
A Video Game Made Me Come Clean About Infidelity

Kotaku - I cheated.

After spending the last three years of my life slowly being consumed by my grave misstep, I've finally come out to say it. I cheated on my ex-partner.

I've never been one for using video games as escapism–I like games that force me to face hard and ugly truths, uncomfortable subjects and unconventional angles. At least, I thought so. When the prospect of Catherine arrived, a game whose entire plot rested on a huge, secret source of anxiety for me, I hesitated. Was I really about to play a game that had me repeating a mistake that had so much impact on me, I hadn't spoken about it to anyone for years?

DeeZee4559d ago

Yeah I agree, it's really sad. If you need a video game to make you feel guilty then somethings off about you.

jeeves864558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )

Hey, people cheat - it happens all the time. The important thing to note if you feel any guilt about it is would you change? Would you fall into the same misstep with the same or another person? Or would you always remember the hurt and anguish you'd caused?

Brownghost4558d ago

The weird thing is the person she cheated on is her ex and she was still afraid to tell him

Hicken4558d ago

I'm honestly disappointed in some of the above comments.

Nothing in this world is black and white, and the most gray thing on this planet is probably the relationship between two people. You can call someone stupid for what they've done, but it was their dilemma, not yours.

This is an extremely thoughtful piece, and I for one appreciate the author sharing something as personal as this.

Even more potent is the fact that a video game made her go back and reassess something she'd been trying to hide. A video game made her analyze her own life.

A video game made her do the right thing.

Every other article is meaningless sales or endless debates about what's better than what, or video games looking bad in the media and being blamed for this crime or that.

But an article about something serious, something ultimately positive, and people react by calling the author an idiot?

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