
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword In-Depth Review | iNintendo.net

No spoilers! Carl B. of iNintendo.net writes, "The Legend of Zelda has been one of the leaders in innovation over the last 25 years. Zelda was the definitive console experience on NES: the game that couldn't be played on an arcade machine. Ocarina of Time revolutionized the way developers created games in a 3D space, and Twilight Princess increased the world's scope beyond what any Zelda game previously did. While Nintendo took many chances with the Metroid series – both good and bad – and released new Mario title after new Mario title, The Legend of Zelda has been the publisher's flagship series, the franchise that is the true representation of what the company is capable of. After a five year wait, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is finally upon us, and to the delight of hardcore fans and Zelda detractors, Skyward Sword offers an experience unlike any game before it."

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ForROME4579d ago


in the year 2011 from a game that looks like it could have been made about ten years ago. Even the motion control nonsense could easily be handled by an analogue stick/button combinations.

This series is wearing thin; I still think the footage shown a long time ago of Ganon vs Zelda where he looked about 25yrs old with CGI like graphics is what we need

This is just rehashing over and over and over + motion controls and they call it a new game

Shackdaddy8364579d ago

You obviously haven't even played the game...

limewax4579d ago

His trolling was self face palming thanks to not realizing zelda is not link. Obviously never even touched a single Zelda title before

Yodagamer4579d ago

That truely was a failed attempt at trolling, the graphics look great, the game is innovative of the formula as stated by review after review, and the game is built to take advantage of everything the m+ overs making it a different, yet familiar experence

Yodagamer4579d ago

That truely was a failed attempt at trolling, the graphics look great, the game is innovative of the formula as stated by review after review, and the game is built to take advantage of everything the m+ overs making it a different, yet familiar experience

Theyellowflash304579d ago

Your a Troll. And have no clue what your talking about. Please GTFO of a Zelda review and go play your rehashed call of duty that comes out every year.

-Zelda is a epic series and one of the best franchises out there. I can't wait to play this one later tonight.

ssb31734579d ago

Play the game first and you will realise just how amazing this game is

Drake1174579d ago

I just got done with playing this game earlier today. Just got done with the starting floating town thing and went to the ground in that beam of green light. Sorry but i have to say i kind of agree with ForROME. The game feels so outdated its not even funny. The story is pretty childish and feels exactly the same as all the rest. Not to mention the fact that you have to sit through and read long drawn out cutscenes every 2 mins and yes read not watch read the cutscenes. And Don't even get me started on having to deal with the terrible wii controls.

mamotte4579d ago

"in the year 2011 from a game that looks like it could have been made about ten years ago. Even the motion control nonsense could easily be handled by an analogue stick/button combinations. "

Problem is: Nobody does. Please go to count polygons and use autoaim somewhere else.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4579d ago
ssb31734579d ago

Absolutely amazing game that deserves this score

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