
Remedy's message to Alan Wake PC pirates: "enjoy the story!"

Eurogamer- Remedy has a message to those who intend to pirate the PC version of Alan Wake: enjoy the story!

Alan Wake launches on Steam tomorrow nearly two years after it launched on Xbox 360. It goes live on other digital platforms, such as Origin, in a couple of weeks. A retail boxed version launches on 2nd March courtesy of Nordic Games.

With Alan Wake hitting the PC both digitally and at retail, and it being a single-player only game, Remedy is bracing itself for a tidal wave of illegal downloads. But it's not too bothered.

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Snookies124501d ago

Well at least they're nice about it. Just because someone does you wrong, doesn't mean you should retaliate. :)

da_2pacalypse4501d ago

Great game, if there are any PS3 players who have not played it yet, I really recommend you try it out for PC (if your machine is half decent). I strongly suggest you buy it, Remedy is a great developer.

ardivt4500d ago

remedy just should have made a ps3 version

chaos-lockheart4501d ago

I should just steal all your games then, thank you!!!

ninjahunter4501d ago

You should go burn copies of all his movies too.

SilentNegotiator4501d ago (Edited 4501d ago )

He should take all of Remedy's Spielberg movies and books. They'd be lost, lol.

Oh, gee, Remedy. I'll TRY to enjoy it. But it was my understanding that it could only be enjoyed on big comfy couches* (and we all know you can't play PC games on couches /sarcasm). But if that has changed now that Microsoft gave you the green light, I suppose I'll TRY to enjoy a pirated copy of the scaled down game that we were supposed to be enjoying on the PC a decade ago.


* http://www.destructoid.com/...
*See Image

EDIT: PC gamers WERE screwed out of the game originally, they DID scale down the game, Microsoft DID claim that Alan Wake wasn't 'right' for the PC (because they supposedly don't interact with couches), and my first sentence/joke was poking fun at their love for Spielberg. You can disagree all you like, but the whole situation is FULL of irony.

jeeves864501d ago

@SilentNegotiator - it wasn't Remedy that came up with that excuse, it was Microsoft. Now that Remedy has the publishing rights for it, it can go forth with the PC version.

SilentNegotiator4501d ago (Edited 4501d ago )


You are correct, and I didn't mean to make that impression. I even changed part of the sentence to try to make it more clear, but it still might not be completely clear. The link I provided even says that Microsoft said it.

Sorry for any confusion.

GrumpyVeteran4500d ago

If you could make a copy of all my games without me losing anything physical (i.e; the way pirating currently works) then I'd happily let you.

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scrambles4501d ago

studies show if you treat your player base less like sheep and more like people theyll pirate your game less. So therefore treating them nicely and mayhaps understanding why they pirate your game will help decrease the amount of pirating.

stealing from big mean company = "why not?"

stealing from nice company = "... well maybe i wont"

Guilt trips lol also some respect might be there

Sarcasm4501d ago

I think this is pretty fair to be honest. Why support a company that shafts you versus a company that is more open ended and supportive of the consumers.

NeoTribe4501d ago

there's a study for that?

DeadIIIRed4501d ago

That sounds legitimate, but can you cite these studies? I'm curious for the sake of the story and I have a paper due in a month that I could use those studies for.

Zachmo1824501d ago

I don't think the PC gamers were in that study.

I'm pretty sure studies show PC gamers pirate the most games.

scrambles4501d ago

@DeadIIIRed Ill try to find em its been a while and also if Neo Tribe reads this. its basically when they took a look at the piracy rates of games and how the companies tried to prevent it. The trend started to show.

Nitrowolf24500d ago


can't find a story, but at my retail stores and most likey all of them we are not allowed to stop people from stealing, we can only confront them and use lines that aren't fully direct, but they know we know. Most cases they drop place the item or purchase it.

kevnb4500d ago

although talking about piracy in any way is free publicity.

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WitWolfy4501d ago (Edited 4501d ago )


Or it could be sarcasm for a certain bug to not let them go further then a certain stage?

Snookies124500d ago

Haha didn't think about it that way. "Hey guys, enjoy the story!" They get to a certain part and it keeps crashing on them. That I must admit, would be funny.

WitWolfy4500d ago

Yeah it would be :P .I remember on N4G last year a certain game did this, where a certain boss had God mode so you couldn't beat him on the pirated version. Was quite genius on the developers part hehehe

pixelsword4500d ago


It's called turning the other cheek and I agree with you.

SonyPS3604500d ago

Thieves deserve pity, nothing more.

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paddystan4501d ago

I have the Limited Collector's Edition for my Xbox, but gonna buy it to PC tommorrow anyway because the game is just so good. :)

fluffydelusions4501d ago

I'll buy it on a Steam sale because I already played the 360 version

BattleTorn4501d ago

Same. I really enjoyed Alan Wake on Xbox360, but I can't bring myself to pay full price again for it on PC.

You also have to consider that there will be Alan Wake: American Nightmare out as well. Which I will be buying.

Mikhail4501d ago

*clap, clap* Nonetheless, screw pirates of good developers.

SAE4500d ago

but pirate games like call of duty is ok :) ..

even though i buy all my games in release day , i agree with the pirates , they are stealing us , they make the game then put it in a 3-5 dollar disc then sell it for 60 or 70 dollar , that's stealinging , that's why i agree with the pirates but i want to play online that's why i don't pirate games , if pirate games have online i wouldn't be buying anything ...

but i like supporting the good developers , only the good ones ..

SonyPS3604500d ago

Dress it up and justify it all you want. Pirates are still thieves.

gatormatt804500d ago

You're not just buying a blank disc though are you?? You're paying for the content on said disc, which costs much more than 3 or so dollars to make.

Cosmit4500d ago

"i agree with the pirates , they are stealing us , they make the game then put it in a 3-5 dollar disc then sell it for 60 or 70 dollar , that's stealinging"

How is that stealing? You need to factor in all the cost that went in to making the game. As in manhours, advertising, etc. Wether or not 60 or 70 dollars is overpriced is another thing. But selling it for only 3-5 dollars is pretty much little to no profit at all.

SAE4500d ago (Edited 4500d ago )

then why the games get cheaper to reach even 5 dollars ! it means it doesn't cost them alot , if it really worth the price in release day or even a year later then they shouldn't make it cheaper but that proves that it doesn't cost them alot...

they can have profit if they want , but not taking 5x the price or even more

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CrimsonEngage4501d ago

PC players can cry and moan about how consoles are holding them back but by pirating games you are only hurting yourselves. This is why we can't have nice things.

Thecraft19894501d ago

360 version was pirated a million times so what is your point ?

dark-hollow4501d ago

Yeah because piracy hadn't harm the PSP in any way /s

dark-hollow4501d ago

PSP with the lowest hardware to software ratio on the recent years says howdy.

fluffydelusions4501d ago

That whole comment assumes ALL PC gamers are pirates...false!

TheGameFoxJTV4500d ago

EXACTLY, my steam account is worth over $1498.15 USD. Yup, all us PC gamers are pirates.

BlackBusterCritic4501d ago

Hey CrimsonEngage, what you fail to realize is that the USED GAME MARKET is worse than piracy on the PC. I really shouldn't have to explain why, so I'm really giving you some credit here thinking that you'll think about it and understand.

vuzuki4501d ago (Edited 4501d ago )

No it's not.

ECONOMICS 101 : The 60$ value of a game disc contains the value of the game itself PLUS the value of your potential resale. If you take the right to resell away the game is worth less. For some people, that will mean the game is not worth 60$ anymore and result in less new sales. Hence, the end of the used games market could mean much less new sales (at least at those prices), whereas less piracy can only mean more sales.

Both issues are completely unrelated even though publishers would like you to think otherwise.

FriedGoat4500d ago

You're assuming that if people didn't pirate a game they would buy it, you are wrong. Screw remedy anyway, this is half the game it was going to be thanks to them bumming Microsoft.

sllshrm4500d ago


I'll agree to your "class" but you are forgetting that many of the PC games are 60$ too

Without any option to resell

The thing with rentals and piracy is that in case of both, the money doesn't go to the developers/publishers and thats why you see DRMs and Online passes now.

vuzuki4500d ago (Edited 4500d ago )

I'm not assuming anything. If at least one person who pirate would buy then less piracy can only mean more sale (granted, there is also a cases where the pirated copy serve as a demo etc. but let's keep it simple) Which is not the case for used games since it also decreases the value of the new game.

1. games are always less expensive on PC especially on Steam
2. Retails games sell way less on PC than on console
which kinda makes my point

What you don't understand is that where the money goes is not what's important on the long run. The used game market enhances the value of new games. Take it away and, in the end, you take away from developers.

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kevnb4500d ago (Edited 4500d ago )

piracy, rentals, used game sales.. publishers cant win in this current market really. And these pr statements have nothing to do with devs.

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Gamer buys 4,000 copies of Alan Wake, none of them work

Alan Wake, from Max Payne and Control creator Remedy, is a horror classic, prompting one player to buy 4,000 copies that don’t even work.

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roadkillers57d ago

Kind of a goody story...

On a serious note, that is why I try activating gift cards asap. It's happened to me where the store didnt scan it right where the card was unusuable. Happened at Wally World.

gigoran857d ago

wait, that place is real? national lampoon wasn't kidding?

Tacoboto56d ago

I just bought two of the MonsterVerse Godzilla movies on 4K - both had digital copies expiring in 2023. Both were actually expired.

I'd be surprised but it's WB, of course they'd actually expire them

Knightofelemia57d ago

Usually most of those redemption card have an expiry date on them. If they expired all buyer did was buy recycled paper. And some of those codes are country locked to certain countries. I buy a card from the States I can't use it in Canada.

Chocoburger57d ago

Dumb and silly story. She wasted her money for no reason.

Is it really that hard to go to Steam or GOG. She spent $240, when its currently 70% off on GOG, and only costs $4.49.

Gee, I wonder, should I spend $240 on eBay, or $4.49 on GOG? 🙄

Rynxie57d ago

Most likely she wanted to resell a few or most of them. However, it was a too good to be true situation.

57d ago
Profchaos57d ago

So in short she paid $240.00 assuming usd for a bunch on unactivated game codes.

I still don't understand why I guess cause there's not a physical version and she wanted something for a collection or art project.

Rynxie57d ago

No, most likely to resell. However, she ended up getting screwed.

Asplundh57d ago

This is Alan Wake 1, it had physical copies.

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Previously On... Alan Wake

Alan Wake 2 continues the writer's story, 13 years later.


A thermos is upending the Alan Wake community

Remedy has Alan Wake merch on sale, including a pretty blue thermos. Unfortunately, things haven’t gone according to plan, and many players who want a thermos find themselves without one, though it does appear that Remedy is attempting to fix things. Nevertheless, it has resulted in a lot of upset, illustrating just how much the thermos means to Alan Wake fans.

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