
Why piracy might be good for the games industry

BeefJack: "On a day when CD Projekt cease legal threats against pirates, but remind gamers that piracy is a huge problem, Mark Ankucic presents another point of view: that piracy might be a dodgy practice, but it could force the games industry to shape up..."

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h311rais3r4524d ago

Well many pirates pirate games from companies who blame pirates for ruining sales. Ubisoft for one. But when a company make a decent pc game the piracy is generally used as a demo of there isn't one. Pirates r either poor people who can't afford every game or just don't want to give their money to an undeserving dev.

Spydiggity4524d ago (Edited 4524d ago )

There is a massive misconception about piracy in both Hollywood and in Gaming. and that misconception is that pirates are costing them money. The truth is roughly 80% of ppl who pirate games/movies/music, weren't actually going to buy the game in the first place. as for the other 20%...it's free marketing. some games and movies have 100 million dollar ad campaigns...if they just skipped that and gave away part of their game movie for free, the social networking that the internet has created would do all the marketing for them.

the fundamental problem with these industries is that they are dinosaurs. they don't know how to capitalize with the times. as a result of their lack of creativity and ingenuity, we get BS bills like SOPA.

speaking of which...CALL YOUR CONGRESSMAN! Tell them "NO" to SOPA!

BrutallyBlunt4524d ago (Edited 4524d ago )

There really is no confirmation as to what the exact figures are to potential buyers or not.

There should be free demo's for every game out there for starters. Giving consumers access is just one way of exposing your game.


That simply isn't true. You cannot categorize that easily why people pirate. A big factor is just how accessible games are to pirate. As for not wanting to give their money to undeserving devs then why are ALL games being pirated that can be pirated? That comment makes no sense. If it's available people will pirate it.

MariaHelFutura4524d ago (Edited 4524d ago )

Should people be allowed to break in to your house, steal your game console to see if they like the PS3/360/Wii?? No, is the answer. Piracy does nothing but hurt the industry, us and them (in the long term).

Also, SOPA will not be stopped, it is essentially a part of what some refer to as the New World Order.

Ducky4524d ago (Edited 4524d ago )

Not really a fair example.
If they steal your PS3/360/Wii, you no longer have it... meaning you won't be able to play games.
With piracy, you just have copies being shared.

A better example is if someone broke in, cloned the console, and then ran off, leaving you with the original.

MariaHelFutura4524d ago (Edited 4524d ago )

Yea. I guess your example would be better. Still in the end it's not good. $$$ trumps creativity in the eyes of most companies, and piracy makes them take less chances, IMO. If everyone cloned one console, would they make another? Probably not.

ATi_Elite4524d ago

1. Every Gaming/mid range PC can Emulate a Wii PERFECTLY!

But some how Nintendo Wii is crushing the PS3/360 in hardware and software sales. So please explain how Piracy is hurting the Industry again.

2. Many people Pirate or buy games that they normally wouldn't buy just to play Mods made from that game. Pubs talk about Piracy but Pubs never talk about financially compensating the Modders who helped increase the sales of a Pubs game.

3. Ubisoft is full of shite! They make some dedicated PC titles that sale very well on the PC. They are only complaining about their horrible console ports that get pirated more than they sale. Dedicated PC titles sell well and crappy console ports do not.

4. Pirated copies act as Demos cause not every game has a demo. Demo's cost a Pub money to press to disc or use up bandwidth to D-Load!

5. 99% of the time the highest pirated games are the highest selling games. A crap game is a crap game and no one is gonna buy or pirate it.

6. Ever bought a crappy game and wanted your money back. Thanks Piracy! Also Piracy is a way to test a game from a Dev you never heard of. I'm not shelling out $60 to play something i have no clue about. I pirated a game, had fun with it, and have been buying every game in the series ever since so Piracy in some situations helps the Dev/Pub.

7. Most pirates are from countries where games cost way too much money. The United States is not even in the top ten of countries who pirate the most so i don't know what all the big hooplah is about especially when every year the Gaming Industry makes more money.

The Industry just needs to embrace the Torrent technology and listen more closely to the Gamers and above all MAKE better Games. Everyone wants to buy a quality product.

StraightPath4524d ago

what was the figure the games industry made last year november? $3 billion...and that was 16% up with comparison with last year..i am not saying pirating is good, but when developers overcharge and use us with overpriced DLC ripping us even further and cheap tactics to make even more money such as Online Pass etc...we gamers dont stand up or anything developers always use us with bad glitchy games and bugs when released they fix it up later with patches. Imagine if all gamers stand up to those things and get heard i am sure the developer will surely piss themselves. But we dont we still back and complain on N4G.

Pirating indie games would be even more bad .

Pikajew4524d ago (Edited 4524d ago )

Because it lets us try games before we buy them :)
The only games I dont pirate are indie games

closnyc24524d ago

you make a good game, with pc in mind and not just a crappy port then ill gladly buy, and a guaranteed purchase if its on steamworks. Witcher 2, bf3, skyrim are examples of pc gaming being more than alive and well with over 1 million in sales each. There is no reason to give us crappy unplayable ports or massive intrusive drm, you give us awesome we pay for awesome.

LightofDarkness4524d ago (Edited 4524d ago )

Yeah, two sides to every coin and stuff.

Honestly, I think we, the Napster generation, owe all subsequent generations an apology (and all creative artists too). You see, we've convinced you and ourselves that creative content ("art" as some could call it) has no value. And of course, that's simply not true. It is the stuff that enriches our lives beyond almost anything else and carries an incredible cultural value.

The problem with the ability to duplicate things like music, movies and games is that our traditional method of valuing things dictates that these items simply have no value any more. There's no scarcity, the items in question can be infinitely reproduced without destroying the original copy.

If somebody came out with the "Duplicatex Duplicator Ray" tomorrow, a device that duplicates anything from a rolex to a Bugatti Veyron, that would be the end of economics as we know it too. NOTHING would have value under our system any more. Value has everything to do with supply and demand, and if there is no scarcity or rarity attached to an item, it has very little value, because it can't be bartered/traded against for something of better or equal value. Everyone can have one, consequence free. And believe me, if that device existed in abundance, you'd all be using it.

And that's the world we live in when it comes to the creative arts (that can be digitized). What we need to do is come together and suss the situation out a little better. Clearly, the old methods are useless in this scenario. Trying to profit off of these things in the way that they used to won't cut it.

I don't have the answers, but I certainly understand the problem. And that's step 1.

Ducky4524d ago

Well, the entertainment industry isn't exactly starving.
That, and currently, the entertainment software that is sold (music, movies, games) are now being sold digitally. So supply isn't really an issue to begin with (even if companies like EA try to trick us otherwise by telling us to buy a digital download 'while supplies last')

LightofDarkness4524d ago (Edited 4524d ago )

It's a step in the right direction, but there's still a lot of resistance and a large impact on the traditional models of sale/resale.

EA, to further illustrate alongside you example, are also still charging 49.99 and 59.99 for their games. These prices make no sense if there's no physical distribution and logistics to worry about. Furthermore, retail outlets will continue to die, which results in a fairly hefty amount of jobs being destroyed.

EA/Activision seem to wonder why their games are the most pirated, while it just so happens that they are some of the most expensive games available online. But of course, it's the pirates' fault, right? ;)

Again, the entertainment industry isn't starving, but its reluctance to move while the tides are rushing in is causing far more headaches than are necessary.

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Xbox Store Kicks Off Shocktober & Publisher Spotlight Series Sales

Daily Video Game writes: "Xbox Store has just launched two new digital game sales that heavily discount various Shocktober games, games from popular publishers, as well as Xbox 360 games that are backward compatible with Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One right now!"

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The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - 10 Years of CDPR on Console

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - Enhanced Edition debuted on Xbox 360 10 years ago, laying the foundations of CDPR's console releases.

kevco33776d ago

10 years and I'm not sure they've done anything better since...

pietro1212775d ago

I take the Witcher 3 over part 2, but Cyberpunk was a disappointment. God I hated Johnny Silverhand so much.


Xbox Black Friday Game Sale 2021 Starts Now

Daily Video Game writes: "Xbox Store has just kicked off its Black Friday game sale ahead of PSN, featuring tons of recently released, AAA, and indie games with huge savings for Xbox gamers right now!"

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prophecy926d ago

Xbox Store has just kicked off its Black Friday game sale -ahead of PSN- - Did they get kickbacks for saying this?

Here is a link to PlayStation Indies -1349 items

Here is a link to November Savings - 590 items

Here is a link to the Under $20 sale - 230 items

PlayStation's Black Friday sale starts tomorrow with hundreds more games.

It's kind of a joke to act like xbox is EVER beating Sony to a sale. Sony always has 3-4 sales going on with thousands of games. PSN having 1000+ games is just another Tuesday on PlayStation.

DJStotty926d ago

Relax, it is just an xbox black friday sale....

prophecy926d ago

Listen, this site decided to make it a competition. Why don't you ask them why they needed to add that part about PSN.

DJStotty926d ago


The same reason if it was the other way around, it would be worded "PSN black friday game sale starts now before XBL"

Nothing in it, just stating one has started before the other, if this kind of thing triggers this kind of reaction, speak to someone.

prophecy926d ago

I have never seen a PSN sale article that mentioned anything about xbl, much less made it seem like any type of competition.



Livingthedream926d ago

PROPHECY just took fanboyism to a different level. SMH seems like some people are insecure about their console.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 926d ago
Chris12926d ago

Not everything in life is a conspiracy. Chill out........

DaveZero926d ago (Edited 926d ago )

Agreed sometimes fanboys just need to stop because there is nothing going on to support fanboynonsense.

Do not know why people just cant enjoy games and have to ensure all sorts of cracked up conspiracy drama.

Gaming4Life1981926d ago

Chill and just buy all the games you want that's on sale. All consoles will have a black friday sale.

BenRC01925d ago

Omg dude, you'll get some aaa games soon I promise! Let xbox have its month in the sun.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 925d ago
BrainSyphoned926d ago

Thanks but my rental service is all I need on Xbox. Like the other article states if I want to buy a game to keep it is physical on PS.

CBaoth925d ago

Yep. Buy 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party on PS, double dip on 3rd party PC, buy occasional 1st party on Nintendo, and rent on Xbox. I'll never buy another game from MS since it's apparent developers get paid quite handsomely off GP contracts according to Xbox fans here

Father__Merrin926d ago

There's no need for them to say ahead of PSN they have done so due to paid shilz nothing more