
Walmart Cancels Thousands of Star Wars: The Old Republic Preorders (UPDATED)

Everything seems to indicate that yesterday Walmart canceled every single preorder of both the Collector’s and Standard edition of Star Wars: The Old Republic across the US, without any advance notice or warning to the customers.

Update: In the last few minutes users started receiving notice from Walmart that seems to indicate a system issue, stating that their order "may" still be shipped.

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fluffydelusions4545d ago (Edited 4545d ago )

Sucks but if worse comes to worse you can just get the digital version from origin and still be playing day 1.

Abriael4545d ago

yeah,the problem is mostly for those that got the CE, as they risk to lose it. Some say it's still available on Newegg, but it wouldn't be the first time they list CEs as available and they aren't.

Grave4544d ago

Yep my CE from Walmart was cancelled. I just checked it I am thankful i had it preordered elsewhere because 2 of my 3 preorders have been cancelled for the same reason. Proper planning.

FanboyPunisher4544d ago

If you were stupid enough to buy the CE; you deserve it.

Suckers for marketing, brainless consumers.

Grave4543d ago (Edited 4543d ago )

CE's are already posted online for sale for $200-$400. Imagine the demand a month after launch. The extra ones I buy, probably 2 or 3, I intend to make a nice little profit on. I'm betting I get $500 a pop so that's around $1,000 or more of profit to be made. Who's brainless?

dreamtheater874543d ago

People can spend their hard earned money however they please. Just because you wouldn't pay for something doesn't mean someone else wouldn't, and it certainly doesn't mean they're stupid for doing so.

Some people spend crazy amounts of money on designer clothing. I wouldn't but that doesn't mean it's not worth it to those people.

How can you say it's all to do with marketing as well? As if the consumer hasn't found out what's in the CE before purchasing. "Ooo a soundtrack, and fan art, I'd like those, yup. I'll buy it". That's not marketing, it's personal preference.

susanto12284545d ago

How does that song go?

money, money, money, money.......MONEY!!!

money, money, money, money.......MONEY!!!

wish I had little music symbols.....

ha EA is so pathetic....

Abriael4545d ago (Edited 4545d ago )

too bad that EA seems to be completely uninvolved in this mishap, that seems to be 100% on walmart's side.

Good job pointing fingers at the evil, evil EA when they have nothing to do with this :D

MiloGarret4544d ago

Why would EA cancel preorders for one of their games?

Abriael4544d ago

No other retailer is affected, anyway

sllshrm4544d ago

Yeah cancelling pre-orders for their games = money

I see what you did there....(stupidity)

SeraphimBlade4544d ago

Well, you can't blame them. How were they supposed to bee know people would be interested in Star Wars?

...okay, you can totally. why not order more copies, if you buy more and sell more, you get more money. I would expect Walmart to know how retail works.

Mutley4164544d ago

as long as you can play day 1...the rest is gravy...long awaite...dec 20th!!!

AzaziL4544d ago

The issue is that EA has already stated they're limiting the release to 500,000 copies, retail or digital for day one to avoid server issues. EA probably told Walmart that they don't have enough copies for them on day one, hence the cancellations.

Don't be shocked if other retailers begin doing the same as EA will try to prioritize the amount of copies available on Origin before worrying about the retail stores....

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PapaBop412d ago

I loved this game and have played since launch but don't let this article fool you, this game is a step above life support. While they are still technically updating the game, the updates are few and far between and there is a significant lack of quality control, so many little bugs that have been present for years.

TheColbertinator411d ago

The updates felt flimsy to me also. Stopped playing in 2021.

Andrew336411d ago

This game got a huge update last year didn't it with more content?

PapaBop411d ago

They promoted it as an expansion yet offered like 3-4 hours of content. The game is amazing and easily one of the best Star Wars games ever made but content drops are so few and far between.


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