
April 2012: Six Must Buy Games

Every month numerous publishers and developers releases new set of video game almost confusing gamers which one to buy and which one to skip. Now as April 2012 is just around the corner, and we would like to present to you list of FIVE GAMES You Must Buy this month without thinking twice.

krazykombatant4459d ago

Cannot wait for the witcher 2!

potedude4459d ago (Edited 4459d ago )

I would consider getting an Xbox just for the witcher 2. The only other game that made me consider that was mass effect. Hopefully it comes to ps3 soon. Xenoblade looks sick as usual as disgaea.

Have to say colour me cynical on star wars kinect. Not to be hating but it doesn't float my boat...

Raiz4459d ago

the witcher 2 and Devil May Cry HD Collection... both these are must buy for me in April 2012.


Xenoblade composer shares a message, says "it's time for a fresh start"

Xenoblade Chronicles composer Kenji Hiramatsu reflects on his work and feels that it's "time for a fresh start."

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autobotdan260d ago

Best JRPG series of the last 5 years imo

repsahj260d ago

I agree 100%. My top JRPG so far, together with Baldurs Gate 3 and FF16.

autobotdan260d ago (Edited 260d ago )

There is no together at the top. There is only one top jrpg series. Xenoblade Chronicles series is alone at the top

raWfodog260d ago (Edited 260d ago )

I like the Xenoblades series but my ‘top’ series would be either the Trails series or Persona series. Just too many good games for me to just pick one series though, so I say play them all lol.

autobotdan260d ago

You are hereby excommunicated the church of Xenoblade Chronocology

CappyBlack260d ago

I'm not huge into JRPGs, but my favorite is easily the Persona series. It's all opinion though. Xenoblade is a great series.

repsahj260d ago

XC4 for Switch 2 for the win!! So excited!

phoenixwing260d ago

Also they might port over xenoblade x to the switch 2


Tetsuya Takahashi Wants The Next Xenoblade To Be Vastly Different From Previous Games

Tetsuya Takahashi has revealed his plan to make the next Xenoblade vastly different from previous games.

GotGame818291d ago (Edited 291d ago )

I liked the Xenoblade X formula. It takes awhile, but opening up Mechs was amazing. Especially once you can fly them, and use them in battle. You have to put some time into the game to do it, but it's worth it!

Also, the graphics were more realistic than the other games. Still looks good today, just a lot more pop-in than is acceptable today, hell even too much for back then. It wasn't game breaking though.

gleepot260d ago

Xenoblade 1-3 and X are so great. That said, I'm ready for them to do a big change up.


Kinect Star Wars (2012): A Journey Through the Galaxy with Motion Controls

Kinect Star Wars, a groundbreaking game released in April 2012 for the Xbox 360, utilized the Kinect motion-sensing peripheral to plunge players into the heart of the Star Wars universe.

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ApocalypseShadow444d ago

One of the worst things to happen to Star Wars was it being exclusive to Kinect when PS Move could have been a better version because of "buttons" per Kevin with better tracking. And the controller looking like a light saber hilt. Or, had an actual light saber game similar to the dojo in Vader Immortal.

But the miming lies on the Microsoft E3 stage was icing on the cake of this garage. Wasn't even live gameplay. Just bad acting. Nothing ground breaking about this travesty.