but just knock them down a couple pegs so that we have some room to breathe here. Being that these games are arguably the best on the respective console, it is highly doubtful that many games will surpass them.

In regards to your last paragraph, as I've stated, I like what gametrailers does. They never give a game a perfect score, their scores seem to just actually make sense. A little too high, but at least they don't hand out 10/10's willie nillie.

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Helldivers 2 dev acknowledges 'unfortunate' firing of community manager beloved by fans

An existing community manager for Helldivers 2 has acknowledged the 'unfortunate' departure of Spitz following the whole PSN fiasco.

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northpaws1h ago

From what I see on Reddit, a lot of fans also hate him... it is just a guy that like the stir shits up, it is not good for both the Arrowheads and the fans.


Xbox Studio Closures 'Eggs Broken to Make Omelet' Situation; Great Show Could Mostly Eclipse Anger

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RaidenBlack7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

I was hoping for something different from Coalition, not Gears 6 so soon.
Their expertise in UE development could've propelled them to try out other IPs using the new UE5.
But guess, given recent MS' state, Gears 6 was the 'safer' call for the studio. But still hope they venture other IPs or even other genres ... at least FPSs in future?

Alexious5h ago

Microsoft seems only interested in maximizing profits through its biggest IPs at this point.

Fishy Fingers2h ago

So soon? Its been 5 years since Gears 5, longest gap between games in the franchise.

XiNatsuDragnel7h ago

I was hoping for better but Microsoft being safe again....

MrDead3h ago

Why would people be less angry? If MS made it's own games instead of buying up what was already available then we wouldn't be in the situation that everyone is angry at.

MS is the problem.

miyoka2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Just forget what happened and keep supporting Microsoft!

SonyStyled23m ago(Edited 16m ago)

Everybody pays for or uses MS in some form personally or professionally. If that’s considered supporting, it hasn’t been helping Xbox.


Fuck MS and Phil. I already told that shit bag off on Twitter, if the dumb ass responds I highly doubt it, I will go off much worse. What a fucking disgrace MS and Phil are to the gaming community.

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Ratchet & Clank-Inspired Platformer Akimbot Announced for PS5, Xbox and PC

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Relientk771h ago

I love Ratchet & Clank so I will indeed be keeping an eye on this.

DivineHand12514m ago

Same. I am a big fan of the series and feel it is criminally underappreciated by the community at large.