
New DmC Gameplay Footage

Capcom has released a new gameplay trailer for the upcoming Devil May Cry reboot.

Christopher4572d ago

Gameplay looks good, though like they're playing on easy mode for a DMC game. Gotta say, baby-faced emo Dante just isn't going to be a protagonist I will be able to empathize or care for. He looks better than what they did before, but the changes really are pretty jarring since I've played all the previous games.

fei-hung4572d ago

Reminds me a lot of enslaved. Monkeys been replaced by a young emo Dante and you got the ghost sidekick instead of the woman.

Graphics are an improvement but my worst fears are trure, slow, sluggish cinematic gameplay compsared to the fast and furious original one.

Good too see Dante still has a sense of humour, but either way, i'll purchase the game as a used copy to show my love to crapcom and emo theory.

Tanir4572d ago

does look very good actually, just wish it wasnt called DMC still gonna play it

SuperNerd4572d ago

@Prcko Yea man Dante bieng a little emo boy with a serious down grade in atmosphere and gameplay..... real awesome

OmegaSlayer4572d ago

I have always been skeptic.
Though I must say that every vid is better than the previous.
Still, we're soooo far.
I see how the achieved the 60 FPS feel...cutting the animations badly, the 30 FPS are something that it will be so hard to accept.
Also, the AI is really dumb.
I still remember my first playthrough in DMC1...I was aware that even the stupidest bunch of monster could have had the best of me even on the easiest settings.
That tension is gone when you can juggle enemies so easily and enemies don't attack you in flocks.
I seriously don't know how much fodder this game will be able to handle without hiccups, framerate drops and screen tearing.
Also...I seriously hope they find a way to put Vergil in.

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Darth Gamer4572d ago

Glad to see the first couple of comments being positive, I'm getting sick of all the hate for nothing. Game looks fantastic and will probably be the first DMC game that I actually enjoy since the first. Ninja Theory is a damn good developer weather you all admit it or not.

firelogic4572d ago (Edited 4572d ago )

This game does look good, but I still feel changing the character was unnecessary. Dante is an iconic character now. Now don't jump down my throat, I'm still buying this game and I'm not saying it's a game breaker...just unnecessary.

That said, you didn't like DMC3???

Darth Gamer4572d ago

DMC 3 was better than 2 by a long shot but not up to the standard that the first created. DMC2 was a total train wreck And DMC 4 IMO just plain Stunk. Again, Just my opinion so keep the daggers at bay.

Pozzle4565d ago

"And DMC 4 IMO just plain Stunk."

DMC4 was almost worth it for Dante's crazy antics. Even he wasn't taking the game seriously.

ABizzel14572d ago (Edited 4572d ago )

I agree with you darth, the only concern I ever had was the gameplay, but once they said gameplay was the area Capcom would be helping out with I was fine with everything.

The gameplay was going to be good thanks to Capcom.

The story was going to be good thanks to Ninja Theory (because DMC doesn't have a well told story through any of the previous games, it's B movie at best.)

My final concern is if it's 60fps or not. Which isn't a deal breaker at all, just a nice bonus.

I'm sick of all the haters complaining about this game as well. We've seen gameplay it looks like DMC standards (not quite as fast). The only reason to complain now is that the character doesn't look like the old Dante, in which case go buy yourself a dante dildo and screw yourself, if it's that important to you.

It's funny that now that gameplay more representative of the final version is being shown, the DmC haters have gone into hiding.

MaideninBlack4572d ago (Edited 4572d ago )

"The DmC haters have gone into hiding."

No we just got tired of wasting our breath. At least I have. There's nothing Capcom or NT can do to make me give them $60 for this or any other game they release.

In the end DmC sales will speak for themselves.

ZombieAssassin4572d ago

Nah DMC haters didn't go into hiding, they're just getting a DMC HD collection so they stopped caring as no studio will ever make a DMC better than 1 or 3...well maybe P* but I don't see it happening.

Me personally I'm against the reboot as I don't think it needed one but I loved Heavenly Sword so I'm gonna give it a shot but I will buy it used.

thaking1554572d ago Show
Ducky4572d ago (Edited 4572d ago )

"My final concern is if it's 60fps or not. Which isn't a deal breaker at all, just a nice bonus."

Would be deal breaker for me.
You can't really have fast-paced gameplay at 30fps, and that's really what DMC is (was?) about.

... and the new Dante is a concern because the old everything-is-a-joke dante was kind of why DMC had an appeal (outside of the gamelay itself). The new Dante is much more of a serious-man and well, seems boring.
I don't know the details of the story in this new game, but I don't see myself giving much of a damn about the new Dante.

Still, I like the art design of the environment-thing they got going on.

thaking1554572d ago (Edited 4572d ago )

Hey bro, you mad!?! Personal attack for saying you are an idiot/idjit and that no one has seen the video yet and saying that I want a Devil May Cry 5.

Hmmmm Sounds like I was speaking some truth and it hit a nerve! I've seen worse than this on this site and it was never blocked.

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Captain Qwark 94572d ago

i think it looks great, will be picking up day 1. i have enjoyed all the other dmcs and this one looks to be an improvement as far as im concerned. kudos to ninja theory, combat looks crazy good

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Ranking the Devil May Cry Series

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "Upon finally finishing Devil May Cry 5 recently - after it spent several years on my “I’ll play that soon” list - I considered giving it a fittingly-named Late Look article. However, considering that this was indeed the final piece I was missing in the DMC puzzle, I decided to instead take this opportunity to take a look back at the entirety of this genre-defining series and rank the entries. What also made this a particularly tempting notion was that while most high-profile series have developed fairly evenly over time, with a few bumps on the road, the history of Devil May Cry has, at least in my eyes, been an absolute roller coaster, with everything from total disasters to action game gold."

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VersusDMC49d ago

First to last for me...3,4,5,1,2.

VersusDMC49d ago

Me leaving it out should be telling of my thoughts on it. Better than 2 as a DMC game.

Still a good game though.

Exvalos48d ago

What a weird name, it's essentially devil may cry, devil may cry lol

Cacabunga48d ago

Best to good for me: 3, reboot, 1, 5

2 and 4 are trash, didnt like any of them.
5 has very good gameplay variety but i hated the foes.. it is just insects the whole time. Reboot has the best foes for me

Friendlygamer49d ago

3,1,4,5 to me, never played 2. 5 gameplay is amazing but level design was really disappointing to me, just a bunch of plain arenas, the story felt like a worse written rehash of the 3rd and the charater models looked weird ( specially the ladies ). Another problem with 5 was that there was not enough content for 3 charaters so I could never really familiarize with any of them

monkey60249d ago (Edited 49d ago )


God DMC2 was an awful game.
And in case this isn't obvious it goes worst to best

Yui_Suzumiya49d ago

1 and DmC. The rest are unimportant.

DarXyde49d ago

Order changes depending on your focus. I tend to focus on gameplay/fun factor, so...

5, 3, 1, 4, 2.

I really didn't like 4 but commend Dante's weapon diversity. The retreading of old ground was pretty unacceptable to me.

But even then... Still more enjoyable than 2 for me

SeTTriP49d ago

This right here is my order as I thought DMC 5 was amazing and obviously 3 comes after 4 was great and 1 for the nastilgic value it holds 2 was so terrible that my local GameStop gave full refunds to people who returned it.

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