
So what’s in store for Gold Members with the new Xbox dash that’s actually free?

December 6th launches Microsoft’s latest update to the Xbox 360 dashboard. Bringing with it not just a new look, but a much heavier focus on apps. If you think it the new dashboard looks an awful lot like a Windows phone, it’s not a coincidence. Metro, the new style is something that Microsoft is bringing over to all of its products, including the upcoming Windows 8. Sure, some apps on the new dashboard are going to require a subscription similar to Netflix, but what can GOLD members look forward to for free? Let’s take a look at what that $60 a year is getting us.

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fluffydelusions4555d ago

"the new Xbox dash that’s actually free"

Did I miss something or did Xbox users have to pay for a dashboard at some point?

2v14554d ago


Ulf4555d ago (Edited 4555d ago )

The poster is alluding to the fact that many things you "get" with your $60 subscription typically cost even more money.

The end result of that statement, is drawing an analogy between XBL Gold and its counterpart PSN+ -- the latter of which provides a bunch of free stuff and discounts, for the annual $50 fee. XBL Gold does not provide the same sorts of discounts, outside of early downloads or betas, really. The comparison is valid, because the article is *about* value.

This aspect of the article is undoubtedly going to cause a heated debate -- but its not trolling. Consumer value is a completely valid topic of discussion, even if some folks to choose get upset about it.

In any case, the article is pointing out what good stuff/services XBLG does get you for free -- and there's some worthy stuff in there. It's worth a read, if you were considering getting XBL Gold, but were concerned about its value.

theonlylolking4555d ago

Is it trolling if I say most of those new things added can be done on the PS3 right now?

If so then this title should be also. It is implying that free is rare for gold members.

Ulf4555d ago (Edited 4555d ago )


"Is it trolling if I say most of those new things added can be done on the PS3 right now?"

No. Comparative analysis, and noting that other services offer the same for less (or free), when considering value of a service like XBL Gold, is not trolling.

It would only be "considered" trolling by the XBox mafia, looking to safeguard their interests against fair competition. The same thing is true of any comparison which appears to favor one service over a competitor.

Saying something like "but PS3 has more exclusives" would be trolling, in this thread, since this thread isn't about game selection. Suggesting "I find XBL service is more reliable", wouldn't be, because reliability is part of the service.

"If so then this title should be also. It is implying that free is rare for gold members"

Implying that XBL Gold subscribers get too few things for free, relative to the competition (the word "rare" implies that there is some sort of standard outside of XBL Gold), is also not trolling, with regards to this topic -- it is a valid point of concern.

dark-hollow4555d ago

there is a weekly discounts and deals for xbox live users plus ALL xbla games have free demos free to download

Godmars2904555d ago

Think the point is is there anything free for Silver accounts.

hellvaguy4555d ago

I could be off, but I'm pretty sure gold members are paying to play online and have cross game chat. Nothing to do at with what the dash looks like.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4555d ago
Venjense4555d ago

I wouldn't be surprised if MS eventually charged for newer versions of console OSs eventually.

Noticeably_FAT4555d ago

Look at the tract record of Microsoft and Sony, Microsoft never took out OS, Backwards Compatibility or USB ports, Microsoft actually gave people more value with their slim downed console.

I absolutely hate fools that act like Microsoft is the only company that charges, it's a business.

Grimhammer004555d ago

True. But they just started the whole skus mess and created the whole issue of pay-to-play on consoles.

Adding hdmi grudgingly and stifling their games by sticking to DVD, I'd also say is a valid negative.

4555d ago
yesmynameissumo4555d ago

Other OS is a soapbox used by people who never used the feature, but want something to bitch about. The 360 emulated BC for a select group of titles, none of which anyone plays or bitches about not being able to play. Why? They're playing 360 games, like PS3 owners are playing PS3 games. USB ports is a non issue when any USB hub off the shelf works.

I'd rather my console have built in wifi and HDMI from jump...rather than waiting 5yrs for a hardware revision to include them. Two sides to that street man.

dark-hollow4555d ago

if you want the marketplace, music store, video store they are the FIRST tile in every line of squares so you teh ads wont bother you so much.

besides 95% of the ads are relevant to the users like video games ads, movie ads. etc.

Hicken4555d ago

As for the first example, there is nothing comparable on the 360.

For the second, the backward compatibility that IS included in the 360 is considerably limited, though it is still there. At the same time, backward compatibility still exists in ALL PS3s, though not for PS2 games. How quickly people forget that one. Additionally, a working PS2 is a lot easier to find than a comparable xbox.

As to the third, it's a shame, yes, and is the only valid point you bring up. Still, like Other OS and backward compatibility, it wasn't something that was frequently used, and removing it brought down production costs which, you guessed it, brought down retail prices.

Microsoft isn't the only company that charges, but given it's proprietary everything that's required for your system, it makes sense that they'd catch flak for it.

That aside, people would probably complain less about XBL if you could actually get online and USE YOUR INTERNET and YOUR MULTIPLAYER ASPECT OF YOUR GAME without having to pay Microsoft for it. Even if you only got the demos of games and betas and whatnot through the paid version.

nasstyngg3r2424555d ago (Edited 4555d ago )

well sony removed the other o/s from the hackers microsoft never had something soo complexed in thier system, usb ports? seriously? you guys need them for those 4gig 360 not one single ps3 comes with such low space NEVER,psn online play is free and i have ps plus which give FREE games every week and the ability to play lots of games for a hour free or charge cloud storage i have a internet browser everytime i earn a trophie it goes to my social pages for free sooo from 2006 to now sony still gives more to the gamers. IMO since that make you guys feel better but i think its a fact oh and i forgot about ps home and the new update it got killer more free shiz games and full length movies GTFO anyone bashing sony they are a great company very thoughtfull.

DebateMaster4555d ago

Yet it still doesnt match the value of the ps3...

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4555d ago
Noticeably_FAT4555d ago


The point is Microsoft actually added to the value of their slim, unlike Sony.

Also, Sony hyped Backwards Compatibility, then took it away, then decided to shove HD remakes down peoples throats in a way to make a quick buck.

The USB ports is an issue, it's simply more things Sony decided to take out. The OS is something I used actually, one of the things I really enjoyed about the PS3 at launch.

They also took out the ability to use things like Monster Cables in the newer models of PS3's, just another thing they took from their customers.

Also, I will point out that the original Xbox only had 4 years of games and about 1000 of them are playable on the Xbox 360, I still play them from time to time. Sony still makes PS2 and they still make games for the PS2, so taking out BC was just a cheapskate attempt at keeping interest in people buying PS2's as well as PS3's.

Sony is also charging for PSN+ but you never really get anything, you rent content and it's basically a test to see who will pay next generation for premium service.

If anything lately, Sony is the company milking people dry. To each

yesmynameissumo4555d ago

And MS avoided making all Xbox games BC so they could sell you digital versions on Games on Demand. I used OtherOS and when YDL and Ubuntu and the various other kernels continued to run like shit, it became obvious it was a nice feature...on paper. USB isn't an issue in my mind. I have a cam plugged into 1 USB and nothing else. Why? I stream off my SAN. PS+ is fine and offers plenty. I don't bitch at Netflix I can't keep the movies I'm streaming. Yeah, the guys NOT charging you for Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and to be able to use your already paid for Netflix are milking people dry. To each indeed.

kreate4555d ago

'The point is Microsoft actually added to the value of their slim, unlike Sony. '

what do u mean?

sony also added value.

cheaper price point, 3d, increase in psn functionality while remaining free, 60gb hdd went to 320gb hdd, free games via HOME, etc

baodeus4554d ago (Edited 4554d ago )



here is a list of BC xbox on 360. What do u mean avoided making "all" xbox games BC? Exaggerated much?

1. The digital versions on demand are in the BC list so you don't need to rebuy them if you already have the disc. You make it sound like they intentionally reserve the best xbox games to make money (*looking at Sony HD remakes*), which lead to my next points.

2. BC includes pretty much all favorite xbox games: halo (1,2), fable, jade empire, ninja gaiden, KOTOR, project gotham, elder scroll morrowind, splinter cell....

3. even many of the most underrated gems are on there: phantom dust, panza dragoon orta, crimson skies, jet set radio, psychonaunt are also BC. There are very few missing like OTogi for example (you can probably count them with your finger).

3. Sony firmly said BC is their priority when PS3 launch, so what happen after that, it got remove and repackages and renamed "HD" to make more money (gow, ICO/SOTC, etc...). Didn't they even have like a couple of god of war series HD remake? What am i suppose to do with the large ps2 games collection that i have?

I caught you lying since you forgot to do your homework.

This generation sucks, have moderation gone extinct or something?

PS. I'm gonna get a couple of disagree out of angry troll/fanboy. Only with moderation, level headed, supporting evidences and leave your fanboy goggles at home would you stand a chance in arguing with me.

yesmynameissumo4554d ago (Edited 4554d ago )


1. Like Halo? It's no one's fault but Microsoft's they don't have a wealth of Xbox games to remake/remaster. That list of BC games is 1/10 the library and again, no one is really upset they can't play Blinx because they wouldn't play it anyways.

2. Good for you. Seeing as that's all on the BC list that's worth playing.

3. Again, great.

4. 5yrs ago, before launch Sony had BC playing a role. That changed. It's not like this is something new. If you have a large PS2 library, you probably have a PS3 that's BC or a PS2 or both (like me). I play PS2 games on a PS2. I know, it's a shock to think of doing such a thing, but it works pretty damned well. Of course, HD gaming has spoiled me to the point of not wanting to play SD games in letterbox.

You caught who what? You an Internet Matlock? Hahaha, you say that like it matters, even though you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Enjoy your 6 Xbox games you can play if you have a HDD. Circumstantial BC is grrrrreat!

P.S. 4 comes after 3.

Ulf4554d ago (Edited 4554d ago )

"The point is Microsoft actually added to the value of their slim, unlike Sony."

Yes, but really the fact of the matter is that Sony's platform always had more value, and adding value to the X360S really was just an attempt to achieve more parity.

Nice spin you got going there. Half-truths for the win, eh?

baodeus4554d ago


"And MS avoided making all Xbox games BC so they could sell you digital versions on Games on Demand"

This is what u said no?

I proved what you said is pure BS because the digital games that they put on live (as listed by my previous comment above) are in the BC list. How about you go look it up and show me what original xbox games they put on live that aren't BC? Not too late for you to gain back some credibility here....now go shoo

I think you have mistaken psn for xbox live because that is exactly what Sony is doing with psn, selling digital old games on psn or HD repackaging without the option to use the disc you already owned unless u still have the old ps3 model (60 gig or the 40/80 gig mgs4 bundled?) that works.

I don't have the old ps2 since it is broken (i bought it 3 times already) and perhaps i can ditch out another $100 (new) or $50 [refurbish ps2 (im not too fond of used goods) almost like i'm reluctant to go get another refurbish x360 no matter how cheap they are) for the 4th times, why? I only have the slim ps3.

I still play phantom dust on the x360 (with HDD of course) quite often thank you. It is the best game i ever played, and it has almost unlimited replay value (game is heavily based on strategy and creativity). It is still better than most games this generation for me.

Now if it was on the ps3, i would have to ditch out some money (even if it cost me $100 just for the game) which i would gladly do if that is the only way to get it, but luckily it is on the x360 and it is BC (cry of joy).

I support my argument with evidences which you are sorely lacking on your part, and here i'm the one who don't know what i'm talking about eh? LOL, talks about lack of credibility. How about you go look up the definition for that on the internet or do i have to do that for you as well? I'm not your mother.

Again these same topics are retarded. It seems that no one knows or purposely ignore certain features of the other consoles for the sake of the argument every dam time. How about each side list all the features (positive and negative) from both for comparison? Wouldn't that be more fare and so we can stop this pointless bickering?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4554d ago
BattleTorn4555d ago

It's free because those who don't pay for Gold membership still have access to the update!

hennessey864555d ago

40 pounds is not alot of mony to be paying for a great service like xboxlive

BattleTorn4555d ago

It's about 1 McDonalds meal every two months.

Grimhammer004555d ago

Let me show you -

A time not too long ago, consoles didn't charge for online play. And during those times games were complete and unlocks we're rewards for completing games.

Also, paying $59.99 a year to simply play online mp is sad. And it was MS that planted that seed into other publishers minds. Now we have online passes ON TOP of LIVE!!!

MMO's had subs before all that, but their argument was constant updates and service to give players non-stop quality. (in theory)

Applying this to other genres feels forced and the benefits are mostly false. Getting maps with paid sub? See PC. Getting skins, old maps with sub? See PC.

I'm constantly amazed what marketing & time does for MS image.

hennessey864555d ago

before xboxlive on a console was on the dreamcast and that was rubbish, xbox live has always been worth the mony since the day it was released. The only people who dont think its worth the money have a thing against microsoft which again is pathetic. Xboxlive is a great service and I pay about 110 of your us dollars in my country

arnyftw4554d ago

Dude I have live, and I've played PS3 and seriously you have a much better connection with live. The money we spend goes into their servers. Also as I've heard Sony been selling their consoles for a loss, not charging for an online service means that they have an even bigger loss. While Microsoft has been making a profit of every single 360 made and live.

arnyftw4554d ago

& Only people who play PS3 would complain about live. Nobody who plays Xbox complains about live.

BitbyDeath4555d ago (Edited 4555d ago )

Would you be okay if MS also added an extra charge onto your electricity bill for using your 360?

That is pretty much what they are doing right now, you are paying for something that you should be getting for free because you are already paying your ISP for the exact same function.

If you don't stand up for it, you will continue to get screwed over your whole life.

Venjense4555d ago

That's kinda true actually.

The devs intended for MP to be part of the $60 purchase, but MS says you can't play what you're already paid for until you pay Microsoft Tax.

drsnobby4555d ago

Aonother failed attempt at journalism on N4G.1st and formost the heading of this awful article gave it away.another flamebait article to get hits and cause all out war on N4G.if gamers had a problem with XBL they would not pay for it.we as gamers have a choice, either pay for XBL or don,t.MS does not force it,s gamers to pay anything,just like PS+ on PSN.this artcle is straight gutter trash,unworthy for the gaming community.i pray for the day that objective journalism rules on N4G,not this everyday tripe we read day in and day out.

Jocosta4554d ago

Then stop reading it, problem solved.


More Job Losses At Xbox, “There’s More To Come”: Paul Thurrott

Paul Thurrott in a recent episode commented on the on-going Microsoft fiasco hinting at more job losses and that "there's more to come".

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Sonic18811d 23h ago (Edited 1d 23h ago )

There won't be no more acquiring game publishers from Microsoft in the future . Xbox has to pay Microsoft back. It might take two decades to do that.

sagapo1d 20h ago (Edited 1d 20h ago )

I don’t understand what you’re saying. Xbox IS microsoft so there’s no “paying back “.
And MS gross profit in 2023 was over 140 billion dollars so forget your 2 decades.

Unless you mean the money MS invested in Xbox (acquisitions included) and the time it will take for xbox as a brand to gain that money back on it’s own, then yeah, that could take a while.

romulus231d 13h ago

The better term to use might be return on investment, xbox is simply a division of Microsoft one that MS can easily do away with if profit margins are not met. So in that regard he's right, if xbox isn't showing the expected return on investment the higher ups are expecting than it's unlikely Microsoft will acquire any other studios any time soon, especially if they are spending billions buying developers just to shut them down in the end.

MrBaskerville1d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

Xbox is a division that they discussed shutting down but doubled down on after Gamepass was pitched.

It needs to make money at some point. Big money.

KwietStorm_BLM1d 6h ago

So you do understand it or..?

rokos1d 4h ago

According to Statista the net income of Microsoft is about $72.4 billion dollars which is a bit lower than last year profit. That is almost as much as Activision's acquisition but I assume that would be a one off since it costs so much plus I see how their focus has been shifted to AI, thus any major future investments will probably be in that area.

Markusb331d 3h ago

i think you are really missing the point

VariantAEC18h ago

That is not why MS buys studios. They might continue to buy because it's about taking that sweet sweet IP out of the corporate husks of their acquisitions.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 18h ago
SonyStyled1d 19h ago

“There won't be no more acquiring game publishers from Microsoft in the future”

No bro, there do be is for Microsoft not acquiring for what is now if not what it be is 😂

1d 17h ago Replies(2)
ChasterMies1d 7h ago

Xbox isn’t a separate company from Microsoft. It’s all Microsoft.

Abear211d 2h ago (Edited 1d 2h ago )

Let’s be real, this is the media spinning all the acquisitions and liquidations of said developers and spinning it to make M$ the villain.

This was bound to happen, a bigger slice of pie and cut costs, when the games come they stand to make more and that’s their agenda—it was the writing on the wall when the sales went through and legally all those who approved the sale and mergers knew this would happen.

Snowflakes need to realize business is ugly and you can cry all you want but this is how capitalism works. And it works.

That said, M$ needs to steer the narrative and grab hold of all this, make their plans known, hype the hell out of all those dead IP’s they plan to revive, and be honest about the timeline. This is likely to involve mobile and IP on other consoles, and most people realize that.

The problem is this company is incapable of being transparent and seems to often want to dissuade and confuse is customer base. The lack of E3 has hurt Microsoft and I don’t think they know how to properly or effectively market their brand anymore.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 18h ago
jwillj2k41d 23h ago

There really needs to be a class action lawsuit here. You buy these companies just to put people out of jobs. And it’s not like something happened to derail their plans this WAS the plan. Microsoft has no business in this space at all.

franwex1d 22h ago (Edited 1d 22h ago )

Microsoft has been doing this for years. They simply want the IPs. Look at Nokia. Look at Skype. This time it simply expanded to games. Gaming is not as important to Microsoft’s executives as it was to the founders too. Bill Gates was willing to sell the og Xbox at a loss. Steve Balmer approved the red ring of death fiasco. This CEO isn’t really a gamer.

-Foxtrot1d 22h ago

Maybe it's time though to put a stop to it and use a big giant like Microsoft as a huge example to the rest of these big companies.

There has to be a line drawn somewhere.

People like the FTC and the like went against Microsoft yet their Actvision deal was still allowed to go through yet look what's happened...it's not even Acitivisions studios aswell, it's Bethesdas.

VariantAEC18h ago


Try several decades, and in the gaming space 2.3 decades.

Jon615861d 3h ago

You do realize this happens in ALL industries? Or are you just saying this because it is Microsoft? In any case I feel for those that are being let go but the trch industry is suffering right now.

jwillj2k422h ago(Edited 22h ago)

This absolutely does NOT happen all the time. Let me know the last time 1 company with a terrible product track record spent 100 billion onto acquire MULTIPLE successful companies in under a year only to shut them down and stop making their products regardless of how successful they were. Not merge them, completely shut them down.

And you can’t use Microsoft in your example.

Notellin22h ago(Edited 22h ago)

Class action lawsuit? The law is on their side and protects them at all costs. There are no rules to protect the people at the bottom.

jwillj2k422h ago

Not true when it comes to mass layoff do your research.

RNTody1d 22h ago

Ninja Theory, Perfect Dark, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Wolfenstein 3, Dishonored, Prey, Doom, Quake... something tells me that bad things are going to happen to these entities under Microsoft.

MrDead1d 12h ago

ID software, the makers of Doom and Wolfenstein that have been with us since 1991 could be gone and MS will keep the IPs.

I hope some of these studios can buy their freedom from MS otherwise this is going to be even more devastating for the industry and gamers.

Yui_Suzumiya1d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

That's exactly what I'm worried about. I've been a fan of id since Wolfenstein 3D and I'm honestly afraid.

lodossrage1d 5h ago

Toys for Bob saw the writing on the wall and bought themselves out.

Wouldn't be the first time a company did that under MS either. Bungie and Twisted Pixel did the same. Considering what just happened, I can see some other devs trying to buy themselves out too.

anast1d 22h ago

Good thing the bosses of all those small studios made their money.

glenn19791d 21h ago

they cant do it right now they will get burned

XiNatsuDragnel1d 13h ago

Phil and his team need to be gone

lodossrage1d 5h ago (Edited 1d 5h ago )

Won't make a difference.

The whole structure needs to be overhauled. Anyone that replaces Phil will be no different than him, Mattrick, or anyone else.

Until the company changes how they go about business, nothing will change

glenn19791d 2h ago

I just don't have any idea what they would do , they have done sooo much damage on their xbox brand, they have a show at July or June I think, but will it even matter even they show amazing games, idkn

lodossrage1d 5h ago


But they may as well get it over with. Whether it happens now or later, the burning is going to hit the same.

Reality is the ONE move that can alleviate a lot of this is the one move they can't make. Remove day 1 from gamepass.

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Microsoft Opening Xbox Mobile Game Store in July

The Xbox brand is expanding, as an Xbox mobile game store is opening this coming July where Microsoft will brings its "first-party portfolio."

Jin_Sakai3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

“Bond adds that they will start on the web”

This will go nowhere.

Nice knowing you Xbox. This is what happens when the house never gets cleaned.

MrDead3d ago

The only this MS is expanding is the amount of feculence it sprays on everyone who just want to enjoy gaming and make games.

The best thing MS can do for the gaming industry is leave and never return.

XiNatsuDragnel3d ago

Good luck with this even it might not succeed.

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Microsoft once tried to nab LittleBigPlanet from Sony after a few drinks

It turns out that many moons ago, Microsoft once had its eye on the Sony published LittleBigPlanet series.

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XiNatsuDragnel4d ago

Microsoft had a good idea but fumbled it again.

Cacabunga3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Project Spark idea was decent but they quickly gave up ..
LBP was wonderful

ApocalypseShadow3d ago

Microsoft in a nutshell. Always tried to poach Sony employees, games, 3rd party games and devices like the depth camera that was turned into Kinect but was running on PS2 before Xbox 360. Wouldn't be surprised they wanted LBP. Just like they worked behind the scenes pushing the MLB to bring Sony's baseball game to Xbox instead of making their own.

They didn't spend years trying to develop their own baseball game. They wanted Sony's game.

They're scum.

Zachmo1822d ago

Microsoft didn't force MLB on Xbox. MLB gave Sony 2 options either go multiplat or risk losing the license.

Rynxie2d ago

And why do you think MLB said that? I believe Ms approached MLB.

ApocalypseShadow2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Totally ridiculous comment.

The only exclusivity Sony had was to their own creation of The Show. Microsoft could have paid the MLB for the license just like Sony did and made their own baseball game.

Microsoft instead, groomed MLB for years in trying to poach Sony's game and bring it to Xbox. They're worth 3 TRILLION dollars. You think that's not enough money to make their own baseball game? Don't be delusional.

Microsoft spun it like they always do and told the media that they had to trust Sony with their hardware. After they put Sony in that position of not having a choice. Either go multiplatform or stop making one of their successful games. That's a no win scenario.

And what did Microsoft do? They didn't try to sell the game to the Xbox community. They put it on game pass to hurt Sony. Pushing the idea of why buy games that are $70 when you can play them in their cheap service for $10. It was a dirty tactic.

You fell for the Kool aid drink Microsoft served you instead of spitting it out. Hope it tasted good because you were fooled by Phil and the gang.

2d ago
Hereandthere2d ago

Xbox executive Sara Bond has told Axios that Microsoft spent a number of years trying to get MLB The Show onto Xbox consoles. And when it finally succeeded in breaking off PlayStation’s long-held exclusivity, the company had to “trust” Sony with pre-release Xbox Series X/S consoles.

Bond revealed that MLB The Show “always came up” in conversations between Microsoft and the Major League Baseball organization. “We always said, ‘We love this game. It would be a huge opportunity to bring it to Xbox.'” she recalled. However, when Microsoft’s efforts materialized, it put the company in an awkward situation where it had to send in pre-release consoles to a rival company.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2d ago
Notellin2d ago

"Microsoft instead, groomed MLB for years in trying to poach Sony's game and bring it to Xbox."

Take a nap, conspiracies are rotting your brain.

2d ago
Hereandthere2d ago

Xbox executive Sara Bond has told Axios that Microsoft spent a number of years trying to get MLB The Show onto Xbox consoles. And when it finally succeeded in breaking off PlayStation’s long-held exclusivity, the company had to “trust” Sony with pre-release Xbox Series X/S consoles.

ApocalypseShadow1d 14h ago

Lying to yourself is unbecoming.

Article link tells you all you need to know in Sarah Bond's own words.

Hereandthere2d ago

They were too cheap/inept/lazy to develop their own mlb game, so they port begged for years and bribed the mlb to make the show multiplatform. Like i said many times, xbox brought nothing to the table their 24 years, ZERO.

ApocalypseShadow1d 14h ago

At least you and others get it. Note drank the Kool aid and asked for seconds thinking it was refreshing.

Most don't even know how it all played out but it's there in black and white for all to see. Microsoft brought it up for years until the MLB forced Sony's hand. It was a win win for Microsoft. Kill one reason to buy a PlayStation or kill the game by dropping it in a cheap service to kill Sony's sales numbers on PlayStation.

OtterX3d ago

"However, Healey said Media Molecule wouldn't have felt right doing that, adding it would have been "morally corrupt"."

Major kudos to Media Molecule for being an upright studio with principles.

Cockney1d 9h ago

They chose well, Sony gave them the backing to pursue their dreams with no restrictions even tho their games especially dreams have very niche appeal. Media molecule and Sony deserve respect for this in an age of risk averse publishing.

RNTody3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Great, more stories like this please. Show the last of the zombies holding the line what we've been saying for years: Microsoft is anti competition, anti industry and has no interest in making games at all.

But hey, at least there's an Xbox Games Showcase to look forward to, right?

Inverno3d ago

Well considering SONY just killed the series, LBP would've been dead by now either way. Though MM probably wouldn't exist by now either, so I'm glad they stayed with SONY, hopefully they don't get shut down any time soon or ever honestly.

Inverno2d ago

They shut down the servers, that's millions of user created levels gone. That and dead are pretty much the same, it's also been years since 3 and they cancelled HUB soooo.

2d ago
fsfsxii2d ago

They shutdown the servers because no one was playing, no one in the community cared about the user created levels so why keep them up? Wtf you guys would never succeed in running a business.

Inverno2d ago

Yea dood no one was playing so they shut off the servers. Cause people with enough common sense can't just Google why they were actually shut of, right?

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