
Microsoft Announces Nine New Games for Windows

Following a lackluster CES keynote, Microsoft sent out a press release this morning touting the "powerful momentum" of Games for Windows and the addition of nine new Games for Windows-branded titles including Alone in the Dark and LEGO Indiana Jones.

The full list of new GFW games includes:
• "Alone in the Dark" (Atari)
• "Bionic Commando" (Capcom)
• "Conflict: Denied Ops" (Eidos Interactive)
• "Empire: Total War" (SEGA)
• "LEGO Indiana Jones" (LucasArts)
• "Microsoft Train Simulator 2" (Microsoft Game Studios)
• "Sins of a Solar Empire" (Stardock)
• "Space Siege" (SEGA)
• "Tomb Raider: Underworld" (Eidos Interactive)

TnS5990d ago

Kotaku's title is a bit misleading. I thought Microsoft announced nine new games for Windows. :)

InMyOpinion5990d ago

Indeed. "the addition of nine new Games for Windows-branded titles".

blade2065990d ago

i told you guys it's all about the os they don't care about the 360 it's just a way to get games on windows that's the big picture

mighty_douche5990d ago

Only a few titles there that i want and ill be picking them up for the console not PC. PC is FPS land for me.

Zhuk5990d ago

This is great news for PC gaming and the Games For Windows initiative, with this powerful momentum of games helping to drive Games For Windows in 2008 I have no doubt that PC gaming will still continue to provide quality and alternative gaming experiences from the consoles

heyheyhey5990d ago

what are you some mechanical robot programmed to type out phrases straight from M$ press conferences? i think the "sony fandroid" responses are programmed too- you always say basically the same thing every time

a little heads up M$ your little zhukbot isn't working, its just putting people off the 360

joemomma5990d ago

What did i say about taking your meds so you dont say crazy things?

AnSteRiX5989d ago (Edited 5989d ago )

you know what it is .... am with Zhuk not evil noob zhuk

Agent 885989d ago

This is not good initiative from Windows, consumers can now see the drastic lean away from the Xbox system and back to their software roots. The hardcore 360 gamers are again being ducked and left out in the New year cold. In the months ahead, look for more backdowns by Microsoft to avoid going head to head with the Sony war machine, the PS3. I guess its back to the drawing board for the MS console division, maybe in 2009 they will show more innovation and initiative with an improved console. In the mean time, consumers are bounced from format to console to PC like a tennis ball. Only the consumer has no chance of defeating MS and is left with empty pockets and a broken heart........

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5989d ago
INehalemEXI5990d ago

This was a lackluster list. Was expecting something new...

Show all comments (12)

Alone in the Dark Developer Has Been Hit With Layoffs

Alone in the Dark developer Pieces Interactive has been hit with layoffs a month after its release, as per the latest information.

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coolbeans37d ago

That genuinely, genuinely sucks. The reboot has clear flaws, but it really felt like a solid first step for this team to receive *greater* investment.

XiNatsuDragnel37d ago

Alone in the dark is a fun game so that's unfortunate

CrimsonWing6937d ago

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that the norm after a project is done?

Terry_B37d ago

That's standard. Teams are together for a Project, after its done some..and sometimes most devs are fired until the next Project is in the works and people are needed again. Only the core members stay in the time between the hot phase of the game development.

CrimsonWing6937d ago

What’s annoying is people don’t understand how contractors work, either. All of this is uninformed knee-jerk reactions without any understanding of how employment works in this industry. There are key developers and staff that stay with a studio/publisher, but often times it’s a hire per project and then seeking new employment for a project. That’s how it’s always been…

coolbeans36d ago

That's a fair point too. I would say that in light of its tepid critical/commercial response and ongoing mass layoffs across the industry I think it's understandable for fans to worry about the longer-term implications. We'll see how it plays out in the future.


Alone in the Dark (XS) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Lee Mehr: "In one sense, it feels strange to even think Pieces Interactive had big shoes to fill with this series' legacy. Given what's come before, did it really? And yet, even when considering the last two flops over a two-decade span, there's still something about Alone in the Dark emblazoned on a title screen that carries a sense of revered history. In that respect, perhaps this reboot's best accomplishment is in honoring that spirit through its inventive world. It's also fair to emphasize knocks against its survival-horror design, some puzzle-solving, and so on; it certainly won't be considered a trendsetter like the 1992 classic. Still, the amount of goodwill wedded to its brighter qualities makes for something that dawdles the line between unfortunately-flawed and impressively-enticing."

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Alone in the Dark review [SideQuesting]

The new Alone in the Dark remake doesn't do anything especially noteworthy, but that doesn't mean it's bad. It's just... cromulent.

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