
Gamers Raise $32,000 To Change The Ending To Mass Effect 3

GameBlurb writes, "Apparently the ending to Mass Effect 3 is bad. Really bad."

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Snookies124460d ago

Hahaha, this is hilarious man! Wow, it really must be bad... I have yet to see it, going to play it eventually, but seriously how could they have messed it up? Either have Shepard save the universe and become a hero, or have him sacrifice himself in a noble attempt... Kinda hard to go wrong with either one right?

Andronix4460d ago

Some may criticise these fans for taking a game too seriously, but you know what? That's $32,000 for sick kids.

zeeshan4460d ago (Edited 4460d ago )

Starting a petition is one thing. Pooling in money that you can easily give to some poor people just to change a video game ending is sort of cruel to the word humanity. I understand it's their money and they can do whatever they want to do with it but it's our world for God's sake! Things happen, even the well-off people can become homeless! It happens and can happen to anyone. There is something seriously wrong with the world. Heck you can save a child's life in Africa or Pakistan or India. Think about it!

EDIT: The site wasn't opening for me and now it is. I just read that it is going to charity so, I guess all's good. Regardless the cause, if the money is going to charity and will help a human being, then that's great!

bobrea4460d ago (Edited 4460d ago )

First world problems.

vickers5004460d ago

"Pooling in money that you can easily give to some poor people just to change a video game ending is sort of cruel to the word humanity."

The same can be said for anybody who purchases any video games. That $65 you put down on a game could easily feed a homeless family for a couple of weeks. That 50/60 bucks you spend on Xbox Live or Playstation Plus could easily be donated to charity. That 200-600 bucks you spent on your console could probably save a lot of lives.

The fact is, that logic can be applied to ANYTHING we don't actually need to survive. In a perfect world, sure, a lot of people would donate a crap load of money to the needy, but we don't live in a perfect world, and we are ALL selfish beings in one way or another. I think it's a bit hypocritical for someone who purchases video games to call the world "sick" for not donating the money that they don't actually need to the needy. By your logic, if you purchase video games and don't give all that spare money (that you don't need to survive) to those who are in need, YOU are sick as well. By your logic at least, which is flawed.

Noctis Aftermath4460d ago

Zeeshan, no point in talking about what that money could be better used for, people aren't machines who only live to serve each other, most people look out for themselves and the people close to them, complaining that people won't spend the money they earned on something "more deserving" is just a waste of time.

The poorer nations shouldn't rely on the richer nations to fix them, the richer nations got rich by overcoming adversity, we should assist them across that same barrier not carry them over it.

hay4459d ago

Do not raise money, Bioware will sell the rest of the game as DLC soon. You will have more opportunities to do useless things with your money.

asmith23064459d ago

Oh mammy, my videogame ending is terrible... Definitely a first world problem lol!

4459d ago
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Grimhammer004460d ago

And yet....
One of those is correct. But whiners want all chracters to get white picket fences for endings.

So sad

--Onilink--4460d ago (Edited 4460d ago )

i would be happy with an ending that makes AT LEAST SOME DEGREE OF SENSE, thats not filled with plot holes and canon errors left and right, where at least one of my decisions matter.

In case you havent noticed, this is not even about getting a happy ending, hell you cant even get a BAD ending, all endings are the same, its about something that makes sense, about all the things bioware constantly promised in their press releases and then threw them out in the last 5min.

The fact that you think this is about a "happy" ending means you either havent even finished the game, or you have and have a terrible, terrible attention span and cant notice the insane amount of errors in it

StraightPath4460d ago

wow that is too far, what a bunch of losers $32,000 can go to better things needed in this world rather then complaining about a videogame ending.

Tyler Durden4460d ago

The sick kids, which this money is going to, would probably not agree with you.

-Alpha4460d ago (Edited 4460d ago )

Yeah, well, it's their money to spend on whatever the hell they want.

Let's face it, with that argument, we can heckle everybody to stop buying overpriced vending machine crap or coffee every morning and save up for Sick Kids.

OT: Unsurprisingly the game has hardcore fans, I'm just glad my ass isn't stuck up that far into Mass Effect to give a damn.

Nimblest-Assassin4460d ago

The money is going to sick kids.

Let them complain and donate, those kids will benefit from it.

Maybe that was Bioware's plan, make an ending so bad that gamers will give money to sick kids.

F**king Brilliant

4460d ago
cannon88004460d ago

Meanwhile in poor countries where children are dying because of hunger and diseases.....

rezzah4460d ago

If people stop paying for video games and gaming systems, and instead used that money to feed the poor.

Or if one multi-billionaire gives 1 billion to the poor.

PooEgg4459d ago


'Meanwhile in poor countries where children are dying because of hunger and diseases.....'

There are tons of charities where YOU can donate to help that too. World Vision, Help the children, etc. These large charities take in millions of donations every year to help the poor in other countries.

Since these are gamers they have decided to help a small charity help supply sick (and sometimes dying) children with games to play while they are in the hospital. I think this is a great idea.

cannon88004459d ago (Edited 4459d ago )


If I was in a better financial situation, I would donate for charity, but I can't because I'm unemployed and so is my dad. My parents used to donate but money got tight. Have YOU ever donated before, or at least tried? Or are you just defending gaming because it's something that you care more about? Some of you guys are so into gaming that you follow it religiously. Gamers just couldn't wait for the developers to release a different ending to the game, something that's only going to last for about five to ten minutes, but those kids dying from cancer, hunger, aids, and other malignant diseases can't hold on for too long. They could care less about fighting zombies and other things, they're fighting for their lives! Game time first, then the poor kids later. Change your mentality, it's repulsive! A new game costs over sixty dollars and a few weeks later it loses it value. But if you turned that game-money into food-money, you wouldn't be disappointed, because what you did will never lose it's value.

showtimefolks4460d ago

its not so bad as it just doesn't make sense, i mean after 3 games and over 80hrs of main story how can we could not even get a real well done ending is beyond me

ChickeyCantor4460d ago

I'm playing it right now...And the bashing of the ending scares the sh/t out of me.

I love the franchise. So im stalling the main story by doing as much "side quests" as possible.

aaronobst4459d ago

I was the same. As soon as I heard all the honking about the ending I was like "pfft it really can't be THAT bad"

It was that bad

PooEgg4459d ago (Edited 4459d ago )

I think we all did that. Since talk about the ending started before the game was even released, I totally avoided reading about it and told myself it was just a bunch of people who were bitter about the DLC. This was easy to do since the entire game leading up to the ending was pretty amazing. But suddenly you hit the ending and BOOM! Instant let down! Kinda like people must feel when the rollercoaster they are riding on suddenly jumps the track and crashes. Yeah that's the feeling.

Oh well, enjoy the ride, and maybe you will be one of the lucky few that isn't put off by the ending.

ChickeyCantor4459d ago

You guys make me want to uninstall the game...

4459d ago
Morgue4459d ago (Edited 4459d ago )

Depends on if you want the gay Shepard or female one to save the universe. It is America you know? Some people can't handle homosexuals and others don't want women doing a mans job.

This is another dumb post I've managed to write.

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junk3d4460d ago (Edited 4460d ago )

Wow...they're donating more money than Bioware when they donated 1 grand because gamers harassed a staff member on the writing team....

Megaton4460d ago

BioWare may have donated to the fund. Someone dropped 10k on it.

PattHpapong4460d ago

We all know what Bioware is planning: make a horrible ending then make a DLC to the TRUE ending! 8D

JamestheScruffy4460d ago

Agreed...the DLC of the "real ending" will be yours soon: for only $9.99!

aaronobst4459d ago

Under any other circumstances it be against that but I'm pretty torn right now

Grap4460d ago

if they do that im not gonna pirate just the DLC all games have BioWare stick on it

Nimblest-Assassin4460d ago

Its a strange day when people begin to support piracy...

ME3 is a great game, the ending just leaves a very sour taste in your mouth.

I will probably get the dlc just based on how much I enjoy Mass Effect and the universe, characters and their interactions.

But don't pirate it, pirating games suck, iregardless if you think they screwed you over

Soldierone4460d ago

And the download size will be 10KB, and in very tiny print at the bottom it will say "unlock key for full game" lol

unknownhero11234460d ago

then the nightmare truly begins. companies will start doing this to thier endings, not good.

mttrackmaster384460d ago

It's been done before (Prince of Persia 2008). I don't doubt EA would pull that move.

PooEgg4459d ago

You know I REALLY want to say that is not the case, because I want to believe that BioWare is not that sneaky... and yet a part of me cannot help but wonder considering their overwhelming desire to find new ways to introduce DLC. Remembers all the annoying DLC promotional nonsense for DA2 and shivers at playing that horrible online game to get an accessory or something like that... yeah, maybe they did plan this.

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redDevil874460d ago

These people are making gamers look so bad and petty.

These people need to get a life. Plenty of movies, tv series and games have had bad endings. You don't see people donate money to change them, they might get pissed off but at least they don't get this deperate.

Grap4460d ago

actually there's a plenty of movies change their endings. first on my mind I Am Legend

WitWolfy4459d ago (Edited 4459d ago )

This reminds me about The Matrix: Revolution's ending... People bitched and moaned for months ... even though the Oracle said something in the lines of...

"..you have to go to the source NEO, and thats where the path of "the one" ENDS..."

She clearly stated that you are GONNA DIE NEO deal with it! And people still bitched about it lol

Same here, we all knew shit was gonna hit the fan.. We just didnt know how hard lol

rattletop4460d ago (Edited 4460d ago )

you don't seem to understand..bioware gave an option to have gay sex, they give u an option to make love to diana allers i.e jess chobot(which imo is totally unnecessary, but still only an option). So why not give us an OPTION to have a good ending where shepherd plays with his blue kids or walks into the sunset with miranda/ashley? i can understand there will be a bad ending but every ending is more or less the same.don't compare the endings with movies instead compare with ME2. it had many different endings. sequels are supposed to be better(for e.g. arkham city) not taking the experience away

ritsuka6664460d ago (Edited 4460d ago )

I agree devil, this "fans" are pathetic..

I find it more rude and disrespectful, than anything, that so called loyal fans are petitioning and demanding different endings to a creation that isn't even their own. Talk about entitlement issues. -___-

PooEgg4459d ago

If you go into your favorite restaurant and you find a bug in your meal do you just eat it and keep your mouth shut because you think it is rude and disrespectful to send it back? Well perhaps some very whimpy people do, but others will politely tell the restaurant owner that there is a bug in their meal. They do this so that the restaurant owner is aware of the problem and can correct it before their favorite restaurant goes out of business. This may be a different business, but the rules are still the same.

I do agree that some gamers take things to an unpleasant extreme, and behave poorly when expressing displeasure - just like some people might yell at a waitress and make a big scene over the bug in their meal - and that totally sucks! However I also think that BioWare has a problem if this many fans are disappointed to this extreme. If this gets BioWare's attention and it allows them to do better in the future I think it is a good thing.

Being loyal does not mean eating a bug sandwich with a smile on your face, and it does not mean quietly taking your business elsewhere. Real loyalty means alerting the company to it's flaws and helping them to become better. If BioWare cannot take the criticism and use it to improve then perhaps our loyalty has been misplaced and it is time to move on. I don't think we are there yet, and I hope we never get there.

PooEgg4459d ago

I don't really think this makes gamers look bad or petty at all.

If anything these people are simply trying to send a message to BioWare in a mature and interesting way. Much more civilized then leaving zero score reviews, and other such nonsense. The fact that sick kids will benefit from this protest is anything but bad or petty, it is a brilliant.

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BioWare Could be Working on More than Just Dragon Age Dreadwolf and Mass Effect 4

Earlier this year, BioWare was hit with layoffs as part of a downsizing of parent company Electronic Arts, but fans have been reassured that the next Mass Effect game hasn’t been impacted. Likewise, Dragon Age: Dreadwolf’s development is still churning along, with BioWare putting it at the forefront of its focus and rumors suggesting that it could launch sometime later this year. Fans might be getting another look at the long-in-development Dragon Age: Dreadwolf at the Summer Game Fest in June.

If the recently posted job offering for a temporary development manager is any indication, BioWare could have yet another surprise up its sleeve for when Mass Effect 4 and Dragon Age: Dreadwolf are nearing completion. This mystery BioWare video game could truly be anything, from another spin-off of its two major properties to something entirely new. All there is to go on at the moment is a vague mention in the job posting, and it might still be some time before BioWare is ready to confirm any new games in its pipeline.

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just_looken59d ago

So a studio that spent years on anthem then this dragon age thing is now also working on another ip along with mass effect,

You think they would be worried that there brand has been on 3 major screw ups

Dragon age 3 launched broken with the frostbite engine yes its a good game but you can see in the late game how rough it was


Mass effect 4 well that dev team was fired so yeah.....

They should make sure this new dragon age is a goat instead of putting more work on the table

bababooiy58d ago

Bioware today is like 150 poeple i dont see how they are seemingly working on all these projects at the same time.

Michiel198958d ago

Inquisition wasn't broken, it just had some flaws and on the contrary it also had some strengths. If you call inquisition a major screw up then idk what to say.

That said with what happened to the study since then and now, I'm not really confident that their next game will be any good.

just_looken58d ago

If you played it fully to get plat like me back in its novemeber launch window you had that castle with empty area's endgame missions not there or working and a mp that was made around loot box grind like the mass effect mp.

Its hard to explain to those that played it years later after they tossed out the dlc/patch's

Michiel198958d ago

entitled much? I played it at launch too. Why you even platted it if it was a "major screw up"?
It was good enough for you to sink 100 hours in but also a complete fuckup at the same time, make up your mind.
So either you like shitty games or you're just talking out of your ass.

RaidenBlack58d ago

Well just wanna say, Archetype Entertainment is the new BioWare, composed of mainly ex-BioWare vets.
And they're developing Exodus (starring Matthew McConaughey), a new sci-fi RPG (spiritual successor to Mass Effect, dare I say?)

CantThinkOfAUsername58d ago

I hope it's a single player game with Anthem's gameplay mechanics.

Becuzisaid58d ago

They're owned by EA. What makes you think that they wouldn't publish for PS5? Shoot, if your fridge could connect to your bank account EA would try to release it for that if they could!

Double_O_Revan59d ago

How about they focus on those games and not over extend themselves? We don't need another Anthem.

Becuzisaid58d ago

Bioware died after Inquisition (some would even argue after ME3). They are no longer the same company.

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Mass Effect 3's Ending for Javik Misses the Forest for the Trees

Based on one narratively fitting ending in Mass Effect 3, Prothean squadmate Javik is highly unlikely to return in the next Mass Effect game.

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anast86d ago

He was one of my least favorite characters. I wish they would have done the Proths different.


Mass Effect Writer Reveals Why He Left BioWare

During a part of his interview with Minnmax, Mac Walters gave details of why he chose to leave BioWare.

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