
Barrel Roll Podcast #142 – “Innerspace: The Game” | WingDamage.com

WingDamage.com writes, "While all the news is taken up by Black Friday Sales talk (which we skip), there are some new releases of note that we go over. We also take a good chunk of time talking about Rockman EXE: Phantom of Network and the Mega Man Battle Network games in general. Adam has also played through the 3D Classics version of Kirby’s Adventure and gives us his thoughts on the slight update to the NES classic.

Jonah has still been sucked into the world of Skyrim, but peeked his head out long enough to bust some caps in Saints Row The Third. It turns out the secret to its success? Infinite parachutes. That sounds kind of familiar…

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Jesse completed Super Mario 3D Land‘s main worlds and moved onto the much harder bonus worlds. He also played more on Ace Combat for Babies, or Ace Combat: Assault Horizon as it is better known. There was also some Uncharted 3 punch-time explosions involved."

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20 Best Super Mario Games of All Time

Cultured Vultures: Put on your freshest dungarees and chow down on the ripest mushroom as we reel off the best Mario games ever made to celebrate Mar10 Day.

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Barlos85d ago (Edited 85d ago )

My top 3 are Mario 3, Mario World and Mario 64. Mario Odyssey is also excellent, and I enjoyed Sunshine but didn't care for the Galaxy series.


Games with Best Character Creation Systems

GF365: "We all love experimenting with character creation to make unique protagonists. These are the games with the best character creation systems."

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IamTylerDurden1404d ago (Edited 404d ago )

Slightly disappointing game but Wo Long had a good creator. I was impressed by Oblivion back in what 05, 06? But the worst i have ever seen, clearly, Valheim.

ModsDoBetter402d ago

What was up with Wo Long?

Not looked at any reviews and did download it on my Xbox before I sold the console but never got around to playing it. Saw it drop in price on PS5 and was thinking of picking it up.

RE: Character creation

Oblivion hold a special place for me, when it came out on PS3, it was the first game of its kind that I had played and the character creator took was amazing.

I do like Monster Hunter: World & FFXIV, personally.
Cyberpunk did good in that department, despite its numerous flaws.

IamTylerDurden1402d ago

I played Oblivion day 1 on 360 and was impressed with the creator. Damn near 20 yrs ago, it was impressive at the time. Special game, unfortunately 90% of current gamers on social media have not a clue about the older stuff. Elder Scrolls is just Skyrim to many. They know not of Gothic and the old guard that paved the way. Flimsy ass rhetoric and recycled opinions about the same bs is what garners attention. Meme culture. Insight and intellect hold no place on the current day internet. Fuck likes, follows, BS. I say what i believe is relevant, what i'm interested in, and following means fuck all bc i don't respect 99% of the ppl online anyway.

For the "TLDR" bs. I'ma not space it out on purpose. Fuck you very much folks.

isarai403d ago (Edited 403d ago )

Honestly the one I remember being easiest and flexible enough to make any character I imagined was the PS2 WWE games, and Saints Row 2. I did really enjoy Dragons dogmas character creation too

IamTylerDurden1402d ago (Edited 402d ago )

I was gonna mention Black Desert but the game is horrible so...

Creator was the best part.

bunt-custardly402d ago

Lol CP 2077 is one of the easiest and less detailed editors around. It's all a mish-mash of presets.

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20 Best 3DS Games of All Time

Even if the eShop has now closed down, the best 3DS games are still worth playing — in any way you can get your hands on them.

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