
Tribes: Ascend - An Overview

Charles Onyett and Nick Kolan show off three of the classes available in the Tribes Ascend closed beta.

phosphor1124527d ago

I've logged over 200 hours playing this beta, finding bugs, reporting them, requesting balancing fixes, same goes for countless other players on the forums.

The thing is, nothing is getting fixed. Server crashes every couple of matches, weapons are getting super buffed or super nerfed. Classes have gone unattended, becoming useless you're really good. Major fundamental gameplay issues... Why won't HiRez talk to us? They say they don't have a community manager, but every other Beta I've played from a small dev talks to the people. Acknowledges problems, fixes huge amounts of things weekly and even hotfixes when something really goes bad.

HiRez needs to step up, re-evaluate their F2P model (not saying get rid of it, but locking classes which balance a team in a class based shooter is.. well.. broken).

The way this game is now, imagine TF2 with all classes locked except for soldier... and you have to play 50+ hours to unlock a class. So, if you just start, and you have someone sniping you in the head, or engineers building nests, you can't counter them because a soldier class doesn't fit the situation.

Imagine BF3 with only the assault class unlocked, so you have to either buy your way, or play 50+ hours to unlock a class to either provide ammo... or take out a tank. It makes no sense.

I hope they make some major changes to management and balancing issues. Given their history and lack of acknowledgement... I won't hold my breath.

admiralthrawn874527d ago

i dont know wtf your talking about. i've been in this beta for a month and havent had one server crash. they update the game almost weekly. they have made significant improvements based on player feedback and it'll only get better.


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2628d ago
GhostTurtle2627d ago

Was expecting a bigger list tbh.


Hi-Rez gives Tribes: Ascend an "Out of the Blue" Update

Back in March of 2013, Hi-Rez broke the news to its Tribes: Ascend fans that they would need to take several months away from the game in order to focus all its efforts on SMITE. Several months became more than two years, and fans were beginning to believe that Hi-Rez would simply never return to Tribes.

But the recent 1.1 update -- a.k.a. the Out of the Blue Update -- has proven those naysayers wrong.

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Tribes Ascend update – Massive changes and no more pay to win

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