
Alan Wake for PC incoming

Rely on Horror: a recent statement made by Remedy makes Alan Wake for PC seem like more than just a possibility.

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ShinMaster4565d ago

Another 360 exclusive gone multiplatform.
Unless PC conveniently doesn't count as a different platform this time.

Anyway, it's a downloadable title so it might not be a huge loss I guess.

brettyd4565d ago

well it was originally a PC game so..

coolbeans4565d ago (Edited 4565d ago )

"Unless PC conveniently doesn't count as a different platform this time."

This time? The term "console exclusive" is a recognizable word that's considered as a true term. The situation works for DC Universe Online just like it would in Alan Wake's case (if this turns out to be true).

If you're trying to make that slight because of the number of 360/PC games, shouldn't we also be asking that when the term "console graphics king" comes up? But that logic would be too inconvenient for most of n4g (not to say you're in that group).

Lazy_Sunday4565d ago

They're collecting they're losses, that's savvy, so long as it's a good port. Hell, I'll play it on PC if it exceeds console standard graphics like most PC games.

ZippyZapper4565d ago

"Another 360 exclusive gone multiplatform."

Yeah to Windows 7 and Windows 8

What are you doing here Sony troll?

ninjahunter4565d ago

Does it even matter? For the whole console wars debate your still not going to play it on ps3. Your system could have 3x the exclusive and the competition would still have dozens of non exclusives that you can't play.

pc_masterrace4565d ago (Edited 4565d ago )

"I see PC in your name. Now if Alan Wake had come to the PC too, I bet you wouldnt say that"

Yes I would. IMO this game looks weak!

ShinMaster4565d ago (Edited 4565d ago )

That's the point.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4564d ago
ATi_Elite4565d ago

September 2012 when Window 8 launches and allows ALL 360 games to be played on the PC.

as far as a dedicated PC version.....who knows!

kcuthbertson4565d ago

No...that's just some dumb rumor. PC's aren't going to be able to emulate the 360 for at least a few more years. Windows 8 is going to try to incorporate some XBL shit that isn't going to do anything ...just like GFWL.

disturbing_flame4565d ago

I want to play Alan wake in a true resolution, with good textures and 60 fps; not the 360 version.

B1663r4565d ago


It is probably a good thing that they will not have to emulate the xbox 360 on PC's then, as .NET makes it so that the code can run more or less natively on PC's.

frelyler4564d ago


Ah, a lot of pcs are more than capable of playing any 360 game. The tech in the 360 is 6 years old now, do you know anything a out pcs?

ATi_Elite4563d ago (Edited 4563d ago )

If you have Windows 7 you will see a thing called Windows Experience.

It's a test that when ran gives your PC a number of how well your components are.

It test the Ram, GPU, CPU, HDD, Optical drive, and multitasking functions.

it rates your PC from 1.0 to 7.0! All this data has been sent back to Microsoft and they have a VERY VERY VERY good idea of how many PC's can run 360 games.

Once the Next Box hits why wouldn't Microsoft want to rake in all that free money from PC gamers wanting to play some 360 games on their PC's?

This feature will be the biggest selling point to Windows 8. Also it would allow MS to make a bigger impact on the PC market and compete with STEAM as Devs would start going through XBL PC more often.

This would really give Steam a run for it's money and put a serious dent in Piracy cause the game would run through the OS and have an always Internet on DRM plus tie in your Mobo/CPu details to your XBLPC account thus making Piracy very very difficult.

Jesus H Christ i should go apply to Microsoft right now!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4563d ago
Berserk4564d ago (Edited 4564d ago )

If it does come to PC. Day 1.

Pikajew4565d ago

Hopefully it comes. I want this game so bad

Kran4565d ago

It'll do well to the sales, thats for sure. Lots of PC gamers after this. Of course it'll be a GFWL title.... boo. But perhaps they could release it alongside Steam too? They did it for Fable III :P

Megaton4565d ago

Lots of GFWL games are on Steam. Microsoft and Valve's relationship isn't like EA and Valve's relationship.

Kran4565d ago

Well we know that. But all the while I feel Valve is starting to lose Microsoft a bit. How many times have they said: Oh we wanted to do this which PS3 and PC allowed us to, but Microsoft wont?

capcock4565d ago

gfwl=the only thing I hate in pc gaming

kaveti66164565d ago

What about Ubisoft's DRM?

Somebody4565d ago (Edited 4565d ago )

Personally, I don't actually hate GFWL. It's pretty decent. Of course, I'm a late comer so I didn't experienced the woes of early adopters that I've been hearing of.

I have a number of GFWL and Origin games in my PC. A LOT of Steam games.

...no Ubisoft.

The only thing that does bother me about GFWL is that it reminded me of Microsoft's lack of support in PC gaming. Alan Wake started it all. I've spent years building my PC in anticipation of Alan Wake only to be told that my PC is no match to the living room couch. That left a bad taste.

Motorola4565d ago

I heard they dont do Games for Windows Live anymore and that it's just Games for Windows. I could be completely wrong though.

caboose324565d ago

Yea MS was planning to keep their games off of steam, but they realized while releasing Fable 3 that they need it on as many pc platforms as possible to get more sales.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4565d ago
capcock4565d ago

if that happens, then there'll be even less reasons to get a 360 than it already is.. lol

wallis4565d ago

Oh, have computer screens finally grown large enough that they can handle the intense experience that is Alan Wake? Let me inform the elders I'm sure there'll be celebrations that an okay survival horror game is coming our way, we'll have to slaughter a pig in thanks.

MRMagoo1234564d ago

lol, i dont think some ppl saw what you did there

wallis4564d ago

I'm glad somebody remembers the God damn retarded excuse they gave for why we didn't have it day 1 to begin with.

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Gamer buys 4,000 copies of Alan Wake, none of them work

Alan Wake, from Max Payne and Control creator Remedy, is a horror classic, prompting one player to buy 4,000 copies that don’t even work.

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roadkillers56d ago

Kind of a goody story...

On a serious note, that is why I try activating gift cards asap. It's happened to me where the store didnt scan it right where the card was unusuable. Happened at Wally World.

gigoran856d ago

wait, that place is real? national lampoon wasn't kidding?

Tacoboto55d ago

I just bought two of the MonsterVerse Godzilla movies on 4K - both had digital copies expiring in 2023. Both were actually expired.

I'd be surprised but it's WB, of course they'd actually expire them

Knightofelemia56d ago

Usually most of those redemption card have an expiry date on them. If they expired all buyer did was buy recycled paper. And some of those codes are country locked to certain countries. I buy a card from the States I can't use it in Canada.

Chocoburger56d ago

Dumb and silly story. She wasted her money for no reason.

Is it really that hard to go to Steam or GOG. She spent $240, when its currently 70% off on GOG, and only costs $4.49.

Gee, I wonder, should I spend $240 on eBay, or $4.49 on GOG? 🙄

Rynxie55d ago

Most likely she wanted to resell a few or most of them. However, it was a too good to be true situation.

55d ago
Profchaos55d ago

So in short she paid $240.00 assuming usd for a bunch on unactivated game codes.

I still don't understand why I guess cause there's not a physical version and she wanted something for a collection or art project.

Rynxie55d ago

No, most likely to resell. However, she ended up getting screwed.

Asplundh55d ago

This is Alan Wake 1, it had physical copies.

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Previously On... Alan Wake

Alan Wake 2 continues the writer's story, 13 years later.


A thermos is upending the Alan Wake community

Remedy has Alan Wake merch on sale, including a pretty blue thermos. Unfortunately, things haven’t gone according to plan, and many players who want a thermos find themselves without one, though it does appear that Remedy is attempting to fix things. Nevertheless, it has resulted in a lot of upset, illustrating just how much the thermos means to Alan Wake fans.

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