
What would the original 151 Pokemon taste like?

GamesRadar writes: "As we discussed when we wrote about The Top 7 Most disturbing things about the Pokemon universe, the humans of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova all eat Pokemon. All the time. Like, literally every day.

Which got us thinking... what do the Pokemon taste like? We have to imagine that it would be linked to their names, their looks, their elemental types, or something, right? So we got to brainstorming, and pulled together a list of what we think the original 151 Pokemon would taste like, if only we were able to eat them. Bon appétit!"

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zeal0us4413d ago

Dumb question.....but what are those slanted Z's under Ash's eyes? Also why don't Ash ever age/grow up?

TheModernKamikaze4413d ago

Magic. Or some sort of decade long puberty.

gumgum994411d ago (Edited 4411d ago )

Its a stylized version of those shadows on a person's bone cheeks. Its usually a bunch of lines in anime, but they decided on a "Z" because its simpler.

As for his age: Eh, I stopped asking because the more I tried to reason how all these events happened in a year, the more it didn't make any sense. Call it good ol' fashioned Fictional aging.

aviator1894413d ago

Haha, ridiculous article but entertaining nonetheless.

NukaCola4413d ago

Missing No. always settles a tummy ache.

TheModernKamikaze4413d ago

Also Pokemon seem to be omnivorous because they eat other pokemon and plants. Saw it on bulbapedia.

A-Glorious-Dawn4413d ago

I'd bet they all taste like Chicken..

Oldman1004413d ago (Edited 4413d ago )

I'm going to start using chansey as an alternate term for bacon and eggs.

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The Best Games Similar to Pokemon for PlayStation

There are many worlds out there brimming with wondrous creatures ready to help you on your adventure beyond Pokemon.

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LG_Fox_Brazil80d ago

Temtem is actually really good as a single player experience or as a co-op game. Played the shit out of it when it released


Pokémon Gen 10 Release Date Predictions: Are New Pokémon Games In 2024?

Even if Pokémon Scarlet and Violet have not yet completed their first anniversary, it is possible to predict exactly when Gen 10 is arriving.

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Pokemon Doesn't Need to Sue Palworld, It Needs to Get With the Times

The Nerd Stash: "There's been a lot of talk about Pokemon and Palworld recently, but if anything, Pokemon's new competition should be a sign to change."

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ChasterMies132d ago

Fortunately for Nintendo, the legal team is separate from Game Freak’s development team.

NotoriousWhiz132d ago

Unfortunately for us, as their legal team seems to be more competent than Game Freak's development team.

gold_drake132d ago (Edited 132d ago )

they do tho .. IF there is something to sue for. IP infringement is such a delicate thing.

but absolutely agree on the change

GoodGuy09132d ago

That, have longer dev time, and absolutely get rid of Nintendo as the exclusive platform. Imagine a AAA pkmn game on current consoles or next generation.

But money, they'll make billions with little effort.

badz149132d ago

you know that's never gonna happen

FinalFantasyFanatic132d ago

Gamer Freak, Creatures and Nintendo all have a stake in the Pokemon franchise, Nintendo especially will never let them go, I don't know how Creatures or Game Freak feels about it. Plus, the other two don't have a financial incentive to ditch Nintendo, they make mega bucks regardless. Although I think Nintendo should help Game Freak out more since they're clearly struggling, other they'll all just have to accept longer dev times and bigger gaps between games, or maybe just make some cheaper low-tier games in-between.

shinoff2183132d ago

Idk yall. I'd take a Pokémon jrpg over a Pokémon with guns, online play etc. Plus wasn't Pokémon mobile pretty fking big like 4 years ago then covid hit.

--Onilink--132d ago (Edited 132d ago )

Even Scarlet/Violet had sold 24million as of early November (and undoubtedly sold even more during the Holidays), its not like they are currently suffering.

Yes, there are plenty of things I would like Gamefreak to do better, and yes I happened to like Palworld, but not because its a Pokemon clone, because its not, but because its a good survival game, something that I have zero interest for the mainline Pokemon games to become.

Most publications keep bringing up these topic ls just for clicks, because clearly the game is your typical survival game (most who do well on PC) with some Pokemon sprinkled in and not a Pokemon competitor, the core gameplay loop is clearly just Ark with dinosaurs swapped for Pokemon like creatures

And again, while I’m enjoying the game itself, I hope it doesnt set a new precedent for what we expect from game devs these days because, based on their other games, this developer really seems to basically just try to go as close as possible to ripping off other games without getting into trouble and then not really following up on those projects as promised (Craftopia players seem particularly angry).

I doubt they ever expected the discourse around this game to reach this level of popularity to push those insane sales numbers, and they actually take the opportunity to increase the quality of their work

FinalFantasyFanatic132d ago (Edited 132d ago )

I'm going to say something somewhat controversial, the last set of Pokemon games weren't that bad, it wasn't a great game, but a good game if we ignore the performance issues (and I personally didn't have many bugs).

They just need more interesting towns and NPCs (give them interesting dialogue, there's literally no reasons to talk to NPCs), interesting areas/locations (like the sunken ship and Bellsprout Tower), and some decent side quest, there isn't really any interesting side quests in those games, and fix the barely there lore for the game (Idk even know what was going on with those 4 "legendary Pokemon"). And maybe add less new Pokemon into the next game so they can transition more of the older Pokemon into 3D.

I think Scarlet/Violet had the potential to go from a good game to a great game if they implemented most of those ideas, but they also needed more development time to optimise the game as well.

Profchaos132d ago

Yeah agree id take a remake of red in the style of the links awakening remake any day of the week

Profchaos132d ago

No they don't I don't want any of the gameplay anywhere near Pokemon the only link between them is the idea of Pokemon except there's guns you enslave humans and Pokemon and there's a survival aspect.

Pokemon is fairly family friendly can't see Nintendo going ok let's give them m16s and slaughter each other

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