
'I'm now finding myself incredibly bored with just about all genres of games'

I've been gaming for about 22 of my 28 years of life, from the Amstrad and Mega Drive to the PS3, but I'm now finding myself incredibly bored with just about all genres of games. I'm completing first-person shooter games within three to six hours. I used to love RPGs, but now I end up watching the FMV's online instead. It's all becoming more like a chore.

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RedDead4438d ago

I was bored heavily until recently. A long break I had

ps360wiihdera4438d ago

Happened to me once around 7 years back... then Nintendo came out with Wii and my gaming spirit was rekindled!

ShaunCameron4438d ago

Same here. While I didn't completely lose interest in video games, the only games I cared to play were sports games. For some reason the other genres just didn't interest me. Before NSMBWii, the last non-sports console game I played was FF2 on the SNES around 1996. I made it to the last part of the game, but I didn't get a chance to complete it because my brother erased all the memory data. I eventually got around to completing it and completed it on Christmas Eve 2009.

For me it was the Wii via NSMBWii that renewed my interest in video games. It reminded me of a lot of things I missed. The charm, the creative level-designing, the memorable theme music (today's developers barely do that anymore), etcetera.

reynod4438d ago (Edited 4438d ago )

I personally think the developers are somewhat to blame. This is because they have run out of idea. Most of the games they release are pretty much rehashes of the same old stuff.

Now the question is why have they run out of ideas? The answer is simple GREED. I think fresh ideas have many times come from the gaming community. With the current generation of consoles what has happened is that the gaming community has been shackled, user freedom has been taken away. This has all happened due to console gamers willingness to pay for crap such as Maps, Weapon skins etc. All of this used to previously free on the PC gaming platform. The gaming community used to come out with fresh ideas inorder to improve stuff all of this used to happen for free. Since developers saw console gamers are willing to pay for such stuff they took away freedom from most games. Hence today even on the PC many games dont support mods.

Some of todays great games only came to existence due to mods on the PC. Games like Portal, Dota, Team fortress 2, Left4dead all came to life as mods.

Now since developers rather charge for their crappy DLCs and the gamers are willing to accept it. Mods have been locked out, developers cant possibily come out with all the creative ideas the gaming community can. Hence i feel this has limited creativity in gaming.

For anyone looking for a new experience. I urge you to pick up a copy of Warcraft 3, Load the Dota mod and play that game. Its a 10 year old game. However the Mod is so dam creative, its just something different to all the me toos in the gaming world today. Personally i cant get enough of Dota since i started playing it. I feel developers need to start giving some of the freedom back to community so it can develop more mods and get some creativity back in the gaming world.

I think console gamers like their PC breathern need to start demanding stuff instead of keeping quiet. I Console gamers need to start asking for Mods on all games so they too can come up with something new and creative. Leave it to the devs and all you will be seeing is the same old tried and tested stuff, devs generally dont like to take risk and bring something new. This is because its a financial risk to them, However the gaming community has alot of talent and they may try new stuff, which may lead to something different like Portal.

ronin4life4438d ago

Disagrees for liking the wii on n4g?
Shocking! ^_^;

AtomicGerbil4438d ago


Don't you mean publishers?

I'm sure most of the devs' are sick of rehashes.

ShaunCameron4438d ago (Edited 4438d ago )

@ ronin4life

Indeed. The Wii wasn't perfect. Even before buying it, I questioned its controller system. But my high interest in NSMBWii overrode whatever flaws the it had (the graphics, the lack of quality 3rd-party games). When I saw the video footage for World 8-4, I was sold. And thankfully there were many other games that justified owning a Wii.

Let me tell you this. Had I been able to find the Wii version of Bully or had Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One come out before Gears Of War 3, I wouldn't have considered the XBox 360 as the console to upgrade from the Wii to. Despite its hefty price tag at the time, I actually wanted the PlayStation 3 assuming it had the games I heard of from from all the previous PlayStations (Tomb Raider, Grand Theft Auto, Crash Bandicoot, etcetera).

irepbtown4438d ago

I'm effectively taking a break right now. Playing once every couple of weeks.
I think this year will be very big for gaming as there will be from the looks of things, some top notch games releasing.

I personally think that most games are enjoyable because of your friends. Ofcourse there are some games you dont need friends to have for you to enjoy such as God of War. But take FIFA 12, I only play it because all my friends do. And that's what makes it so much fun. Taking the piss out of my friends if I beat them or vice versa. That competition being there makes the game fun.

However when your friends aren't online, the game gets boring within seconds. Battlefield 3 is great when playing with friends. However when alone after a game or two I'm off it. We need games where you dont need your friends to make it enjoyable. Warkawk is a great example. Bags of fun, yet I NEVER played with my friends in that game.

Venoxn4g4438d ago

I was very bored with games (except some gems on PS2), but after Gamecube & Wii I was like born again, really

Gaming1014438d ago

Yeah, you aren't playing good games if you're bored with them, that's the problem.

Also, you're probably playing wayyyyy too many hours in the day. Anything gets boring after playing too much of it.

DragonKnight4438d ago

I blame it on the obsession with visual fidelity. Games aren't about fresh ideas, or unique takes on old ideas, anymore. It's all about who can pump out the "closest to photo-realistic" graphics now. I also blame the media. The review system is so inconsistent and without any accountability that great experiences can be made to be seen as horrible, and horrible games can be given the hugest passes on their problems.

As a result, devs and publishers elect to take the safe route for sure money games instead of actually trying out something new. Also, fans are a BIG problem when they say one thing and do another. As in "CoD is the worst P.O.S. series ever" and then *proceeds to buy every CoD game.*

In short, devs are focusing on the wrong things and not taking chances, media is creating poor perceptions and are given free reign to be idiots, and fans never back up what they say with their wallets. That's the problem. And until even one of those things change, boring experiences are pretty much going to be a given.

insomnium24438d ago

@ dragonknight

I agree on pretty much everything you said but this

"As in "CoD is the worst P.O.S. series ever" and then *proceeds to buy every CoD game.* "

might not actually be true. I'm pretty sure there are many users on this very site that have not bought a COD game after being dissapointed with MW2 or black ops.

I buy pretty much every game I find interesting but I'm having serious problems with actually having the time to play them.

I work long hours and I have small children so my gaming is pretty much restricted to 8pm onwards and since I do have a wife and a job that requires me to get up at 5am-5.30am I'm not able to play that much per day. I need my sleep or the lack of it will interfere with my bodybuilding. 6.30-7 hours minimum.

Statix4438d ago (Edited 4438d ago )


Yeah, I bought MW2 (2009), and whined a lot about how much it sucked. Then I bought Black Ops (2010), which I enjoyed a lot and thought was the best COD since COD4. Then MW3 (2011) came out and completely sucked azz (borrowed a friend's copy), and I still have not bought it to this day.

To me, MW3 stands tall next to MW2 as some of the worst online MP games I've ever played. The weapon balancing and netcode are atrocious. I still haven't bought MW3, and I won't be buying another COD until they at least implement dedicated servers like Battlefield. Which doesn't look like it'll be anytime soon.

tokugawa4438d ago

it happened to me last gen. after playing vice city, nothing lse really entertained me. then i went to my cousins who was only the second person i knew with an xbox, and played halo co-op, and rainbow 6 on-line

i was blown away, and went and bought an xbox the day after. now, i am even more into gaming that i have ever been!

mamotte4437d ago

Fact: You love the Wii, you're hated on N4G. Priceless.

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FragGen4438d ago (Edited 4438d ago )

Maybe the author is just growing up. LOL.

4438d ago
FragGen4438d ago (Edited 4438d ago )

I'm 46 and posting on N4G. I obviously still have enough kid left in me to enjoy games but I'm more discriminating in how I allocate my gaming time as an adult since it is more limited and I have additional priorities. Lighten up, G4E.

humbleopinion4438d ago

I think it's more of "getting old" rather than "growing up".
As in Lethal Weapon: http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Ascalon944438d ago

I cant lie, as I've began to grow older I have lost a lot of interest in video games but I still stay in touch with the culture and upcoming releases, but I definitely dont spend near as much time playing games as I did a few years ago.

MidnytRain4438d ago

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."
- Joseph Lee

CommonSense4438d ago

I am a year older than the author, i have found that i'm just getting kinda bored with all entertainment. i think you just accumulate more and more experience and that makes "new" things feel less new.

speaking about games in particular...I made a list. and last year, of the 20 games i bought, i beat about 3 of them. and all 3 of those games were really short (uncharted 3, for example).

a lot of games lately, like mass effect 3, just get too easy and repetitive. they don't add new game play elements as you progress. so you just get better at the game and you become more powerful. in ME3, it got to the point where i could just kill everything with one shot from the sniper rifle.

there are so many companies that really need to look at what makes a great game great. DEVELOPERS, go back and play Half Life 2 if you need help. it's one of the best examples of a game that introduces new gameplay elements from beginning to end. you never get bored.

by contrast, play kingdoms of amalur. really fun game...for a while. then it just gets reduced to walking into a room and killing everything in 4 seconds, then moving to the next room. and that's essentially what happened in Mass Effect 3.

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Gamer19824438d ago

This guy reminds me of me exactly.. I am 30 now and getting bored of gaming myself stopped buying and playing as much as I used to. I used to play JRPG's till my hands blistered now they don't even so much as burn. I have a stack of unplayed games too that lost there value a long time ago I probably wont even play either..

Shadow Flare4438d ago (Edited 4438d ago )

Same here. About 7 years ago, any game I had I would complete and complete everything 100%. If trophies existed back then I would have had quite the collection. Even when trophies were first introduced on ps3, I liked to try and get platinum. Now, I simply don't care about them. I platinumed uncharted 1 and 2 but couldn't be bothered with 3.

I find shooters incredibly boring now. The last shooter I bought was resistance 2, but the online of any of those shooters are just the same old thing. I'm bored of it. I got into the starhawk beta and liked it a lot, but I'm just bored of the whole shooter thing.

RPG's I played my fair share but I haven't played a new RPG for years now. I'd rather play FF7 over and over again then play any new rpg's. The only game I really properly play at the moment is LBP2, because if you put the effort and imagination into that game, you'll never get bored. I even use to comment on this website every single day but I haven't commented for months. I'll still watch every E3 though. That still always excites me. Though I'm quite happy to now just sit in my nostalgia hole and just play games I've loved in the past

xflo3604438d ago

I was getting bored also so 3 weeks ago i took a break. Started playing again about a week ago and i am back in love with gaming.

ReservoirDog3164438d ago

If you find yourself bored, branch out from the currently popular stuff. Try genres you never tried before. Stop buying generic CoDs and BF3 and stuff like that. You're asking for it if that's all you play.

Me personally though,, I don't get how you can get bored of games. As long as you play games that look fun to you, I don't get how you can go wrong.

gcolley4438d ago

by playing too many cliched games. there is very little that excites me as these genres did at the start. doom had a greater on me than halo 1 which had a greater impact on me than anything i have played in the last 2 years. same with bfbc1 vs. bf3 (only started online gaming on console) and so on in all the other genres i play. i have just played it all before.

movies are the same

ReservoirDog3164438d ago

@ above

Haha, well then branch out. Stop playing generic space marine or modern warfare FPS games with no story and such.

Try Portal or Deus Ex or Half Life (assuming you haven't already). Try Super Meat Boy and Rayman Origins. Try the Persona games and Valkyria Chronicles. Try Vanquish and....hm. And try innovative flash games online.

And for movies, well, stop seeing blockbusters. See good indie movies. See smart action movies like Children of Men (one of my favorites). See Pan's Labyrinth. See Reservoir Dogs.

If you want a huge list of good movies you probably haven't seen, pm me and I'll help.

Fez4438d ago

Alright yoda, back to your swamp.

morkendo234438d ago (Edited 4438d ago )

I agree with ICE_COLD
im bored as hell with FPS,MMO'S,MULTIPLAYER type games. even a long break will not snap the bordom
developer got to come out with NEW IPS outside of FPS,MMO'S,MULTIPLAYER games. did not buy ps3 for CoD,MASS EFFECT,BF3,god of war,killzone,haze only type games. these dang developers need some ol school juice flowing!!!!! Jax&dex,Metriod,RATCHET,CR ASH BANDICOOT,GRADIUS 6,RAYCRISIS,BATTLE ARENA TOSHIDEN,SILENTBOMBER,METAL SLUG,RAIDEN PROJECT,G-DARIUS good lord, why not have these games in HD for ps3 on a FREAKIN DISC.
now days my ps3 is on ONLY FOR CLASSIC NETFLIK MOVIES.

showtimefolks4438d ago

its hard to explain but i am currently going through the same thing. and i been bored of games since really MGS4 but Uncharted 2 was a game that was a lot of fun for me.

i feel like now a days games aren't going the extra mile, everything is a shooter and its getting tiresome

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Godmars2904438d ago (Edited 4438d ago )

Its happening for me this gen largely because "Innovation" feels like its going in the wrong direction. Devs and publishers are asserting their rights over consumers, up to and including their right to "sell" you an incomplete product which you actually don't own.

And then there's the whole "RPG element" that being added to everything while no ones trying to further those elements past their basic stat and stat building tropes.

AzaziL4438d ago

It's like they all took a page from the EA 'Madden' devs; take the last game they released, reskin, new texture, maps and elements, a couple gameplay tweaks and your set.

MoveTheGlow4437d ago (Edited 4437d ago )

The editors were playing it a little safe with their response; they really should have covered what you're talking about, Godmars.

However, they do have a point. Innovation isn't taking place in the AAA field. It's taking place with little, tiny games that are being sold for a couple of bucks on Steam, the Humble Bundles, the App Store, and the Android Market (hehe, okay, maybe not the Android Market). The big guys can't take a risk; they have to cast such a wide net to get as many buyers as possible because the games cost so much to make. The little guys NEED to take risks, or their games won't stick out!

To me, this guy needs to put down the Call of Duty for a few months and play some (separated for easy reading, people!):

Wizorb, Rock of Ages, Audiosurf, Cthulhu Saves the World, VVVVVV (or anything Cavanagh touches imo), Sequence, Bit Pilot, Super Crate Box, Super Meat Boy, The Binding of Isaac, Dungeons of Dredmor, and be anticipating the release of Legend of Grimrock!

It's like putting down the Michael Bay for a while and watching some cheaper, more engaging independent flicks and animated shows.

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dedicatedtogamers4438d ago

Play PC. Honestly. Unless you've been a PC gamer for decades and you've been able to play every major and minor release, there are a whole host of PC games from the past 20 years that are worth playing.

PopRocks3594438d ago

Enough with the elitist attitude. Some of us like consoles/PCs/both. Kindly get over it.

Also PC won't be getting Mario, Metroid, Zelda, Ratchet, Jak, etc.

decrypt4438d ago

PC has Mario, Metroid, Zelda, RAchet Etc

Its called emulation lol.

Infact PC has a bigger collection of Mario, Metroit thany any current Nintendo system on the market lol.

PopRocks3594438d ago (Edited 4438d ago )


Aside from fan games like Mari0 and Super Mario Crossover, most of that "collection" of ROMs of yours is illegal.

Besides, I like buying my games. It supports the people whose content I like, and I get to play it on my console of choice. The Wii let me experience games like Mario Party 2 and Sin and Punishment and the 3DS gave me an opportunity to play Metroid Fusion and Fire Emblem. All of which were legal.

So yeah, PC doesn't get those games unless you're poor and/or an asshole.


"I have a few problems with console games."

Instant reply: "Play PC." Since when does having issues suddenly suggest the entire medium is dead? I hardly see any reason to shift totally to PC games despite EVERY platform in this modern age having a large plethora of different games.

So yeah, I'm a tool for liking what I like and saying no one thing can replace the other. Thanks for that.

SneeringImperialist4438d ago

How is he being an "Elitist" you tool?

PeZuS4438d ago

That's not being an elitist. He merely suggested he played PC games too. Explain to me how that is elitist...

some people

chanmasta4438d ago

Hey PopCocks, if you like buying your games, buy the old games and use ROMs on PC. If you own the game you're emulating, it's legal for personal use.

irepbtown4438d ago (Edited 4438d ago )

The problem with PCs are you need to pay close to £1,000 for a very good PC/Laptop. A console costs just over £200. Then if you want to stay on top of the best games you need a new Graphics card every so often which can get expensive.

I do play PC games, heck I do love playing it. But not everyone has a top notch PC and that's what you need to get the best out of a game.

Mrmagnumman3574438d ago (Edited 4438d ago )

How the hell was he Elitist ? Everything he said is true. Every game before this gen is playable on pc,including wii games. Pc also gets mods, so playing a game on pc opens a whole new world of possibility. Dont believe me ? Pm me, and I will show you how many mods there are for a recent game like crysis 2. For instance, im making all of Chicago, just from using the crysis 2 mod sdk, and its a completely new experience, with a new storyline, and thats just one of thousands of mods that give a whole new game for free, and you get this all because of pc. Its not being elitist, its realizing facts.

T9004438d ago


Thats a misconception with many people unfortunately.

A decent gaming PC will barely cost you 500GBP. If you already have a PC at home which is anywhere between 3-4 years old, then it will only cost you a GPU to out perform consoles. A GPU that out performs consoles will barely cost 80gpb.

Further on dont forget every game bought on PC is cheaper. PC versions of games also go on discount much quicker than the console counter parts. Hence in the long run its no contest PC just is cheaper.

Lastly dont forget, as the generation ends and you buy a new console, you wont be able to play your old games (which you probably bought for thousands of GBP), that itself is a big loss on consoles. With PC you get to retain all your old games. Now sure you can retain your old console and play your old games however how many old boxes are you going to maintain and possibily keep rebuying if the older one fails?

Hence from a long term prespective if you are a serious gamer and buy anywhere between 2-3 games a month. PC is always going to be cheaper, its no contest.

chanmasta4438d ago

@irepbtown; Don't give us that crap. I built a PC for my girlfriend that cost around £450 and plays every damn PC game out right now, MAX. Max meaning max settings. I've had my PC for around FOUR YEARS and it plays every single game for PC, with only a couple of the latest ones not completely maximum, which cost me £700 at the time.
Stop shouting out crap on the internet and thinking you know it all, because you don't. I don't know everything, but I do know what I've done from my personal experiences, and what you said is completely wrong.
Plus, I own almost 300 PC games and 4/5 of them were purchased for under £10. But hey, you can continue wasting £50 for each game if you want, with limited technology.

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urwifeminder4438d ago

I agree im making the move just seems so much more content as well in games ive enjoyed my console days but pc is where its at right now.

ACBAA4438d ago Show
ritsuka6664438d ago

I agree dude, PC have so much more variety than consoles PERIOD.

Outside_ofthe_Box4438d ago (Edited 4438d ago )

Last I checked MUST have PC titles consisted of mainly MMOs, RTSs, and online FPSs... PERIOD.

What was the last ***GREAT*** single player experience on the PC? Half-Life?

reynod4438d ago

I think you pretty much dont have a clue about PC gaming if you think Half life was the last great PC single player experience.

Infact PC covers all of the genres that consoles cover, However PC goes the distance provides the user with genres consoles have no reply too.

Anyways for recent great single player experiences check out:

Witcher 2, Shogun 2, Starcraft 2, Metro 2033

D3mons0ul4438d ago Show
shackdaddy4438d ago

I agree because PC has all the indie devs who do new things. Keeps you on your toes.

honkyjesus4438d ago

(insert PC elitist comment)

Well done.

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MoFo11114438d ago

Theres a lot of variety on pc

PopRocks3594438d ago

I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I've never said to anyone that there is no variety on PC. I however, don't like being treated like shit for saying I enjoy the games I can play on my consoles just because someone happens to have a nice computer with some new high tech video card and I don't.

I've said it before and I'll say it again; I will buy the Wii U for Super Smash Bros. 4 before I go out of my way to buy a PC that can play Starcraft II at max.

PeZuS4438d ago

Uh, if your PC can't already max SCII then we have a problem (as in: ancient computer)

TheGameFoxJTV4438d ago

The WiiU will 100% chance be more expensive than a PC that could max SC2. LMFAO, maybe you need to do a little research before you start to spout off bullshit. As a gamer who has built his own Pc, owns and purchased all of the current gen console and the previous gen, I assure you that PC gaming is MUCH cheaper. So, the whole price thing you are clinging to is 110% wrong.

Cosmo8114437d ago

Nobody is treating you like shit. Stop acting like you're being persecuted just because Ice_Cold voiced his opinion.

Jio4438d ago (Edited 4438d ago )

Same here. I think it is from reading too much on game releases before they come out, completely ruins the surprise like when we were kids and got a new game not knowing what it's about at all. Another thing that's ruining gaming, is that it's not a game anymore. Like they said, it's a chore. Developers forget that these are games, they're supposed to be fun, not tedious, with boring tutorials, unnecessary functions, you can see how developers ignore the "game aspect" when you look at cheat codes. When was the last time you used a cheat code in a game? Now, games are taken too seriously, while for some games it makes sense, for others, this usually comic relief enhances the experience. Games need to be more fun, we need more platformers, adventure games, humor games, just something to play when we're not playing triple A shooters.

Ravenor4437d ago

Options to always skip tutorials would be welcome, and I would really love to see a bit more "random" thrown into my games.

Even if it's just a tombstone that says "Here lies Link" it still made me laugh.

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