
Where do 2012's presidential candidates stand on videogames?

GamesRadar writes: Come November, Barack Obama will be defending his seat as president of the United States against one of the Republican candidates currently competing for the party’s ticket. Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and several others are meeting for regular debates while, state by state, the Republican primaries chisel down the choices.

But though they’ll discuss pressing social and economic issues, one thing they infrequently get into is their stance on videogames. Sure, it sounds trivial, but the industry is still fairly new and unregulated (by the government), making it a prime target for political scapegoating whenever anything needs to take the blame for anything.

So, what do they think? While some of them haven’t all said that much on the subject, we’ve done the research for you, and brought you the information you need to know what each candidate thinks of your favorite obsession."

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fluffydelusions4520d ago

Who cares? Just worry about the country...Go Ron Paul!

MariaHelFutura4520d ago

As much as I would love Ron Paul to win, he won't.

zeeshan4519d ago (Edited 4519d ago )

Ron Paul ftw!!!!!!!!!!!! Obama has failed on so many levels. It would be a shame if he gets elected again and a guy like Ron Paul doesn't get the chance to come in power.

Hellsvacancy4519d ago

And you Americans think Ron Paul is gonna be ANY different from Obama? WOW

Simple, dont waste minutes of your life votin for something that has already been decided

Dac2u4519d ago

Paul may not win, but he has a great strategy this time around and so much support behind him. I'm not counting him out yet. There's a lot going on behind the scenes in his campaign that most people don't know about. When the RNC happens Ron Paul will have a say in what goes on.

Pushagree4520d ago

RON PAUL 2012!

Seriously. F the other guys. Especially newt.

theonlylolking4520d ago

What Ron Paul wants done cannot happen because congress will fight him on it. When he was working he hardly voted for anything. It was either too liberal or not conservative enough so he almost never voted. Ron Paul is also only really liked by internet people. Which means he is not going to be a candidate.

Newt could get what he wants done but he is also a hypocrite which some people seem to not care about(recent votings). So he probably will be the candidate.

slayorofgods4520d ago

Newt appeals to the conservative hardliners... I think he is too big of a di@k to actually beat out Obama though. independents and moderates hate Newt along with the liberals.

theonlylolking sums up Ron Paul.

TruthbeTold4520d ago

Paul can do plenty of things that he says he wants to do.

Bring home troops from 10's of countries around the world like Germany.

End government agencies that don't give any bang for the buck such as the Dept. of Education, which would put education money and control back into the hands of the states.

Create a competing currency that is backed by SOMETHING other than market manipulation, until it's safe to end the toilet paper dollar system.

Repeal laws that the majority of the public wants repealed but 14% approval rating congress won't repeal, such as the Patriot Acti, the NDAA, not to mention that bills like SOPA wouldn't dare rear their ugly heads during a Paul administration.

He'd end/undo all of the power grabbing executive orders signed over the past few decades.

A Ron Paul Presidency would double as a mandate for Congress to get behind his proposals. He could do plenty on his own, but on the other issues, Congress would stymie him at their own peril. He'd be one of the most popular Presidents with the people ever. The only thing I worry about is if 4 years of such a stressful job would kill him. He'd be 80 by the time his term was up.

moparful994520d ago

@truthbtold Unfortunately this rosy picture that your painting of ron paul is a fantasy.. We would love a president that can actually do all of that but unfortunately this is a capitalist society and therefore agencies and individuals with the most money control how and what policies are enacted.. POTUS no longer carries the weight that it used to, the office is just a face for the government to martyr or praise depending on public opinion... This country will never improve until we remove the control that lobbying entities have over washington...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4520d ago
PopRocks3594520d ago


I'm surprised you had so many disagrees. Yes, Paul is a better candidate than pretty much the entire ticket at hand, but he simply is not supported within his own party. The ones who seem to dig him most is liberal independents and in a Republican primary, you need Republicans to vote for you.

I want him to win too, but he simply does not have the support he needs to win the primary. If he did, he would the presidency for sure.

snipes1014520d ago

It's ironic that Newt would quote Edward R. Murrow in saying that "just because you have the right to say it, doesnt mean its the right thing to say" when he, along with just about every other candidate, knows almost nothing about video games and even less about the ratings system that is intended to "protect the children."

Anyhow, while I agree with fluffy in that we should care more about what the candidate can do for the country than what they can do for the gaming community, this article WAS after all posted on a gaming site, not a political one. I think its unique.

JsonHenry4519d ago

Ron Paul FTMFW!!! It won't happen. The elections are all rigged anyway. But his popularity and the message of true freedom and adherence to the constitution has spawned and entire generation of people that will be "of age" and in power within the decade or so. His candidacy WILL have a lasting impact on the hearts and minds of Americans and freedom and lovers of life around the world.

Tommykrem4519d ago

I suppose I'm a Ron Paul supporter too, but I think Obama would do well if he were to be re-elected. After all his first period was actually not that bad. At the very least he's a sensible, responsible man who might worry a little too much about his own electability, but I guess that's how the political circus usually is.

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Zha1tan4520d ago (Edited 4520d ago )

If you dont vote Ron Paul your an uneducated idiot who allows the mainstream media to feed you the garbage they do.

They cut him off the air in the middle of speeches and they dont even mention him on fox news when talking about the political race.

Im Irish but if america gets some idiot in office like Romley in it will have repercussions for the whole world.

bergoo4520d ago

If i get a chance to vote for him I would. Unfortunately, You must be a registered republican to vote for him in the primary. And unless he wins the GOP primary, no one will be voting for him as president (unless its a write-in, or third party).

TruthbeTold4520d ago

It's rather simple to change your registration. You can always change it back.

PopRocks3594520d ago

I can't vote for Paul being that I'm not a registered Republican, which is a shame. Personally I'd like to see Paul and Obama debate one another and see how that goes. It's just such a shame that Paul does not have much support in the Republican party.

Zha1tan4520d ago

From what i understand of american politics you can re register as a Republican and lets be real here Obama isnt going to do any good.

@The disagrees - enjoy your war with Iran boys!

PopRocks3594520d ago


I don't want to register as a Republican. I don't agree with the general policy choices and social views. I'll take Obama over Romney or Gingrich.

slayorofgods4520d ago

You can also register independent.

enjoy dealing with a Iran with Nukes.

BiggsnWedge4519d ago Show
JellyJelly4519d ago (Edited 4519d ago )

slayorofgods - Kinda like Iraq had nukes as well, huh?

How come the US don't give a damn about the genocide going on in Darfur, or the slaughter of civilians in Bahrain (they even have their fifth fleet stationed there)?

The answer: No monetary interest in those countries.

More capitalism isn't the answer.

JsonHenry4519d ago

@slayorofgods -

You mean the same way we dealt with Russia, Pakistan, and North Korea with nukes? No problem. Its been done before and most of it without direct military intervention.

Enjoy regurgitating talking points that have been spoon fed to you without thinking for yourself or even taking (recent no less) history into account.

slayorofgods4519d ago (Edited 4519d ago )

wow now I'm getting hate mail now! Classy!

slayorofgods4519d ago (Edited 4519d ago )

- Decided against talking anymore politics here. Too many crybabies.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4519d ago
Ocelot5254519d ago (Edited 4519d ago )

did you know that Ron Paul rejects the evolution theory?

Zha1tan4519d ago (Edited 4519d ago )

I could not care what somebody believes, that is up to them especially since the US is founded on freedom of speech and expression.

I dont believe in god or christianity but does that mean that for me to see that a man makes sense with his policies and views and ethics that I should reject him because he does not share my beliefs?

thats a very close minded assumption.

ANd to the absolute moron above about Iran having nukes....yeah just like Iraq had them right?

Morons and their Fox news never cease to amaze me and you think people would wake up after the sham that was the second Iraq war and see the only reason to go there was oil.

And suprise suprise what does Iran have? huge deposits of resources such as lithium.

AND even if they are building a nuclear weapon what the hell is wrong with that? they have ever right to build what they want, America just needs to STFU and mind its own damn business.

If you truly believe terrorists attack you because your free and prosperous your living in a dreamland captain patriot, they attack you because you try to police their land and meddle in their affairs.

Any educated person will know about Americas interfering with Iran in the 50s and just how unjust the US really is.

ANd people disagree with the truth? it must hurt to know your nothing more than a war mongering country that vampirises other poorer countries resources for your own gains all so you can wake up in the morning and drive your hummer for another day down to the burger bar.

Ocelot5254519d ago (Edited 4519d ago )


it proves that he also rejects rational thinking. A very dangerous thing for a president.

His economic policies are based on the invisible hand. Another irrational hypothesis.

SilentNegotiator4519d ago (Edited 4519d ago )

He disagrees with a THEORY?! OH NO!! He'll obviously make a terrible president!!


The invisible hand is a PART of economics. People also have to stand up to corruption, which is why we have FREE SPEECH and the RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE. People are too quick to call to stop the capitalistas!, but if people demanded that CEOs and such get paid less and others more (instead of the "occupy" protests where half of the people know jack about economy and are just carrying "pay my tuition" signs), we might see actual progress.

If all you're judging Ron Paul on are those two things, you're gravely missing out on some of important things.

Oh, and btw, Ron Paul went to medical school, so it's hardly like he's knowledgeable on the theory of evolution. But if pretending that someone with a medical degree is less entitled to an opinion on it than you, go ahead and delude yourself.

SilentNegotiator4519d ago (Edited 4519d ago )

*unknowledgable (darn you, Firefox, correcting my poor english)

Riiiiight, because as soon as the US leaves the middleeast, Iran will have no resistance and can proceed to destroy Isreal, consequence free. Or more realistically, they'll still talk big, inspections will continue, and their ridiculous threats will go without being enacted. Old Acky may say insane things, but he really doesn't have much power with an entire counsel over him, filled with mostly sane people.

Kurylo3d4519d ago (Edited 4519d ago )

The problem with Iran finally attaining nukes is they are crazy enough to use em on our allies. Or maybe even give them to our enemies. Then what... we let bygons be bygons?

Its that kind of isolationist thinking that could have made the nazis win world war II. Then what.

Is it going to take another pearl harbor in the form of a nuclear explosion to get you to change your tune?

I understand where your coming from..., iraq was more then likely about the money and profits... but im more inclined to agree that what were doing with iran is for a defensive stradegy.

Kurylo3d4519d ago (Edited 4519d ago )


Are you willing to bet your life on it? Or your families lives? I mean im not... id prefer us placing sanctions.

Im not saying go to war... but im saying take precautions .. dont just leave things be and hope it falls the way u want it..

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bobrea4519d ago

"Your an uneducated idiot."


bozebo4519d ago

I'd vote for Vermin Supreme lol

360ICE4519d ago (Edited 4519d ago )

Ron Paul is awesome, but here's a few points to clear up some common misconceptions among his fans.

1. There is no NWO. NWO believers seem to define NWO however they want, but in the typical sense of a secret governing power. It is incredibly likely NOT to exist.
2. Corporations do not run the US government, even though recent US politics have largely favoured corporatism (Obama seems to have set his foot down with his state of the union).
3. The elections are not rigged (of course with some smaller exceptions), that would mean that every independent poll would have to be rigged too. (except the straw polls maybe). Ron Paul simply is not the most popular candidate in the GOP race atm.
4. And lastly (sort of the reply part), you're not uneducated not to vote for Paul. Believe it or not, Obama, John Huntsman (yeah, he's out) and even others of the candidates have some great points too. And they're all more educated than you (goes for me, and pretty much everyone who reads this post) but of course you can still disagree with them, and be right. Just denying the connection between being right and being educated.

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slayereddy4520d ago

Umm who cares where they stand on games, if things carry on as they are and people do not choose wisely when voting you may not have many freedoms left to even have the choice to play games. WAKE UP.

FunAndGun4520d ago

Ron Paul is the only candidate that makes any kind of sense when I hear them talk.

Kurylo3d4519d ago

I think hes the only republican that makes any sense.

Saryk4520d ago

I voted for Ron the last election and will do so again!

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