
More Triangles in Games! Love-Triangles, That Is

Kirk Hamilton: I was disappointed with Uncharted 3 for a number of reasons. Certainly one of those reasons was that the game had bizarre difficulty spikes and could be kind of a dick sometimes. But another, possibly bigger reason was that while Uncharted 3 generally mirrored the pacing and story-arc of Uncharted 2, it lacked one of my favorite things about its predecessor: Chemistry. Specifically, the romantic chemistry born of the love-triangle between Nathan Drake, Chloe, and Elena. More love-triangles in games, please!

Tainted Gene4524d ago

I like how they mention Bioware's older games such as Jade Empire. What the author probably didn't know is that if your character was savvy enough you could romance both love interests (the Princess and Dawn Star).

I was pleasantly surprised that a three way was even possible. They need to make a sequel to that game. And a real KOTOR 3 as well (not TOR).

Nac4524d ago

KotOR 3 my friend. All the way...


10 Weirdest Video Games of All Time

Plenty of unforgettable games have completely messed up their players throughout the years, all the way back from the PS1 days to the dark recesses of the modern internet.

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JonTheGod49d ago

Why are the Katamari games not on the list??


10 Weirdest Video Games of All Time

Deadly Premonition is a pretty weird game, but all of these absolute oddities are even weirder.

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Looking Back to 2011 and the Morality Tale of Catherine

Paul writes: "Games can be many different things to different people. The subject of this Looking Back article is something a little different however, as it deals with infidelity and the fallout that comes the way of the straying main character. Intrigued? Well, come with me to the weird world of 2011’s Catherine!"

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