
Battlefield 3 and Uncharted 3 Successfully Head-to-Head in Japan - Still Behind Mario

Who said that Western Games can’t do well in Japan? Whoever it was, today he has been proven quite wrong, as the Media Create Software Charts for the week between September the 31st and October the 6th have been published, showing both Battlefield 3 and Uncharted 3 achieving a solid launch in Japan, even if they still didn't manage to beat Super Mario.
In the meanwhile Final Fantasy Type-0 Continues to sell well.

Giuseppe Nelva of DualShockers.com analyzes this week's results in the Japanese domestic market.

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DonaldBeck4590d ago

everyone loves that italian plumber for some reason, me too.

Abriael4590d ago

I don't, and I'm Italian (not a plumber though) lol. But hey, to each his own :D

SoapShoes4590d ago

I prefer the Blue Blur but I liked Mario 64 a lot.

JoelT4590d ago

Who DOESN'T like a mustache ride? Am I right? LOL

On topic: It's still good to see western titles climbing up the sales charts in the land of the rising sun.

SoapShoes4590d ago

Now if more Japanese games would climb the charts over in North America... There are a lot of good Japanese games but most of them never become popular because no one's interested over here.

BlackPrince 424590d ago

It's Japan. They don't like Western games, they don't buy Western games.

By and large anyways, there are a couple of exceptions.

Abriael4590d ago

Looks like there are more exceptions than people think. or better, more than people use as an excuse :D

Ddouble4590d ago

Let's see what Modern Warfare does.

Hufandpuf4590d ago

They like our games as much as we like their Naruto games.
Off-Topic, I wish they would brink back the sales figures in the Game informer magazine.

plmkoh4589d ago

100,000+ for Uncharted 3 and BF3 are huge sales for Japan, most games on home consoles only sell 20,000-80,000.


20 Best Super Mario Games of All Time

Cultured Vultures: Put on your freshest dungarees and chow down on the ripest mushroom as we reel off the best Mario games ever made to celebrate Mar10 Day.

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Barlos83d ago (Edited 83d ago )

My top 3 are Mario 3, Mario World and Mario 64. Mario Odyssey is also excellent, and I enjoyed Sunshine but didn't care for the Galaxy series.


How Final Fantasy’s First M-Rated Game Laid the Foundation for XVI’s Dark Tone

Final Fantasy XVI demonstrates how the franchise has matured since the release of its first M-rated installment, Final Fantasy Type-0.


Type-0 Is The Darkest Final Fantasy Ever Made

DS: “I hate that Type-0 is forgotten among the Final Fantasy games. While not the strongest entry, its mature story makes it stand out from the others. And even though Final Fantasy now has three rated M games — including Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin and Final Fantasy XVI, — Type-0 will always have the crown of being the first, and arguably the darkest.”

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gold_drake358d ago

i agree that it is indeed dark, but it has its issues.

and i feel like the ending is what makes it really a dark final fantasy game.

the rest is more or less war where teenagers fight.

357d ago
fsfsxii357d ago

This game was the epitome of the FF dark age pretty much, was hella boring and the gameplay was tedious. I'm glad SE got the series back on track

gold_drake357d ago

well, it was more of a spin off rly.
especially after they dropped the fabula nova crystalis stuff

H9357d ago

I actually really love this game, the main problem however was that the entire story and personality of the characters, was in the lore that you need to dig very deep to find and external materials outside of the game, honestly it has my favorite lore in the franchise, I wish they had made the game more story focused, god it would have been a masterpiece