
Crytek has DX11 graphics running in Crysis 3 on PS3, Xbox 360

"We want to make sure as much as is humanly possible can translate from a DX11 variant into a DX9 variant, that will work almost as good on an Xbox console to whatever extent we can, because we don't want the experience to be different between the platforms," Rasmus Højengaard, director of creative development at Crytek, told Eurogamer.

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dark-hollow4410d ago

it just not not possible without gimping the pc version.
they would look good for consoles, but no way even near DX11 can truly offer.

Winter47th4410d ago ShowReplies(11)
enfestid4410d ago

Yeah, I'm calling BS on this until I can see it with my own eyes. It's simply not possible to do a lot of the things DX11 can do on a PS3 or 360.

narked4410d ago

Think of DX11 on consoles as Instagram... making you feel like a photographer when in reality it's just some haze...

saladthieves4410d ago

Judging from Crytek's track record with previous Crysis 2 promises...we have to wait and see.

ninjahunter4410d ago

Its physically impossible. Consoles dont have the architecture to even support DX11

gatormatt804410d ago (Edited 4410d ago )

Ninjahunter, yeah and DX isnt capable on ps3 at all since it is Linux based. OpenGL is what the ps3 would run.

MaxXAttaxX4410d ago (Edited 4410d ago )

You PC guys are so sensitive and freak out easily.

* "We want to make sure as much as is humanly possible can translate from a DX11 variant into a DX9 variant"

* "It's render features that shouldn't theoretically work on consoles, but they've managed to construct code that can emulate a similar thing.... they don't have the same streamlined pipeline you would have with a DX11 structure, but they can get to a similar result just by experimenting and using tips and tricks"

* "they managed to make parallax occlusion mapping work, which is an advanced form of bump mapping where you get silhouettes as well, and you have self-shadowing"

You guys should READ first!

Trebius4410d ago

you fools need to learn to read before you post. Made yourselves look like morons.

Bathyj4410d ago

READ an article before commenting on it?

That will never catch on.

ChrisW4410d ago (Edited 4409d ago )

I also call BS!

If a console using a 6 or 7-year old GPU can do DX11, then why can't graphics cards 2-years old or older also do DX11?!?

Because it can't.

hakis864409d ago

Give me PS4 already xD

It will be interesting to see how far they can push the DX9-level visuals though.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4409d ago
ATi_Elite4410d ago (Edited 4410d ago )

1. PS3/360 are not capable of DX11 graphics because they DO NOT HAVE THE DX11 HARDWARE!

The 360 does have a few DX10 capabilities but that is it. No DX11 capabilities on the consoles.

2. the PC version will be capable of running through the DX11 api of course and what Crytek should of said is

"Crysis 3 really isn't using any advance DX11 features so we are just pulling your leg to create false hype for our game. Most of the special effects are just DX9 stuff and we tossed some DX11 crap on top of the PC version to appease PC Gamers"

Anyway Crysis 3 is a console game and the 360 is the lead platform so the PC version is dumbed down from the get go. All this DX11 console talk is just bullsht, fake hype, and misleading gamers!

middle finger goes to Crytek for screwing up Crysis and just stop with the DX11 on console crap cause it's a LIE!

DX11 = hardware.......not software tricks and for Crytek to come out and blatantly lie like this just shows they have no respect for consolers!

dantesparda4410d ago

I know this may sound like a stupid question, but how exactly does DX and OpenGL work? are they like virtual systems/guidelines for how the graphic card manufacturers should make their cards or what?

Kurylo3d4410d ago

microsoft makes and owns direct x... opengl is free for all....

direct x from what i hear just happens to be easier.

vortis4410d ago

Bubbles. It's impossible to add tessellation and soft volumetric effects from DX11 in DX9...even with graphics mods there's an OBVIOUS difference. I was looking at the LP2 DX11 features and most of it is subtle graphic enhancements that simply cannot be done in a DX9 equivalent environment. Crytek is BS'ing.

Bladesfist4410d ago

They are graphics APIs they take your code and translate it into instructions for the graphics cards. This is important otherwise you would need to write code for each individual graphics card if there was no API

MaxXAttaxX4410d ago (Edited 4410d ago )

Geez, you PC guys freak out so easily.

* "We want to make sure as much as is humanly possible can translate from a DX11 variant into a DX9 variant"

* "It's render features that shouldn't theoretically work on consoles, but they've managed to construct code that can emulate a similar thing.... they don't have the same streamlined pipeline you would have with a DX11 structure, but they can get to a similar result just by experimenting and using tips and tricks"

* "they managed to make parallax occlusion mapping work, which is an advanced form of bump mapping where you get silhouettes as well, and you have self-shadowing"

You guys should READ!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4410d ago
Muffins12234410d ago

Yea true....but i bet this will be outdone by another developer,quality always goes up and every year they say it is maxed out the console.When truth is,they just learn to be better programmers and learn more about the graphics card they work with.See,developers work on just one graphics card on consoles,so that's why they can make really good looking games on a 250 dollar console because they worked on it for 10 years.Pc,may have better hardware but its likely the developer is not using your graphics card to the full potential :C

TruthSeeker4410d ago

Okay, obviously. It says in the first paragraph that they are trying to get some of it running on consoles.

kevnb4410d ago (Edited 4410d ago )

well first off they didnt even mention ps3, since it uses opengl. And second off, its just basically pr talk about how they want to squeeze as much out of the 360 as possible.
I also would like to see them make crysis 3 run at a decent framerate on console, they failed miserably with crysis 2.
Console gamers shouldn't forget all the lies and false promises crytek fed you last time. And pc gamers shouldn't forget how much they butchered the actual gameplay just to get crysis 2 to run on console at 20 fps while looking pretty good.

Jazz41084410d ago

Reading the article they never said that they would have dx11 on consoles. On the 360 the only console mentioned in the article they said they will try to emulate dx11 features on dx9 and only if it doesn't slow it down. This headline is used for hits and does not clarify what was actually said.

Tyre4410d ago (Edited 4410d ago )

Exactly...i'm getting sick and tired of this flamebait and Crytek undermining. Crysis is a fresh series, high quality production value, solid controls, tons of replay value, damn good soundtracks and they look amazing for console games. If you haven't played them yet, go get 1 and 2! Don't listen to these mole-people over here, they are blind with envy and spoiled. I'm certainly looking forward to Crysis 3! Bring it on!

ritsuka6664410d ago

Crytek has DX11 graphics running in Crysis 3 on PS3, Xbox 360"

Probaly this game in consoles will run in LOW quality, like Batlefield 3. -__-

LackTrue4K4410d ago

DX11 can't even run on a console!!! Are they trolling??? Crysis 3 is ONLY good on pc, i was not impress with what crysis 1 or 2 did on my ps3. I already hurd them say "CRYSIS 3 WILL PUSH THE XBOX AND PS3 TO ITS LIMITS!!!" *ROLLS EYES* not this crap again........

awi59514410d ago

Well almost all of the direct x10 effects worked on windows xp when microsoft and crytek said it couldnt be done. It was a artificial nerf to make us upgrade to vista. I wouldnt be surprised if it did work if they put in the effects another way.

50Terabytespersec4410d ago (Edited 4410d ago )

Cutt the hype BS out already we are 5 + years into PS3 and only a few games can push the SPU's and GFX architecture Killzone3 ,uncharted 3, GT5 and GOW 3 has proven that if your not exclusive you better bring something real special in terms of technological innovation to the PS3 platform to make any point!!!
I want GT6 in Full HD no Blurr and GOW4 !! NOW!!!!

DeadlyFire4410d ago

Only way DirectX 11 exists on an Xbox = Xbox 3/720. :P

As for this cramming as much graphics as possible stuff. Does this mean we see 20 fps on PS3/X360? I know its not likely to run at 1080 or 720 resolution with all the graphics pushing they are aiming at doing here. Never know though. Its possible that the game will come to next generation consoles as well if its launching in 2013. Just wait until they tweak their engine for next generation. :P

R6ex4409d ago

Consoles are DEAD old-tech.

PC forever !!!

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4409d ago
GamingPerson4410d ago (Edited 4410d ago )

What about the resolution? I rather they make consoles 1080p. But I am buying it on pc anyway.

Shaman4410d ago

Hope they go for tile based deferred rendering. It was added in CE3 that way consoles could be able to render it at 1280x720 or 704 with black lines like BF3.

Grap4410d ago

it can't be PS does not run on DX.. Crytek stop this BullSh!t hype we get it our Console are max out on uncharted and Gears so stop ur hype. end of the story

TheGameFoxJTV4410d ago

WOW! Its sad that you got agrees. Cause you have no idea what you're talking about.

dirthurts4410d ago

PS3 runs on OpenGl. Not Direct X.
It's impossible to run Direct X without modifying the PS3's base code, although the gpu is capable of doing so.
Maybe Direct X 11 "style" graphics, but not true direct x 11.

DoctorXpro4410d ago

DX11 graphics running on PS3, Xbox 360...

yeah right

GamingPerson4410d ago (Edited 4410d ago )

These guys should all run for office. They've perfected the art of selling dreams and lies.


ProjectVulcan4410d ago (Edited 4410d ago )

Gotta eat up that hype consoles boys OM NOM NOM! Seriously though..

You can make anything run on a console, via software rendering. They do not have true DX11 architectures but sure enough you could emulate many effects in software.

The only question is what is your definition of "run". Software rendering is abysmally slow.

More like crawl. Sure enough you could do occlusion mapping, and even tesselate on 360, but with all the other effects it'll "run" about 1 frame every 10 seconds.

The difference being on a modern DX11 hardware accelerated PC, it'll actually RUN at least 30 frames a SECOND.

Hence they are banging on about how they got it "running" but not that it will actually make the finished thing LOL what use is that?

Try not to eat up all this hype we are used to seeing from Crytek regards consoles versions. Just go play the console version of Crysis 2 yourself and then the PC one and see if you believe what they said about that one....

Mrmagnumman3574410d ago

Im from Crytek, and I came to tell you that Separable Subsurface Scattering is also coming to consoles, and they will run at an amazing 7 fps! Also, even though Crysis 1 pc outsold every version of Crysis 2 combined, we still are chasing the dream of Cod sales!

In all seriousness though, I am hoping that Crytek goes back to their roots, and focuses on the pc version, instead of making it a consolized corridor game.

Ocelot5254410d ago (Edited 4410d ago )


you're right , but i have 2 remarks:

1. software rendering is rendering graphics on the CPU, take note that the devs can also write their own implementation of dx 11 effects in DX9 code (or openGL on the PS3).

2. "Gotta eat up that hype consoles boys OM NOM NOM! Seriously though.."

I would be more ashamed of the neckbeards shouting HUR DUR CONSOLES CANNOT DO DX11. Most people here aren't even able to write a for-lus in C++ , yet they claim to be experts when it's console bashing time.

shuuwai4410d ago

everything in real time using "Global Illumination" including "photon mapping" and nothing is bake.

coming soon in ps4, and xbox720.

silly dev are trying to fool the console user.

jetlian4410d ago

lol people on here dont know anything. ps2 could run dx11 stuff. A system can be coded to run whatever you want. however it may not run it well.

you can do tessilation smoke on ps2 but thats all there would be to the game. Question is how much is lost running dx11 tech on ps3/360?

ProjectVulcan4410d ago (Edited 4410d ago )

It is true Ocelot. You can do a lot with various effects. You'll never get actual DX11 because it is a specific API but you can get certain effects- usually at a performance cost as i highlighted. Often massive.

Part of the point of many of DX11's advancements are creating functions that can be hardware accelerated at a much lower cost than possible before in older APIs. Easier for developers to create.

That means sure enough things you can do in DX11 are possible on older hardware, virtually anything is. But it'll cost so much to actually implement it, its pointless.

So when someone says something can't do X or it isn't POSSIBLE, generally when i say it too, i usually mean its just not PRACTICAL. Technically its not the same thing but realistically it is as good as.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4410d ago
JsonHenry4410d ago

I think the only console that can actually do anything DX11 related is the Xbox and ONLY because it can do tesselation. Nothing else is possible.

raytraceme4410d ago

Well there is dx11 performance enhancements which diced used on the ps3 for bf3 but graphically I agree no chance. However you have to agree uncharted 3 is the closest consoles can get to "dx11" graphics.

dark-hollow4410d ago (Edited 4410d ago )

there is no console game and never will be (at least in this generation) that offer dx11 features.

there is nothing called "dx11 graphics"!
crysis 2 max dx9 still looks better overall than some dx11 games on max. having dx11 features doesnt mean automatic next gen graphics! that depends on the engine too.

dx11 features are simply cannot be done on consoles, which leads console developers resort to "tricks" and smokes and mirrors to make it looks better.

Increased Geometric Detail through Tessellation,
which provides greater geometric detail to curved surfaces like terrain, 3D models, water and such without the need to impair the GPU with increased ploygon count, which is not featured in uncharted 3.

Compute shader is another graphics optimisation feature that allows developers to tap GPU power directly without having to deal with the API mainly for post process chores like blur, bloom, film effects and the likes."

and you guessed it, not possible on consoles.
those two and many other DX11 graphics optimization features are simply not possible on todays consoles.

Mrmagnumman3574410d ago

@Dark-Hollow, thanks for showing Ray Trace the way... Its nice to see that their are other people on here that actually know about this stuff

Pain_Killer4410d ago

Tessellation isn't hardware restricted, there were games before DX11 which could render geometric tessellation however the tasks were handled by the CPU.

DX11 tessellation switches that load over to the GPU hence increasing performance and quality at the same time.

Consoles don't have such hardware inside them, The GPU is massively parallel, so GPU tessellation is also going to be way faster than running the equivalent CPU tessellation each frame (at least if you're tessellating enough stuff).

Anyways, Looking forward to Crysis 3. Can't say im that hyped as i was for the second part but still i love the franchise. Gameplay would be improved along with the story line but that's not what makes Crysis.

Crysis has always been all about its gorgeous graphics, The PC version probably beats 99% of the games released when it comes to visuals.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4410d ago
basilezz30304410d ago (Edited 4410d ago )

another PR from them once again
does any one here believe that they will push any system ???

NYC_Gamer4410d ago

Crytek needs to stop with the bull shit that's not even possible

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EA’s best multiplayer games have now shut down for good

Battlefield Bad Company 2, Dead Space 2, Crysis 3, and a handful other EA games have finally had their online services shut down.

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OtterX163d ago

I had no idea that Bad Company 2 was still running, and only now that I know, I want to jump on! 😥

SonyStyled163d ago

I was able to find games in the Vietnam dlc on ps3 the last week. There were articles on here about the server closure when it was announced in April

DaReapa163d ago

BF1943 is the only online MP game that I was genuinely interested in. Been playing since launch 14 years ago. Hate that I couldn't put in as much time to play as I'd hoped for during the final week.

Inverno162d ago

I got really into 43 when I bought Bf3, and preferred it. Everything that I disliked or found annoying about Bf3, wasn't an issue in 43. Too bad they never bothered releasing it on PS4 or PC.

1nsomniac162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

Dead Space 2...... I wasn't even aware that had multiplayer. Nevermind that it was apparently one of their best multiplayers!

anast162d ago

Once people stop buying micros, these companies close the doors.

Xenial162d ago

Dead Space 2 multiplayer had been hanging on for years - I'd boot my PS3 up to see some familiar names in lobbies. This will definitely be missed!


EA has finally removed SecuROM from Crysis 3

Electronic Arts has released a new update for the PC version of Crysis 3 that removes its SecuROM protection system.

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The Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn & more running in 8K/30fps on NVIDIA GeForce RTX3090

Bang4BuckPC Gamer tested Crysis 3, The Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn and Final Fantasy XV, with all of them running with 30fps in 8K.

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RazzerRedux1310d ago

Yep. Wait a couple of years and get this level of performance on a RTX 4070 or 4080 at a much lower price.

Killer73nova1310d ago

And wait a couple more years for rtx 5070 or 5080 at a much much lower price

Yung-T1310d ago (Edited 1310d ago )

That headline is a tad misleading.
The rig stated in that YouTube video is extremely high-end (ryzen 3950x oc, 32gb etc) and utilizing special water-cooling solutions, loops with pumps etc.

This rig easily costs 5k+ and a normal pc with a RTX 3090 wouldn't get close to these framerates or sustainable temperatures.

Aggesan1310d ago

Who has a "normal" pc with a RTX 3090?

Yung-T1310d ago (Edited 1310d ago )

There's still a difference between a high-end GPU+CPU and a custom-made water cooling system including a Waterloop&pumps etc though, it allows for much higher performance due to the better temperature management that would fry the GPU&CPU with normal builds.

lonewolf101310d ago

That's why people need to read the articles, most headlines are just to get you to click.

Rainbowcookie1310d ago

You would think yes, but honestly does it happen often 🤣 enough

I_am_Batman1310d ago (Edited 1310d ago )

Most of the threads of the 3950x were barely utilized and none of the games that were tested allocated more than ~12.5GB of system memory. Gaming at 8k is pretty much as GPU bound as you can get so you won't need a water cooled high-end CPU or 32GB of memory.

Psychotica1310d ago (Edited 1310d ago )

How does the cost of the PC make the headline misleading?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1310d ago
Father__Merrin1310d ago

Mega powerful video card but the games you can play on that card are all available elsewhere. I want to see compelling pc only goty material titles ASAP

Psychotica1310d ago

And where else can you run them in 8K or even in 4K with the same level of performance?

averagejoe261310d ago

Who cares? Nobody has 8k screens and the majority don't even have 4k screens.

This push for pointless high resolution is ruining progress. Give us better framerates, lighting, physics, etc. Stop wasting power on needles 8k.

lonewolf101310d ago


There are people with 8k monitors though.

Bender65021310d ago

And still we can't escape 30fps.

JCOLE131951310d ago

I mean given the fact the games are running at 8K it doesn’t surprise me...

MrDead1310d ago

DLSS 2.0 no doubt has a big part in this too, The Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn and Death Stranding run like a dream on my 3080, 4k ultra set to 60fps no drops or stutters and the system runs very quiet. Playing Borderlands 3 on badass settings, Red Dead or Division 2 on 4k ultra all run great (Red Dead has a few drops below 60fps) but my PC is working a lot harder on games that don't utilise DLSS, my room warms up nicely when playing those games.

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