
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword | PopMatters Review

Ultimately, when it comes down to whether or not Skyward Sword is worth playing, it depends on one’s familiarity with the series. For those that have never played a Zelda before, it’s as good a starting point as any; but those familiar with the series will probably be frustrated with the repetition. It’s caught halfway between what it was and what it apparently wants to be. Skyward Sword is so reminiscent of earlier games that it almost cheapens the experiences in their original glory and is so hesitant in taking a new direction that it cuts its best qualities short.

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Optical_Matrix4511d ago

Looks like an intentionally late, troll review if you ask me. Missed the boat mate. Jog on.

jacksonmichael4511d ago

Yep. Just more proof that a review is, more often than not, just an opinion piece.

PSVITAlitysensor4511d ago

Who said its anything different? But sometimes it can be a lame scribbling just for hits or popularity...

Rayko4504d ago

Best game ever this gen. The only game that really hooked me and made me play days in a row just to finish it. This person gives it a 5 out of 10? Probably a 13 year old boy which think Call Of duty 75 and Modern Warfare 73 is badass games and cool as heck.


Best Early Black Friday US Deals - Nintendo Switch Games

The Early Black Friday US deals for Nintendo games are quite impressive. From Pokemon to Fire Emblem, here are some awesome sales.

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BrainSyphoned566d ago

Yup, looks like Nintendo "sales" pricing.


Ranking 'The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword' Bosses

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword was originally released for the franchise’s 25th anniversary, celebrating everything Zelda, including the bosses.

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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Original Soundtrack out now at Playasia

If you’re a hardcore fan of The Legend of Zelda series, Playasia has a new Skyward Sword original soundtrack. It comes in a standard edition with a total of five CDs and a limited edition that also includes a music box.

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