
BioWare's Infinity Engine Goes Open-Source and Cross-Platform, Sorta

GameBanshee is reporting that a small team has created an open-source and cross-platform implementation of the Infinity Engine called GemRB. At its current stage of development, the engine can be used to play through the entire Baldur's Gate saga, all of Icewind Dale, and some of Icewind Dale II and Planescape: Torment on everything from Linux to the iPad to smartphones, as seen on these YouTube videos. But let's not let the real promise be obfuscated by yet another play-through of those classics - GemRB can be used to build an entirely new Infinity Engine-based game.

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Josh Sawyer Reflects on Design Evolution: From Icewind Dale to Pentiment

Josh Sawyer is a name that has been familiar to RPG fans for decades. He's worked on Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights 2, Alpha Protocol, Fallout: New Vegas, Pillars of Eternity, and most recently Pentiment. How did he get into game development, how has his design philosophy changed over the years, and why did he decide to do Pentiment a little differently?

thorstein2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Those are some great games. Icewind Dale I & II are underrated.

If Larian made Icewind Dale III, I'd lose my mind.

What a fantastic, thorough interview.


Baldur's Gate 3 PC Optimized Settings and Benchmarks

Baldur’s Gate 3 is one of the most replayable games ever made with a 1000-hour playtime or more. However, it can be quite taxing on modern CPUs. Let's have a look at how it performs on one if the fastest gaming processors and how to optimize it.

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Larian after Baldur's Gate 3: "We have ambitions to make really good RPGs, and that's sufficient"

"Treat your players as you would like to be treated, that's it," Vincke says when asked about how to maintain trust with a game's community.

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