
Dead Or Alive 4: Christie Cosplay

Cosplayer girl AngelicStar has turned herself into Christie from the video game Dead Or Alive 4. A cold-blooded, emotionless woman with a sadistic streak, Victor Donovan hired Christie to kill Helena Douglas and was responsible for the death of Helena’s mother, Maria. Ever since, she continues to stalk Helena throughout the series.

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LOGICWINS4469d ago

Actress that played Christie in the DOA movie still hotter


Captain Qwark 94469d ago (Edited 4469d ago )

um no and that cosplay chicks body is smoking hot. that pic you posted, shes got a cuter face, ill give you that

LOGICWINS4469d ago

I agree that the cosplay chicks body is smoking hot, but I'd rather wake up to Holly Valance's face every morning =)

Convas4469d ago

Ehh, to each their own I guess. I'd rather wake up to the asian brah. Real talk.

LOGICWINS4469d ago

YUP..to each his own :D

iamgoatman4468d ago

This is pretty old, remember seeing it quite some time ago, good stuff though.


Mortal Kombat hits 80 million sales, here's how it stacks up against competition

NetherRealm confirms its Mortal Kombat franchise has sold over 80 million copies in the last 30 years, and here's how it competes against other fighters.

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Kakashi Hatake385d ago

Don't care what anyone says, Smash isn't a traditional fighting game. May as well call Powerstone and Playstation All Stars fighting games. They're more of an arena fighter /party game.

NotoriousWhiz385d ago

You don't have to care what anyone says. It's not a traditional fighting game. But it is a fighting game.

gerbintosh385d ago

Not according to the creator, Sakurai. Link below


384d ago
CrimsonWing69385d ago (Edited 385d ago )

I mean what makes them an arena fighter than say something like Tekken? Because there’s platforms?

NatsuXTheMaxspeed21385d ago

because theres a bunch of pokeballs and other random stupid stuff on stage that you can use at your advantage and flying ultra super power ball that you got to chase on the stage to get your ougi LMAO.

CrimsonWing69385d ago


I mean what it sounds like is they took a fighting game and “added” unique mechanics to it to me.

When I think arena game I think of things like Spawn: In the Demon’s Hand or Virtual-On.

Smash to me is a fighting game, they have fighting game tournaments for it. It just doesn’t jive with me to call it “not a fighting game” because you have poke-balls and platforms or because it has 4 players at once duking it out.

Power Stone I’d consider a fighting game as well. Hell, if you google what it is everyone calls these games “fighting games”. So yea, they’re fighting games…

Immagaiden385d ago

What’s next, you gonna say Mario Kart isn’t a racing game?

NatsuXTheMaxspeed21385d ago

oh its a racer but its not a realistic one like GT or Forza. only kids check for mario kart and smash .

Immagaiden385d ago

I didn’t say it was realistic. I said racing game. Does Burnout not being realistic make it not a racing game?

What does a demographic have to do with a genre? Do kids playing CoD make it any less an FPS? You see how ridiculous bringing up that subject is?

repsahj385d ago

"Only kids and kids at heart check for mario kart and smash".


FallenAngel1984385d ago (Edited 385d ago )

Nobody said it was a traditional fighter. Everyone acknowledges it as a platform fighter

PSASBR & Power Stone are fighting games, the former being a platform fighter and the latter an arena fighter

gleepot385d ago

You're correct, it isn't traditional. It's a fighting game though.

repsahj385d ago

Because if cute and lovable characters are fighting it's not a fighting game? XD As long there's a versus fighting, it is a fighting game.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 384d ago
MrNinosan385d ago

Including Smash Bros in a list of fighting games, is like including GTA in Racing games.

NotoriousWhiz385d ago

I hate to break it to you but smash bros has fighting game tournaments so it qualifies.

MrNinosan385d ago

"and here's how it competes against other fighters"

No, Mortal Kombat doesn't compete with games like Smash Bros? It's a different genre for a different audience.

NatsuXTheMaxspeed21385d ago

Anybody can host a tournament in their garage it doesnt mean it qualifies.

NotoriousWhiz385d ago

I'm going to assume you're not part of the FGC. However, I am, and I can tell you that there is a ton of overlap between people who play smash competitively and those who play other fighting games competitively.

Now for casuals, there is a lot less overlap between the two for sure.

PapaBop385d ago

While technically true, Leffen comes to mind, FGC and Smash community have always had a rocky relationship.

Thundercat77385d ago

And yet, If Smash Bros was over 80 million, you wouldn't be complaining. On the contrary, you would be bragging about it.

Immagaiden385d ago

Bad comparison. You do a LOT of things in GTA outside of a car while fighting is what you’re mainly doing in SSB

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Ezio2048385d ago

Given the volume of games released, I would say Tekken has sold the best.

lodossrage385d ago (Edited 385d ago )

Yeah, that's a good point. Most of these games have parts to the franchise outside of traditional fighting games.

Like for example, with Mortal Kombat, do Special Forces, Mythologies: Sub: zero, and the Kollection count?

With Tekken does death by degrees or the tag tournament games count?

With Street Fighter, are we counting all the iterations of 2, 3, and 4? how about the ex series or alpha series?

There are a lot of variables at play here

Ezio2048385d ago

Even after including Tekken Tag, they have less titles compared to all MK and SF games.

CS7385d ago

Yeah, i realized that too. Very interesting.

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Reboots In The Works For Tecmo Classics – Dead or Alive And Ninja Gaiden

Two of Tecmo's classic series, Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden, are getting new games with a possible reboot of both series.

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Seth_hun566d ago

Why do we need a remake of Dead or Alive, instead of a new installment in the series ?

blackblades566d ago (Edited 566d ago )

There's no remake it says reboot. There is a difference just like a difference with remaster as well. They all have re doesn't mean they are the same. They want to reboot and start fresh after both series with South. With there success with nioh series it might be a good idea and hopefully goes well for them and the games.

Crows90565d ago

Reboot ala tomb raider...i don't think you have a problem with that.

Number1TailzFan566d ago

Fighting games are too shallow, they were good at first.. up til around Tekken 3 and Soul Calibur on Dreamcast, because they had a ton of extra modes and challenges and stuff. Everything after is basically the same, or with even less content.

Terry_B566d ago

Sounds like you did not play a lot of fighting games after SC 1.

FinalFantasyFanatic565d ago

Really? I feel like they add way too many systems and options to some of the newer games. Like Soul Calibur 6 for example, feels like they'res just too much going on, whereas I loved 2 and memorized all the skills and options for my favorite characters, played through most of the modes as well.

boing1565d ago

Been playing Tekken for almost 30 years. It's the opposite of shallow.

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Five Times Games Went Too Far With "Sexy"

I'll be honest, I've only played #3 & #5 from my list, the rest required research. I had no idea how many games were out that were designed to be overly sexualized or plainly put xrated. My list is of games that were suppose to be a game but with adult theme that just might of gotten carried away.

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Mulando2290d ago

yes you can.
I didn't think that when I was 16 but over item I totally changed my position on that topic. And I more than doubled that 16 ^^ ... I think you can call me an old gamer now.

cleft52290d ago

I am older than your double 16, you can never go too far sexy wise. As long as we are referring to legal stuff of course, but really that should just be assumed to be so. Games, like every other medium, is an art form that allows content producers to express themselves. What needs to change is people childish outlook on what gaming is and what it can be.

Mr Marvel2290d ago

@Mulando You're probably just gay.

cleft52290d ago

They actually put Bayonetta on this list... thats just sad.

CaptainObvious8782290d ago

It's funny how today's feminists have turned into the evangelical Christians of the 90s, people they'd readily call sexist and misogynistic.

Feminists have no self awareness.

rainslacker2290d ago

I think you can, but in the case of DOA, the sexy is kind of it's thing. Is it distasteful? Maybe, but that's subjective. I have a feeling that most people who brought DOA, the excessive fan service doesn't really turn them away, nor do they really fuss about it that much.

It'd be nice if the media maybe realized that games are made for a target audience, and that not everything is made for them.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2290d ago
yellowgerbil2291d ago (Edited 2291d ago )

I remember buying the first DOA volleyball game at Best Buy when I was 16 I was so afraid they were going to turn me away. I starred at that little rating that said nudity and dreamed of what could be. The cashier gave me a look but sold me the game and I went home with glee. Putting in the disc I giggled with anticipation. A diving naked ass and a clothed stripper dance, now we are talking... then the game starts and NO NUDITY. The manual hints at a secret part of the island so I play for hours and hours trying to find how to unlock a nude beach that doesn't exist. 16 year old me went to bed that night disappointed.
You can never have enough sexy

JROCKNXL2291d ago

I think we all share that same story lol. we would do anything to see a boob lol

2291d ago
rainslacker2290d ago

I've had that with a couple anime titles back in the day when VHS was still not popular. Of course, at least one of them actually showed a lot more than I would have thought possible, so sometimes it worked out. For the most part with games though, there isn't really all that much in terms of over-indulgence in sexual stuff. It's not like watching any given HBO original series where it's mostly pointless outside of maybe one or two scenes.

_-EDMIX-_2291d ago

I have no clue what they mean by "too far"

what is this the 1950s?

2290d ago
FullmetalRoyale2290d ago

In olden days, a glimpse of stocking was looked on as something shocking. But now God knows, anything goes.

TFJWM2290d ago

Damn, guess the disagrees didn't listen to Fallout Radio...

Skid2290d ago

The only game that went too far in their article is 'The Guy Game' and only for the reason that there was a minor in it who was 17 and not 18 or over.

rainslacker2290d ago

I saw some ankle in Crash Bandicoot. I was triggered!!!

_-EDMIX-_2290d ago

Lol 😂😂😂 28514;

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Skankinruby2291d ago

Why the hell is sexy content more controversial than violence? Just don't buy it for your kid, nuff said

_-EDMIX-_2291d ago

Absolutely agreed

I also hate when these articles try to pretend as if ESRB doesn't exist.

FlameBaitGod2290d ago (Edited 2290d ago )

Hey man its ok to murder people and decapitate them! but 1 tit ? thats just fking out of line, pretty Nazi if you ask me.


rainslacker2290d ago

I suppose different people have different priorities, and there are those who don't like violence either. But in the end, neither is actually a problem.

TheOttomatic912291d ago

IMO they didn’t go far enough

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